Home » More on the administration, the Christmas bomber, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed


More on the administration, the Christmas bomber, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — 19 Comments

  1. “”This administration is misreading a great deal these days, isn’t it?””

    Its almost surreal. And likewise the MSM. I’m checking out weather radar on the Weather Channel this morn and they announce a poll that says 75% of Americans think Sarah Palin is not presidential material. WTF? On the Weather Channel?

    Then they do their typical over the top global warming hoax propoganda next. I couldn’t help myself from firing off an email telling them how far removed from everyday normal Americans they fundamentally are.

  2. You want a brief, learned, very convincing global explanation for why we here in the U.S. are in the fix we are in? Check out today’s article by Victor David Hanson athttp://pajamasmedia.com/victordavishanson/why-did-rome-fall%E2%80%94and-does-it-matter/

  3. A bit OT, but Neo wrote:

    “This administration is misreading a great deal these days, isn’t it? And reading grass-roots feelings on this one wasn’t rocket science, …”

    Well, considering they are even getting rid of the rocket science, what else is left? I know I’m a bit biased, but to dump the manned space program and farm it off to the Russians is absurd. The technological payoff from the space program has been enormous; just consider the computer you are reading this on. Krauthammer commented on this today also.

  4. Decision making at the top executive level needs to apply rigorous fact checking as well as multiple scenario analysis to determine unintended affects and the like. It is clear that this administration has no such mechanism to have decisions “bubble-up” from the lower levels, who are more attune to the actual facts on the ground and the general feelings of the populace. With lack of rigor in your decision making process, there is no one to blame but the highest levels for decisions, such as these, that are terribly flawed and indefensible. That was the lesson from the Senate inquiry into trying to find out how the decision was made.

    Since Obama nor anyone in his inner circle have any of this executive experience, I do not expect any improvement in either the decisions made nor the process until there is a major shakeup or a new chief executive.

  5. Pablo,

    It’s worse than their not being aware of the feelings of the populace. Obama was so convinced that American arrogance was responsible for 9/11 that he blocked out, or viewed through a very narrow lens, all information on radical Islam that could have led to a more sensible decision. Did they never hear of Beslan? Are they unaware that small groups of radicals may undertake spectacular actions to prove their creds in the jihadi world?

    This is the shallowest, most provincial group every to run our country. What did Michelle say? Something about not realizing how hard the job would be?

  6. SteveH…To add to the snickers, the Weather Channel founder–a real scientist–says that man made global warming is nonsense.
    What must be the Biggest Bummer to The Bamma & Co. about the trainwrecked KSM trial, is that their slimey plan was for The Evil Booooosh to be “on trial”.

    Bammy & Holder: BAAAD idea. You are scumbags.

  7. As was prophesied: Administration may abandon civilian 9/11 trial

    Both [outgoing] Attorney General Eric Holder and White House spokesman Robert Gibbs did not rule out a military trial when asked about the Obama administration’s options.

    The Obama administration is trying to head off a possible vote in the Senate that could stop any terror suspects currently held at Guantanamo from being brought to the United States to face a civilian trial.

    Not too late to get Holder in the dead pool.

  8. Maybe they need a guide dog to help them.

    On a lighter note I was working at an unnamed joint intelligence center when the news of KSM’s capture went up on the big screen on the watch floor. Someone shouted out “Ron Jeremy works for Al-Queda? Who knew!”.

  9. Occam’s Beard: I’m reading more calls for Obama to start cleaning house even from Dems. You may win your bet yet.

  10. Take a look at this long interview with a current day Professor, who used to be a committed Marxist when he was a student at Occidental College, and who knew and talked with another committed Marxist there named Barack Hussain Obama (http://gatewaypundit.firstthings.com/).

  11. Maybe they need a guide dog to help them.

    This crew couldn’t find their a$$ with both hands and a flashlight. Don’t think the dog will help much. Fido will just get thrown under the bus with all the others.

  12. It’s bound to get even more crowded beneath that pesky bus this year…Or, he hangs on to the faux scapegoats and watches the shipwreck in November. I’m urging him to stick with those ‘winners’ he’s got.

  13. I’m starting a company to sell Obama bumper sticker scrapers to Dems, and popcorn to everyone else. A can’t miss opportunity.

  14. Wolla Dalbo: much thanks for alerting us to the interview. i highly recommend it. Put it on while you are doing chores.

  15. From the Ministry of Truth, Holder Death Watch, part 2: Obama will help select location of Khalid Sheik Mohammed terrorism trial

    “Obama initially had asked Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to choose the site of the trial in an effort to maintain an independent Justice Department. But the White House has been taken aback by the intense criticism from political opponents and local officials of Holder’s decision [emphasis mine] to try Khalid Sheik Mohammed in a civilian courtroom in New York.”

    “Senior White House officials said that the decision to try Mohammed in New York was Holder’s and that no single person in the administration was responsible for handling the politics of that choice. In an effort to avoid leaks, Holder kept the decision close in the days leading up to his Nov. 13 news conference, calling New York officeholders that day to inform them. Several New York officials said they have dealt exclusively with Holder, first during the rollout of the announcement and more recently as he struggles to find another venue.”

    Barack who?

    “Officials acknowledged that Holder does not deserve all the blame for the political problems.”

    Maybe not, but he’s gonna get it. The vrooming sound you hear is the bus warming up.

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