Home » Why are Obama’s supporters afraid?


Why are Obama’s supporters afraid? — 82 Comments

  1. I have already voted for McCain/Palin, I have a McCain sign in my yard and I am lucky enough to live in an area where McCain signs outnumber Obama about two to one. I have also been waking up early, between four and five o’clock and wondering about the election and if we really have a chance. I wish I had a clue, I have good friends voting for both sides which I respect even when I don’t agree with them.

    As for stolen elections I hope that who ever wins, they win by a reasonable margin and the lawyers don’t come charging in. Tuesday night is bound to be a rather interesting event.

  2. It’s a battle for America in which battle lines are drawn according to our most fundamental assumptions about existence:

    Man is evil and free markets are good
    Man is good and free markets are evil

    Which outlook will govern America?

  3. Neo, It is my belief that this country is MORE than ready for an African American president.

    I think Obama is polling higher BECAUSE he is african american.

    People WANT to give him a chance.

    If the following wasn’t true he’d win and win handily:
    1) Was contributed to by Fannie and Freddy at the second highest level behind Chris Dodd
    2) Voted against reform a few years ago of the above GSE’s
    3) Proposes to raise taxes leading into a recession and does not recognize that would drive unemployment up and have a negative impact on the economy
    4) Has the least amount of experience of all the candidates
    5) Voted present at the highest percentage of all Senators
    6) Gave much less to charity than John McCain
    7) Pays his women senate staff less than the men (as opposed to John McCain
    8) Broke his word on using public funds for his campaign
    8) Has run nothing
    9) Has misdefined EVERY one of John’s positions – that turns people off who do research (look at John’s positions)
    10) Has shutdown communications with people he disagrees with far too often and used thuggish/bullying tactics against average citizens and journalists.

    Come to think of it…. if Barack Obama loses… he defeated his own self.

    As polls had Kerry and Gore ahead and those two lost – I HOPE that McCain voters Vote and recognize that we can WIN

  4. “My goodness; that’s some bubble. More like a walled-in fortress.”

    That’s an excellent description of the mindset of some of obama’s supporters.

    A good friend out of state took me to task over some of my political views I’d expressed in an email. He went on and on about how much more Obama cares for the “little guy” vs McCain or Palin. Plus lots of arguing about Palin’s inexperience (TOTALLY unable to comprehend that lady’s having more real world experience than the entire Democratic combined).

    This is a good friend, highly intelligent in most things, but totally in the bubble on this subject. One of those cases where your instinct tells you to just let it go; further argument is futile.

    I cannot get mad at him enough to hope he gets his wish.

  5. You confused me with your last paragraph, Neo:
    -you don’t know anyone on Repub side – or Liberal side?
    -you don’t know anyone who’s planning victory party? again, on Repub side or Lib side?
    -you don’t think Repubs are planning victory parties?

  6. Tatyana: I hardly know anyone on the Republican side, at least where I live. I know plenty of people in the virtual sense, but it’s awfully hard to have a party online. The food isn’t very good.

    I have no idea whether Republicans are planning victory parties. Maybe some, but I doubt very many. Anybody know of any?

  7. I think the therapist quoted – “They are not pretending to vote for the black man” – may have been commenting on those who profess to support Obama. But she is, of course, the final authority on what she meant.

  8. I don’t know. Virtual food has no calories. 🙂

    OTOH I also don’t know anyone planning a victory party on the republican side — though I’ve been invited to two on the other side already. (I’m washing my hair!) — we’re too concentrated on dragging McCain accross the finish line.

    Drag his *ss across the finish line! Drag, drag, drag! Drag!

  9. America is beginning to feel the same way that the Menendez parents felt when their boys came bursting in with their loaded shotguns leveled at their chests. Betrayed.

  10. If God so wills it and John McCain wins in an upset over Barack Obama, let there be sung throughout the land a “Non Nobis” and “Te Deum” in thanksgiving for deliverance.

  11. If McCain wins, the celebration won’t be for victory. It will be for survival. This election is Dunkirk, with the forces of the Left closing in on all sides.

  12. They’re afraid because they know their candidate is a creation of their own wishes, and those wishes are the grandiose and infantile kind you don’t really want fulfilled.

  13. The irrationality of the left fascinates me. They’re worried that the present polls are wrong, but are convinced that the last two elections were “stolen” because the contemporary polls had indicated that they would win. Which is it: are the polls are better indication than the election results, or a worse one?

