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When trolls attack… — 10 Comments

  1. Unfortunately, there is another potential manifestation of sabotage, or perhaps just gross incompetence at posting. Since the posting is rather favorably inclined towards what Dubya has done in Iraq, incompetence rather than sabotage may be the case. Commenter Bub has copied and pasted an article of Gerald Baker from the Times of London, and done it twenty-odd times in both the Press & Obama thread and in the Estrich thread.

  2. Bub hit FOUR threads.

    Press worth more than fifteen points for Obama?
    Obama and getting his facts straight
    Estrich is worried–and she knows whereof she speaks

    You be the judge: was this an attempt at humor by Obama?

  3. When trolls attack…

    …and try to mess up the comments, perhaps I should take it as a compliment.

    We are known by the enemies we make as surely as by the friends we keep. Kaishosru Shapurji Sorabje’s Opus Clavicembalisticum quotes a poet (MacDairmid?) in its dedication:

    To the everlasting glory of those few men blessed and sanctified in the curses and execrations of those many whose praise is eternal damnation.

  4. Gringo: a size limit for posts is not one of the regular WordPress functions, but I will be investigating plugin options.

  5. It’s a compliment but of the necessary evil variety. On another note, the Sunni compromise in Iraq is very interesting timing as is Bush’s agreement to talk timeframe. My hunch is the anchors are all hoping to catch a first hand meltdown by his Highness come Berlin. The unfortunate reality of this turkey trotter is that the press needs a big show and pulling that off on foreign soil is a whole different ball of wax. I bet Condi is calling in every favor in the book…..press blackouts, lack of AC power outlets, “unruly” elements, etc etc. My view is the Obama campaign will be remembered for its stealth tactics which frankly are impressive. The guy has the victim thing down to a tee while clandestinely maneuvering the pieces to the best of his ability behind the scenes…..

  6. It would be a good time for the takedown of a large terrorist plot, if they have any handy ripe for taking down.

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