Home » Obama laughs at wishing Limbaugh dead


Obama laughs at wishing Limbaugh dead — 92 Comments

  1. Oh my prophetic soul! I said this, or something like it, before he was elected.

  2. Neo,

    Suppose a famous comedienne, known to be a Republican (I know, I know.. I didn’t say this scenario was completely believable!) makes a mean remark at Obama’s expense, something about wishing he suffers a health consequence of his smoking habit.

    How does the mainstream media cover the event the next day?

    Jamie Irons

  3. Wasn’t it Hitchens who said “that he is like the guy at the golf club smoking a cigarette making snide remarks about the other people at the party?”

    Let’s not forgot his attempt at humor with Mrs. Reagan also.

  4. …but everyone is concerned with wether or not Republicans are too extreme and are driving people from the party.

    Go ahead. Embrace the left. Behold the new party of moderation.

  5. Just more evidence that the left lacks a sense of seriousness about certain subjects.

    Could we even go to the extent of saying the Obama lacks…gasp…gravitas?

  6. Are we really surprised? Obama has the soul of a thug. A smooth, well educated thug, but a thug none the less.

    Also telling is the look of those in the audience. They agree with everything being said here and their gasps are only at the fact that this sorry excuse for a comedian dared to express this bilge out loud.

    This is unfortunately too common for today’s so called progressives. For all their talk about the people, they seem to lack any genuine humanity.

    Contrast this to the phoney outrage about the CBS commentor’s joke. Both are crude and hateful, but one is acceptable and the other requires an apology.

    Small moments like these allow a person’s real character to show through the facade and Obama has repeatedly been found lacking. At least Bush, for all his faults was a decent human being.

  7. Oddly enough the Red Death still found Prince Prospero and his court. The Karmic wheel turns.

  8. Not a bit surprising. I’ve said it before: go into just about any faculty gathering at any college in the U.S. and you will hear amost the exact same thing, along with the responsive laughter. This is just the Far Left being the Far Left. It’s just now the rest of the country gets to see what they are about.

    Wait, scratch that last thought; as the MSM will never show this clip, the charade will go on.

  9. Wanda Sykes is a liberal activist…also a gay activist. It will be interesting to see her reaction if President Obama fails to reverse the position he placed on the record while on the campaign trail….that “marriage” is between a man and a woman. Of course, the fact that he placed a position on the record during the campaign and subsequently reversed that position has not bothered anyone in the media.

    Does anyone else out there feel that Wanda Sykes is not all that funny? I have watched “The New Christine” and she just sounds the same note…over and over.

  10. Recruiting Animal says, “Your Obama Derangement Syndrome is showing.”

    Really? Tell that to the ripped off Chrysler investors. Or to the CBS golf analyst I linked to above.

    Or better yet, go look through some old DU or dKos entries if you want to see real derangement. This isn’t even close. But I suspect you already know that don’t you?

  11. “That was a joke.”

    Somehow I missed the funny part. Read Jamie Irons’ scenario above, come back and tell me honestly you’d be laughing at THAT joke — so funny, hahahaha, she said she hopes Barack Obama gets lung cancer, hahahaha LOLOL !!!!!1!1!1!

    Then you can imply that we’re the ones who don’t understand humor.

  12. Sorry, I’m with animal to a point here. Given the jokes were tasteless, but it’s to be expected, at least once in a while, at such events. The woman was appearing and/or being paid to do her schtick, and I imagine her comments are probably reflective of her usual stand-up routine. It bothers me far less than the tasteless and idiotic remarks made by those supposedly informed commentators who felt threatened by the Tea Parties last month.

    Limbaugh is probably grinning from ear to ear and enjoying the scores of additional listeners who tuned in today just to hear how he would respond. Good for him.

  13. Ironic how after eight years of hearing the left call Bush “Hitler” and how his “extreme right-wing agenda” had to be fought every inch, because “dissent is the highest form of patriotism”, Sykes accuses Limbaugh of “treason” because he stated he wants Obama’s policies to fail.

  14. Rush gets to them like nobody else. The man is definitely gifted.

    He should do a rooftop flyover of the Sykes residence for some dandy pics to put on mugs for sale.

  15. Sorry, I’m with animal to a point here. Given the jokes were tasteless, but it’s to be expected, at least once in a while, at such events.

    You accuse the President of laughing at crude and tasteless jokes in public?

    It’s not the jokes, it’s the president’s reaction.

    I don’t have Obama Derangement; I just happen to think he is a bad guy that we elected based on a Cult of Personality.

    It’s going to get worse….

