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Shut up and deal — 4 Comments

  1. Hi, I was out blogging and found your site. It certainly got my atention and interest. I was looking for Slots information and even though this isn’t a perfect match I enjoyed your site. Thanks for the read!

  2. Dang – I can’t believe I still remember this after 25 years, but…

    The reason for the suits is straightforward – playing cards derive from tarot (fortune telling) cards, and those cards used wands, coins, cups and swords. Wands became clubs, the coins (pentacles, actually) became diamonds, the cups (the suit of emotions) became hearts and the swords became an early example of weapons being beaten into farm implements – i.e., spades.

    The modern playing deck is basically a stripped down tarot deck. You can also see this in the odd characteristic of the ace – it is both the least of cards and the greatest because, in the tarot deck, the 1 of a each suit represented the pure essence of that suit, while the king represented the earthly power of that suit.

    As far as I know, there’s no accepted explanation of how fortune telling evolved into gambling.

  3. Taking the cue from a well-known democrat, I voted for you after I voted for myself! (actually, I voted for you at work)

  4. Neo-neo, darlin’…how could they put you on a face card when you keep yours hidden?

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