Home » Remember when they were saying…


Remember when they were saying… — 34 Comments

  1. Maybe we need to find some new comedians to do the work that our current crop of comedians won’t do.

  2. [Off topic, but I am sure you will appreciate the significance of this issue]

    A British blogger has been intimidated by the police. The Reverend Stephen Sizer didn’t like comments and criticism made on the Seismic Shock blog, so got the police to physically intimidate the blogger, to take down that mild criticism.

    This is a clear freedom of speech issue, the police should not be used to intimidate bloggers.

    I urge you to publicise this issue and support Seismic Shock, as “I too am Seismic Shock”

    For more information see http://modernityblog.wordpress.com/2010/01/23/reverend-stephen-sizer-uses-british-police-against-a-blogger/

    And http://engageonline.wordpress.com/2010/01/23/anglican-vicar-uses-police-to-intimidate-blogger/

  3. Oh, perfect – but my own Obama musical montage involves the Chiffons’ “Sweet Talkin’ Guy” with a montage of Omama photo ops. Alas, I don’t have the time to work up a video trailer for it, so I throw this idea out to anyone who has:

    Sweet talking guy, talking sweet kinda lies
    Don’t you believe in him, if you do he’ll make you cry
    He’ll send you flowers and paint the town with another guy
    He’s a sweet talkin’ guy
    But he’s my kind of guy

    Sweeter than sugar, kisses like wine (oh he’s so fine)
    Don’t let him under your skin, cause you’ll never win (no you’ll never win)
    Don’t give him love today, tomorrow he’s on his way
    He’s a sweet talkin’ guy
    But he’s my kind of guy

    Why do I love him like I do?
    He’s a sweet talkin’ (sweet talkin’) sweet talkin’ (sweet talkin’) guy

    Stay away from him, stay away from him, don’t believe his lyin’
    No you’ll never win, no you’ll never win, loser’s in for cryin’
    Don’t give him love today, tomorrow he’s on his way
    He’s a sweet talkin’, sweet talkin’,
    sweet talkin’, sweet talkin’ guy!

    Stay away from him
    No no no you’ll never win…

    Sound familiar?

  4. What’s left of Obama’s appeal at this point, when he’s no longer a figure of myth? When the spell is broken, and he’s not glamorous, now? People could pretend he’s whatever they want, but who can pretend that today? Now we know who he is. We can’t unlearn what we learn.

  5. 0:35 Pelosi and Reid are starting to look like the pitchfork carrying couple in “American Gothic”.

    Just goes to show how six months of secret deals with lobbyists and mob style drive-bye’s on American citizens will age you.

  6. I know much was made of that SNL sketch, but the thing is, that wasn’t actually that funny. This, on the other hand, is worth something.

  7. Funny stuff. I wish they wouldn’t have shown a sign saying “If Conress (not Congress) likes Obamacare so much, why don’t they use it”… (29 secs in)

    Show signs that have correct spelling when trying to make your point with signs…

    Just sayin…

    Great song tho….

  8. As a wise man (me, as it happens) commented over at Gerards,

    Laughter is the best medicine after all. The thing that would end this nightmare forever would be crowds rocking in glee at the pestiferous pronouncements of politicians who are busily baffling them with bullshit.

    Imagine “Let me be clear” turning into a cue to break up like “Where’s the beef?,” and engendering the same response as “Would you believe…?” The quicker we turn this crap into punchlines the quicker these clowns will grow afraid to show their faces in front of a crowd. Instead of Tea Parties the Right should be sponsoring comedy festivals.

    “Missed it by that much.” And the crowd goes nuts.

  9. Well yeah, the video is a bit on the lame. But you know, the truth is that there are lots of these things out there by now, and the aggregate effect is that Obama is the one becoming a joke. Alinsky counseled making opponents the butts of jokes, but he apparently never contemplated its being used against his radicals on any issue. The point is that people are sufficiently aroused that many are generally using satire as a default response to the man.

    For myself, I must say that whenever I see him, on TV or any other medium, I don’t automatically think, “He’s our president.” I’m more prone to think, “Who is this guy?” And I’m pretty sure that, by now, I’m not alone.

    The real problem with that reaction is that it leaves us with a great big vacancy, right there on top.

    That’s about the scariest part of all of this.

  10. Combine that video with these two and you can get some scope on how far we’ve come and how much trouble Obama is in.

    This one is a compiled collection of video clips of Obama promising to deliver health care. You can see how deeply committed and embarrassed Obama must be at this point.


    This next one is a rousing call to arms of all those moderates, independents and the occasional conservative who were deceived into voting for Obama, then discovering how much of a liberal/leftist/socialist Obama is.


  11. “I am the One I’ve been waiting for” would be a good starting point, I think.

