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About those white coats around Obama — 41 Comments

  1. This country is in serious trouble. These liberals really don’t care about the country. It’s all about them and their grip on power for 2010. Call this disaster a ‘victory’ and go home to campaign. And hope the constituents are too stupid to understand the substance of their own unmaking. I know here in New York that might work since the average voter is too stupid to read anything but the New York Times or watch Keith Olbermann.

    I’ve noticed fewer Obama buttons but I don’t think the harm has penetrated their leftist bubble here. You would think with the scandals we’ve had here recently with the Democrats, they’d rethink their slavish devotion to Big Government but that’s doubtful.

    Perhaps when I start seeing anti-Obama buttons and shirts, I’ll have reason to feel actual Hope and Change.

  2. I noticed the four lab coated people and Obama at a podium photo on a BBC page yesterday and was thinking … wait a minute…

  3. Of course those men in white coats with Obama were not doctors. They were orderlies from Eagleview Sanitorium.

  4. Seriously, how childish do you have to be to think that putting people in lab coats behind Obama gives him a patina of credibility?

    I’ve seen school plays with greater subtlety.

  5. It’s hard to believe that any self-respecting physician would allow him or herself to be used as a prop. I guess those are ones who wish to be a government employee.

  6. They were hired xtras. Just like on a film set, give them a couple freebie meals, white costume dept. coats, the chance to gaze at ‘power’ and $75 cash and, Bingo, stuffed toys willing to clap, smile, nod approvingly and look out of place.

  7. Occam’s Beard: apparently, you have to be as childish as Obama. And apparently, there are quite a few people who are just that childish.

    Although I must say I was never all that comfortable with Bush’s flight suit on the deck of the USS Lincoln. Even though Bush actually had been a fighter pilot, and therefore had actually worn one in real life, it seemed showboaty and theatrical.

    In the present case, Obama wasn’t wearing a white coat himself (that would have been awfully funny, wouldn’t it?). He was using medical professionals (I believe, although I’m not sure, that these were real doctors and/or nurses) as props. I’m not sure which would have been creepier.

  8. I’m sure they were real “medical professionals” (not necessarily doctors) because to dress people up for a photo opp would be a very easy target for ridicule. As it stands, it’s STILL an easy target for ridicule!

    What self-respecting doctor would allow themselves to be used for this smarmy and staged photo opp? A true believer, I guess, someone who would happily do Barry’s bidding.

    Really, they all looked completely ridiculous.

  9. I was immediately reminded of these doctors. From TV Tropes:

    The legendary Stan Freberg parodied this as far back as the early 1960s with a commercial he made for Chun King Chinese food which proudly proclaimed that nine out of ten doctors recommended the product. The camera then revealed nine Chinese doctors and one Anglo one.

  10. I guess he didn’t hear/see all the ridicule the first time he rigged up a bunch of white lab coats on the White House lawn. He is running on empty, no more brilliant ideas left, just keeps beating the same poor old dead horse. What’s the definition of insanity?

  11. AVI: yes, it was very much like a TV ad from my youth. “9 out of 10 doctors recommend” with the guy in the white lab coat. In fact, you’ve just given me an idea (I’ve added another video to the post).

  12. They were hired xtras.

    Nah, they were proctologists, there to give Obama’s cronies complete physicals.

    (Sorry for the crudity – I couldn’t resist.)

  13. As I understand it (somebody correct me if I’m wrong), in order for the reconciliation process to be used to avoid a filibuster, the House must first pass the Senate bill. Once they do, Obama could sign it into law at any time. Reconciliation can only be used on an existing law, but it appears the game plan will be for Obama to hold off signing the bill until the Senate and the House have both passed the reconciliation bill. Then Obama would sign the health care bill, followed immediately by the reconciliation bill. Pure chicanery. One would hope that the Senate parliamentarian would rule the reconciliation proceedings out of order if there is no actual law to reconcile, in which event Obama would have to sign the House-passed Senate bill into law. At that point the Senate could make changes to it, but only to those portions of the law that affect the budget.

    I find it sweet justice indeed that the House members — not to mention the majority of Americans — don’t trust either the Senate or Obama to keep their promises, and they fear that if they pass the Senate bill, no reconciliation will occur. They, like the rest of us, will have had the Senate bill shoved down their throats.