    Btw, I will never forgive Algore, for whom I voted, for challenging the election results in 2000. Never. Ever. For any reason. There is no way he can ever atone for having done that. Ever. By placing his personal aggrandizement over the good of the country, and thereby lending an air of illegitimacy to the entire electoral process as well as spawning the poisonous conspiracy meme, he has taken pride of place on my !@#$% list, in perpetuity.

  14. Are there any prophets who care to predict the results of a McCain victory given the current state of the polls?

    At very best I think there would be a tide of leftist irrationality that would make BDS look perfectly sane.

    And with almost certain heavy Dem majorities in both the House and Senate McCain would effectively be a lame duck from day one.

  15. Occam:
    Me too. I also voted for Gore, and watched as he sent the lawyers into Florida. I watched the whole thing, in fact. The eventual ruling of the Supreme Court may have been influenced by politics, but it was set into motion by an attempt by the Democrats, not the Republicans, to steal the election. Does anyone remember the Gore campaign’s cherrypicking? The refusal to submit to a statewide recount that would have settled the matter?
    The 2000 election was our Jenin. Like Neo, I live surrounded by Democrats, and every last one of them, even the most thoughtful and open-minded, is insane on this subject. Eight years later, I continue to be gobsmacked by it. I wouldn’t have thought people would be capable of this Orwellian reversal of the facts. How could this have happened?
    Living in a navy-blue college enclave in a pale blue city in the red state of Texas, I’m almost more frightened at the prospect of a McCain victory than an Obama one. If it starts going that way, I think my husband and I will get in our car and drive out into the country — to one of those towns with odd names like “Pleak” or “Needville.”

  16. Their fear is palpable and understandable. Obama loses and hope is gone. Where there is no hope there is despair. Where there’s despair there’s soon a mess to clean up.

  17. Some bubble indeed. In my part of California, McCain signs outnumber Obama two or three to one. It is a strong expression of faith, because no one doubts that California’s electoral votes will go to Obama. We won’t let them go without a fight, is all.

    gcotharn described the divide thus:

    Man is evil and free markets are good
    Man is good and free markets are evil

    I don’t understand either of these views. The truth is,

    Man is good and free markets are good

    and it is the Left who believes otherwise. At least that’s my take, but I’m not influenced by anachronistic man-is-evil religion (from which the Left ultimately sprang anyway.)

  18. We’re going to win, people. Don’t let the polls fool you — Obama is all about creating the illusion of inevitability. Seriously, go check out some PUMA sites:




    These people watched as Obama’s thugs crossed state lines in the primaries, as ACORN did its magic, etc., etc. — they know what’s going on here. Really, look around the pumasphere, and ask yourself, why hasn’t the MSM been reporting on the PUMAs? Why they been acting like PUMA was a flash in the pan and nothing more?

    And remember, GOTV!

  19. Zogby has 49% to 48% for McCain in one day sampling.

    The trend has been gains for McCain.

    And this is WITH:
    1) A un-explainable weight advantage that pollsters are giving Obama only based on the surge in Democrats who registered during the Obama/Hillary adventure.
    2) A trend of pollsters to be wrong towards Kerry and Gore and yet have Bush wins.

    My guess. Everyone who knows economics and the negative impact a tax increase will do will get out and vote for McCain.

  20. The only thing I like as much as reading NeoCon herself, is the comments of such smart and well read posters ! Great stuff, kids ! I grow ever more hopeful that the citizenry starts to “get it”….so, so much at stake….

  21. Democrats know MSM has been a crutch for them this election. They certainly got their share of feel good stories. No wonder them and everyone else is suspicious this crutch extends to feel good polls.

  22. Dont worry liberals! Pro Obama votes are being manufactured even as we speak and are due to mysteriously appear on or about the second call for a recount.

  23. Election night is sure to be a nail-biter, to be sure.

    I just wish McCain and Palin would end every single appearance with:

    “Tell EVERYONE you know — when they get into that voting booth to THINK — LONG AND HARD before pulling that lever; who will keep them SAFEST (Islamo-fascists have NOT gone away and tend to like operating in patterns, their pattern being to attack shortly after a new Pres. Witness Clinton & Bush and it’s been 7 years +); who has the EXPERIENCE to steer the country through a recession along with the UNDERSTANDING OF OUR ECONOMIC SYSTEM – CAPITALISM which is what made this country so great; and which candidate has PROVEN RECORD OF ACCOMPLISHMENT vs. rhetoric.