  16. I listened to Rush (as I switched back and forth from the Antlantis launch…I know somebody onboard!). Anyway, he didn’t touch the Sykes routine, at all, to my knowledge. Nor does his website. The commentary he provided today was very straight-forward. He even talked about the Antlantis mission. If people tuned in to hear the alleged “hatred” Sykes described, they were sadly disappointed. The man really is a marketing genius. And every time Obama and his minions take aim at him, he laughs all the way to the bank.
    Good for him.

  17. Gee whiz. That was a joke. Your Obama Derangement Syndrome is showing.

    Oh, glanced at your blog: you’re Canadian!

    This doesn’t concern you; there is no way you can understand our horror and fear at this scheming lout of a leftist we have for President.

    I don’t live in Soviet Canuckistan; I don’t want to.

  18. If someone stood up in public and told a joke like that and substituted the name Obama for Limbaugh they would get a visit from the Secret Service.

    So, I guess a joke is a joke unless. . .

    I don’t think anyone really cares what the bitch said, but Obama’s reaction to it was telling.

  19. Jamie Irons Says:

    “How does the mainstream media cover the event the next day?”

    Bush or Rush or someone we supposedly give a darn about would have to get caught laughing at it for it to be apples to apples.

    You probably can find a hack republican ‘comedian’ who has made some kind of joke like that… just did any conservatives think it was funny?

  20. “Oh, glanced at your blog: you’re Canadian!

    This doesn’t concern you; there is no way you can understand our horror and fear at this scheming lout of a leftist we have for President.” -Gray

    Horror and fear, huh? Maybe there’s something about being from the north that makes people have a tighter grip on reality.

    As to this “joke” – I agree that it was very bad. More than anything, however, I don’t think the President was compelled to laugh (actually, smile) so much out of malice, but rather out of “politeness” as well as the group dynamic. Note that he was smiling up at the comedian throughout her lead-ups. That doesn’t indicate satisfaction with punchlines, but rather just being carried away with the show.

  21. I think Hussein’s laughing at this crude and vicious black woman’s “jokes”, black accent mouthing the crudities, portends an eventual setback to race relations in this country. The first black President needed to be an overarching fellow, not a Chicago thug who has slithered upstream due to Affirmative Action.

  22. OooOOOOoooOOOoh holy crap it’s just comedy, calm down. “Find” a sense of humor for the love of ….

    Anything to stir up some non-existent crap then leave it to straight-line Conservatism — stop inventing reasons to start a civil war. Dooo deee dooo dee dooo I’m gonna have to shoot someone to protect myself doo deee dooo deee doooo dohhh?

    We used to watch this stuff all the time — remember the Don Rickles — Dean Martin celebrity roast? Those were harsher — and funner.

  23. The person being roasted wasn’t present, which makes it an attack, not a ‘roast’.

    It’s not the unfunny humor, it’s The Bama laughing his ass off at an unfunny attack.

    You’re a shit, I hope your kidneys fail!

    (Unlike the previous unfunny joke, I find this quite amusing! Hahahaha!)

  24. neo-neocon, I your readership is decidedly Right of new-conservatism, but is pandering to them worth losing your soul — Wtf?

  25. Horror and fear, huh? Maybe there’s something about being from the north that makes people have a tighter grip on reality.

    Hate to break it to you: You’re still an American.

    Alaska is an American State. It is “the State of Alaska”, not “the north”.

    Maybe you can defect to Soviet Canuckistan as a Prisoner of Conscience and then try to sneak back into the US for a transplant when your kidneys fail.(which I hope they do! LOL!)

  26. Well, Gray, we know the sincerity of your Christianity — but don’t fret because some imagined one is waiting just around the corner to absolve you of all your responsibilities … what a lovely little world it is.

    In time my kidneys will fail — lol

  27. The person being roasted wasn’t present, which makes it an attack, not a ‘roast’.

    And they never ever ever mentioned anyone that was not at the table? No reference to anyone outside the room…. GROW A FUNNY BONE.

  28. Well, Gray, we know the sincerity of your Christianity

    No, now we know the sincerity of Obama’s Christianity.

    I never pretended to be much of a Christian–It’s not like I spent 20 years at Trinity Church with Goddamn America Rev Wright.

    C’mon, Nyo–OoooOOOOOooooOOOOH, It’s just humor.

    Maybe your lungs will collapse too, traitor! (Hahahahah!) You would have been the 20th Hijacker if you hadn’t been too stoned! (Hahaha!)

    but don’t fret because some imagined one is waiting just around the corner to absolve you of all your responsibilities … what a lovely little world it is.

    Sheesh! The only thing you hate worse than Limbaugh and America is Jesus. I hope Jesus kicks you in the kidney. How about that? (Hahahahaha!)


    I hope you grow cancer of the funny bone: Osteosarcomahahahaha!

    (Now that actually was teh funny.)

  30. I guess this is the unity and “coming together” that The Bama promised in his campaign.

    It’s working out about as well as his stimulus package.

