Home » Watch Walpin for yourself: does this man seem confused?


Watch Walpin for yourself: does this man seem confused? — 28 Comments

  1. If he really said it, his retort about Obama’s 57 states and Biden’s various foot in mouth remarks tell me that Obama screwed up… brought a knife to a gunfight… this guy might be a better / quicker thinker / speaker than either of them. Gotta be careful going after lawyers… many picked the profession because they’re good debaters coupled with good researchers… a nightmare of a person for a politician to get into a public fight with…

  2. Saw Walpin twice now on Beck and once on another program, and this guy is definitely “all there,” and sharp to boot. Let’s face it, Obama & Co. wanted to ditch this guy and made up any old excuse to do so as quickly as possible. Just as in the case of the false accusations of stealing that were used to justify firing the travel office staff during the Clinton Administration to enable the Clintons to give the travel contract to Clinton friends and supporters, these Democratic party hacks think nothing at all of character assassination and destroying people’s reputations, livelihoods, careers and lives, if it advances their agendas.

    For anyone with half a brain, this has very clearly exposed just how ruthless, amoral and unscrupulous Obama & Co. are. They are trying to eliminate anyone who stands in the way of their illegal, unfettered, and unconstitutional–Czars anyone?–use and abuse of Power, and while this IG is at the head of the list right now, if Obama & Co. are allowed to get away with this, eventually anyone–big or small–who opposes them in any way will get the same stab in the back or club to the head.

    While anyone who up until now has compared Obama & Co and their outlook and methods to the Mob, Mussolini’s Fascists, the Communists, or to the Nazis has been routinely laughed off the stage, Obama & Co.’s behavior in this instance is vivid, concrete, in your face proof that those comparisons are apt and being apt, illustrate very well Obama & Co’s ever expanding efforts to destroy our Democracy and overthrow our Constitution, with a Tyranny approaching ever closer by the day, if we can’t stop it. These Obama apparatchiks are just thugs in fancy suits who wear government IDs around their necks; they are, nonetheless, still thugs.

  3. ” “If we are growing at a robust rate, then we can pay for the government that we need without having to raise taxes.”

    He actually said that!

    He actually said: “If we are growing at a robust rate, then we can pay for the government that we need without having to raise taxes.”

  4. Obonga and his slave bureaucrats decided that they could get away with a transparent lie. And you know what? This country, right now, lets him get away with it!

    neo, you read my thoughts on this matter. As soon as I read the report today that they fired him because they thought he was suffering some form of dementia I smelled a rat.

    These people are DISGUSTING.

    I don’t know when or if it’s all going to come crashing down on them, but if it doesn’t we may be looking at a context in which the most dire options may be the only ones left on the table. And if the guys who reluctantly reach for that option (I’ll be one of them) succeed, we hope it is a true “reset button” moment for the nation. And we’ll be well inside the finest traditions of all the men at arms in this country’s history. And all we’d hope for from all of you is a “thank you.”

  5. Gray,

    What an incredibly naive statement uttered from Obonga. The reason why the economy has contracted so much is that businesses and investors are forward-looking. What they see coming is utterly hostile to them.

    You can’t grow your way out of the burdens that will be laid on businesses and individuals. The in-house economist where I work may not have the credentials from the Ivies like Geithner, but his forecasts so far have been pretty much on target. What is even more impressive is that he is telling us that the “recovery” is going to be very weak and when it begins to take hold inflation is going to break out, primarily driven by a combination of much higher energy prices and all the liquidity that has been building up inside the banking system. The Fed will have to begin raising interest rates to try to stop the inflation, which is going to put the brakes on the economy and put it back towards contraction. We are headed for 10% plus unemployment, with it not going below 9% for some time to come. He’s predicting Obonga is going to be a one-termer, and that the Republican President and Congress that take over are going to have a LOT of problems to tend to and much to retract that was put in place during the prior six years. So, like Reagan’s first term, the first couple of years will be a bit rough but we will come out of it.

