Home » Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest primate of them all?


Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest primate of them all? — 9 Comments

  1. Hi – I just found your blog. I can so relate to your recent change of heart. 9/11 changed everything for me, but alas not for many of my friends. I have even lost a friend over politics. But I do my best to tread softly and carry a big stick (meaning: stay very well informed) – that works wonders. From one converted neo-con to another – have a great day!!

  2. “Give a female chimp a mirror, and one can have no doubt she knows just what it is for. The chimp will look at the two important parts of her body that she can usually never see, Dr. de Waal said. One is the inside of her mouth; the other is her rear end.”

    Sort of explains Jane Fonda, doesn’t it?

  3. The NYT Magazine had a great piece last month on monkeynomics:

    The introduction of money was tricky enough; it wouldn’t reflect well on anyone involved if the money turned the lab into a brothel. To this end, Chen has taken steps to ensure that future monkey sex at Yale occurs as nature intended it.

    Put the two together and you get… er, maybe that’s best left unsaid.

  4. If you gave Koko a mirror, would she look at her rear end and then sign “Do you think I look fat?”

  5. Now for the real test — if you gave a female chimp Hermione Granger’s Time-Turner, would she figure out what was going on, and would she, like Hermione, use it to check what her hair looks like from behind?

  6. Dolphins can recognize themselves in a mirror? That is amazing. I saw a few at Sea World and I swear they all look the same to me.
    Now, if point here is that due to their movement in front of a mirror, they recognize their own reflection, that truly is amazing.

  7. Perhaps, the female monkees have been to a performance of “The Vagina Monologues.”

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