    All snark aside – sure, you’re all probably as pissed off at this disaster as I am, but years in front of an audience tells me that the quickest way to ensure that somebody never comes back is to laugh him off the stage. That experience will leave lasting scars, and a fragile ego won’t abide it twice.

    Alinsky was dead right about the power of ridicule, but the trick is not to overthink it by trying to be more devastating than a 10-year-old. The deadly scorn of a pre-adolescent rarely leaves anything in the mind of the beholder but a queasy sort of discomfort for having witnessed it.

    Laughter, loud, sudden and relentless will quickly reduce the most tendentious bloviator to absurdity. Laughter is contagious, even to the laugher, and if it doesn’t seem very funny at first it’ll reach you eventually, I promise. Just laugh at ’em every chance you get, especially in crowds. Don’t pick up a megaphone and argue with an idiot. Keep in mind the ancient proverb “Never Wrestle With A Pig. All You’ll Get Is Covered In Shit, And The Pig Likes It.”

    The Republicans and Conservatives in general have allowed the Lefties to set the terms of debate for years, and look how well that’s worked out. Read Alinsky: when you argue and debate with insanity, you lose. Next time you find yourself in a nest of Moonbats and somebody starts the inevitable self-congratulatory screed, just laugh at ’em.

    You’ll see.

  12. You’re laughing now, but everybody who matters knows it’s Bush’s fault… and it’s not going to stop Obungler from going forward either, just need to grow the union ranks, fix the voting documentation laws, add another illegal alien amnesty, and a bit more diversity immigration; demographics and time will be the recipe to overcome the temporary setback of the Brown debacle; or am I still just depressed about B.O.’s roots?

  13. Just back from a bay area house warming. Had the lefty echo chamber saying our types have no ideas, are racists, blaw blaw blaw… just against (as if obama care were an ok idea)… whats new is it was two people. 🙂

  14. He should have started his Presidency advocating for something conservatives and liberals around the center can agree on, like equal rights for our fellow gay and lesbian citizens.

  15. Obama is particularly vulnerable to ridicule. As many have pointed out, he is an empty suit in that he has no record of accomplishment in any arena other than winning elections. Previous presidents had real accomplishments that could partially deflect criticism. Eisenhower was the WW II supreme allied commander. How dumb could he be? Kennedy was a certified war hero. LBJ was a very powerful and successful congressional leader. Nixon was a former VP. Carter was a former governor, an Annapolis grad and a nuclear engineer. Reagan was a two time Calif. governor and union leader in Hollywood. Bush I had an incedible resume. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar and a governor. Bush had been Texas governor, and oil industry executive, a jet pilot, and a baseball team owner.

    Obama was a part time instructor with no publications, a part time lawyer with no major cases, and a community organizer. When he starts to take ridicule, he has no credible defense.

  16. Mr. Frank: re the resume of our POTUS. In 2008 I made an experience metric for Senators who had been elected President.Using the metric, here is ñˆ
bama’s : No VP experience, no US cabinet experience, no House of Representatives experience, no military experience, no governor experience. The only US Senator who became President with the same experience metric as ñˆ
bama’s was Warren Harding.

    That we elected such an empty suit is a sad comment on the MSM and our electorate. Re ridiculing him: I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry.

  17. Gringo,

    Your observation ties in with Neo’s thread about looks. With such a thin resume, had Obama been ugly or white, he would not have entered the primaries.

  18. Anybody ever see that clip of Milton Berle and Richard Pryor on a talk show? Berle, in full George Jessel mode, starting gasbagging away about Real Comedy, and how “You young guys don’t know what’s Really Funny,” etcetcetc.

    Pryor started giggling, and Uncle Miltie just came apart and lost it. Richie got helpless, and kept saying “No, man, I’m not laughing at you. Really. Tee-hee.” Berle never recovered, and left in a huff (and a Buick…)

    Hands down the most satisfying smackdown I ever saw. Think about it.

  19. Maja Rushdie uses Paul alot for comic political relief.
    Great to see his stuff here, too, NeoNeo.

  20. nyo Says:

    “He should have started his Presidency advocating for something conservatives and liberals around the center can agree on, like equal rights for our fellow gay and lesbian citizens.”

    Problem being, to a lefty, that’s crypto for ‘marriage’ so that they can forward their wedge issue. Gotta keep the gays on the reservation by making them think conservatives ‘hate’ them and one great way is pushing an issue that they can’t agree on for religious reasons. 😉 Sorta like stem cells. You can divide people and make your own camp dislike those anti science, theocratic, christitianists
 who hate us! Side bennie, the hard left gets to attach religion and marriage. Two major goals since day one (since religion creates a system of divided loyalties.. to lefty politics.. and nuclear families are purveyors of middle class / non lefty values). Being that ‘liberals’ are often just the useful idiots to the hard left, they’re more than willing to forward this.

