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Obama says… — 25 Comments

  1. Obama finally convinces me he knows something about economics. McCain hasn’t come close to coming up with anywhere near as comprehensive a plan for bankrupting an industry.

  2. Too bad the SF paper kept this under wraps. I expect the people of Western Pa, Ohio, and SW Virginia would be interested.

    Actually, a lot of people should be interested. I sat and watched a 100+ car freight train pass yesterday. Over 90% of the cars were coal cars. Somebody is mining, processing, transporting or using a lot of coal. A lot of jobs inv various industries are involved with coal. (Actually, I read somewhere that coal is one of our larger exports now, so it has international implications if the ONE harms the industry.)

  3. McCain should have added a caveat to his remarks about not knowing enough about economics. Like…..”I simply stated i wasn’t up on a lot of economic issues, I never said i knew less than Mr Obama.”

  4. Extortion racket, Chicago style. Democrats made a bargain with Devil to come to power; but it can turn to make them hostages of the most corrupt and unscrupulous Chicago political machine, and eventually destroy the party, so terribly tarnishing its reputation.

  5. ….not just destroying *one* industry, but crippling *several* industries. For starters:

    –the railroad industry, for which coal transportation is a major source of revenue
    –the integrated steel companies, which use coal (in the form of coke) to fire blast furnaces
    –the mini-mill steel companies, which use large quantities of electricity
    –other electricity-dependent manufacturing companies
    –web hosting companies and other operators of large data centers

    During WWII, the U.S. conducted some sophisticated mathematical analysis to determine which bombing targets would do the most harm to the German economy. It almost seems like the Dems have done the same for our economy.

  6. Since most people have no clue where there electricity comes from, they are unlikely to care about the demise of the cheapest, most plentiful source of fuel in the world…….until they get the bill.

  7. What, me worry? No problem, the Obamacon’s ten year energy plan will have the whole problem solved in short order. Between global warming, wind farms and plenty of cheap Chinese manufactured bicycles and sweaters we won’t need 25% of our current energy capability anyway, just like we don’t need 25% of our current military capability. This will loosen up assets for more urgent requirements, like an additional domestic national security agency and a Department of Peace….

  8. There will be a silver lining in the transition to the more truly patriotic Obamaland, where people are not only proud of paying their greater share of taxes, but public community service is much more valued, so much so that the people will clamor for a return of the draft to man the Deartment of Peace and Security. With several million additional community organizers working in every community, in conjunction with the additional domestic security agency which will preclude the need for a significant global defense posture, no one will slip beyond the reach of the government’s helping hand. The best part of all is that the collective cup will no longer be half empty for the now enlarged middle class, but much more fair with no poor and no rich, and will now be, half-full!

  9. Better yet, Department of Domestic Peace and Security… It has a comforting ring to it, do you think? I’m switching parties immediately, maybe there’s a place for me in the new paradigm after all, after I serve my decade doing public service in one of the northern or southern gulags… I hope Ann Coulter forgives me when I’m inspired to change my name to Perfected Republican!

  10. Saw this on another site:

    Money quotes:

    “This ought to be a big hit with coal miners.

    Or, for that matter, anybody else since we currently produce half of our electricity with coal. But hey, candlelight is so romantic.

    What are we talking about? The ObaMarx’s energy “plan”, that’s what. The plan under which he intends to put the coal business out of business and good.

    But why don’t we let him speak for himself?:

    “What I’ve said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else’s out there.[…]

    “So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”[…]

    And this is even worse:

    “You know, when I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, uh, you know – Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad. Because I’m capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, you know, natural gas, you name it – whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, uh, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers.”

    There you have it, folks. Donate, make calls, canvass, get out and vote, please!

  11. Beverly, don’t you understand that the Obamamax’s “price signals” are for your own good? People like you just need a little reeduction, no doubt, and that with a little consultation from somebody with exeptional expertise in that arena, ie. the irrepressible Professor of Education William Ayers, an efficient education system will address the ignorance which people on this blog too often exhibit. I particularly think it’s ingenius how the Obamamaximus, the closer we get to the election, seems to relax and express himself clearly and with shall we say, less reserve, as in the quotes you have presented; But additionally, in a way which one might be accused of mocking him as if in a parody, but ingeniusly they are actually out of own horsesobama mouth… Another good thing to come of it all will be a new fairness doctrine, which should extend to internet blogs, as well as talk radio, etc. and where every other comment should provide adequate rebuttal to the fascist line posited by the capitalist lackeys at this blog. Neo herself will need to allow a companion contributor for the main column too, much like Hannity and Colmes. Is a little fairness too much to ask? People like you should have a right to continue to utilize clean (yeah right…) coal when the sky is falling? Maybe, with the brilliant forethought, wisdom and generosity endowed on us from the Obamagod we won’t try something environmentally silly, like attempting to stop China and India from polluting the planet, by refining and exporting clean coal technology; Certainly not when it is essential that we immediately end our own complicity with the destruction of the planet, my goodness the sky is falling, Algore told me so. Please come to your collective senses!

