Home » Second draft and the al Durah case: evidence vs. advocacy


Second draft and the al Durah case: evidence vs. advocacy — 8 Comments

  1. > I certainly wouldn’t be one to underestimate the power of reluctance to break ranks and leave the pleasant circle dance. But sometimes it just needs to be done.

    “One” word:


  2. For an elaboration on my position, I don’t think it would matter to the great majority of people, without Presidential support or another kind of bigger hammer. Without that additional power, the effect of the truth can’t really get out. And if it can’t really get out, then the only people that will benefit are the ones already able to tell propaganda from fiction.

    What matters to me, and I think to the great majority of citizens, is not whether it was faked but who you can convince that it was, that is the real problem.

    My predictions of how Palestinian and Western propagandists would react, is consistent with what I read in the FAQ link. And that was the first time I read about that specific matter. So while I have the knowledge, I still don’t see how you can convince Palestinians or Americans of that fact, unless you gain the power of a President to back you in the media and in his speeches.

    Cause this is not just propaganda, as I noted the perception in the site, but it has become a full blown living myth. A legend, as powerful as the Crusades, King Arthur, and the End Times.

    As such, it takes more than logic, more than reason, more than knowledge to defeat. It takes pure power, and I just don’t see how you make the transfer over from knowledge situated in truth to the power required to accomplish good in this world.

    I can think up some counter-propaganda projects to negate some of the Al Durah, by creating equal pressure on the Israeli and American sides. But I don’t think even that could accomplish anything but a delaying action in the end. Nor can I think of an image or a legend that could successfully fight against this kind of negativity. Democracy is all nice and good, but it just doesn’t have the teeth that Al Durah has.

    I really can’t help it that while I understand the efficacy and power of the Pen, that I am still a follower and strong believer in the Sword. So it probably doesn’t matter as much to me, as it might to other people who place a lot more trust the efficacy of the pen.

    I don’t study propaganda and psychology because I prefer it over the brute force approach. But as Sun Tzu said, know thyself and know thy enemy. While I see free speech as a natural ally, there will be times, like now, that I seriously doubt its efficacy.

    This should not be taken as discouragement however, simply the understanding that my strengths are not the strengths of the Palestinians or the authors of the Second Draft site.

    Neo’s strengths and inclinations are more in line with psychology and the Pen than mines, however.

  3. You can’t hold the media accountable without the President weighing in. He is unlikely to do that however.

  4. sorry, i keep slipping. media is a plural… unless the media are held accountable… etc.

  5. in response to ymarsakar,
    it really does matter if it was faked. the fact that the media were so completely taken in by this had an immensely damaging effect on the situation, and unless the media is held accountable and brought to correct itself publicly and with a good deal of insistence, then it is going to continue to commit these damaging errors.

    as for “fake but true,” we address that issue at our FAQs page:

  6. Neo,

    Personally, I think the evidence that this incident was staged is overwhelming.

    It is thinkable that the IDF could have perpetrated such an outrage; they are human, and fallible, and some Israelis may be as evil as the worst of the Palestinian terrorists. (I don’t think this is the case, but let’s admit it for the sake of argument.)

    What is not to me believable is that the Israelis would allow something like this to happen without investigating it very thoroughly, and punishing the perpetrators. Indeed, the IDF did investigate, and concluded that IDF fire did not kill the boy.

    A good summary of the events and the controversy can be found here.


    I think the propagandists of the Palestinian side are capable of anything.

    But of course, my prejudices do not in any way settle the matter.

    Jamie Irons

  7. It doesn’t really matter to me whether Al Durah was killed in a fake or real incident, because the propaganda effects are the same.

    It would have been the same either way. So pragmatically, I’m not too interested in seeing the evidence eitherway for the Al Durah story. Except to know enough about it to know what the fighting is about, at least.

    If it was true, then the Palestinians lied. Would the Palestinians have lied, if it wasn’t true? Always. Would they lie if it was true? Again, always.

    Doesn’t seem the truth really matters. Which is actually the point. True propaganda is exceptionally good in that it covers all contingencies, and its effects are rarely mitigated even if you do find the truth.

    If this was a fake, and Second Draft convinces many people of that, the Palestinians would still have the defense of “fake but accurate”. And they do it far better than Dan Rather ever did.

    As counter-propaganda, I truely don’t have much confidence in the pragmatic results, even if the cause is Just.

    As Bush said, you may not always agree with everything that I do, but I ask that you not give into despair and allow the terroists to win and our country go to ruin.

    Maybe not those words exactly, but still.

  8. Neo,

    I must disagree with your student. Because you do not agree with everything one side says does not mean that you change sides.

    For example, I certainly do not agree with everything that the Administration has done, or will do, does not mean that I wish Kerry had been elected. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

    Thanks for your thoughts. I will not always agree, but you do make me think.


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