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A host of Maydays — 12 Comments

  1. I did have one idiot Uncle that was a Parlor Pink. Read lotsa marxist mags and held stupid opinions. Strangely enough, when it came time to leave Poland in 1920 he chose the good ol’ USA, and did not choose to put it on the line for “The People” in handy next-door Russia.

  2. When I was in grammar school we would make and exchange May baskets on May 1st. They were small paper cups with pipe cleaner handles and flower petals made of crepe paper glued on so that the basket looked very spring like. We would then fill the cups with penny candy or cookies and exchange them in school. Our dining room table was awash with the paper and glue and cups and candy and it seems like the preparation went on forever. It was like a Valentine’s day or Halloween theme. Fun as I recall and the only significance was the old saying April showers bring May flowers….thus the flowery looking baskets.

  3. Is there not a resemblance between the Woolworth Building and the main building ofMoscow State University? The main building was designed during the Stalin era and completed in 1953.

    Apparently your grandparents and Stalin were on the same wavelength as regarding architecture. An interesting coincidence.

  4. Ah May day. Labor, one of the original forms / protected classes of identity politics…

  5. May was the latch key of summer. School was about to be out and the swimmin’ hole open until dog days–some of us snuck in a few days even then, but polio was associated with swimming and dog days. In my small and tribal community, we let the cosmopolitans worry about May Poles (we might of used it to hold up the clothes line) and we didn’t know distress calls because none of us spoke foreign languages, only Rustic Nasal. Still a little time in May to gather mushrooms–morel, mostly–which were chicken-fried and served with mashed potatoes and early garden greens.

    Then “Summertime, and the livin’s easy . . . .”

  6. I love the woolworth building.

    i used to go inside..

    but now you cant, and you cant take pics…


  7. DM-S,

    Stop with the morel tales. Your making me awful hungry. And nostalgic.

  8. expat: It’s been years since I had a morel. A cousin who travels to a variety of states to find them tells me they are getting fewer and fewer.

  9. I always remember my mother on May Day. When she was a girl and up into her 80’s, literally until she no longer could get about, she always made at least one May basket to leave on a friend’s doorstep. When I was in high school in the early 50’s we still had May fete’s. They were big doings at our small high school,

  10. As a former Leftist, I could give a rat’s **s about a Socialist holiday. Let the Communists dance to “Kalinka” around the Maypole to their hearts content. Socialism has been a blight upon humanity. And no one hates Marxism more than an ex-Marxist.

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