Home » Obama and House Dems to New York City: drop dead!


Obama and House Dems to New York City: drop dead! — 35 Comments

  1. It certainly is frustrating living and working in a state where there were so many people duped into voting for a man who was clear about his intentions economically.

    John McCain and Sarah Palin had the right economic prescription.

    They talked about lower the capital gains taxes – that would have capital flowing more freely and investments into new capital wouldn’t be seen as such a risk. More capital purchases equals more employment.

    They talked about lowering corporate tax rates – that would have businesses keeping more their own money to help them through these times and give them the ability to invest in either labor or materials or whatever is needed to grow their business – this equals more employment.

    They talked about lowering income tax rates or at least keeping them the same as Bush had them. That certainty would not have people hording or bracing themselves for confiscation. It would have them feeling more free to spend.

    Even 1% or 2% attitude differences in these areas are huge as there are ripple effects as people are employed and less dependent.

    At this point – all anybody can see is red ink, a shrinking economy and nobody is talking about policies that would help the private sector grow.

    Here in CA – it’s all ways to extract more from the private sector all the time.

    We ejected Gray David for what?

  2. After being lectured during the last coronation by my far more enlightened brother-in-law, I’ll sit back and enjoy a certain sense of schadenfreude over the whole episode.

    I almost – not quite, but almost – hope things are as bad as have been predicted as it would create far more *conservative* and *libertarian* minded people than any efforts at persuasion by non-lefties could ever accomplish.

  3. please forgive i didnt know where to put this, it just came out.

    (Editor’s note: Hilmar von Campe, who grew up under the Nazis and wrote the book, Defeating the Totalitarian Lie, offers comparisons between Nazi Germany and America today. “Our nation has elected an anti-American left-wing radical if not Communist to be president of the United States,” he warns. “We better begin to plan now for the reality and not for a democratic daydream. The ideological war has reached us at the top of our power structure threatening our very existence from inside.”)

    The Threat of Totalitarianism

    I told him that most people look at the criminals when trying to figure out how it was possible, that such evil could happen in a cultured nation like Germany. They should look, however, at the real culprits, the bystanders like me, who allowed evil to dominate. Germany went down because of godlessness.

    as i said, those who have lived through it are talking to each other in hushed tones, while those who didnt laugh at them (so they talk among themselves).

    what is scary is that opinion counts as much as experience if not more so.

    It may sound like I am exaggerating or over-dramatizing the situation, but I think that we have a repetition of Hitler’s policy to get total power developing in the United States. Obama’s massive expansion of the federal government will destroy the United States as a world power, make us even more dependent on our enemies, and will ruin a great part of the present population and their descendants.

    I believe his real purpose is not to get the United States out of the financial mess but to set the stage for a total takeover. The liberals controlling Congress are helping him in that task.
    I lived through the Nazi nightmare and my family paid dearly. My elder brother fell in Russia and my father perished in a Soviet concentration camp without having committed any crime.
    The rest of the family was expelled from our home in East Germany and we came as refugees to West Germany. Everything I write or lecture about is based on my personal experiences in Nazi Germany. There is nothing theoretical about my description about what happens when a nation throws God out of government and society. I don’t want my children and grandchildren to go through the same.

    and that summarizes how so many of us feel…

    there are so many parallels that everyene things someone nuts for them. but those who were there have even more parallels than i and my family do.

    When the Nazis took over power on January 30, 1933, they immediately set up a parallel party structure to the administration to watch over the action of the civil servants. They were responsible to Hitler. Obama has taken a similar approach and has already at the time of this writing appointed 16 czars, part of an unconstitutional governmental apparatus. It seems that their task is to watch over and interfere in the private sector. However, they report only to Obama, bypassing the Congress.

    There is a global ideological war going on. The United States of America is the principal target. America is the last bastion of freedom in the world but we are in very bad shape as a nation. Our “leaders” do not face the issue. Our government believes or pretends that there is no such war and does not define the enemy. Many people don’t even understand that they are being attacked.
    The battlefield is morality: truth vs. lies. There is no neutrality-you can only be on one side or the other.

    The more lies that are being elevated this way, the closer we get to a society where lies dominate. If this continues, the next and final phase leads to a society where the lie rules, or in other words, to godless and totalitarian rule.
    When lies are being enforced with government power and opposing the lie is being treated as a criminal act, then we will have opened the door to a Nazi-style totalitarian system.


