Home » My mother, five months later


My mother, five months later — 11 Comments

  1. Glad to hear your mom is making such good progress, not just physically, but emotionally as well.

    My 89-y.o. uncle has just been moved to a secured assisted living facility. As he puts it, his memory is “shot.” We’re a large, fairly close-knit family and it’s tough to watch this very independent man become frail, wondering if the same fate awaits my mother (and how soon we’re going to have to confront it).

    God bless.

  2. Thank you for giving me some hope. My father was a very young and healthy 80 who suffered a stroke 3 weeks ago after a heart valve replacement. His speaking is limited and his reasoning and memory abilities are unclear to us. We are waiting for him to be moved from the hospital to the rehab place and are terrified.

  3. Thanks for the wonderfully written update.The life force within us is amazingly resilient. My 86 yr. old mom recently suffered a hitch in her git-a-long but she’s plucky and filled with self mocking humor. She ruefully celebrated the fact that she was able to kill an unwelcome cricket with her newly acquired cane.

  4. This is why the newest generation in researchers and engineers are working on some kickarse solutions. Cloning should have the potential to eliminate organ failure and transplant rejection.

    If medical and computer technology reaches a high enough level, we can link the two and provide computer implants to aid in memory.

  5. Good luck with Mom. I hope she’ll keep moving. My mom passed away this year at 89. She really slowed down in the last half year and to a degree gave up on trying to move, although she could.

  6. Yes, thanks for posting an update. I’d been wondering too.

    My grandma is recovering from a fall, and my husband’s grandmother was also in the same situation: both handled it in different ways – one handled it with sarcasm, one with optimism. In the long run, both seem to be reasonable coping strategies.

    The biggest help comes from the caretakers. That must be exhausting work – but rewarding.

  7. I had been wondering about your Mother and am delighted to hear of her progress. Thank you for sharing it.
    My best wishes.

  8. Excellent post. As one who is approaching the age where things like that can happen, I appreciate you as a caring daughter and those often maligned caregivers. May we all have such blessings as we age.

  9. Your account is inspiring. I too have a difficult elderly parent, and it’s good to know that one can keep them on track even if they have a “bad attitude.”

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