Home » Shaky ground in LA


Shaky ground in LA — 4 Comments

  1. I live and work about 45 mins away from the epicenter. It was a decent little shaker, especially because the ground seems to behave like jello (nod to your earlier posts) that keeps shaking long after the impetus is removed.

    My wife was at the grocery store at the time and noticed some cans on a shelf rattling before she actually felt the quake. She tried calling me shortly afterwards to see if I needed any particular items, and apparently the cell service was out for a bit. I’m not sure if that was from the quake or overload due to people calling about the quake, though.

  2. I only got up from my office chair after the quake seemed to last for 30 or so seconds–it was that “moderate.” This is about the 5th or 6th quake I’ve experienced in California, and nowhere near the ’71 Sylmar or ’94 Northridge quake. Hardly worth mentioning…

  3. I lived in the SF Bay Area for a number of years starting in the summer of ’79. That first year there were two 5+ quakes, the strongest the city had felt in years.

    I was still there for the quake of ’89. Fortunately, in the area where I was living there was only very minor damage and I had a couple of things knocked off shelves.

    “I hope it stays that way and they never need to find out.”

    Unfortunately, they will, eventually.

  4. I’ve never been to California and I’ve never felt an earthquake. I’ve always had the nagging suspicion that if I ever did go to California, even for a short visit, with my luck I’d arrive just in time for The Big One.

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