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test — 22 Comments

  1. Please leave a message at the beep.

    We have your name, phone number, and address, and the black helicopters are on their way.

  2. If this were an actual emergency your governmental betters would abandon ship and race for their luxurious bunkers provided for them at your expense. For the rest of you, bend over and . . .

  3. The function I was testing was whether I could write a post and post-date so that it would be published a short while later. I wasn’t sure the publication would happen automatically, but apparently it does.

  4. neo- You know you have devoted followers when a single word elicits comments — some very clever and entertaining ones, at that!

  5. Since this is a test, I would like to contribute a question.

    Since male martyrs are awarded 17 virgins in heaven as a reward for strapping bombs around themselves and blowing up people, what do their daughters, wives, sisters, etc. get?

    I don’t know the answer to that, it has never been offered up that I am aware of.

  6. br549,

    Please be advised that there may have been a slight…ahem..mistranslation of the pertinent text.

    While the suicide bombers are envisioning 17 virgins, what the text may actually be saying is they are due 17 Virgils when they get to paradise.

    Boy are they in for a shock!

  7. Sorry, I did not make myself clear. I meant to say what rewards do the aforementioned females get in heaven if they perform the same “selfless” act of martyrdom. Could it be 17 studs?

  8. br549,

    Do the female islamic martyrs actually WANT 17 Virgils when they get to paradise?

    (cue banjo picking….)

  9. > While the suicide bombers are envisioning 17 virgins, what the text may actually be saying is they are due 17 Virgils when they get to paradise.

    Actually, they ARE promised 72 virgins (or “weeergins”, if you’re an Islamic German or star in an Andy Warhol film) — but they unfortunately don’t detail the sex of the virgins.

    Some winners get 45 nerdy dweebs and 27 beautiful women. Others get 65 nerdy dweebs and 7 beautiful women.

    Let’s all hope that the 911 hijackers all rolled really badly on their D72 roll. It somehow pleases the psyche to think about those SOBs sitting there surrounded by guys talking about AV equipment and their Nintendos back in life.

  10. Obloodyhell,

    Ok, that one made me laugh!

    Then again, considering muslim women are always wrapped head to toe, how do the martyrs even know what a woman looks like??? They may not know the difference…lol.

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