    ( and his foreign policy and his plan to close GITMO and his Air Force One photo-op and his Secretary of Homeland Security and his auto-bailout and his cap’n trade….)

  31. Oh, he has a sense of humor. I am sure he, Pol Pot, Stalin, his namesake, and a few others would have a grand time laughing at useful fools and tools they have used to their ends, particularly from nations which should know better. I have to guess, every night before he crawls into bed, he denigrates the office he holds in some way for a nightcap laugh. And, if he runs out of ideas, the Clintons, Kennedys, and others are only a phone call or office visit away.

  32. C’mon, Nyo—OoooOOOOOooooOOOOH, It’s just humor. Tell me something I don’t know.

    I don’t mind listening Limbaugh, he doesn’t irritate me — but he doesn’t quite get my g-spot either. I love America and I think she is worth defending. To hate Jesus would be absurd — historians aren’t in agreement that he even existed. But yes I would hate the immoral teachings of anyone who said, cast your responsibilities on me, or who preached that we should lie to little children that if they were guilty of thought crimes they could go to an everlasting lake of fire, fatuous and immoral bullshit is a contemptible thing, yes.

    Now you’re not going to continue this game by saying that lying to children is funny, it may be funny to you — but to normal people that’s not funny.

    Keep digging, dig yourself out, or be silent.

  33. Well, Gray, we know the sincerity of your Christianity –

    Interesting point, actually: Now we do know the sincerity of Mr Limbaugh’s Christianity.

    I tuned into his show today to get my daily riech-wing talking points and hatred for Peoples of Color and he didn’t even mention this: Not a word.

    That was very God-bothering, imaginary-man-in-the-sky of him.

  34. have to guess, every night before he crawls into bed, he denigrates the office he holds in some way for a nightcap laugh. And, if he runs out of ideas, the Clintons, Kennedys, and others are only a phone call or office visit away.

    Be careful of your own solipsism — you can imagine yourself into a murderous rage. Chill.

  35. “I don’t hate Jesus” (followed by rabid, spittle-flecked Jesus-hating rant.)


    I’m going to stop “digging” now, ‘cuz the Mighty Ma-ha Rushie says:

    “when your enemies are self-destructing, don’t respond, just get out of the way.”

  36. you can imagine yourself into a murderous rage. Chill.


    “To hate Jesus would be absurd – historians aren’t in agreement that he even existed. But yes I would hate the immoral teachings of anyone who said, cast your responsibilities on me, or who preached that we should lie to little children that if they were guilty of thought crimes they could go to an everlasting lake of fire, fatuous and immoral bullshit is a contemptible thing, yes.”

  37. I guess this is the unity and “coming together” that The Bama promised in his campaign.

    It’s working out about as well as his stimulus package.

    Well, he is naive, no doubt, if he keeps acting like this the world gonna bite him in the ass. BUT so far I’ve not seen any major foreign policy screw ups involving our military — maybe it’s luck. He sense to have turned the screws on Pakistan to bite down on Al Qaeda and on that matter I wish him and the country well.

    As for the economy — we might have been better of just letting this naturally blow over — or seen the money back to the tax payers.

  38. “In time my kidneys will fail”

    Why put off until tomorrow…?
    If you’d like, I’d be more than happy to rupture them for you today.

    Not as funny as Gray’s, but hey, it’s all in good humor.

    “And they never ever ever mentioned anyone that was not at the table?”

    Not as the object of the jokes. Guess you shouldn’t have brought up the celebrity roast thing, since you obviously have no knowledge of what you’re talking about. It was about making fun of the guest, or the “man (or woman) of the hour”. When you’re roasting Buddy Hackett, you leave Carter jokes to Carson. And no one ever wished ill or death on the guest, either.

  39. Example:

    It’s the moral perspective for a moral person — defense of the innocent, defense against bronze age superstition of scape gating and human sacrifices.

    Proud of it.

  40. The look on his face says it all. It is the same look one can imagine on his face all those years in the pews listening to the “Reverend Wright”.


    Nyomythus said, “BUT so far I’ve not seen any major foreign policy screw ups involving our military —maybe its luck-”

    Uh…not really. Unlike his rhetorical campaign promises, he’s actually following what I imagine would have been the Bush administration’s post Iraq course.

  41. Just where in the world does one’s faith enter into this discussion, nyomythus? I agree that some of the responses to Saturday’s jokes are over the top (as I posted earlier), but I didn’t see anyone bringing up religion prior to your attacks.

    There’s no doubt that many conservatives, including some posters at this site, display signs of “Obama derangement syndrome”, although I honestly don’t feel that it’s become as full-blown as that of the left against former Pres. Bush.

