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Thoughts on Hillary and other female heads of state — 22 Comments

  1. Maybe they also think that light weights are easier to influence and manipulate, because they will owe the “biggems” more than Hillary would have.

  2. In fact, Bubba could be appointed by the Governor when Hillary vacates the seat. Won’t even have to run.

  3. Remember the hoopla around the simple, uncorrupted peanut farmer from Georgia? Here we go again.

    Maybe we’ll get another Reagan out of it come 2012, but it will have to go through the Obama blues first.

  4. We were promised and got “two for the price of one” in 1992. I can’t believe that anyone could believe that we won’t be getting the same thing in 2008. Her successful nomination and her achieving the presidency will depend on how the public perceives Bill’s portion of the new “partnership”. Hillary is no Lurleen Wallace. I can’t see her putting up with too much interference from her husband. By the same token, as much as he loves the limelight, I can’t see him staying in the background for very long. As much as I dread the situation, it could be very amusing.

  5. Call me naive, but I also believe she was wounded in the personal sense, as well.

    OK. You are being very naive.

    The former first lady is a political calculator par excellence. She has none of her husband’s charm, but every bit of his honesty.

  6. Harry, I agree with your last paragraph. But I still think it doesn’t preclude a certain amount of personal wounding. She thought she knew what he was capable of, but I think she was still surprised by his brinksmanship, recklessness, and total disregard for the risks, and the awful position it would place her in. I still believe that not all of those feelings were political; I think some were personal. In short, I think–on some level and in some way–she still loved him and felt betrayed, despite all her knowledge of him.

    As I said, call me naive.

  7. Obama is *not* a blank slate. Anyone from Illinois knows this.

    Check out my post on his Marxist record here. The man practically is a living Willie Horton ad. His votes present a clear picture on his economic and social views. This is like the Dems running Mondale or Dukakis again, except they’re running a guy with a middle name Hussein who thinks the jihadists are benign and American force is wicked.

  8. I recall saying in 1992 how I liked Hillary and Tipper better than their husbands during the campaign. That Mrs. Clinton seemed ambitious seemed only par for the course, and hardly a problem. My dislike for her developed in counter-reaction to her deification by some on the left. It became increasingly irritating to be told that conservatives didn’t like her because she was a Strong Woman. Those of us who worshiped at the feet of Margaret Thatcher found this risible.

    Yet it became one of those things that people – usually but not always women – said with complete confidence, and all criticism of her was marked into that column and ignored. For some people she is as much a blank slate as Obama, as everything that she has done has had no impact on their desire to see her as representative of all Strong Women.

    As Eeyore so wisely said, many years ago “Pathetic. That’s what it is, pathetic…As I thought. No better from this side.”

  9. As I said, call me naive.
    neo-neocon | Homepage | 02.23.07 – 8:38 pm | #

    You’re not naive, you’re just optimistic about human nature. In the sense that all humans can be wounded. Why do I call that optimism… hrm maybe because I tend to think of utopian views as pessimistic. The belief that humans are static, that they cannot grow, is pessimistic for me. The belief that people are fallible and can fall or climb, is optimistic to me.

  10. Yes, neo, you are naive. Hillary’s calculator works very well, and nothing Bill did as President surprised the calculating lady. She may have hoped for better, but realistically, her calculator would never lead her to expect better.

    As for Obama, Hillary will use whatever is necessary to squash the annoying flea. She may need the support of those who actually take Obama seriously, so she will not bring out the heavy hardware unless she absolutely must. If Obama demands the scorched earth treatment, Hillary is capable of dispensing it, and dealing with the consequences as required.

  11. What about Bandaranaika (Sri Lanka?)

    The present Head of government (forgotten the name) of Iceland?

    Both were elected to office.

    And you might like to consider Auntie Helen in NZ – four elections on the trot.

  12. Of course, Bill was always aware of his Kennedy-esque stature!? Nonetheless, it says so much about the desperate shape of American leadership politics that we even turned to him in the beginning. And were willing to turn our heads whenever he did as he pleased, with whomever he pleased.
    Or that his wife, simply and only because of her relationship, could be elected Senator, not of Arkansas, but New York!

    Or that she should presume that SHE must CERTAINLY deserve the Presidential office. And that WE must EVEN consider it!

    It says a lot about Clinton hubris.

    And even more about the disordered state of American public life.

  13. Interesting perspective (and thanks for the cite).

    You might want to change an unintentionally-ironic link on this posting for Margaret Thatcher — as of today, it goes to a biography of Leona Helmsley.

  14. As first husband, Bill Clinton would probably conduct frequent, if not regular, press conferences. IF he is also a US Seantor, then his press conferences would be more popular than the pressers held by the White House.

    How would Hillary feel if the cable news devotes 1 minute to her statements and 5 minutes to those of her husband? Being upstaged by Bill – again – would be himiliating when it is not useful to her.

    My guess is that if Hillary is elected, Bill would prefer being an Ambassador-at-large so that he can be the face of the administration to the rest of the world.

  15. “Possible corruption” on the part of Hillary? You are way too kind.She did in a year what is rarely done in a lifetime by a commodity trader.Buys skates and learns how to skate on Saturday.Wins Gold medal on Sunday.I say this as a successful trader. Hillary’s deal was a commodity scam.Her patron was a lawyer for Tyson Chicken, who allocated some of his his winning trades to her.The firm used was REFCO which was fined by the authorities at the time for poor record keeping. This was a bribe and an ill disguised one at that.The Feb.20 1955 National Review had an analysis of this.http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1282/is_n3_v47/ai_1670 9018

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