  4. Works and Days » The Psychology of Debt €” and Obama’€™s Rendezvous with Political Reality

    Clinton gave us high taxes and finally a surplus. Bush at least gave us tax cuts — but a large deficit. Obama gave us the highest taxes in recent memory and the highest deficits in our history. That is not a winning combination.

    Balance the budget –€” and President Obama could, as Clinton, be forgiven for quite a lot. Run up record deficits, and the voters will give him even less empathy than they did George Bush. Just watch…

  5. “New Yorkers: be careful what you wish for.”

    Nah. I hope they get it, good and hard. You gotta hit morons with 2x4s to get their attention.

  6. Artfldgr said “…The more lies that are being elevated this way, the closer we get to a society where lies dominate. If this continues, the next and final phase leads to a society where the lie rules, or in other words, to godless and totalitarian rule.”

    YES! that is why it is important right now, to forward articles, etc to others to let let them see how bad the media is now–because it is probably only going to get worse…..We have to open eyes now, those that are willing to see.

  7. Artfldgr: A writer I sometimes read, Marv Rosenthal, in the last issue of “Zion’s Fire” also spoke of the morality change in Germany before WW2.
    I think one thing you are/ have been saying is this is a global power grab, or at least a Western Power grab. Weaking the US is really the key. But the last remaining power belonging to the people and the States is to be consolidated at the Federal Level- so it can be given to transnational organizations. (Probably dominated by the Europeans, IMHO)
    Obama has already identified “the others.” Those “bitter clingers” who still believe in an independent US will need to be delt with eventually.

  8. I suppose this all goes under the continuing heading of “Who is Barack Obama and what does he really want?”

    I don’t believe the US is anywhere near totalitarian rule. Obama is both a fool and a knave, but he’s not a Stalin or a Hitler. Nor do we have the chaos in the United States that applied in thirties Germany or WWI Russia.

    American citizens can be energized into empty promises of hope and change and vague feel-good liberal nostrums, but we are not radical socialists or deeply discontented masses.

    We remain a mostly pragmatic people who can be led about by our need to feel morally superior, but once Obama’s policies really start to bite into our pocketbooks and lifestyles, I think there will be a huge swing against Obama. I’d say it’s already starting.

  9. 9/11 was just the beginning….in a sense this is the 9/11 of taxable events and could finish taking the financial district down, down, and down again.

  10. I have to laugh – Obama is always trotting out nurses and doctors (many who work for the administration) and manages to give the impression they represent the entire medical field.

    It’s the same old thing – when you have more people wanting to ride in the wagon than help pull it – pretty soon it’s not going to go anywhere. This isn’t about people just moving to different states this is about people taking all their marbles and leaving the country.

    Yep we may all end up being equal – in misery.

  11. I don’t believe the US is anywhere near totalitarian rule. Obama is both a fool and a knave, but he’s not a Stalin or a Hitler. Nor do we have the chaos in the United States that applied in thirties Germany or WWI Russia.

    Really? Well I don’t know either, and that in itself is a problem, no? For so many years we have been desensitized with a constant railing with nothing happening. Now something’s happening and we are afraid to rail to be labeled as the other situation was.
    You don’t think we are near such rule, what is your experience and what is your reasoning to that point. From what my family experienced, and the other gentleman who I posted experienced, we are farther a long than you realize.

    Chaos is easily manufactured. One may leave the borders open and perhaps let a new flu in at the same time that one is printing money with no end so that hyperinflation hits, while making new laws that don’t take effect till the same time in the near future, creating a trillion dollar slush fund that isn’t stimulating has moribund the finances and will only dole out money just between the two next elections…

    we are not radical socialists or deeply discontented masses.

    Neither were the average Germans. Only the elite believe this like a inside club.
    Most people only side on the stuff they display for consumption, the rest of the stuff they never read or believe.

    Recently they have been tripped up a whole lot by the internet. So I suspect that before the next elections someone is going to drum up some more corporativism for the internet where our ability to trade all these historical snippets, records and films will be hampered some legal way. I would guess that the hate speech laws will do that. Want to tell the world the truth about Margaret Sanger that’s hate speech. Want to tell the truth about something else and it upsets the other, that’s hate speech. And remember Google and other American companies already have the technology they sell and license to the communist states that they use.

    The recent child safety law has resulted in old books being purged from libraries and things because their inks may have lead, or mercury. The books are not in print any more and so they are in effect purging local and private access to the past.

    once Obama’s policies really start to bite into our pocketbooks and lifestyles, I think there will be a huge swing against Obama. I’d say it’s already starting.

