Home » Candidates who live in ill-gotten houses…


Candidates who live in ill-gotten houses… — 20 Comments

  1. Heh, everyone thought this the moment Obama jumped on the ‘house’ thing… Neat they moved so fast.

  2. Isn’t it common practice for high-level politicians to shield themselves from conflict-of-interest charges by turning over assets to blind trusts?

    I don’t know the details on McCain, and the heiress-wife explanation seems plausible… but it seems to me that if any of these homes are investment vehicles, John might not know from moment to moment how many he owns. That’s why I didn’t think of the comment as a big deal. Apparently I wasn’t wearing my feces-colored glasses.

  3. Ike Says:

    “but it seems to me that if any of these homes are investment vehicles, John might not know from moment to moment how many he owns.”

    That is kind of the heart of it. Are these ‘his houses’ or just investment properties.

    I have less than 100k in investments. I don’t know what they’re all in [off the top of my head] either. So what?

  4. With all of his questionable associations, I still don’t understand why he’s even a viable candidate. It doesn’t speak well of my fellow Americans…

  5. FDR was rich? Why didn’t that trickle down to me then? What are second cousins four times removed for anyways?

  6. Hey, you stick your chin out there in a Presidential contest and you’re going to get one hell of a right hook, with or without that plastic PC shield. Good ad.

  7. Messiah complex? Let’s hope that some of the voters take a faith-base approach to Obama’s run, and simply HOPE FOR CHANGE. It would be as consistently lazy as dimpling a chad, ohh, don’t wanna press the poor lil’ paper to hard, lol.

    Sorry — I’m in a rare witty mood :\

  8. Actually McCain owns zero, zip, nada houses. They are owned by his wife and her relatives. Most of what they own are condos. Nothing in his name from the research I have seen.
    Mc Cain spends more time in motels and military base quarters than he does at home. If you asked me how much money we get I would not know the answer. I leave that to my wife.
    As with McCain, I, and I suspect Mc Cain, are not controlled by money or is it a reason for our existence.
    When you have a good marriage you use the synergy that comes from the combined talents of that marriage. It allows you to put more effort into that which you are good at and have an efficient, effective approach to living life.
    for both of partners.

  9. There is an almost unending list of radical and questionable friends and events surrounding Obama that, if the MSM were not in the tank for the Great O and doing their jobs, would have been out there early and would have ruled Obama out for consideration as a serious candidate i.e.

    Obama’s Muslim background and childhood education, which he tells of in “Dreams From My Father,” but which he minimizes or denies on his official website.

    Obamas teen age tutelage under Communist Party member Frank David Marshall.

    Obama’s dismal and paltry record as a State and then Federal Senator.

    Obama’s complete lack of publications (one unsigned Harvard paper has now turned up) when he was president of the Harvard Law Review and when he taught law at the University of Chicago for twelve years–I notice he wasn’t offered tenure.

    The Revs. Jeremiah Wright and Michael Pfluger

    Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn

    Fixer Tony Rezko and the purchase of Obama’s mansion.

    Obama’s relationship with “ex-PLO Operative” Rashi Khalidi and his wife and with the Muslim community in general.

    And these are just the things that have surfaced so far. This guy’s a real Jacob Marley.

    “I wear the chain I forged in life,” replied the Ghost. “I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it. Is its pattern strange to you?” (http://www.stormfax.com/1dickens.htm)

  10. Watch it when you can, but essentially it’s a lame excuse for a counter-attack with its premise being wealth-envy; which of course is the standard far Left attempt to shift the ethical standard from “wealth is good” or “wealth is bad” — which when you also apply it to Obama, well, the argument argues against itself, lol; anti-Reason as opposed to tried and true classical Reason. The far Left (or Multicultural or Post-Modern Left) can propagate this epistemology because the essential spirit of their horrible slogan, “We Support Our troops, When they Shoot Their Offices” IS a marketable commodity — which is, yes, one vast chasm of tautologies; sky dive with these morons and you find that the stuff in your back pack isn’t a parachute, it’s utter stupidity, which one last time … is a marketable commodity.

  11. FDR used the little rhyme “Marton and Barton and Fish” to great
    political effect disparaging his opponent’s friends and associates.

    Can we do something similar like …

    “Marshall and Rezko and Ayres” ?

  12. The problem isnt the facts, or their existence.

    The problem is that the lefts people will not get their information from a broad spectrum of sources. When they read other sources, its to scope out the varying ‘facts’ they might be able to attack.

    So in essence they are stuck in a feedback loop in which they have decided which sourves they like, then they don’t accept information from other places.

    A similar example of this would be the student that learned their facts in college, and so refuses to accept information that conflicts with the revisionism they learn in college.

    You mean every 6 seconds a woman is not raped? Must be! That’s what we learned in womens studies, and it may even be higher than that! of course the women’s studies course never told them how the number was found, and none of them figured out what that meant on the calculator
    Given their own figures of one rape every six seconds, that meant there had to be 600 rapes an hour, 14,400 rapes a day, and 5,256,000 rapes a year, every year.

    This number is many times the number that is known from criminal databases. A quick search will bring up numbers from all over the place. in news, from blogs, not for profits with VAW stats, and colleges. A sample below.