    I wish they would pound this message home. I really think there are plenty of voters who are leaning to vote Obama out of worry re: how current economic situation will affect them, as well as 8 yrs. of media propaganda against Bush and Republicans. Any memory of reality in the last 7 1/2 years — even the successful resuscitation of our economy after 9/11 has been lost amid the lies of the Obama campaign, the obfuscation of 2 yrs. of Democratic control, and the complete abdication of journalistic integrity.

    There are these people, and then there are the diehard Obamaphiles who believe this country is bad and misdirected (completely ignorant of what we do for others all around the world). This voter block is comprised of the very wealthy Democrats whose lifestyle won’t change a bit, plus those who expect to benefit from Obama’s “tax credit” govt. checks. And, of course, the black population who’s voted is guided by one single thing: Obama’s color. I don’t think 1/2 even know he is 1/2-white — nor does he want them to.

    I think McCain has great opportunity with folks in the former group, and I wish he would use it! There really is SO MUCH track record supporting reasons this man should never have gotten this far, much less be elected President!

    If he and Palin would urge voters to THINK when they enter the booth, and what each candidate would mean to the future of America. Keep repeating this and leave the folks with this as the last thought in their minds. I think their last ads should be get out and vote & THINK!

    (Also, I hope to heck that there is a good backlash w/ voters over the Obama campaign’s shutting out media outlets if they are not going to be useful in pushing Obama thru last days. Whether it’s the shutting down of the CBS station in Orlando because Biden didn’t like the questions asked of him, or throwing 3 reporters off the plane because their papers’ editorial boards endorsed McCain. How Putin-esque is this?! More portent of what an Obama Presidency would be like?)

  24. Neo,

    “We live in a bubble,” Ms. Serizawa said. “I drove to Monterey recently, and I saw my first McCain placard ever.”

    Not to worry, Ms. Serizawa. My oldest son, though he now resides in Marin County, frequently goes down to Monterey, his old home, to see friends, scuba dive, and surf.

    He says that McCain placard was on fire when he drove by.

    Jamie Irons

  25. I cannot personally vouch for this, so if you know someone who can, please go to them. I have been told that AOL has been polling subscribers. Somewhere in the area of between 150 to 200K of them have responded. This info came from a friend who evidently still uses it.

    Last Monday, I believe, they were 57% McCain. On Wednesday, the day after his infomercial, the number was 63% McCain.

    Most of the trusted pollsters poll to around 1,000 to 1,500 individuals do they not? Perhaps AOL is a better take, or at least on to something.

    Does anyone know any people who use AOL as their browser and Internet portal who can verify this information?

    No matter. I have believed from day one that McCain will win. I believe it still.

  26. Realistically, I think the Messiah may well win, but if he doesn’t, I’m going to be ululating “Allah Akhbar” myself. Watching the liberals’ unused heads explode will be well worth the price of admission.

  27. I voted third party in 2000, so I had no dog in the post-election hunt. I was similarly appalled at Gore’s selective recount strategies. One irony I saw was that Gore was trying to overturn balloting procedures that had been set by Democratic-controlled counties.
    I guess that Democratic voters are too dumb to follow the voting procedures set by the Democratic party.

    Anyone who has ever hand counted a large number of objects know that the odds of a second or third recount being more accurate than the first count are by no means overwhelming. Errors will be made in any case.

    I lost a lot of respect for Gore from his conduct in the recount brouhaha, and his post 2000 behavior only confirmed my post-election judgment.

  28. Even some very high up in the groupies for Obama are posting their fears.

    Which shows that the insider knowledge is much different from the false front being pushed so hard.

    Just some could not hold the news and let it slip out.

    If with all of the money spent
    With all the MSM coverage
    With all the minimization of subjects that would have sunk any other candidate months ago
    With all the race card playing
    With all the trashing of Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin

    If they still lose, just what do they think they will have to do the NEXT time to try to win.

  29. McCain is going to win. I think this whole Obama thing has been a gigantic illusion. I think he stole the nomination from Hillary with help from ACORN and other members of the Obama circus — and with the MSM cheering him on the entire way. He’s raised tons of illegal money, he’s got radical America-hating friends and colleagues popping up all over the place, the MSM is hiding tapes of him praising PLO nuts, his ACORN buddies and other supporters have been screwing with polls and registering dead people — and the reality of all of this anti-democratic, anti-American vileness has been slowly sinking into the collective consciousness of the electorate.