    Your derangement, however, appears to include anyone who wishes to believe in God, especially in a holy and righteous one. And it’s evident from your posts/rants above that you’re extremely hostile to (or fearful of) such an idea, and to those who profess such beliefs. And as one who grew up attending churches that don’t preach a “God damn America” doctrine, it’s clear to me that you honestly don’t have a clue about the faith that you’re so eager to denigrate.

  42. It’s the moral perspective for a moral person – defense of the innocent, defense against bronze age superstition of scape goating and human sacrifices.

    Iron age. Jesus was in the Iron Age.


    I’ve often thought that the haters spend more time obsessing on Jesus and reading about Jesus than the most snake-handling believer.

    He didn’t exist–don’t worry about him, it’s a fairy tale about a crazy old man in the sky. It means nothing to you…..

    You would probably be a conservative if Jesus hadn’t sucked the jelly out of your jelly-donut.

  43. The Leftist trolls have shown up on neo’s thread, as they have on others at other conservative blogs today. They are defensive, nervous, and their usual obstreperous selves. They are continuing their psy-op campaign to discourage us and mock us. I wonder what Axelrod’s marching orders read like as they were sent out from central command?

    I knew he was a Marxist thug. None of this surprised me. Nearly every week the mainstream media has to pull the three chimps’ routine (“See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil”) in order to cope with the mask dropping and the facade being exposed.

    If anyone on our side had wished death upon the president, not only would the radio show or blog be shut down, but the individual paid a visit from the U.S. Secret Service. The conservative movement would never live it down. And while we show restraint, because we criticize Obonga and agree with Rush that we want socialism to fail, we are tagged constantly by the trolls as being “racist, misogynistic, and homophobic” knuckledraggers. We are called extremists by Homeland Security and I’m sure even some of us are even flagged as candidates to be watched by HS.

    The Marxists are in charge now. Things are going to get a lot worse before we see the light of day again. Trust me: it IS going to get worse.

  44. “Nyomythus said, “BUT so far I’ve not seen any major foreign policy screw ups involving our military –maybe its luck-”
    Actually, you just did, when they responded today to Taliban propaganda and promised an investigation into our bombing of civilians that they accused us of. The Taliban being of absolute crediblity of course in our new government’s eyes.
    It is going to get extremely hard to dismiss all of these fopas, on the comment on race relations, I agree, to push for equality is all well and good, to be expected to be able to behave with no standards whatsoever, is another matter. Similar for the gay community, demanding equality and freedom to be who they are, yet denouncing the free speech of someone that doesn’t agree. Over reaching, big time. Down is up and up is down.

  45. Fred HJR: I am new here but was upset yesterday with grackle’s extended inane posts but did not feel I had the history and gravitas with the site to respond. Kudos to SteveH for taking him on. Today, Nyomythus is doing the same thing….kudos to Gray.

  46. I likewise had Obama pegged as a Marxist long before the election. He has also shown strong elements of fascism since he took office.

    (Arguments over terms like “marxism”, “socialism”, “communism”, “fascism”, or “nazism” just cloud the issue. All of those philosophies are subsets of collectivism or statism, and stand in deep contrast to the limited government, free-market philosophy of the American Republic.)

    Anyway, I commented on another blog the night after the election that, “I now understand how normal, average, moderate Germans felt in 1932. I want to grab Obama voters and shake them. Do you have any idea what you just did?

  47. Gray

    Scape-goating and human sacrifices as atonement for the tribe come earlier … earlier no doubt than I mentioned. Skip the point all you wish — it affects your way of thinking, not mine.

  48. You would probably be a conservative if Jesus hadn’t sucked the jelly out of your jelly-donut.

    Jesus ain’t sucking nothing outta me — humor at least!!

  49. Hey nyomythus, a CBS golf analyst recently said that if an American soldier with a rifle and two bullets found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Osama bin Laden. The soldier would shoot Pelosi twice then strangle both reid and OBL.

    Pretty funny aint it?

  50. Gee whiz. That was a joke. Your Obama Derangement Syndrome is showing. (And, again, I like you; I just don’t always agree with you).

    Now here’s a funny joke for her to tell: more and more Americans are thinking it’s time to take Barack in the convertible for a spin around Dealey Plaza!

    We laughed and laughed! What a funny joke!

  51. I think the most offensive aspect of this is the fact that it occurred in a setting where the president, himself, was in attendance, and that Obama not only allowd it but seemed to support it by laughing at Syke’s crude humor. In this respect, I am fully in agreement with Neoneocon’s emphasis in her blog posting.

    On the other hand, I’ve been troubled by the increasing hatefullness of rhetoric on both sides. Maybe it was always this way, to some extent. I remember back in the 1980s, it was common to see Hollywood produced TV shows aim some of their humor at the Reagan administration and its policies. You’ll see it, and it really sticks out, if you watch reruns of certain ’80s shows. Maybe back then, i just got used to it.