    Now actual equal rights
 that probably would fly.

  21. Let see, Obama has lost control of fiscal policy, China, trade, unemployment, healthcare reform, GM and Chrysler, banks, budget deficits, Congress, and to top it off less than 7% of people in his adminstration have any experince in business. Besides that everything looks great for him. Why spin your wheels when you can reinvent it! President Obama is Jimmy Carter on steroids.

  22. “Comrades!

    The insurrection of five kulak districts should be pitilessly suppressed. The interests of the whole revolution require this because ‘the last decisive battle’ with the kulaks is now under way everywhere. An example must be demonstrated.

    * 1. Hang (and make sure that the hanging takes place in full view of the people) no fewer than one hundred known landlords, rich men, bloodsuckers.
    * 2. Publish their names.
    * 3. Seize all their grain from them.
    * 4. Designate hostages in accordance with yesterday’s telegram.
    * Do it in such a fashion that for hundreds of kilometres around the people might see, tremble, know, shout: “they are strangling, and will strangle to death, the bloodsucking kulaks”.

    Telegraph receipt and implementation.

    Yours, V. Lenin.

    PS: Find some truly hard people.”

  23. You have studied history can you deny that the great Jacobins of 1793 were not afraid to denounce precisely the members of the reactionary exploiting minority of their time as enemies of the people?

    Precisely the members of the reactionary classes of their time?

    You, the present government, its backers, Its defenders, its servants–can you say openly, clearly, and officially which classes you consider “enemies of the people” all over the world?

    But how can you!

    You are Jacobins without the people. You are merely posing as Jacobins. You look more like ordinary representatives of ordinary landowner and capitalist reaction.

    Workers and soldiers! All toiling people! The counter revolution of the landowners and capitalists is assuming the offensive. Not a single vote for a single government party, for any parties participating in the government!

    Vote for the Bolsheviks!

    Counter-Revolution Takes the Offensive
    Pravda No. 68, June 10 (May 28), 1917.
    Published according to the text in Pravda.
    Author: V. I. Lenin

    as for the rest i am posting
    please forgive.. i could not find a english copy of “dangerous Symptoms” to go preceding the work below. which then brings us to lenins other work:

    How to Fight Counter-Revolution—First published in Pravda No. 84, June 30 (17), 1917
    V. I. Lenin

    let me know if this sounds familiar in light of tea bagging and pelosi

    Only a few days ago, Minister Tsereteli declared in his “historic” speech that there was no counter-revolution. Today the ministerial Rabochaya Gazeta strikes an entirely different note in the article “Dangerous Symptoms”.

    “There are clear indications that a counter-revolution is afoot .” Thanks for finally admitting the fact at least. But the ministerial organ goes on to say: “We do not know where it [the counter-revolution] has its headquarters, nor to what extent it is organised.”

    that a real grass roots thing has sprung up, and its not under their control. all the others, like 60s riots, and such WAS under their control. he pointed out in this artile that the counter revolution is in your own offices. and so turned the state in on itself to first purify its offices of those who have other ideas. the honeymoon period of their reign is used to do this. its a time when the people will give the other too much rope.

    Rabochaya Gazeta later points out that the counter-revolution’s chief instrument is the press, which is fomenting anti-semitism, inciting the masses against the Jews. That is correct. But what is the conclusion? You are a ministerial party, gentlemen, aren’t you? What have you done to curb the infamous counter-revolutionary press?

    Do you think you can, while calling yourselves “revolutionary democrats”, refuse to take revolutionary measures against the unbridled, blatantly counter-revolutionary press?

    And then, why don’t you start a government organ that would publish advertisements and deprive the infamous counter-revolutionary press of its chief source of income and hence of its main chance to deceive the people? What evidence is there, indeed, that thou sands upon thousands of people must now be kept away from productive labour in order to publish Novoye Vremya, Malenkaya Gazeta,[1] Russkaya Volya[2] and other reptiles?

    What have you done to fight the counter-revolutionary press which is doing all it can to bait our Party? Nothing! You yourselves have supplied material for that baiting. You have been busy fighting the danger on the Left. You are reaping what you have sown, gentlemen. So it was, so it will be–as long as you continue to vacillate between the bourgeoisie and the revolutionary proletariat.

    remember this was written in 1917… so our own revolutionary democrats are doing what?

    i am sorry… but is there ANYONE other than me who took the time to read this stuff? and not pretend they did? you can go back to before the revolution

    Revolution and Counter-Revolution—Proletary, No. 17, October 20, 1907—V I Lenin

    At a moment like the present, a comparison between the revolution and counter-revolution in Russia, between the period of revolutionary onslaught (1905) and that of counter-revolutionary playing with a constitution (1906 and 1907) suggests itself as a matter of course. Such a comparison is implicit in any attempt to define a political line for the immediate future. Contrasting “errors of the revolution” or “revolutionary illusions” with “positive constitutional work” is the keynote of present-day political literature. The Cadets shout about it at their pre-election meetings. The liberal press chants, howls, and rants about it. We have here Mr. Struve, vehemently and spitefully venting his annoyance on the revolutionaries because hopes of a “compromise” have totally collapsed.

