Home » Hirsi Ali: intolerant of intolerance


Hirsi Ali: intolerant of intolerance — 13 Comments

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  2. It is preposterous how somebody can easily be famous by clobering Islam.
    Islam had been in existent for centuries and will,untill the end of time.
    As for hate monger a painfull punishment awaits them.
    A very hypocritical society claiming to be tolerant.
    why not criticize the Jew, are they sinless.

  3. It is preposterous how somebody can easily be famous by clobering Islam.
    Is had been in existent for centuries and will,untill the end of time, as for hate monger a painfull punishment awaits them.

  4. The US is willing to offer you millions if you come here and earn your citizenship, Hirsti.

    It would be a wise policy for the US to drain every other unworthy country of their excellent human resources.

    Who knows what a nation can achieve with people nobody else wants.

  5. Religion, per se , is not poison; however, some people who purport to practice it are full of venom. Then too there are atheists who are full of the same venom !

  6. “I Could Scream” is a Blog that deals with the oppression of Muslim women. It is worth checking out. I’ve always wondered why American feminists have not spoken out more on this issue. Honor killings, clitorectomy, forced marriages, etc. Years ago I was in the Peace Corps in W. Africa in a predominately Muslim area. I was in a mixed training group and towards the end of the training all of us men were given a small motorcycle to use in our work, the women weren’t. I will never forget when one of the women wanted to learn to drive a motorcycle the men became enraged, almost violent saying a woman had no place in doing such a thing.

  7. …’Religion is poison.’

    Anon, I’ve been an atheist for over 4 decades.

    Religion dispensed without regard to dose can be poison. But when properly administered, it can be a salve.

    Religion is seldom the crux of a problem historically, it is the people who deign to foist their own brand of medicine upon thee and me.

  8. I think Ali is a great and courageous woman. I read the article over the weekend and was newly impressed with her.

  9. Verily shall thee I read
    my mind to feed
    t’would’st seem noble indeed
    for more to follow thy lead
    and heed’th not those who plead
    for planting compassion’s seed
    o’er 9/11’s wicked deed
    -LDM (the lonely donut man)

  10. The thing you remember from your logic course is probably the technique of “reductio ad absurdum”, in which you refute a proposition by demonstrating that it would logically lead to an absurd conclusion.

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