    Then came the ’90s, and there seemed to a torrent of disrepect directed at Bill Clinton by the likes of those on the right. By this, I mean not just criticism of the president and his policies, or humor to that same effect, but outright hatred. On blogs and message boards you would find Hillary Clinton referred to as “Hitlery” and the “Pig in a Pantsuit,” and the Democrats called “Demoncats.” And there would be crude humor by the likes of some conservative commentators, often ridiculing not just the erronous political views of liberals, but attacking the personality of those people as well.

    Then came the George W. Bush presidency, and all this outragous Bush Derangement Syndrome. To the left there was nothing positive to say about Bush, even when he followed policies that were really not all that different from theirs. The president became “BusHitler” to many on the left, and the most outrageous views about him were disseminated on the leftwing blogs. When Bush wasnt categorized as evil, he was parodied as a fool. I remember that when President Bush choked on a pretzel in the early months of his administration, the event was crudely parodied by leftist activists in some protest: some leftist clown pretending to choke on a large prop made to look like a pretzel.

    I remember that, as a centrist conservative, I used to defend Ann Coulter not because I found her views and statements favorable (on the contrary, I found them often crude, excessive and offensive), but rather because she was necessary to counteract the filth that came out on the left. Fight fire with fire, I always thought. At one point, her commentary stooped so low that it included name calling: the name called being an offensive term for a homosexual. But, fight fire with fire, I thought, since its no worse than what the left would do.

    And now…the Obama years… already there is a radio commentator that refers to him as Chairman MaObama. And on the other side, there is already a crude attack on a miss America contestant for stating her conservative views.

    So… when Wanda Sykes got up there and said what she said, yes, I found it offensive. But another part of me just said: ah, well.. its politics as usual… what can you expect? Maybe those laughing may have felt about Sykes the way I felt about Ann Coulter. Maybe here we are all thinking were fighting fire with fire, and its all necessary.

    I’ve already written a long post, so let me conclude it. I guess my point is that, while I agree with Neo about the crudity of a president laughing at such an offensive joke, it also causes me to wonder if there isnt some way to steer this political debate onto more respectful grounds that dont automatically assume that one’s political opponents are fascists, communists, scumbags, idiots, fools, etc. etc. etc.

  52. harry McHitlerburtonstein

    Hey nyomythus, a CBS golf analyst recently said that if an American soldier with a rifle and two bullets found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Osama bin Laden. The soldier would shoot Pelosi twice then strangle both reid and OBL.

    Pretty funny aint it?

    It’s harsh, but worth a chuckle, no harm in the spirit of just telling a joke. I really didn’t give it a second thought.

  53. Add three more words to my last post above. The three words being: On Boyh sides.

  54. **Both … it’s been happening to me all night — hmm wish there was a preview before submitting a post, but would that help me? Probably not, probably not :\

  55. J. L. Says:

    “I remember that, as a centrist conservative, I used to defend Ann Coulter not because I found her views and statements favorable (on the contrary, I found them often crude, excessive and offensive), but rather because she was necessary to counteract the filth that came out on the left.”

    Thats a good point, but I doubt Ann Coulter would have been invited to speak at a Presidential function.

  56. She doesn’t project …humor. Most of the time. Not saying I don’t like her, Ann Coulter is a national treasure, whether I agree with her or not is irrelevant, her right to speak deserves extra protection under free speech, and I do agree with the ‘ends’ of many of her … well, not jokes, but when she’s being obviously serious on topics that I agree with, perhaps for different reasons, nevertheless I’ll take an alliance with her on issues that have a moral outcome.

  57. Hmmm actually when she says things like “Christianize the Muslims” she makes the subject of what she’s speaking of more difficult to achieve … so let me reframe one thing, “…and I do agree with the ‘ends’ of ‘some very few’ of her..”.

  58. J.L., a President wouldn’t have laughed at Sykes’s jokes. A president did.

  59. Be careful of your own solipsism – you can imagine yourself into a murderous rage. Chill.

    Not really. I have given up the ghost, so to speak. I am only in flesh, on loan. I just note the obvious. Oh, right, and remember, whether in action or word or thought, I am a terrorist anyway. Just ask the new government.

  60. Reagan used to be at those celebrity roastings back in the 70’s — it’s a time to let your hair down, relax, and let the jester be the jester.

  61. Peter the Alaskan Kid:

    Horror and fear, huh? Maybe there’s something about being from the north that makes people have a tighter grip on reality.

    Such as YOUR Governor Palin? Just wondering.
    ( Years ago a neighbor went on a sea cruise around Alaska. “Juneau where we’ve been? Alaska ‘nother one.” But what can you expect? When he went to Antarctica, he reported that all “kept in good spirits”)


    neo-neocon, I your readership is decidedly Right of new-conservatism, but is pandering to them worth losing your soul – Wtf?

