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Physician… — 4 Comments

  1. Neo: did you see this?


    It’s a documentary — the filmmakers interviewed a dozen Obama supporters on camera, all well-spoken, some NPR listeners, etc., and found them stupefyingly ignorant of even basic facts such as “which party is in control of Congress now.” They’d never heard of Harry Reid, Pelosi, Barney Frank … knew nothing about Obama’s missteps and unsavory allies, or Biden’s checkered past.

    BUT they had every slander and smear of Palin down pat.

    This is buttressed with a poll they commissioned from Zogby of Obama voters that’s truly scary. This ignorance was the rule among Obots, not the exception.

    Their conclusion? that we’ve just witnessed the most outrageous media malpractice in the history of the Republic (and that’s with some pretty stiff competition).

  2. In my opinion plastic surgery often leaves the customer looking worse. Look at Joan Rivers and Mary Tyler Moore – they exchanged a few wrinkles for a weird, totally artificial-appearing mask. Whatever they looked like before surgery it can’t be as bad as they look now. I can see correcting gross disfigurements like harelips, extreme overbites and underbites, etc., but if the surgery is undertaken simply to retard the effects of aging my experience is that the recipient trades a natural look for a ghastly continence. And ladies, if you have a prominent nose please keep it.

  3. My Mother always said – I earned every one of these wrinkles – they are my badge of honor. I used to occasionally meet a friend of mine for a drink at a restaurant in the Cherry Creek Mall in Denver. For those who don’t know – the Cherry Creek area in Denver is very upscale and a lot of old money around. I used to look at a lot of the middle age and up women there and you could tell the ones that had recent plastic surgery – they all looked liked Munch’s painting “The scream”.

    Someone asked Dolly Parton if she had ever had plastic surgery and she answered, “Honey, if it can be plucked, sucked, or tucked I’ve had it done.” Funny – but actually she looks pretty good.

    I agree with grackle – I can see some things – but Puh-leez who ever told these women that having 14 pounds of collagen pumped into their lips would make them appealing?

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