    Don’t believe me? Check out what the PUMAs are up to — they’re working overtime for McCain/Palin:



  30. I had occasion today to drive through about 8-10 blocks of an old, somewhat exclusive and upscale Denver neighborhood (Belcaro) today, and which I doubt even today has so much as one black family, on an avenue with houses 800K and up. It was amazing to count 8 Obama signs, almost one on every corner, not a single sign for McCain… On the other hand, I have the feeling that there may well be a less visible quiet majority who are privately incensed at the latest escapades of the Democratic Party, and their token promotion of an authentic Manchurian Candidate for our times.

  31. I, too, think McCain may well win. The fact that he’s even close, given the headwinds he’s faced, is cause for optimism. The downside to his victory may well be a spasm of domestic terrorism much like that in the 70s. This time, however, we must be sure to hang the perpetrators we catch. All of them, to avoid any future Ayers.

  32. I don’t know if McCain will win or not, but here in Loudoun County VA we’re fighting like hell to keep the state red. Kudos to Don above for fighting hard in CA even though he knows it’ll go to Obama.

    Regardless, I find that NYT article neoneocon links to hilarious. Unintentionally for them, of course.

  33. You have to be a political junkie like me to dig for all the information but to boil it down.

    The DNC in the persons of Dean and Brazile set up the formula for delegate allocations in all the states.

    The overloaded by factors of 6 to 1 or more delegates in congressional districts that had supported the Dems in past elections and gave few to the districts that voted against them.

    Well as it worked out (I am sure it was an accident /snark off) the congressional districts most favorable to Dems in the past were the urban ones.

    Now it just so happens that Obama has as his base the elites/Blacks/college kids. Now guess where most of them lived.

    So Obama had a heavy bias in his favor and Hillary had an uphill battle handicap all the way.

    Districts were on a winner take all basis and Hillary could not win in the urban areas against Obama’s coalition he had formed.

    Look at most of the primary maps and you will see it was split urban/rural for almost every state in the primaries.

    Add to that the pure Chicago style politics pulled in all the caucus states and you have what you see now.

  34. Right2thePoint:

    Yup — she was robbed, all right. The fact is, Obama never won an election fair and square — not once. He’s stolen votes, he’s had his opponents thrown/humiliated off the ballot, and so it goes with the politics of Hope & Change.

    But this time he’s gonna lose.

    GOTV for McCain/Palin!

  35. Well the coalition Obama of elites/Blacks/college kids is being called by some the ‘New Dukakis Caucus’ due to the similarity of the older version but just adding in the college kids.

    Hopefully it will have as much success as the last such caucus did.

  36. They’re afraid because Palin may mobilize more of the Religion Right than she conversely demobilized from the Center; the variable is that enough of the Center will go with McCain and simultaneously energize what McCain lacks.

  37. The problem with elites/Blacks/college kids on previous running is that half of ’em show up to vote on Wednesday, if they show up at all.

  38. It is my earnest hope that on November 5th I will be singing these lyrics:

    Non nobis Domine
    Non nobis Domine, Domine
    Non nobis Domine
    Sed nomine, sed nomine
    Tuo da gloriam

  39. I am not trying to make a statement, but I have read something interesting.

    In urban environments, those who are expected to vote Obama do not necessarily own a home computer, or even possess cable television. Most of what they know, they pull off the majors, from the air waves.

    Just thinking out loud: It is clearer, taking that into consideration, why re-enacting the “Fairness Doctrine” seems so important to them. From the left point of view, more republicans have been elected since Reagan had it pulled during his presidency.

  40. If I needed another reason to vote for McCain and against Obama: my 60 year old ne’er do well sister who wasted her BA from Swarthmore and recently quit her shit telemarketing job informs me that for the first time in eight years she has hope. That was after she told me she is taking advantage of a 1936 law in Colorado that provides for an “old age pension” for state residents of up to $776 a month. I have no doubt what she has hope about: more entitlements for indolent people.

  41. I just saw a tape of Obama today calling for a “national civilian security force” just as well funded as our military. I am chilled to the marrow. This will be his “Republican Guard” which he will use against us as Saddam did against Iraqis.

    Can we count on the Armed Forces for a coup against this despot? That will be our last best hope for change.

  42. About those college dorm voters in Virginia

    An ongoing analysis of data matching voter registration lists in
    other states with the list of newly registered voters in Virginia has confirmed that there are thousands of students who attend college in Virginia who are registered here as well as in their home state. Even more alarming, some of these students have applied for absentee ballots in their home state after having just registered to vote here.