    Right. Obama and others will claim that’s forces are against freedom, painting exit on the entrances, the majority are trained to run into the fire. Our newspapers, and weeklies, along with Chavez, Castro, Putin, and others will say he is telling the truth (because he backed them when they are having trouble in Iran and with Honduras). England will be agog, Europe who is already shaking and quaking will despair, and everyone will start dumping our debt as worthless.

    The odd thing is that prior you said there was no chaos, and at the end you give a very large reason for a lot of chaos. What if those people you’re talking about are heard and he ignores them? Right now we live under lots of policies that the majority don’t agree with, didn’t vote for, and are unconstitutional violating one point or another. what do you think the leftist idea of minority rule is about? A minority of elites will rule, and they will form the future, a future utopia (for elites).

    Right now I hear a lot of people are making protests called tea parties and how were they described? How did people who didn’t understand them think about them?

    So I would like to hear salient reasons. For between me and others here, if we brainstormed to throw every odd thing into one pot and pile, would end up with one scary smoking mess.

  12. The tax rate for the top guys in ny is insane… they are not going to claim ny residence this year. they are going to make sure they spend more time in their homes in texas, connecticut, etc… come filing time, they wont be there to tax.

  13. honduras may fall this weekend. since obama sides against the people in favor of the communists, we will not have troops there to prevent anything. canada free press is reporting (as are others) that people are infiltrating the borders, guns are being handed out and Zelaya in a speech yesterday said that the people have a right to fight. fox news is now reporting a curfew is back on that was taken off and there are warnings that there could be fighting.

    anyone want to take bets on what our leader will do? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,533000,00.html?test=latestnews

  14. Artfldgr: Thank you for a reasonably sized and sensibly punctuated post.

    I gave you reasons: Obama is not Stalin or Hitler; the US is not 1930s Germany or WWI Czarist Russia; the American people are nowhere near as radical or desperate as those Germans or Russians.

    These differences seem so large and obvious I didn’t think they needed any more explanation.

    Perhaps further down the line, if Obama reveals himself as a leader of Hitler’s or Stalin’s inhuman ruthlessness and masterful cunning, absolutely adored by a substantial portion of the population.

    But so far, he looks more like a foppish radical ex-stoner wannabe who has ridden his good looks and shrewdness for manipulating white guilt and Democrat machine politics to the White House, voted in by people who thought he was someone else, but is now over his head and fumbling.

    Or perhaps further down the line, if the US economy really and truly collapses into the nightmare Argentinians have been living with for the past ten years.

    But we are a long way from either of those scenarios. It could go that way, I suppose, but I doubt it and I see little reason to scare myself and others with those scenarios just yet.

    Who loves Obama now? Almost no one I can see. I live in a blue, blue area and move in blue, blue circles but no one is rhapsodizing about Obama. My sense is that they’re hedging and hoping that won’t feel foolish pretty soon and much poorer to boot.

  15. I agree with Artfldgr. Obama wants to be a dictator, and every single thing he has done in office has been paving the way for him to seize absolute power and make himself President-For-Life.

    Unlike some commenters, I don’t believe he is foolish or incompetent. The man is utterly malevolent, and if anything, he has proven to be worse than I feared during the campaign. He is not a self-righteous fool in the mold of Carter. He hates this country and everything it stands for. We have never had such an un-American and anti-American President in our history.

  16. Artfldgr Says:
    July 16th, 2009 at 7:52 pm

    The recent child safety law has resulted in old books being purged from libraries and things because their inks may have lead, or mercury. The books are not in print any more and so they are in effect purging local and private access to the past.

    Wow. I work in the printing industry and was already aware of that ridiculous law, but I hadn’t considered that angle before.

  17. Are you aware of President Obama’s “Science Czar”?

    Sure. I used to think that way.

    Your point?

  18. There are all sorts of cracks appearing in Obama’s armor. His ratings are dropping week by week, some of his own Democrats in Congress are finally standing up to him, Boxer has delayed work on Cap and Trade until after the August recess at the earliest, the majority of Americans don’t like the health care stuff they are hearing and become more and more frightened as they hear more, the so called “Stimulus” has not done anything except give us the highest deficit in history (in fact unemployment is higher than even the worst predictions from six months ago), they are now saying things like “well, yes things are bad, but they are getting more bad at a slower pace than before” which is so lame that even journalists are laughing at the Whitehouse press briefings, and even if the economy does pick up steam I’m betting that inflation will take off.

