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Comment on comments — 8 Comments

  1. Hm, maybe there’s a lurking contingent of changers who read, but don’t often comment. I am one.

  2. I’m not a “changer” but I’d like to take the opportunity to complement you on your blog. I’ve read your series on changing your mind and I’m happy to see that it is indeed not impossible to do so even on hard topics dominated by passionate and often entrenched opinions. At the same time I have to offer my sympathy on the harshness of being ostracized from your past social life, that is one thing that we have in common.

    I do wonder if any of those against the war have lost their friends and aquaintances en masse because of their opinions, I’ve never seen any of them say so.

    In a world where it seems so many people simply can’t or won’t understand how supporting a war can be more humane than being against it your blog is a welcome respite.

    Thank you.

  3. I believe Lee probably accounts up to a third of those 32,417 comments, with Yamarsaker making up another third.

    On top of all this, I think all of us, troll and non-troll alike, have a better understanding of how steam, generated by nuclear reactors, power US Navy’s modern warships.

    Unless you feel the need to go over all this again…

  4. Yeah, I took 2½ months off (1 while I was away on vacation) from posting on my blog, and now I’m not getting nearly as many comments.

    It’s somewhat frustrating, so I am contemplating “pulling the plug”.

    I don’t care for the “new” blogger, either…

  5. Your blog is a regular stop for me. I consider you one of the commentators who say what I think but say it smarter, and for that, I’m grateful. By education, I’m a poli sci person, and there are poli sci type commentators who qualify in that way, too, but by temperament, I’m intuitive and perceptive (INFP on a MBTI). That’s where your perspective tracks with mine.

    I should comment more just to provide you the feedback. It’s just that it’s not easy to add to the conversation here when almost everything you say already speaks so well for me.

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