Home » For those who might be experiencing Obama withdrawal…


For those who might be experiencing Obama withdrawal… — 10 Comments

  1. Darn it!! My place of employment has the nerve – the NERVE – to block whatever site that linked to!! How dare they??? Don’t they know I could go into severe Obama withdrawal, and it could get ugly!! 😉

  2. What creeps me out about Obama?
    The fact that he could perfectly play the role of villian in a James Bond movie. You know, the bright, intellectual, soft spoken gentleman who offers you a martini and dinner before KILLING YOU.

  3. The “left” began reminding of Eric Hoffer’s “The True Believer” way before Obama got to the national stage.

    (yeah, I’m too lazy to use those little html tricks above)

  4. Another thing that creeps me out is that every election cycle, we seem to have increasingly dismal choices for candidates on both sides. Is it due to what the election process has become, or just the times we live in?

  5. It raised a chuckle but, face it, the president of the United States is creepy by definition! (it’s a button thing, and I suspect ego is a large part of anyone who would nominate in the first place).

    (Weren’t all those women supposed to be voting for Hillary not so long ago? I will avoid referring to ‘Life of Brian’)

  6. oh, I get it, Neo– this is the 2-minute hate. If Obama perchance is elected, I suppose we will have at least four years of this.

  7. The fact that he could perfectly play the role of villian in a James Bond movie.

    No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to vote for me.

  8. What’s the matter, md? – if you can dish it out to “Pretzledent Chimpy BusHitler” for eight years, surely the Black Narcissus can stand a little joshing, right?

    Bueller? Bueller?

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