Home » Obama “sells out friend”—and is anyone surprised?


Obama “sells out friend”—and is anyone surprised? — 22 Comments

  1. Alice Palmer was not on my radar.

    I don’t understand Obama’s message lately.

    It strikes me (as somebody who reads a lot about Obama) as all over the place to try to keep people liking him.

    How else can you explain the way he handled questions about the bill of attainder taking AIG executives contractually obligated compensations with a 90% tax. Obama dissapproved of that bill and said we need to handle these things a different way.

    Yet, he himself has not proposed a way to deal with them except to foment outrage.

    Each moment he is crafting messages to APPEAL to Joe citizen but to the ASTUTE we are left scratching our collective heads.

  2. I heard the Alice Palmer story early on in the campaign. It didn’t amaze me at all. Actually I think Hillary should have used it (I’m sure her people were well acquainted with the story) but it would have probably let so many skeletons out of the closet (on both sides) that it would have made the climax of Raiders of the Lost Ark look like nothing.

    Good riddance to Dodd especially since it looks like the Republican may actually have a chance at that seat. He is one of the prime authors of this whole financial fiasco and what hubris to think he was untouchable.

    He can join Jeremiah Wright, most of eastern Europe, Georgia, the Ukraine, The Baltic states, and Israel under the bus. Getting to be cramped quarters.

  3. To me, the key aspect of the Alice Palmer story is that Barack even ran against Palmer for that state legislative office.

    Alice Palmer planned to leave her long held office in the State Legislature (she was a fixture) and run for higher office. She threw her prestige behind the unknown Barack as a candidate for her seat in the state legislature. After she lost the Dem Primary for the higher office she sought, she asked Barack to step aside so she could be re-elected to the State Legislature in the general election. He refused to back out of a race in which he likely could not have been a contender without Alice Palmer’s original endorsement of his candidacy.

  4. Obama has never had any friends, hasn’t any friends, not likely he will ever have any friends. Obama has a posse of like minded political climbers, worshipers, associates, and useful idiots – and they’re all expendable.

  5. I knew the broad details of the Palmer story, but reading that story in detail (and recalling the fates of Obama’s later Senatorial opponents) really sets my “leftist farm system” antennae quivering uncontrollably. /g

    Somebody was definitely running interference for the Messiah. That’s clear.

  6. The Alice Palmer story, while it didn’t get wide play in the MSM last year, was in the blogosphere. I began a compilation of Obama-related links last year, and the Trib article was one of the first links I added- courtesy of the BigLizards blog.

    I wonder how many Obama voters will be saying in the next 4 years, “If I had known about Alice Palmer….”

  7. To the remarks about Obama not having any friends I find that with many liberals (and probably not many RINOs either – but true conservatives may be a different story) I think in the political arena we have the Caesar – Brutus syndrome going on. I don’t think many would stand back to back with any of their (so called) “friends” if it weren’t in their own best interest.


  8. “But Mafia dons don’t ordinarily run for president.”

    And they wouldn’t ordinarily be given a free pass by the media.

    (Although, perhaps John Gotti had a chance. The media seemed to be in love with him.)

  9. “The administration threw Chris Dodd under that enormous bus that has come to shelter so many.”… Is it safer under the bus than within it?

  10. I was teaching at a small college in southern Illinois during O’Bama’s campaign for the U.S. Senate. His Republican opponent was involved in a very heated and messy divorce, so much so that the court records were sealed to protect the privacy of both parties. Well, lo and behold, if them darned sealed records didn’t get leaked to the press. Wonner who coulda done that? In the ensuing hulabaloo, the Republican candidate withdrew and Alan Keyes, of all people, stepped in as a carpetbagger candidate against The Messiah, resulting, of course, in a cakewalk for O’Bama. And the rest is history. Not saying it was The One or his folks who did the leaking, but “Cui bono?”

  11. Apropos of some “Who sent him?” discussions we’ve had in earlier threads: Those attorneys sound expensive. Wouldn’t it be interesting to know who paid for them.

  12. How many friends Stalin had? Eventually, all of them were executed or thrown out of politics. Compare how Bush defended his friends, even when it became politically damaging. As for Obama, I do not expect anything other from power-hungry sociopath.

  13. Many commenters here and elsewhere said that they felt as living in “Atlas Shrugged” world. But it increasingly looks more like “1984” world. Interesting to see how far it is possible to go in this direction without actually using terror, only demagogery and intimidation.

  14. “…is this how Barack Obama treats his friends?”


    I doubt that he really has any.

    He is a malignant narcissist, for whom other people simply don’t come into his sphere of reference.

    If you like “Godfather” comparisons, remember Micheal Corleone at the end of “Godfather II”, with everyone he could have even remotely cared about
    gone, history, sacrificed to his cause of survival at all costs. This is how I picture Obama down the line.

  15. One of the characteristics of 3rd World countries is that they are low-trust societies. Without trust, political and economic transactions are difficult to make and enforce. Being a “high-trust” society has been one of the great underpinnings of U.S. economic strengths.

    It used to be that Americans gave their elected officials the benefit of doubt. No longer. In fact, the opposite has occurred and, today, politicians’ motives are immediately impugned. Obama, Dodd, Hilary, Frank and their cabal are creating a ruthless, amoral political culture that may eventually return to destroy them as well but at great cost to all of us.

    My question, are their actions a cause or symptom of the destruction of our culture of trust?

  16. Danny, great question, and worthy of reflection. Corrupt politicians are certainly not a new thing in America, but something is clearly different now.

    My initial thought is that the permanent campaign, the relentlessness required to stay in office now, has selected for qualities that have significant potential for pathology.

  17. The charges of corruption are not equal, however. If it was, it wouldn’t be so bad. People could blame both Democrats and Republicans, but in reality, those that say “pox on both their houses” are inevitably Democrat shills, dupes, and tools. They carry the fight with such slogans as “The Culture of Corruption” because no matter what they think they know about politicians, they still trust in Democrat politicians and distrust the enemies of Democrat politicians.

    Low-trust societies simply are geared towards trust based upon blood or feudal relations. This is different from high-trust societies where trust is based upon principles, institutions, and greater constructs.

    The problem is not that Americans distrust politicians, that would be a good thing if they did. No, the problem is that Americans trust con men while believing that they are wise in distrusting con men. They trust in their masters the same way criminals trust in their gang leaders. It’s all about “us vs them”.

  18. Obama’s ruthlessness towards Palmer and all the other Democrats attempting to run against him in the primary of his very first election was a warning to all opponents: don’t mess with me, or I’ll screw you, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re friend or foe.

    This is not atypical of revolutionary Leftists, Neo.

    We all know, or should know by now, the real history behind the Left’s grand utopias and social “transformations”. In the end, once they have executed and tortured to death the Ruling Elite, they will set their sights on each other: Cuba, Iran, Russia, Germany, Vietnam, it was all the same. Once the Left wins, the purges start.

    But still, there is a great satisfaction in seeing Leftist tools, dupes, and idiots get what they thought they were forever immune from given the ethical and moral limitations of the “Ruling Elite” that they had fought so hard against.

  19. Ymarsakar: I wrote about that very thing, here, in my post entitled “Revolutions devouring their own.”

    I think the extraordinary thing about Obama is that he did his dirty work right at the outset; he didn’t wait for the revolution to start. Maybe that’s because he would say, “L’Révolution c’est Moi.”

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