    Because last fall you got your knickers all in a twist over Governor Palin, whereas most here did not, you are now putting down others to justify your vote.
    I will now address your gratuitously attacking believers.

    I have never been a churchgoer. Once an atheist, now an agnostic. The church people occasionally knock on my door, and I politely send them on their way. I don’t like being proselytized, but as long as they politely leave after my politely informing I am not interested, I have no problem with their occasionally knocking on my door. As an agnostic, I am unable to say church people are wrong: I don’t know ( = agnostic). As long as others leave me in peace, I have no problem with others coming to different conclusions. My Fundamentalist Christian grandmother and I had decidedly different theological viewpoints, but we laid aside our theological differences and concentrated on other matters. As a result of my experience with my grandmother, who died when I was 39, believers do not make me uncomfortable. We can agree to disagree. I sense that believers make you uncomfortable.

    I do not see the point of gratuitously attacking believers. Which is what you have done on more than one occasion. It bespeaks a certain amount of arrogance on your part. Or a certain amount of insecurity on your part. If you were completely certain that your stance would not lead to hellfire and brimstone, you would only laugh at those who might believe same- even if they do not suggest it. As you appear to get up in arms at such talk, it would appear that you might believe the hellfire and brimstone talk just a teeny tiny but. Else why attack those who might believe it?

    This is a blog on politics, and I would suggest that you keep the discussion on politics.

    I don’t know which is worse, a hellfire and brimstone preacher, or an arrogant “I am so enlightened and the rest of you are ignorant bigoted racist doofuses” liberal. At least the preacher has a certain amount of humility.

  62. I am a terrorist anyway. Just ask the new government.

    No you’re not … and if they do think so then … well I don’t need to say this for you .. but they can kiss your ass.

  63. We can agree to disagree. I sense that believers make you uncomfortable.

    Actually, in real life, I don’t discuss matters of faith much, except for with close friends, though I will speak up with anyone should ask. Also, most Atheist are Leftist idiots who hate conservatives more than their natural enemies, which would be religious extremist, currently of whom the biggest threat would be the Islamic extremist brand, I actually get along much better with conservative crowds because at least they are typically tolerant of different opinions, they love their country, they value freedom, the religious stuff that often comes through is for the birds but it’s okay to be different, just don’t push that religious crap on me or my family, not in the public schools or town halls. I responded to Gray in a way that i did because I know from previous posting what his ethical compass derives from, it was preemptive of me — and harsh but well I don’t care one should be ready for a fight if they wish to start one.

  64. If I’ve referred to Obonga as a Communist, a Marxist, and a Red Diaper Baby it is not out of some kind of ODS or political hate. It is based on the facts of his background, his family, his admitted academic pursuits, his voting record, his allies and associations, and his mentors. Unfortunately, those who are offended by the adjectives I append to the president seem to not have read the same information I got, but this would only be possible if one does not stray far from the “approved” Washington – New York elites allied with the mainstream media. Even FOX shies away from the labels I use, and this is probably for a reason: they do not want to close off any possibility that the president and his people would actually come on their shows and consent to interviews. They aren’t into burning bridges. I have no bridges to burn and I honestly could care less if the things I say about the president are deemed low mockery. I used to be a Leftist, so I know very well the ideology of the people most influential in his life and that it is apparent he approved of their ideas. In any event, in the political scene I am a nobody and have no pretensions to wanting to cultivate favor with the political class. As an educated ordinary citizen I have the luxury of calling it as I see it.

    Even during the Reagan days I did not participate in the low, mocking humor which the Left reveled in when they were describing Ronald Reagan. I thought it was low class then. And in those days I was a Marxist!

    The Left’s day of reckoning is coming. And it’s gonna be ugly for them.

  65. I’ll say, as a person who tends towards non-politically correct humor (I found one of the above conservative jokes funny and I also found some of hers too if taken by itself) that it matters a great deal in context.

    First off, as President there is something to uphold – this is true even as a President of a local club (of which I am – an Archery club). That carries certain duties and sacrifices – those include a better disposition than others, trying to stay above bickering, and taking some amounts of the complaints (warranted complaints or not).

    As a lowly President of a club I feel bad when I neglect those attributes but I do not really sweat them. If other contexts I have (those these were professional). The President of the US has a great responsibility there. There were *many* things I dislike about Bush Jr, yet this was one of the ones I could unquestionably admire.

    Second I would point out to those “just a joke people” – would you allow this applied to you? In Ms. Sykes case I know the answer – she would be furious if any one cracked those jokes against Obama or reversed the race based ones she offered (that has happened). That unequivocally tells me she doesn’t see them as mere jokes but a social commentary geared towards those who believe as she does.