    In just eight localities in Pennsylvania, over 350 individuals were registered to vote both in Virginia and Pennsylvania, and 40 of these individuals have applied for and/or received absentee ballots. The analysis is continuing

  43. One thing that really has not been discussed much is that Obama’s early wins in the primaries were in caucuses – open votes (i.e. no secret ballots) with participation a minimal portion of the electorate (Democratic). (I’m not sure how caucuses are organized: how many are held; who goes to which meeting places, etc.) BUT a key to what happened in the Democratic primaries, is that many of those early wins were BEFORE the Reverend Wright revelations. Once that came out, he won a few more primaries — but I think that was a result of momentum and because the following primaries were in southeastern states with high black populations. Once Hillary started winning again, she really ran with it, and as close as she got, with all the superdelegate defections (votes the Clinton camp had thought they nailed down) it wasn’t enough.

    Obama does have a pattern of less than legit. means of overtaking opponents. I wonder if he and his supporters from the Chicago “school of politics” view it as an “all’s fair” necessity, and an entitlement, as well, rationalizing that, as blacks, they are so disadvantaged that it is their right. I have a feeling that many of those who are recruited to work for A.C.O.R.N. are indoctrinated in such beliefs, and while the leaders — personally schooled by “The One,” himself, know exactly what they’re doing to push the vote even as the workers are convinced that they are doing what “is necessary.”

    With that in mind, I have to admit those workers worry me. There are so many ways to commit voter fraud — and they’re well versed in all of them! And when caught they scream “Republican suppression!” to move attention from them. And it’s worked!
    Note — for anyone interested, The Wall St. Journal’s Weekend Section is entitled “Will This Election Be Stolen?” and has 2 interesting front pg articles — from different view points (one writer a former federal election commissioner and a legal scholar at the Heritage Foundation; the other by New York Univ. Professor Mark Crispin Miller).


    Re: the AOL poll results mentioned above, I Googled and found that AOL News is conducting reader polls. There are actually two: one asking who you WANT for President and the other who you THINK WILL WIN. The former is indeed in favor of McCain will some 67,000 ± votes to 60,000 ±. However, in the other poll — who do you think will win, Obama leads by a wide margin last I checked. Very interesting…..

    Just hope all who WANT McCain, or even, those who just DON’T WANT OBAMA, get out there and vote, long lines or not!

    For those interested, AOL News Presidential poll:


  44. Occam’s Beard —

    It looks like blacks are voting in record nos. (no surprise) but college students — and I don’t want to jinx anything — have an “iffy” history at best. Convenience and long lines are huge factors for college kids, who tend to have other priorities. They get ginned up and sign up to vote when they see the table right in front of the Student Union, but taking the time to get to polls, wait in lines, etc. is a big commitment.

    But they’ll certainly be gathered round the TV sets in the evening pulling for their candidate as if this were, literally, a horse race, or something much more mundane than election for next President of U.S.

  45. By the way, the AOL polls’ results should tell you something: asked who they *think* will win, they answer Obama — because they’ve been steadily demoralized by the MSM and the Obama team screwing with the polls. Asked who they *want* to win, a solid majority answer McCain.

    Just get out there and VOTE! And bring a friend or family member or two. Obama is so far out of the mainstream of this country, it’s incredible — he’d never have gotten out of the primaries without the MSM’s covering for him at every turn.

    Don’t let Obama and the MSM demoralizing you — we are going to win.

  46. Peep this, folks! From the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler:

    >>We keep telling you: THIS AIN’T OVER.

    …We want to share something with you that was sent to us by LC & IB Rurik.

    Remember how we’ve told you time and time again that the only polls you can even remotely trust are the campaigns’ internal polls? For the very simple reason that those internal pollsters have absolutely no agenda other than finding out what’s really going on in order to know what they should be doing next. Those pollsters, while certainly plagued by the same unknowns that every other pollster in history have had to deal with, have to get the right numbers or they could cause their campaigns to lose the election.

    Ever wondered why both campaigns are investing heavily into, say, Pennsylvania, one of the states that, according to the Eeyore-media, is going to go fully in the tank for the Obaminable Blowman to the tune of 127% voting for him and -7,443% voting for McCain/Palin? What? You think they like throwing money into already settled races, especially with so many much tighter races to choose from?

    C’mon. Even Obambi isn’t daft enough to throw money into a race he’s leading by double digits and McCain/Palin, being considerably more strapped for cash since he hasn’t committed massive election fraud by deliberately turning off basic security features in order to get donations from various caves in Pakistan, certainly isn’t about to.