    And labor is a lagging indicator, so even when we start climbing out of this companies will still be shedding jobs, giving Obama a taste of Jimmy Crater’s dilemma. High unemployment and high inflation at the same time.

    Obama is going down. He will not get what he wants. At least, not this year. And I doubt next year either. And by then it may be too late. I look forward to the 2010 midterms.

    Am I being too optomistic?

    huxley “he looks more like a foppish radical ex-stoner wannabe”

    Yep. He is a total loser. The media cannot save this punk.

  19. “You don’t think we are near such rule, what is your experience and what is your reasoning to that point. From what my family experienced, and the other gentleman who I posted experienced, we are farther a long than you realize.”

    Some is also going to be from where you live – we (Tennessee) nearly had a real honest to goodness mini civil war over state income taxes a few election cycles ago. I’m talking armed citizens at the state capitol building and enough of them that it wasn’t going to be stopped with police and riot gear – it would have taken the guard and *real* weapons made to fight that.

    Then again as I’ve spent small amount of time across the country I’ve seen what is pretty much a socialist dream of a country ready to be brought into the fold. A fuzzy combination of apathy, mild unhappiness, and a general lack of knowledge. Which is exactly what Obama taps into.

    I do not know where exactly people in my state would draw the line and try to truly succeed or revolt, yet I can assure you that they will. I can further assure you that our military is more of that mind and, were it to get that bad, would exercise the idea of “domestic enemies”. You could not have gotten our state guard to do more than stand and watch those armed, of the ones I knew they more or less supported the citizens and said that is what they joined to protect.

    In large part I do not think it can happen here now (or at least for a while) simply because I do not think that they have the backing of force necessary to do it. I think that there are enough out there that *do* have the idea of force to resist it – I also think this is why something get shelved after passing the house. They do not want the fight, as long as you do not fight it you can always act like you would have won – once you *do* make the confrontation then there is no question and they know who side has the better backing of force.

  20. One more thing. He cannot blame the evil Booooosh forever. Any CEO taking over a company has a grace period. After that, they take ownership of the company’s problems, even if they were not initially responsible for them.

    The American public will not tolerate this much longer. It has only been six months, and all ready I don’t see any more of the comments like “Hey, give the guy a chance. He just started.”

  21. I’ll add that doesn’t mean do not fight it – it *has* to be fought. Just that I’m not too worried about loosing.

    This had been building for a long time, it started really being pushed in the 90’s. I can assure you that both Ruby Ridge and the Branch Dividians were to test how the American republic would react to a govt display of force against marginals. The above is what they got – the biggest support was “I’m tired of seeing this” and the opposition was arming for the coming fight.

    If you do not think that the lies told about firearms and the drive to ban standard civilian arms wasn’t just as much of a power grab (I’m going to assume that most of our readers here now understand the depth that the Dems and the MSM lie about such things even if they recall agreeing with the stuff back then) then you are not truly looking at all they want to accomplish.

    We can see it happening now too – gun and ammunition sales are … high to put it mildly. They at best get “Eh” and at worst are having people arm themselves in preparation. If you do not think that millions of firearms in the hands of people not willing to let tyranny rule along with the military thinking the same thing scares the living day lights out of people wanting to take over (and those two things not being the top priority) then you are crazy. They found out that they can not simply do a frontal attack in the 90’s and win so they switched to trying the standard demoralize and weaken first. We are in the final attack phase and, IMO, they got impatient and did it too early (or rather 9/11 woke too many up).

  22. huxley,

    I agree OB is probably not striving for totalitarian rule. But, he and his administration are rapidly moving to put in place governmental structure that could lead to such a state.

    They like to use the word “crisis” while we were no were near “crisis,” to set the stage and then switch to more passive words like “created” and “saved.”

    A good number of people are stupid and lazy thinkers and that is useful to them.

    Our representatives propose legislation daily that take away our ability to provide for ourselves and our families, while growing government so rapidly that most people will be relying on the government in some form for their livelihoods.

    Approximately 50% of the population do not pay taxes and dependent on government in some form. They’re certainly not going to vote for anyone that would pull back those advantages.

    At what point do we sound the alarm. I’ve been ringing it for a while now. When will you?

  23. kasper: Anything’s possible. However, as I see it, the next stop is France, not Venezuela or Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.