    The above can be said of others – Mr. Limbaugh takes these things pretty much in stride and goes on, while he has given some in the past I really disliked (his comments about the Clinton’s daughter was one) he obviously treats these things as jokes – same for Ms Coulter (who I also think goes over board). There are some leftist commentators that do the same – there are still a few Daily Show people who certainly do – but in many cases I find that they do not consider them actually jokes and shrug them off. As such when they let one loose I take it in the light they see it – a true cutting remark of how they feel.

    Given that Obama obviously sees such “jokes” as personal I can only conclude that he liked these as personal attacks. I understand that few in our viewing public know this, yet that character flaw *will* work its way out – others have been showing regardless of how much most of the media tries to hide them. There are only so many platitudes that one can give – though of course the republicans could choose their version of Kerry in 2012 (I actually rather expect that to be the case, but just as Kerry/Bush ended up not being friends with the Repubs I expect the Big O’s second term to be worse).

  66. “”The Left’s day of reckoning is coming. And it’s gonna be ugly for them.

    You got that right. I can smell it like smelling rain before it gets here.

    I have a dream
    That one day, my tool shed can be built without 7 permits and a soil study costing more than the tool shed itself.
    I have a dream
    That one day, the government will be so understaffed that they declare my truck’s license plate good for 10 years.
    I have a dream
    That one day, all taxes i owe will be paid at the cash register at the same rate as every other American.
    I have a dream
    That one day, nanny state progressivism will have its own museum to remind kids on field trips just how destructive totalitarianism was to individuals.
    I have a dream

  67. Sykes: unfunny.
    Obama: a bigger fool for dropping his guard.
    MSM: will not mention the event, nor ask questions of Obama.

  68. Pingback:Maggie's Farm

  69. Wanda’s funniest moments were, “We don’t wanna see your nipples” and “you were patting the queen on the back like she’d just slid into home base…”

  70. Peter — good to see you back. You said, “More than anything, however, I don’t think the President was compelled to laugh (actually, smile) so much out of malice, but rather out of “politeness” as well as the group dynamic. Note that he was smiling up at the comedian throughout her lead-ups. That doesn’t indicate satisfaction with punchlines, but rather just being carried away with the show.”

    I agree that the group dynamic will often lead a person to behave in ways he wouldn’t behave on his own, because he’s being polite or because he’s been, as you put it, “carried away with the show.” The difference here, as I see it — and the reason this is worth making a certain amount of fuss over, even though the event itself is just a blip — is that President Obama is not just a member of the group. He is, or is supposed to be, the LEADER of the group. He is not supposed to be carried away by group dynamics. He is supposed to define the group dynamics, to set the tone, to resist at all costs being “carried away” or acting in ways inconsistent with his role in order to be “polite”. Those are the actions of the weakest members of any group, not those of the group’s leader.

    The reason small actions like this loom so large to those of us who are worried about him, I think, is that we have to base our knowledge of him on small cues — we have so little else to go on. We do not know what his leadership style is because, in his lifetime, he has not previously done very much leading. His reaction here suggests to me two possibilities, neither of which is to my liking: 1) he actually thinks that jokes about welcoming someone’s death are funny — a possibility I have trouble wrapping my mind around in the President of the United States, and one I devoutly hope proves to be false because, if so, he’s a thug and we’re toast; or 2) he does not understand what a leader is, what a leader does, or how a leader leads. This is also a possibility I have trouble wrapping my mind around in a President, but I’m hoping explanation 2) turns out to be the right one because, if this is the problem, at least there is the hope that now that he’s actually doing some leading, he’ll learn.

  71. at least there is the hope that now that he’s actually doing some leading, he’ll learn.

    It’s his most redeeming quality, I first noticed it when I heard him praise homecoming troops at Fort Hood, and when he said that he would go after Al Qaeda in Pakistan if it came down to it. He has a capacity to learn. His contenders didn’t demonstrate that quality, Palin seemed proudly ignorant and McCain seemed confused and exhausted. Some choice — but you go with what you have because when it’s time to go — you gotta go. Now Obama is of yet to be seriously tested, or the results hasn’t come in yet from what he has set in motion. It’s simply to soon to have a foregone conclusion; unless you have a radio show to uphold, or some other media to feed — regardless the discuss from the Right is all good, hell it’s critically important — to be heard and to be said. All I’m saying is that it doesn’t have to be lockstep all the way, we can agree and contend with topical issues along the way. Being hypercritical isn’t fair and face it if humor was left to conservative there wouldn’t be any humor — but hey there are some things the left is good at and some things the right is good at. If you don’t think it’s funny then that’s okay, if you do then that’s okay too. W/e … it just strikes me as nit picky for the sake of pleasing the crowd … and no it’s not the same, that was a venue for comedy, this thread wasn’t.