    We have here Milyukov, who, for all his mincing manners and Jesuitism, has been forced by events to arrive at the clear,accurate and–above all–truthful statement: “the enemies are on the left”.

    We have here publicists in the vein of Tovarishch, such as Kuskova, Smirnov, Plekhanov, Gorn, Yordansky, Cherevanin, and others who denounce the October-December struggle as folly, and more or less openly advocate a “democratic” coalition with the Cadets. The real Cadet elements in this turbid stream express the counter-revolutionary interests of the bourgeoisie and the boundless servility of intellectualist philistinism.

    As for the elements which have not yet sunk quite to the level of Struve, their dominant feature is failure to understand the connection between revolution and counter-revolution in Russia, an inability to see everything we have experienced as an integral social movement developing in accordance with its own inner logic.

    so just to warn you guys in your thinking that this is a good turn. ‘

    its not.. its the turn that HAS to happen. the left has been lied to… the organs of the left have unthrowned freedom, and are finishing up the job.

    what you are seeing is the starts fo counter revolution, and you think its going to set thigns straight. it doesnt. that is, counter revoluition is part of the process. rather than attempt some unnatural thing as a revolution with no dissenters, the system does a kind of judo move and requires their change when they find out the truth,. they then show the revolution that the control of the press will push is not what it is.

    so real soon… as i said way way way way way back—-the people are not going to be happy when they start to realize. then there will be a counter revolution… but the people in power will not be as nice as the prior people who were comparitively helpless. without the counter revolution of the leftists and liberals trying to fix what they did… the revolution would fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    no one even tried to get what i am saying as far as tactically…. they do all this…

    the people help them
    they trick the people
    the people helping them become fanatical agaisnt them
    they then act out and do things and those things are told to us to be from the enemy (you can see it in the shooting at the jewish museum).

    those who dont know how this works, depending on each side, acts out in the right maner to affect the change in state.

    so while the tea people are nice… the next wave of leftsts that will join them will be the cranks who ahve been riled up into revolutionary furvor but not allowed to actually attack and do much of antyhing.

    now they will be let go… their keepers will not stop them. they will act out on their own. and their work will be assigned to the other side, and so there will be a reason to act.

    we are just leaving “the period of revolutionary onslaught”…

    i will bet that none of you ever heard that one before

    (just like you never heard engels and marx quote as to the revolutionary holocaust that would exterminate those who are not to be for the future. like jews, the religious, prols, etc)

    here he is pointing out that YOU are the ones who will make this work.

    i said it was a process…
    yet no one wanted to find out about it

    they all instead wanted to feel good about their actions in ignorance!!!

    The period of revolutionary onslaught demonstrated in action the class composition of Russia’s population and the attitude of the different classes towards the old autocracy. Events have now taught everyone, even people who are utter strangers to Marxism, to reckon the chronology of the revolution from January 9, 1905, that is, from the first consciously political movement of the masses belonging to a single definite class.

    got that? the revolution starts when the people internalize the BS they are given. like feminism, socialism is not communism, etc, etc, etc, etc.

    we are at the revolutions END…

    and we (other than those in the know), know its the end of the first phase and the start of the final second phase.

    [edited for length by neo-neocon]

  24. Dodger, I am going to hunt you down and break your fingers and duct tape your feet to your keyboard if you don’t stop blathering on like this.

    Nobody, but nobody, is going to read that mudslide of information with no sane paragraphing, no sane use of capitalization, and no punctuation restraint whatsoever.

    I knew ee cummings, sir, and you sir, are no ee cummings.

    Do you have any sense of terse, sir? Have you at long last no sense of terse?

  25. Okay, dodger…. if you don’t mind how about moving from description to prescription:

    “what you are seeing is the starts fo counter revolution, and you think its going to set thigns straight. it doesnt. that is, counter revoluition is part of the process. rather than attempt some unnatural thing as a revolution with no dissenters, the system does a kind of judo move and requires their change when they find out the truth,. they then show the revolution that the control of the press will push is not what it is.”

    If so then, to use a famous phrase, “What is to be done?” and “Who? Whom?”

    What is the treatment for the disease at this point? Is it to steal a march on Lenin and institute his “Black Hundreds” methods?

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