    And France is alarming enough.

  24. Artfldgr: Thank you for a reasonably sized and sensibly punctuated post.

    i am not a dog to be trained with praise by my master. please refrain from such demeaning things, even if you mean well. why? because your picking at an old wound.

    i had some time, it had nothing to do with you, and again, this had been settled finally.

    do not do this again, or similar, its rude and unbecoming you.

    if you cant control your narcisistic twangs, and bs, then maybe your projecting your mental illness in my by claiming i have one (you never apologised either for being such an ass).

    being demeaning to a person is not a way to make friends and influence people, and if you dont know its demeaning, then take a look at how you would feel if i injected something that has no beariog to the conversation about you.

  25. Artfldg: I know you have a history with huxley. But, that said, it is certainly possible that the sentence was not meant to be demeaning, but rather was meant to actually convey thanks to you for increasing the readability of your post. And although of course I could be incorrect, that was the way I read it.

    And I will repeat to you and to huxley and to others who have been infighting back-and-forth here in a personal manner lately, I request that if you feel the need to make it so personal, please take it elsewhere, such as to email correspondence.

  26. I gave you reasons: Obama is not Stalin or Hitler; the US is not 1930s Germany or WWI Czarist Russia; the American people are nowhere near as radical or desperate as those Germans or Russians.

    Before I debate I want to point out that you WANTED a higher level of debate where your boxed in. Do you not remember your bring it on kind of effluent statement? I can quote it if you want.

    Those are not reasons those are opinions and have no basis. Before Hitler was Hitler they didn’t know either, before Stalin was Stalin they didn’t know either, and before Obama fully flowers you won’t know either.

    So you didn’t meet what I said you just reasserted your opinion as fact and can’t tell the difference. Or else you would have said, sorry, here are the facts I used to calculate a determination. Then I could check your facts and see if they are valid, while invalid facts CAN lead to a valid answer, it’s not likely, and is only a happening by chance.

    These differences seem so large and obvious I didn’t think they needed any more explanation.

    And so twice you didn’t meet what I said.

    “What is your experience and what is your reasoning to that point”

    I reiterate: to bring you up to standards of debate, you have to be basing your choices in something. Even if it’s a Ouija, you should let us know. And I don’t like being insulted as stupid for not seeing the facts you see that you’re withholding (for all I know it is a Ouija board). Usually when I debate people, with full debating on, they don’t have facts (all they have is desire to win a prize that isnt even there) Like Obama with his birth cert, he cant give us what he doesn’t have, and I suspect neither can you.

    Telling me I am stupid through insinuation for not seeing what’s obvious to you is not debate (you may only be falsely claiming such exists). I am trying to bring your standard up to ACTUAL debate around salient facts, sans floating opinions.

    This type of assertion is not reasoning, despite the fact that many have been taught it is. This is why the left (and I am not saying your on the left) can’t debate facts. Emotional feelings are not facts except to the left, or the people they taught.

    “These differences seem so large and obvious I didn’t think they needed any more explanation.”

    This is an insult pretending to be reason and often works with most people (but most people couldn’t debate facts if their lives depended on it). Unlike idiots I do know when I am being slapped even if the slapper doesn’t. Most of the time I ignore it as they are inconsequential.

    The answer to such a thing is to add another back and forth as i tell you to drop the intelligentsia parry and start talking facts.

    Perhaps further down the line, if Obama reveals himself as a leader of Hitler’s or Stalin’s inhuman ruthlessness and masterful cunning, absolutely adored by a substantial portion of the population.

    Now you’re contradicting yourself when you didn’t qualify the first assertion as having a time component. This is why i get tired of these games, and they are games even if you don’t realize it.
    Analyze your own paragraph before continuing. Of course you wont, you will assume you know what you wrote, but see how it exists next to the other things.

    You cant claim that an absolute quality of X is not Y then later say that X might become Y as if you never asserted the absolute. Can you? It’s contradictory — it amounts to a non argument that is right or wrong in all cases depending on which applies. Not is an absolute, and might is not, and they are not logically equivalent (in this reality). After a not, there can be no maybe. (Feeling boxed in with no room to move yet)

    But so far, he looks more like a foppish radical ex-stoner wannabe who has ridden his good looks and shrewdness for manipulating white guilt and Democrat machine politics to the White House, voted in by people who thought he was someone else, but is now over his head and fumbling.

