Home » The failed suicide bomber and the “kitchen accident”


The failed suicide bomber and the “kitchen accident” — 5 Comments

  1. Whatever the “kitchen accident” consisted of, she was probably considered damaged goods by the men in her family and forced to become a suicide bomber.

    The Black Widows in Chechnya were/are forced to be suicide bombers by their families.

  2. While the excuse of “kitchen accident” is almost certainly an effort to cover what you explain, there is a further possibility.

    Kitchens require energy. It’s electricity, gas, kerosene, something. And in conditions of poverty or corruption or irregular manufacturing, the devices necessary to control that energy sometimes fail.

    In the latter case, the victim is damaged goods. Especially considering that, in the situations which make genuine accidents more likely, medical and cosmetic medical care are hard to come by.

  3. Pingback:kealie

  4. If you do a google image sreach for “can I haz jihad” the first image that comes up is a “tribute” in less than loving memory to her husband.It was made when Someone figured out the Facebook tribute page to that goon was really a 4chan hoax. 4chan are the people who started the LOLCats fad.

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