  12. Hey, all — don’t let the MSM and the so-called “experts” demoralize you. The polls are all over the place. Remember they said right around this time in 2004, that Kerry was going to win. Well, we know how that worked out. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that 80% of people called by pollsters HANG UP right away.

    The MSM is trying to demoralize you into staying home. Don’t. McCain & Palin are going to win — WE are going to elect them. Just GOTV! Call friends and relatives who are undecided — call anyone you think you can possibly convince to vote McCain/Palin, either because they want to vote FOR them, or because they want to vote AGAINST the other side.

    Oh, and check out this blog post re the polls and the PUMA factor:


  13. Oldtimer, I doubt you did so on purpose, but don’t forget John D. Rockefeller IV and Robert C. Byrd. West Virginia will dry up and blow away without coal. It is the third largest producer in the country, behind Wyoming and Kentucky.

    Byrd may be a world famous democrat, but I believe he will turn his back on the “one” over this. And as Byrd turns, so will Rockefeller.

  14. Why are the politicians still falling for the junk science that is at the foundation of this carbon footprint ideology driving energy policy?

    The climate stopped warming in 1998. FOLKS, THAT’S TEN YEARS AGO! The polar regions are gaining snow and ice building up in their interiors. The winters are getting colder. And there are plenty of opposition theories in the scientific community like solar cycles and the earth taking ever so slightly altered orbits around the sun. Deep ocean thermal energy released by the earth’s mantle.

    AGW is a discredited hypothesis. It leads to disastrous policies that will cause greater poverty and agricultural scarcity.

    The people who drive policy based on it should be arrested and tried for murder.

  15. FredHjr,
    I saw You Tube videos of Joe Biden and Harry Reid telling people that burning coal and oil is killing us. It’s polluting the air and getting in our lungs. I couldn’t believe my ears. Why doesn’t the MSM call these people on such nonsense?

    This kind of energy policy will send us into a depression quicker than all the weird Obama social spending programs. I am truly alarmed at this revelation. It may be too late, but I hope some of the 9% undecideds get this info before they vote.

  16. I want to know how Obama polls higher than a Ralph Nader. You add all this stuff up and it makes zero logical sense.

    We are in the midst of a hysteria that history will surely have a prominent name for.

  17. This revelation yet again reveals the total ineptitude of the RNC and the McCain campaign in its timing. What happened to the vaunted RNC opposition research operation? We get this blockbuster (energy costs “skyrocketing” and bankrupting the coal industry) two days before the election? WTF? Ditto for the wealth redistribution tape a week ago. Thank goodness for Joe the Plumber and dumb luck, but it is likely too little, too late. Had these two stories been available two months ago, Obama would have been staggered.

  18. Mr. Frank writes negatively, “This revelation yet again reveals the total ineptitude of the RNC and the McCain campaign in its timing.


    McCain shouldn’t be doing the job of the press.

    1) The press should be reporting Obama’s record or lack thereof (voting present and having almost no bills to point to)
    2) McCain has to say what he is for and against – his positions are misdefined by Obama in every sentence and the Obamaphiles lap up the misdefinition.

    Conservatives listen to both Obama and McCain. The Obamaphiles that I know here in CA have no interest in hearing McCain and aren’t getting any dose of reality by the press.

    The press is failing. Journalism is dead.

  19. Matthew M wrote, “before we can get a real republican.

    He’s about as real as you can get Matthew. Additionally, how more real a Republican can you get besides Sarah Palin.

    Negativity and adding to split in the Republican party doesn’t help us.

    Try being persuasive to a few people who do not understand economics or only get their news via abc/cbs/nbc. That’s where our real problem lies. In REACHING out and convincing. Not that wed don’t have ‘real’ republicans.

    He’s called for flat out freeze of spending except for veterans and national security. He calls for capital gains tax rate reductions and other reductions in taxes and no rise in tax rates.

    John McCain is the prescription that our ailing economy needs in quite a few areas. People have been smartly bailing out of investments before capital gains rates go up and investments are taxed higher…. because the populace is so uninformed.

  20. FredHjr,

    The liberals have done a great job on the “climate change” thing. (Notice they started calling it climate change instead of global warming – how can anyone argue with that – the climate changes constantly)

    What they did is have everyone come out and say that “the science has already been decided so the only question now is what we do about it.”

    John Coleman – who started the weather channel – is very outspoken about the “global warming snow job” (hey that’s a pretty good phrase, huh?) He said that someone should sue Al Gore so that he would have to prove his bogus science in court. Don’t think that will happen but wouldn’t it be a great idea for someone to sue over the mandated use of CF light bulbs?

    All that being said I believe in conserving energy and being good stewards of the environment, but hey, let’s go about it in the right way instead of the typical knee jerk Washington way.

    Wasn’t it in Henny Penny where she got all the animals on board to go tell the king the sky was falling? They enlisted the help of the fox and in the end the fox ended up eating them all.

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