    And so you’re falling for it. To you he looks foppish and incompetent, why? Because he is not doing what you think he should be doing and if they aren’t doing what you think they should be doing, then you think they are stupid, not smarter and you are not able. 🙂

    This is a constant in these kinds of arguments. It’s a mental illusion where everyone says they are of above average intelligence. Half of them are wrong…

    [edited for length by neo-neocon]

  27. neo,
    its my opinion that i should not be the subject of conversation, and i am getting annoyed that after it stops, there are little pokes.

    Also, huxely asked me to box him in. which i was trying to comply with what he wanted.

    this time editing it was not right for i expressly was addressing his bs since he decided to put my name into the thread again.

    if i am to claim that my style boxes them in too hard and that makes me disliked, you cutting holes in the box does not help me prove my point this one time.

    the point is that i was trying to show detailed debate with no room to move, and how terribly unappealing it is unless your in a competition over a trophy.

    as a 6’3″ 230 lb man i also get tired of napoleons too. 🙂

    but the thing i detest teh most is that such people get to take shots, and they know that someone is going to stop me from shooting back.

    in essence you held me down for him to hit me.

    you dont see it that way, but i do. why? because of his attitude in the prior posts.

    in the prior posts he decided rather than discuss it through to some understanding, to paint me nuts and crazy in public to others.

    he condescension here was socially collecting up the chips when most didnt read the sublte stop it boys you did.

    i just spent about an hour and a half composing all that to his standards for you to throw that time of my life away.

    see the problem?

    if i dashed that off with my usual 10 mins, who cares if you cut it.

    if i sit for almost 2 hours and craft it and you slice it to crap then how did it feel.

    he created a situation that if i comply with you, and you cut it down, it hurts.

    and if i dont comply with you, i have to be dinged with little barbs below the level you respond.

    well, i learned a long time ago, when you hav a kim jong il trying to control something they are not supposed to, better to swat them into next teusday. you save your self the time of an idiot believing you cant swat him because you didnt and he would have if he could

    thanks to this situtaion, i just lost an hour and a half of my life and have to work over time to make up the time for work. i wont get out of here bfore 7:30 on a friday.


  28. by the way, my sister at three years old would do this… she found out fast that if i was going to be punished for a crime, i would commit it before punishment. so if she was going to set me up to be in trouble for hitting her, she would get clocked but good and i would accept the punishment. that behavior stopped in one week, and we have always gotten along great since. no one respects someone you can walk over.

  29. Artfldgr: As I said several times before, I value your opinions and think you have a lot of interesting things to say here.

    But I do not have time to police this blog for personal fighting. I know that I find it takes away from the point of the blog, as well, when that sort of thing comes to dominate too much in the comments section.

    I don’t mind a little of it, but I do mind when it goes on for a while. I don’t have time to say who’s right and who’s wrong, but I am saying to everyone involved here, and everyone on the blog, that I am going to adopt a less hang-loose policy about repetitive personal attacks between commenters.

    It’s not that it can never happen. But if it goes on too long, I will delete the entire comment of each person involved (that is, if I see the comment; I don’t always catch everything). Defending oneself is fine, but if the defense includes an attack, that’s not okay either. And then, if it goes on again, I will ban the person or people involved.

  30. huxley, what is my point about the science czar? My point is that I think we get better glimpses at Obama, or whoever the real man behind the curtain is, by looking at the people he surrounds himself with, not the controlled image that is put forth.
    The thing that catches my eye about the science czar is not the past suggestion of forced abortions, but the suggestion of international police to enforce a transnational governments rulings. In the western World, there is only one large population that has the means to resist that. Obama has already identified who they are –“bitter clingers.” The Jews are not the canary in the mine this time around. I would say white conservatives are.

  31. jon baker: I agree that Holdren is a big red flag. He first came up on my radar as one of the leaders of Scientific American’s sneering attack on Bjorn Lomborg, author of The Skeptical Environmentalist. Later I discovered Holdren was a close ally of Paul Ehrlich and even a participant in Ehrlich’s hilariously botched bet with Julian Simon.

    So, yes, I know that Holdren is an eco-radical and I’m not comforted that Obama appointed Holdren as his science advisor. Now I learn that in the seventies Holdren wrote even nuttier stuff than Ehrlich’s The Population Bomb.

    But it is a very long way from there to supposing that white conservatives in today’s America are in the same position as European Jews in the 1930s. Again, Obama is not Hitler and the US is not post-WWI Germany.

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