Home » Obama and Europe: how to win friends and influence people (not!)


Obama and Europe: how to win friends and influence people (not!) — 10 Comments

  1. “Olivier Debouzy, a lawyer and former French Foreign Ministry official, wrote last week that foreign governments were ‘opaque’ for Mr. Obama because he projected his own notion of American rationality on them.”

  2. for them, history is a weapon…
    one only has to learn what they dont teach you


    read that, and you understand how the works of the past 100 years has led to our attitudes.

    the attitudes of obama.

    chapter 2: learning to surrender

    Crime as social control, by parenti.

    they even have the piece i recomended but no one read from the ANC..

    and this one…
    How to Master Secret Work
    by the Communist Party of South Africa

    even promethea is covered
    Socialist Feminism:
    A Strategy for the Women’s Movement
    by Hyde Park Chapter, Chicago Women’s Liberation Union

    Die Nigger Die: A Political Autobiography
    by H. Rap Brown

    after you have read these (and a lot more), you understand why Obama bows, why he is ashamed, and why he is going to bring it all down around us.

    it even covers the islam thing.

    watching people talk here is watching fish flounder without water. most of the time, no one is bringing up everything that relates.

    i mean, anyone actually read waht i ahve read that these people have written for each other?

    if you want to understand why he does what he does, you would do well to understand what he has learned, read, and where the ideas of that come from. this guessing game in whch the end result is usually, he is an idiot, is not productive at all.

    “Create Two, Three, Many Vietnams:
    Message to the Tricontinental”
    by Che Guevara

    [hey! maybe thats what he is doing in afghanistan]

    The Negro is the Race Oppressed by All the Imperialists
    by Leopold Senghor

    ah.. so thats why he attends reverend wright.

  3. I wish that ∅bama had gone to the Berlin Wall celebrations. The fall of the Berlin Wall was one of the most significant events of the last century, and was the culmination of a nearly a half century of the Cold War that we led against the USSR. Nonetheless, his not going , of ignoring or writing off Europe, is symptomatic of a feeling towards Europe that is widespread in many segments of our population.

    The carping from the likes of Chirac, Schroeder,or Herta Daubler-Gmelin, led me and many Americans to decide that while we had saved the Europeans three times in the last century, damned if we were going to do it again for such ungrateful curs. Let Europe grow up and grow out of its adolescent carping at us. While ∅bama and I may have different reasons for withdrawing from Europe, and I may disagree with his degree of disengagement from Europe, I agree with much of what he has done towards Europe.Let them grow up.

  4. we didnt save europe for them…
    we realized that, eventually, they would come for us, and better to strike after the fight, rathe than when they were fresh and consolidated.

    if yall thought hiroshima and nagasaki were bad. imagine if we didnt get into the war, germany and japan developed their own nukes (yes they both were kind of working on them), and what you would have had was a japan south asia, russia asia, and german europe.

    all against the US with nuclear weapons…
    and denial of raw materials

  5. Gringo:

    To me it is different. He went to Europe for his Nobel price. Michelle went to Europe for the Chicago Olympics. Obama will not go to Europe to celebrate what was perhaps the most beautiful moment in postwar history: the nonviolent ending of Soviet oppression in Eastern Europe. Why: because it is an event not celebrated by the left. He would go for yet another nutty global warming event.
    This is one of the major reasons I detest the left. After the Wall fell and there was the tremendous joy plain to see and so very understandable, many Western European leftists just grumbled. It was then I saw most clearly, that they don’t care about real people. They care about their crazy ideas.
    Obama is among them. He loves the America hating left in Europe and he has contempt for ordinary Europe as he has for ordinary America.

  6. roc scssrs: Rumsfeld was simply stating the fact that Old Europe should not assume New Europe shared the same lackadaisical attitude toward freedom. Obama doesn’t care about New Europe.

    Merkel was not amused by Obama’s grandstand campaign visit, and she didn’t like his attempts to force Europe to follow his stimulus plan. What is more interesting is that Obama’s image is slowly becoming tarnished among the left, especially the greenies.

    Nobody gets angrier than me about European hypocrisy, but Obama is handling things terribly. His lack of character will be attributed to us all. I wonder when we will see Americans here wearing Don’t Blame Me–I Voted For McCain T-shirts.

  7. The actions of this Obama admin. should be an eye opening, wake up call for Europe to not take the good old USA, as we used to know it, for granted. Perhaps they should look around and see who is going to step up to the plate to help protect them and the world from Muslim extremists and crazy dictators…they are pretty much on their own for now. Perhaps they might develope a nostalgic longing for the past and a new appreciation of Bush.

  8. Dark Lord Cheney. BUsh was a sappy happy kind of guy, that was very lenient on everybody. Even terrorists in the end, for he gave them such comfortable accommodations at GitMo rather than a mass grave.

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