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Comments links working—for now — 13 Comments

  1. Any suggestions from WordPress experts?

    internet forums using the PBB whatever code, seems to get quite a lot of intelligent bot spam. They also use a colored system of Code verification. I like those better than the black and white kind, because yours is very hard to see.

  2. I don’t mean whether the links would work, rather I was refering to the solutions written by the authors of the posts I linked to.

    I didn’t use html imbedding because I was in a hurry.

  3. Your solution, Neo, is also a good example of behavioral modification.

    Now that it has become easier to post comments, people post a lot of them. This also raises the spectre of endless debate wars. It is an interesting trait of humanity that regardless of how many times you tell people to ignore trolls, the best way to modify behavior is to make it harder or easier to do.

    Make an action harder, such as fighting terrorism, and people will do less of it. Flying Imams with CAIR lawsuits against any that dares speak out ,for example.

    Make an action easier, such as invading people’s homes and killing folks, such as Britain, and more people will do it.

    This field of behavioral modifciation is very powerful. They use it in interrogation as well. And Vietnam is one ultimate example of how you modify the behavior of a nation.

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