Home » I am not now, nor have I ever been, a quick-change artist


I am not now, nor have I ever been, a quick-change artist — 10 Comments

  1. Pastorius:

    “It is one thing to laugh at America’s shortcomings and it is another thing entirely to think that America deserves to have a terrorist organization attempt to bring us to our knees.”

    You’re so right… and I too have encountered many liberals who either cannot make that distinction or refuse to.

    “because of our freedom, we must learn to take the good with the bad”


  2. Someone once said “words matter”. As in one’s choices thereof. IMO, yours are good ones. However, there will always be those “running dog lackeys of the status quo” looking to deconstruct those things they find threatening…keep up the excellent work, neo.

  3. One of my favorite Churchillian quotes, was something Winston repeatedly said to people who accused him of “changing his mind.” And, he replied: “I’d rather be right than consistent.” CAROL HERMAN

  4. Hopefully Bill Whittle from ejectejecteject.com, Steven Den Beste from the USS Clueless (denbeste.nu) and Robert Spencer of jihadwatch.org helped you along your journey.

    They certainly helped me make the same leaps. The Liberal Left is morally bankrupt and in danger of losing all relevancy.

    The Hobo

  5. 911 was a catalyst, not a mugging. a mugging implies a single event without antecedents.
    Main Entry: cat·a·lyst
    Pronunciation: ‘ka-t&l-&st
    Function: noun
    1 : a substance (as an enzyme) that enables a chemical reaction to proceed at a usually faster rate or under different conditions (as at a lower temperature) than otherwise possible
    2 : an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action

    Your transformation would have occurred anyway.

  6. Just a few days ago, I left a comment on your blog wherein I said that 9/11 had changed me, almost instantaneously. I think there is a way in which that is very accurate to say. Here’s what I mean:

    On 9/11, my European relatives called to “make sure that we were all ok, and to express condolences.” After that was out of the way, they proceeded to tell me that America had got what it had coming.

    For many years previous to that I felt that I was in agreement with my Euro relatives. I used to laugh right along with them at the Bushchimp jokes, and the redneck/Biblebelt jokes, etc. In short, I agreed with them that there was a lot about America which was silly and embarrassing.

    It is one thing to laugh at America’s shortcomings and it is another thing entirely to think that America deserves to have a terrorist organization attempt to bring us to our knees.

    On 9/11, I sat down and really listened for the first time to my immigrant wife who had told me many times before, “If America were not here, people in my country would have no hope.”

    I thought about how the people in Al Qaeda want America to go away. I thought about all the rallies I have seen over the years where radicalized Muslims would gather en masse and chant “Death to America.” And, I thought about how my Euro relatives seemed to condone this behavior.

    I realized that if these people had their way, we would be gone.

    It wasn’t until April of 2002, when the Intifada really kicked in, that I realized that I could no longer call myself a Democrat, but when I look back it was 9/11 that changed me.

    In the months after 9/11 I listened as friend after friend continued to condemn Bush, call him Hitler, and say that we were “out to kill hundreds of thousands of people in Afghanistan.”

    I realized that if these friends had their way America would disappear.

    Let me be clear, when I say that I do not mean that if they could put their finger on the nuclear button we would be dead. I mean that they are so full of a sick self-loathing that, if they were running things, they would hand over the keys to America, and our freedoms, to almost any Islamist organization that asked.

    When forced to confront the reality of my friends and relatives suicidal mindsets, and the reality that America could disappear if not defended, I realized that I love America.

    At this point I am willing to say I even love that which I used to find embarrassing, because I now realize that, because of our freedom, we must learn to take the good with the bad. When a people is free they are free to produce both high works of art, and kitsch, they are free to construct or destruct. That’s the way it is. And I would have it no other way. Because I love freedom.


  7. I often take a few moments after reading your blog entry and do a little self reflection that might tie into your topic. I have a mixed political voting history that actually amuses me as I look back on it. I had such silly, shallow reasons for picking the candidate I eventually voted for. A perfect example is that I voted for Clinton in ’92 because I was angry ay Bush Sr. for choosing Clarence Thomas as his Supreme Court nominee. I totally bought into the MSM slam on the man and thought his selection represented craven politics on Bush’s part. I had no appreciation for the importance of a choice with a conservative foundation and what impact the Court decisions have on the essence of our country. So, Clinton got my vote and I knew my husband and I had cancelled each other out.Sometime before 1996, the Weekly Standard started making an appearance in our home and after reading it for a while, it was like, “Oh, my God, I guess I’m a conservative” because the logic and clarity of thought presented in the articles just electrified my mind. Of course, I was super ticked off at the GOP for giving me Dole to vote for but I knew I couldn’t vote for Clinton again. I must say, the Weekly Standard was fun reading during Clinton’s second term…the covers alone were worth the price of the subscription. Anyway, I’m pretty sure the existence of blogs and other sources of news besides the conventional MSM would have helped give me more meaningful reasons and better information in deciding how to cast my vote. Your political journey and your wonderfully personal yet erudite writing style in describing it is one of the highlights of my blog reading time. As always, thank you.

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