    But it is all predicated on the voters smelling the coffee in 2010 and 2012. Please, God, let that happen. Because if it doesn’t, we may be facing civil war/rebellion.

  6. If Obama were half as ruthless towards Putin, ImaDinnerJacket, and Thugo as he is towards his domestic opponents, I would have a little more respect for him.

  7. Perhaps it just a crazy notion but if someone appears disoriented, confused and unable to answer questions and such is out of character for them, you urge them to see a doctor not fire them.

  8. Obonga is behaving like a Communist dictator. In fact, he has been bolder and moving more quickly than fellow Communist Hugo Chavez moved in Venezuela. I have seen nothing like it in our nation’s history.

    But I sense the panic growing in the Democrats’ camp. The cracks in the edifice are appearing. If they continue to violate the Constitution as they have been during these six months, things will build to an explosive point.

  9. Walpin is much more impressive extemporaneously than Obama. Maybe Walpin should be President, and Obama an inspector general, once he works his way up to it, of course.

  10. I agree that this behavior is thuggish and goes right along with what we know about the POTUS and his political history. The talk of armed revolution is a bit much, though. I would like to believe that we are smarter and our system strong enough to prevent that from happening. If FDR couldn’t do things like add additional members to the Supreme Court during an actual Depression, I have a hard time believing Obama can trick 51% of the voters for too long.

    Remember, in the thirties, there was no real concrete proof that Communism/Socialism does not work. We now have seventy years of history demonstrating that it ain’t the best way to do things. Although most kids are taught something else in our schools, with the Internet and alternative media an additional 6% of the voting public will see the light in 2010. Didn’t Obama only win by 5% or so nationally? That’s all it will take. Five out of 100 voters will have to change their minds about the “direction” of the country. If all of our predictions about unemployment and inflation are true, do you really think 5% of Obama voters won’t switch?

    Yes, I worry about ACORN and the messing with the Census. But, one has to have faith. Heck, Neo saw the light and she was living in the North East of all places during the reign of Bushhitler.

    So, chill on the armed revolution stuff. It makes Janet Napolitano all nervous.

  11. So, Barry: WHY should we be quiet and just have faith? I had faith in the good sense of the American people back in November and look what happened. We’ve got to make noise and keep making noise — especially since the mass media have decided they want to be nothing but propaganda mouthpieces for the Dear Leader.

  12. I’ll repeat myself from yesterday’s thread; the populace just doesn’t care about this issue. Try this experiment at your workplace: ask a co-worker, “So how about that Walpin guy getting fired by the president?” My prediction: a blank stare, and a response, “What are you talking about?”, by 7/10 respondents.

    Please prove me wrong, as a scientist I like nothing better than having a hypothesis overturned.

  13. The populace may not care, but it should, and the only way it will is if people like us keep bringing up cases like this one. It is an ugly story, and it reveals shamelessness, ruthlessness, and lying high up in the administration. The 7/10 will have a hard time continuing to believe that the President is a Nice Guy if they have to engage with the ugliness and deceit inherent in his second channel.

  14. Didn’t I see somewhere last week that they used (leaked) the senile/demented charge against the National Security Advisor? General Jones is a Marine and must be not toeing the line.

    Sounds a little like the old Soviet Psychiatric hospitals for dissidents!

  15. Oblio, don’t get me wrong; the story is important, but it doesn’t touch most people directly. Except for those of us who follow closely political matters, this story won’t get most people’s attention.

    Out of the large number of people I know, only two I would suspect even know anything about this issue; and they are DINKS (double income, no kids). The rest are too busy with kids, work, school, etc.

    This administration is toxic, but it is a slow acting poison that takes time to work its way through the system. Walpin is just another symptom of the poison. Eventually enough people will be touched by the poison that a “tipping point” wil be reached.