    So, again: The only polls we’ve ever been interested in seeing were the internals, and neither campaign is particularly forthcoming with sharing those.

    Until now. Apparently the people at the Quinn and Rose show have a contact in the Republican camp who is willing to share. Yes. the internal numbers.

    A warning: When we checked out that link, it loaded horrendously slowly. But if you want a quick summary, here it is:

    New Jersey: McCain 48% – Obambi 43% – Undecided 7%, undecideds currently breaking 4 to 1 for McCain.

    Have you put the razor down yet?

    Michigan, the state that the McCain campaign hasn’t put much of an effort in at all, thinking it already lost: McCain 44% – Obambi 42% – Undecided 10%

    OK, now here’s the bad news. There’s a state where Obambi leads.

    California: Obambi 44% – McCain 43% – Undecided 9%.

    People, if Dear Leader isn’t landsliding by double digits in the People’s Socialist Republic of Kalifornikate??? We rest our case.

    Oh, and the state we mentioned before that Obambi is supposedly going to carry in a double-digit clobbering, yet for some reason he is focusing a LOT of effort in?

    Pennsylvania: McCain 55% – Obambi 33% – Undecideds 10%

    We guess they really don’t like being called racist, redneck, bitter, gun and bible-clinging xenophobes after all. Imagine our surprise.

    Number one reason among Democrats breaking for McCain? They’re pissed off that he’s cheating and trying to buy the election.

    And that’s all from the horse’s mouth, pollsters who have absolutely zero interest in being wrong and who will most likely never work again if they are, so it’s safe to assume that they’re working their little butts off overtime trying to identify and eliminate whatever unknowns they can find. And we can guarantee you that those are the same numbers staring the Obamessiah in the face from his internal pollsters, because they’re operating under the same conditions.

    Which would go a long way towards explaining why he’s been so pissy and irritable as of late, kicking reporters from newspapers whose only offense has been not endorsing him and generally being a whiny little pissant.

    “But… but… but… HOW? Surely all of those other polls realize that it’s not a Good Thing to be caught being stupid either? They have to work for the rest of the time between now and the next election.”

    Yes, they do. So you should expect a lot of polls looking like Zogby’s over the weekend. Which is why we sort of think that Zogby is on the ball here. Say anything you like about him, but he’s a businessman and a very shrewd one at that. We wouldn’t be at all surprised for him to be ahead of the game here. And the rest will follow.

    And, of course, Keith Olberdouche will, once again, be curled up in the fetal position under his desk Tuesday night.

    Of course, this could all be crap, but we don’t think so. Because this Impending Avalanche of Inevitable Obamaniaâ„¢ just isn’t evident anywhere. And American voters aren’t even close to being as dense as Dear Leader and his Obamamedia think that they are. This is the home stretch and this is when the majority of voters, the bloc that matters in the final tally, start paying attention.

    # # # More at the Rotties’ website. CHEERS! And get off your booties and Vote! (every vote is a thumb in the Zed’s eye!)

  47. Btw, I will never forgive Algore, for whom I voted, for challenging the election results in 2000. Never. Ever. For any reason. There is no way he can ever atone for having done that. Ever. By placing his personal aggrandizement over the good of the country, and thereby lending an air of illegitimacy to the entire electoral process as well as spawning the poisonous conspiracy meme, he has taken pride of place on my !@#$% list, in perpetuity. –Occam’s Beard

  48. Occam:

    Richard Nixon went to his grave believing that the Democrats stole the 1960 election. But he declined to challenge the results, because he thought it would be bad for the nation.

    In other words, he put “country first” (to coin a phrase).

  49. Obama’s campaign looks strikingly like Al Gore’s global warming campaign to me. You get little substance and reason. Just insult and ridicule should you dare question anything about it. After all, its inevitable you know.

    Neither one of these campaigns seeks to convince anyone of superior ideas. They seek to foment a “belief” using a peer pressure dynamic similar to religion. A belief thats immune from a debate using rationality and logic.

    This isn’t politics or religion. Its Religotics.

  50. One of the biggest mistakes of the McCain campaign was not painting Obama as an old style Chicago crooked politician. It’s something everyone understands, and it’s much easier to sell than Marxist.

  51. If they truly believe previous elections have been stolen, then perhaps they feel the only way to win is to “cheat more”.