  72. face it if humor was left to conservative there wouldn’t be any humor

    ummmmmmm ….. I’m not finding that facing anything leads me to this conclusion. People at the extreme ends of any ideological spectrum get humorless. Such people are at least as easy to find on the left as on the right, as are sheepish followers who will laugh hahahaha! when they don’t think something’s funny or don’t get the joke, because they want so badly to be seen as one of the cool kids.

    Agree that Obama has yet to be seriously tested. Disagree that discussion of how he’s handling the less-than-serious tests he’s facing in the meantime is is “hypercritical” or unfair. And disagree, completely, that “if you do think it’s funny that’s okay too” – in this particular context, in this particular circumstance, it is absolutely not okay with me for the President of the United States to think that joke was funny.

  73. Else why attack those who might believe it?

    Obviously because they should be told that their response, at least as it was replied to me, outside of a comedic venue, won’t go unchallenged, and challenge right back as you wish — but this is getting old we, know we disagree on this topic — that’s abundantly evident. Who Gringo has invented, as it’s supposed to be me, is more of the same straw manning — he should tell me more about who I am — there seem to be some who like hearing what they wish to hear. I’m not one of them — and I reserve that right by my own experience and authority.

  74. People at the extreme ends of any ideological spectrum get humorless. Such people are at least as easy to find on the left as on the right

    I know that’s true.

  75. To be funny, a joke needs both to be surprising and to make sense. We understood the sense, i.e. what Wanda Sykes meant; what was missing was the element of surprise, since we hear this sort of thing all the time. The best description of her comments would be . Judging from the audio, a good portion of the crowd didn’t think it was funny either.

  76. Mrs Whatsit Says:
    May 12th, 2009 at 10:59 am

    I agree that the group dynamic will often lead a person to behave in ways he wouldn’t behave on his own, because he’s being polite or because he’s been, as you put it, “carried away with the show.” The difference here, as I see it – and the reason this is worth making a certain amount of fuss over, even though the event itself is just a blip – is that President Obama is not just a member of the group. He is, or is supposed to be, the LEADER of the group. He is not supposed to be carried away by group dynamics. He is supposed to define the group dynamics, to set the tone, to resist at all costs being “carried away” or acting in ways inconsistent with his role in order to be “polite”. Those are the actions of the weakest members of any group, not those of the group’s leader.

    Well said.

  77. somehow lost the word witless in my comment above, describing Wanda Sykes on Rush Limbaugh.

    And we need less from her and more from Mrs. Whatsit.

  78. Nyomythus:

    “Who Gringo has invented, as it’s supposed to be me, is more of the same straw manning – he should tell me more about who I am – there seem to be some who like hearing what they wish to hear. I’m not one of them – and I reserve that right by my own experience and authority.”

    Have you made repeated gratuitous attacks against believers? Yes, to use a euphemism. Regarding WHY you make them, I was admittedly speculating. Perhaps you could inform us WHY you make them. Following are two quotes from your postings.

    “Holding to the heart any of the three monotheist religious doctrines is immoral to begin with; and yes those who cling to and help others survive harsh environments are moral people.”

    “Artfldrg, the churches purpose in propaganda, period, explains it all – the church is the source of, and provides the template for, totalitarianism.”

    I am not a believer, but I have no problem in making an alliance with believers who also share an abhorrence of Islamofascism, for example. It appears that you do have a problem in joining in such an alliance. I really don’t care if you are an atheist or a believer. That is your business. I fail to see the point in your gratuitous attacks against believers. Enlighten me, please.



  79. Perhaps you could inform us WHY you make them. Following are two quotes from your postings.

    A person may seek understanding and judgment by both ‘faith’ and ‘a process of reasoning’ but I think the first clouds the second, and some times it shows, and when it shows sometime I point it out. Contending with it, not being hostile, is a more accurate description in my opinion — though it is often perceived that any criticism of faith-based thinking can only be termed at rude, hostile, etc… it’s the source of censorship and the school master of totalitarianism, and a complete reversal of perspective when you consider the warrants that can, and are, drawn from faith-based thinking and text. So, that’s why I peep up on the matter.

  80. “I am not a believer, but I have no problem in making an alliance with believers who also share an abhorrence of Islamofascism, for example. It appears that you do have a problem in joining in such an alliance.”

    I also have no problem in making an alliance with believers who also share an abhorrence of Islamofascism, I think I make that abundantly clear all the time.

  81. You know …this is getting into the “shrinking tent” issue that Conservatism is suffering from, while the Democratic tent is getting larger and larger. But on a positive note, typically the Left is less tolerant of dissenting opinions from the ‘party line’ and they’ll implode sooner or later because their base is hollow on principles. Conservatives have a solid foundation, but perhaps that foundation is to broad … this is another topic, so me shut up now.

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