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Michelle Obama’s conspiratorial world — 23 Comments

  1. I agree that it is scary stuff. I don’t detect a drop of empathy or compassion in her. I think she is completely incapable of seeing the world beyond her own grievances.
    It is bad enough to imagine Obama taking that 3AM phone call, but to imagine her whispering in his ear as he makes a decision is really frightening. I wonder how Barack reacts when she throws a hissy fit.

  2. I’ve been wondering why they let her outside in public. Like Teresa Heinz-Kerry, she’s a walking open mouth-insert foot gag. Then again, Mr. Obama has done no favors to his campaign lately. Still strikes me as odd.

    But in the larger sense, I’m wondering exactly why she thinks this is unusual. Politics is often a matter of perception and brutal endurance races. I’d be shocked if Hillary didn’t try to control the race in that sense. For that matter, Obama tries the same game from another angle.

  3. Last time I remember hearing that phrase was republicans complaining the dems were sore winners in the 06 elections. Re: they won / cleaned up… and still seemed pissed off.

  4. I think that Kerry’s wife had as much to do with his loss as any other factor.

    History does have a habit of repeating itself…for those who fail to learn therefrom.

  5. Actually, two words came to mind when reading Michelle Obama’s paranoid rant: “Evita Peron”.

  6. Indeed. Anyone who would obsess that the media’s against them is obviously paranoid.

  7. This is scary and paranoid stuff. We’ve all heard of a sore loser; is there any word for a sore winner?

    Yes: Tyrant.

  8. Why do i get the sense that guilt ridden white libs would actually enjoy this woman berating them on a regular basis?

    This whole thing is surreal. Like taking in a stray Pit Bulldog for your children to prove you really do love animals and despise stereotypical bigotry.

    Where has reason and judgement gone? Are we fully entrenched to the point that a person’s life is all about how well you disprove what others assert about you?

    No wonder libs seem obsessed with the whole world opinion of us meme.

  9. We’ve all heard of a sore loser; is there any word for a sore winner?

    There is. A megalomaniac.

  10. “The bar is constantly changing for this man,” she tells us.

    That’s idiotic. There is only one bar that needs to be crossed, and that is winning in the electoral college. The rest is just noise. If that particular bar somehow moves, then she will have a valid point. Until then, she’s just bitching because the most important job in the world (arguably, I suppose, but it has to be in the top five) isn’t being simply handed to her self-described wonderful, immensely intelligent, world-altering hubbie via affirmative action.

  11. Actually, two words came to mind when reading Michelle Obama’s paranoid rant: “Evita Peron”.

    I’ve thought the same thing. Compare: “I’m married to the answer!” with “There is only one man in our movement, with his own source of light. We all feed from that light. And that is Peron.”

    I think she is completely incapable of seeing the world beyond her own grievances.

    expat: I totally agree.

  12. The most prominent feature of inferiority complex is that it can not be satisfied and healed by any achievement. Such persons subjectively are life-long losers, even when they are winners by every objective criterion. They can get temper tantrum from any trifle, always full of bitterness and grievances and turn paranoid because they feel that nobody really understand their grief.

  13. Neo, I’m so glad you wrote about this horrible woman. I’ve been looking for information about her all over the internet. She is a menace to society. I’ve known people like her, and they should not be entrusted with any sort of power. They are punishers who take after anyone they perceive to be more talented or more successful.

    At one site, I learned that she grew up two blocks from my childhood home. Ha, ha, she is such a big phoney. This neighborhood is perfectly average–in no way is it an “inner city neighborhood.” All this silly talk about her “working class family” is such garbage. Most people have to work. She has the exact same background that I have. She’s creating a fake persona so that she can be more glamorous.

    She’s a total loser (no matter how much money or status she gains) and should never be allowed to be in the same room as a U.S. president. A crazy person.

  14. She’s no loser. She’s a highly highly successful whiner. (Done too much of both types of wining.)

    Her life seems to have been: whine about how unfair life is, and guilty white liberals give more.

    Now, she wants more votes for Barack. And she’s following the success script that Dems have empowered her to use: whine about unfairness.

    For Dems today, “empowerment” means the power to get what you want thru more whining. The only reason black Barack hasn’t won in a cakewalk is because … there’s a woman running who has been empowered to whine about how unfair the media has been to her, a woman, poor Hillary. That unfair media even made poor, soft Hillary tear up in Mass.

    Empowerment should mean the capability to compete on equal terms, but the Dems seem to think it means ability to claim victim status, and therefore automatically get the desired benefit.

    I now think, contrary to my Christmas thoughts, that if Barack wins the Dem primary, McCain wins more easily than against Hillary. But I think he wins against either of these two Dems.

  15. If you take out the vote of all persons who went through the University indoctrination centers since 1990, McCain wins in a 50 state landslide.

  16. Empowerment should mean the capability to compete on equal terms, but the Dems seem to think it means ability to claim victim status, and therefore automatically get the desired benefit.

    Since everyone in the world is just slave and cannon fodder to be used up by the Democrats, what else did you expect?

  17. Does anyone wonder what we would find were we to have a list of the courses and instructors of the Obama’s college and postgraduate educations? If I’m not mistaken most young scholars have been choosing their own path of instruction for the last hundred years or so. So much the worse for them, sad to say.

  18. Michelle Obama starkly underscores the problem with affirmative action. It LOWERS THE BAR and devalues genuine accomplishments. Obama claimed she never “felt confortable” at Priceton. Of course not, that chip on her shoulder comes from the recognition of one simple truth… Obma never EARNED her place in the Ivy League. Her success was handed to her because of a genetic happenstance of birth – at the expense of someone who she displaced. No wonder she’s obsessed with race.

  19. Someone said her thesis is “irrelevant” Thats pure B.S. She has promised to advance black people over the whites. Although she isn’t the candidate she will have a lot of influence on Obama. She says America is a place of “hatred”. She should learn to let racism die a natural death in place of exploiting it to her own whims. I suppose she hasn’t heard the expression: “The more you stir S H _ _ the worse it stinks. We need a third candidate quickly!

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