Home » Separated at birth: Geithner and Goldwyn?


Separated at birth: Geithner and Goldwyn? — 8 Comments

  1. I acknowledge that Geithner is not a great communicator, and that certainly affects his effectiveness in managing the situation. But–he doesn’t have 17 undersecretaries he should have; he has to tutor POTUS in Econ 101; he has to counter Pelosi and Co’s stimulating efforts and the grandstanding of Barney Franks; and he has to deal with some pretty tough Wall Street and corporate types. Who knows whether his hands are tied by Obama policy constraints?

    I’m holding judgement on him till I know more. And I still think Obama bears responsibilty.

  2. Good looking???? Try some of Timmy’s other, less flattering pix. Looks like a smarmy roach to me, but whadda I know? I’m not awash in estrogens.

  3. Dear Neo,

    Your kindness is showing again when you claim that
    Geithner is good-looking. Next you’ll write that he has an
    adult sounding voice and is media savvy.
    I think Laura Ingraham is on to something with her poll on : “who he most reminds Americans of” ex: Hermie
    from Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Snow Miser etc.
    The ears and elf like appearance is scary.
    I hope he has a good brain and more moral ethics than is currently apparent.

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