Home » Postmodernist thinking comes of age in Britain


Postmodernist thinking comes of age in Britain — 6 Comments

  1. Where reality is but an issue of engineered social consensus, why should we be surprised that the Brits have at large “gone balmy?” But a more serious question is whether such nonsense is a sort of self-induced social madness or social ignorance resulting from the dilution of social history as an apeasement of an increasingly foreign population. The Brit government has decided that any reference to British greatness might seem to depreciate others, and is to be avoided. So you can’t expect too much appreciation of historical reality.

  2. Peter Hitchens, a British Tory, likened the events in latter quarter of the 20th century in Britain to Mao’s cultural revolution. Britain’s culture as a distinct entity apart from America and the EU was executed under Tony Blair, and he did it in the name of “modernization”. All those venerable, beautiful Victorian homes were bulldozed in favor of block buildings and high rises.

    Peter Hitchens remarked once with astonishment how when he travels abroad to America people still talk as though there was still a Britain. There isn’t. What currently resides in the British Isles is a strange, contrived culture more European than Anglo-Saxon. I’m sure some pockets of old Britain exists somewhere, but it has mostly passed away when America wasn’t looking.

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