    I am perplexed by Obama’s feeling we need a citizen army. We have the National Guard already. And it is headed by the governor of each individual state, is it not? I can’t see a governor giving up his powers to Obama. Damn sure can’t see 50 of them doing so. It will be interesting to see if he wants the citizen army to wear, say, brown shirts. Watch out.

    If the guy wins, which he won’t, he will be a one term president who will destroy the democrat party for years to come. On the one hand I am not ready to believe we live in a nation where its citizens wish to spy and tattle on their neighbors. On the other hand, I am not a liberal, and can not understand how they think.

    As long as I am not willingly and knowingly breaking the law, or stomping on someone’s rights, I am allowed to do just about whatever I want in this country, within reason. Succeed or fail, live wherever I want, cross state borders “without papers”. So is every other citizen, unless they have proven by previous actions they cannot be trusted with that much freedom. I am proud, happy, and thankful it is so. It is worth fighting for. There are many grave yards in this country, and abroad, filled with Americans who fought many a war to ensure I can say what I said – who themselves are not able to live under this banner of relative freedom, as they died defending it.

    This nation can only be defeated from within. That’s why I vote.

  52. Lure of utopian thinking is ever-present in USA as everywhere else, especially among immature, unexperienced folks as college students. But it was traditionally offset by exeptionally individualistic culture and ideological heritage of Founding Fathers whose political philosophy was explicitly based on rejection of social utopism. Now is the moment of truth: to what extent this heritage was dismantled by “progressives” dominating education system and mass media? In any case, any “change” which includes a direct assault on this heritage, would be fiercely opposed by half of the nation; Obama knows this, that is why he prefers to hide his real agenda. His presidency is doomed to be either complete meltdown of Democratic party, or hapless repeat of Jimmy Carter years.

  53. I haven’t heard of any victory parties for McCain, probably b/c of the sense of struggle/gloom – but for perspective, I’m in upstate NY, so while there’s a lot of Repubs, we’re very often outvoted by NYC and other cities.

    its possible that any parties will be ad hoc affairs. Maybe I’llo take a drive out to Ithaca or Skaneatles, both hyper-liberal enclaves, and have a few celebratory beers. Just enough to go piss on somebody’s lawn.

  54. Sergey,

    Socialism + Islam = Totalitarianism-on-steroids

    This is what we are facing. Because so much of Oobonga’s background, intellectual formation, and allies are deliberately hidden by the mainstream media, I’m afraid that not enough people are going to have any doubts before the wire.

    I have known for over a year about Sen. Obama’s ties with Edward Said and Rashid Khalidi. This is very, very bad news for Jews and for Israel. It’s just bad news for ordinary Americans and Westerners in general.

    David Horowitz’ book “Unholy Alliance” should be mandatory reading for all college students in this country. Fat chance of that happening however, as the Marxists control that venue.

  55. rickl: and yet it’s possible that Nixon’s belief about Kennedy’s cheating in 1960 may have come back to bite him, in a way. It may have fed Nixon’s tendency to play dirty in politics himself, which might have been one of the things that led to the “plumbers” and Watergate and the coverup and all the rest that brought his administration down.

  56. Tom I just saw a tape of Obama today calling for a “national civilian security force” just as well funded as our military. I am chilled to the marrow. This will be his “Republican Guard” which he will use against us as Saddam did against Iraqis.

    With Farrakhan’s “Nation of Islam” thugs leading the way. I can see it — and it’s why I’m so proud I am waiting till the ballots in my hand before I vote.

    Granted, it more than likely counter-campaign hype, but has Obama define what he means by a “National Civilian Security Force”

    the vi is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt2yGzHfy7s

  57. Of course the “national civilian security force” is going to need to employ special means to protect its commander in chief from any potential threat it may face from any quarter….

    State employee says she was ordered to check out Joe the Plumber
    –The Columbus Dispatch

    Oh well, I suppose government spying on Americans can be forgiven in some cases.

  58. national civilian security force = gestapo

    the question asked of joe biden about from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs, was no joke. his reply and the reply of the obama campaign is an example of dark times to come.

    that florida journalist might be one of the first who will hear the knock on the door in the middle of the night.

    obama comes from the politics of the chicago machine. their strategy can be summed up as – vote early and vote often.

    i will be holding my breath for the next few days

  59. “I would love for Ms. Wasserman to have expanded on whether her patients are actually expressing racism in their opposition to Obama, or whether she is just making the racist assumption.”

    Kind of could be read to mean some Obama ‘supporters’ are faking feeling the O love.. Ergo, they’re experiencing extra anxiety.