    5 seconds – http://www.kaliwalkersandrunners.com/new156638.html
    6 minutes – http://www.amnestyusa.org/violence-against-women/violence-against-women—a-fact-sheet/page.do?id=1108440&n1=3&n2=39
    46 seconds – hazel8500.wordpress.com/2006/06/11/a-woman-is-raped-every-46-seconds-in-america-thats-78-rapes-each-hour/
    2 mins – http://www.loyno.edu/womens.center/vday.html
    20 seconds – http://www.dancinginthedarkness.com/articles.php?show=5&arc=194

    The point here is not to drum up the actual numbers (or make less of the crime), but to show a salient point that if you attended a school and it had these facts, you wouldn’t listen to someone that was going to tell you the real number.

    Here is a feminist source that seeks to give a real number and honestly discuss things (just for the record not all who call themselves feminists are actually feminists. After all feminists want communism and there are a lot of women that just want the real facts out there so we can make real choices): http://www.ifeminists.net/introduction/editorials/2003/0902kirkland.html

    So in womens studies they learn facts that are half truths and the left pumps them. yes women get raped, but not that number. yes men as a group make more than women as a group, but not due to discrimination, due to the choices that women make (they call it discrimination because they don’t run business the way that greer ran MS. Magazine and destroyed it the first go around. that if they don’t provide paid leave, benefits, and more socialist programs, then its discrimination). Men get custody, but only about 5% of the cases.

    All half truths.

    If I chose history instead. They would learn about mccarthy, and all the horrible things he did. and how there is a term for it “McCarthism”. However they wont learn that the guy lattimore, who coined the term in a book he wrote demonizing mccarthy, turned out to be a spy. This discovered later when the information from the Venona transcripts was made public.

    The list goes on to the point that I would literally spend months listing out the half truth information that they think is real but don’t know.

    So whats going to happen in this situation on the house issue is that when the Obama version comes on, they will think that the commercial is clever. Not realizing that some people buy houses as investments, and that mccain clearly showed that doing so was his wifes thing, not his. Do you know everything your wife or husband purchases? Many people with money keep their stuff separate so that they don’t have to worry about the other… (they share, its just easier bookkeeping if they have two piles and get to do what they want with them, and maybe a third common pool).

    However, the rezko stuff is not going to penetrate. The non lefts (which I prefer since the truth is that the vast majority are not conservatives, paleo or neo, and not this or that. they are just thinking people who don’t think communism and socialism, and such things are in our interest and so they oppose the left. but that doesn’t put them on the right. And I don’t like the terms since they have to do with peasants and royalty in france along the seine, and have nothing to do here, when we don’t have either!), will watch videos on both sides of the issue and they will know more before seeing it. the lefts will watch ONLY their own, and if they watch the other it will be with predetermined hate believing its all a lie.

    If you oppose them on their false information and half truths they will not listen. They will hodge podge and skip all around trying to reletevate or obfuscate or change the subject. They find it impossible to linearly thing and discuss a subject and quickly resort to kitchen sinking though only throwing one sides sinks.

    Ultimately, whats going to happen is either Obama will win or lose. If he loses, we will get a continuation of everything in the past… endless broken records. Heck even russia today had to do what they always did (create a premise for invasion. They did it with Poland, and Czech, and ALL the others. that they were invited in to save the countries by the leaders, or in this case by groups of oppressed citizens. This is the bow to let the arguments divide us).

    Mccain is not so clean… but the difference is between communism slow, and communism fast. There really is no other alternative on the plates for a long time.

    Obama is an unknown card. At best he will be like carter. At worst he will be like chavez (or worse), and russia will provide the seeming justifications. Given all the groups and people that are real close to him, and their connections with the supreme soviet and whatever now is the modern equivalent of the comintern, we will not fare very well.

    Oh… the other thing is that the left also has a huge number of ‘positive thinkers’, these are people who never read the news, never updated their history, and so spend their days remembering the past in the best light.

    They loved the time of protest. Great songs, good friends, perhaps drugs, and orgies… the dances, the parties… the cheap apartments… wearing fun clothes and expressing themselves.

    Ask them three good things that carter did and three bad things, and they go blank!

    Ask them what happened AFTER we left Vietnam… and they switch to their bubble world.. oh we celebrated.. and danced… I even spit on a soldier!

    But ask them if they remember Vietnamese boat people. they will say yes. Ask them about Cambodian boat people, they will say yes. Ask them abound the killing fields and they will say yes, they saw that movie.

    Then tell them that that’s what happened to all those people when the communsits got them and we left. around 3 million people, whole families died, women, the children, the men…

    They don’t belive it. they didn’t learn it in college so it must not be so, their professors would have told them.

    If they do believe they will try to equivocate it with some other event, like tuskeegee, or panama, iraq, etc…

    So ultimately its up to the real Americans.. the non lefts.. who just want to ive their lives and get on with it without interference.

    So the real question is… have enough of them been replaced by leftist yet that a November Revolution will happen and the new chavez type socialism take a permanent hold without hope of separation till there is a new nation…

  13. How did this happen?

    There is madness and dissembling running rampant!

    We have enemies and we know they hate us because we are sure!

    The enemy within will do us in!

  14. Professor Steve Joordens said he wanted to have his 1,500-student, first-year psychology class write and think critically, but there was no money to hire teaching assistants required to do the extra marking. ,

  15. Pingback:books on nominal ledger systems

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