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  17. The peacenik posters are indulging in a forlorn hope of change. The Left loves, just loves, thuggish enforcers of their ideology. They have a stranglehold on education at all levels, and the MSM are a collective Pravda. The national Repub figures won’t sink to the vituperativeness of the Dems- Bush “Won’t criticise” the O. This is a war for our country, but the Repubs are de facto pacifists, so the outcome is certain.

  18. I think theres a large percentage of the population who would say they’ve simply tuned out since the election. The press attacks for years on GWB and republicans seems to have had the added effect of simply wearing people out to the concept of even caring about scandalous news.

    Liberty requires a vigilant press and public. And we seem to be at low ebb in both categories.

  19. This video contains another piece of misinformation. Calling Johnson a ‘friend’ of Obama’s is hardly accurate. They have only met once, after Obama was inaugurated at a Mayors Conference. Johnson is a fan and supporter of Obama, but that doesn’t say anything about Obama’s thoughts about Johnson.

  20. JKBh Says:

    “Perhaps it just a crazy notion but if someone appears disoriented, confused and unable to answer questions and such is out of character for them, you urge them to see a doctor not fire them.”

    Sure, it could be something that can be quickly fixed or it could even be caused by a fix for something else (ramping up on a new med can cause it while you adjust)… Walpin was smart enough to drop the word disability a few times. 🙂 He can probably drag this through the courts if he is not technically a political appointee.

  21. Trimegistus Says:

    “So, Barry: WHY should we be quiet and just have faith? I had faith in the good sense of the American people back in November and look what happened. We’ve got to make noise and keep making noise”

    Just make smart noise… I’m not seeing it here but in other places people are saying dumb stuff about their garden and vacations. Then there is the talk of fighting. That also falls flat / makes us sound crazy. Make smart noise, like about this issue… which is totally legit and worth pushing for people to hear about…. and the deficit… which is going to make the recession worse and cause stagflation….

  22. physicsguy Says:

    “I’ll repeat myself from yesterday’s thread; the populace just doesn’t care about this issue. Try this experiment at your workplace: ask a co-worker, “So how about that Walpin guy getting fired by the president?””

    So far its not been covered by the MSM. If it were, they might not ‘care’ but it would be a fact that would be in their head which you could use to start to build the argument that Obama is kinda corrupt, doesn’t follow rules, is not doing his ‘change’ thing.

  23. Looks like Obama is “cleaning house” of other IGs

    Judith Gwynne is also gettnig canned…
    and Neil Barofsky may be the next…

    basically he has to do this so that he can finish restructuring through a form of pay offs and bribes to those who will naturally approve as they are better off under what obama is doing.

    thats all thats needed to do the job after we are so nihilistic we kill our own kdis and dont care…

    this process has been acted out and honed for years in many other countries.

    but since diversity teaches us that a duck in a costume is not a duck… we cant see parallels as the same if anything is different

  24. Perhaps the problem is not that this particular IG was too foggy headed, but rather he was not foggy headed enough to suit The Won?

    Does anyone have a clue who they decided to replace him with? Is the replacement a crony of certain Chicago politicians?

    Given this is not the only IG going through this (though he’s the most visible) could this be akin to the issue the democrats tried to make of Bush firing a bunch of attorneys – only, you know, for real this time?

  25. This Communist and his party are determined to wield power without any accountability. At the state level, the Democrats and Soros have sought to own every Secretary of State office in order to have control over elections. Remember what Stalin said about elections: it’s who counts the ballots.

    And now the positions which oversee how federal money is spent, they aim to remove anyone they think they can’t own.

    I realize that there are people on neo’s site who strongly object to my strong rhetoric about the president and his people, but I call it as I see it. I used to roam around the edges of Marxist circles years ago and got to know how these people think and operate. If I call someone a Communist or a Marxist, it’s not because I have a fun time slinging that around. It’s because I think I have sorted through enough evidence of their background in my mind to make a good, accurate call about it.

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