    The non Obama supporters have one less thing to tear at them, since they have no worries on that level. They don’t need to make themselves like him.

    I didn’t read the article, but when you get into slips and transference and stuff… maybe it was, but against the other group / Obama supporters.

  60. neo-neocon Says:

    “Maybe some, but I doubt very many. Anybody know of any?”

    The campaign and the party will probably have events (I’ve gone to them before*). Sometimes a campaign will set them up at private homes. But as to spontaneous parties by republicans, never heard of it. I think it’s another example of lefties over doing their politics…

    * even then to prove a point vs. needing to go to a political party. I’d drag democrats who said republicans were no fun. 🙂 Republicans party harder than dems… seriously.. I’ve also gone to official democratic victory parties… they’re stiffs. No dancing, no flirting, nothing… boring. I think it was even on a Clinton year where they won (so that was not the cause)…

  61. Pingback:Just a thought? Renyolds is right on the money | Conservative247

  62. Of course there are McCain victory parties – but right now folks are focused on getting every last McCain voter to the polls. In Virginia, polls close at 7:00 PM.

    So, open invite McCain/Palin victory party, in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. Upstairs, free food as long as $1,200 dollars of appetizers last. 7:00 PM until closing.

    713 King St
    Alexandria, VA 22314
    (703) 548-1717

  63. One of the PUMA sites (Hillbuz ?) posted a clip of Obama saying that he would definitely get all of Hillary’s voters if he got the nom, but she would need to be worried about getting his. It was one of the more arrogant things I’ve heard him say (quite a list). He sounded like a total jerk saying it as well.

    I’m hoping the PUMA’s prove him wrong tomorrow!

    (Palin v. Clinton 2012)

  64. Wow…I haven’t been here in forever (since at least 2004ish) and I really need to start back up.

    Excellent article. Can I admit to being scared of an Obama presidency? I am trying really hard to NOT be truly scared but it is difficult since he is completely opposite in every way of my view of life and liberty. Free speech? Taxes? Federal government spending? Expanded government into our lives? I truly fear these things.

    I am praying for a McCain/Palin win though it is too easy to get depressed in this bright blue state in which I live. *sigh*

  65. I will be on my knees, praying, whichever way it goes when I learn the outcome.

    Either I will be giving near hysterical thanks and praise for giving America another chance, or I will be praying for my family and country and asking for forgiveness of our foolishness and apparent national suicide and surrender to the forces of evil in the form of neo-communism.

  66. Please tell Ms. Wasserman there is at least one conservative who would never vote Obama, and not because he is black. I am deeply offended by insinuations I am racist becuse I’ve not been enthralled by an empty suit. The backs of my ears have been dry for 35 years. I would vote for former Congressman J.C. Watts or Condi Rice in a heartbeat. What I will not vote for is a pseudo-Marxist who came from the vile cesspool of Cook County, IL politics. So far as stealing elections goes, is that why the left and the MSM seem so dismissive of the ACORN shenanigans?

  67. When I hear “national civilian security force” one question always springs to my mind: security…against what, exactly?

    Crime? Nah – criminals are a core Democratic constituency. Illegal immigration? Nope. Dems are all for it. Terrorism? Dems believe it’s a minor problem, smaller than global warming.

    So, what then?

  68. Occam’s Beard – When I hear “national civilian security force” one question always springs to my mind: security…against what, exactly?

    You should asking against who, not what.

  69. The most influential French leftist intellectual, Bernard-Henri Levi, recently defined Left (approvingly) as those who refuse to choose between freedom and equality. They are delusional, of course: in real world this choice is inevitable. Economic freedom always creates inequality, and without it no freedom is possible. But free market can exist without political freedom, as in Pinochet’s Chile, or, to lesser extent, in Putin’s Russia. I also can not completely agree with a view that only free market is at stake now: all other freedoms are endangered, too, by any government intervention in economics.

  70. Sergey Says:

    “I also can not completely agree with a view that only free market is at stake now: all other freedoms are endangered, too, by any government intervention in economics.”

    Classical liberal thought always has maintained that you can not have political freedom or personal freedom without economic freedom.

  71. As I said here, I have a great concern, regardless of how the election turns out, based upon the “Obama = Jesus Jr.” crowd. The way I see it, either there will be a large number of people on Wednesday firmly believing that most of the country are racist pigs who stole the election or six months later they’ll be looking to blame someone for why they never got their pony.

  72. Pingback:Just a thought? Reynolds is right on the money : Radio Vice Online

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