    The reconciliation rules allow the Republicans to offer unlimited amendments, as long as those amendments are “germane.” The rules also allow the Republicans to use elaborate and time-consuming processes for the introduction and debate of each offered amendment. The Republicans, if they would but rouse themselves to fight, could begin at once to ostentatiously prepare their parliamentary weapons for a battle in the reconciliation arena, and demonstrate the determination to stall the reconciliation bill until after the November elections, if necessary. A show of conviction now would intimidate already-wary Democrats in the House, who can envision the Senate Democrats abandoning the reconciliation fight since their bill would have already become law.

    I note that Senator Bunning’s recent one-man stand received a lot of support in the blogosphere. The Republicans could find themselves being cheered on in the reconciliation fight, as they would be fighting on the side of the people.

  14. Cap’n Rusty: I think your summary is basically correct. But I also think there are many unknowns, and I’ve read contradictory things. For example, I’ve read that Biden can overrule the parliamentarian’s recommendations and opinions. That would be a whole different ball game, wouldn’t it?

  15. I believe that the Obama groupies believe that he just hasn’t communicated enough, so he going on a national roadshow to promote ObamaCare. I think he’s given over 40 speeches on health care so far. I don’t think he cares what the bill is, he just wants a health care bill on his desk to sign.

    A lot on the far left are furious because it isn’t single-payer, some threaten to vote against it because of that. I heard someone explain that if the bill passes through reconciliation, it can also be disposed of through reconciliation — we just need a Republican president to sign it.

  16. Neo: Yes, I’ve read that the preceding parliamentarian, Mr. Dove, has opined that since the Vice-President “presides” over the Senate, and the parliamentarian merely “advises,” Biden could ignore the parliamentarian’s advice and rule however he sees fit.

    I was a law clerk for a small firm with offices a block from the White House late in the summer of 1974. As the crisis came to a head in August, people, ordinary people, began to fill the sidewalks, waiting, anticipating, knowing that history was going to be made, not knowing in what manner or when. They were quiet, few signs, anticipation permeated the air.

    It could be like that again. But I’d be expecting pitch forks.

  17. Think about the photos of B.O. at the health care meeting with the Republicans, his middle finger conspicuously poised? Well, certainly not the first time either; maybe the guy needs some anger management therapy. The least he could do is wear some rubber gloves…..

  18. Neo, President Bush was in the flight gear because he flew to the ship in the co-pilot seat of the S-3 viking aircraft, flying most of the way there, the S-3 was not a passenger aircraft.
    “On 1 May 2003, US President George W. Bush flew in the co-pilot seat of a VS-35 Viking from NAS North Island, California to USS Abraham Lincoln off the California coast. There, he delivered his “Mission Accomplished” speech announcing the end of major combat in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. During the flight, the aircraft used the customary presidential callsign of “Navy One”. The aircraft that President Bush flew in was retired shortly thereafter and on 15 July 2003 was accepted as an exhibit at the National Museum of Naval Aviation in Pensacola, Florida.”

  19. I too have heard the claims that Joe Biden, as VP, has the right to end amendments by declaring them to be dilatory.

    The Republican line on that is that as long as the amendments are legitimate and relevant to the bill, Biden isn’t allowed to shut them down:

    “It’s our understanding that we will be able to offer lots of amendments. There are certain types of things we can’t do, like offer an amendment to read the US code into the record, but regular vote stuff — yes.”

    Then there’s the bad PR, FOX will have a field day with this, excoriating the Democrats over abortion funding, death panels, reduced medicare coverage, etc. etc. then, when Americans learn that the cost starts right away but the ‘benefits’ don’t kick in till 2014…

    The sheer incompetence is really quite stunning.

  20. Darrell: yes, but I assume that Bush didn’t have to come onboard that way. It was done at least partly for effect. I agree that he, at least, was a bona fide pilot, so he was not impersonating one, or using other pilots as props for legislation. But it was still somewhat showboaty, as I said.

  21. Showboaty? hell yea! Those of us who spent a lot of time on Aircraft Carriers thought it was pretty cool.
    I just think it is a stretch to equate doing something legitimately dangerous as hell to giving a speech with people in white lab coats behind you. I will be surprised if Obama ever fly’s aboard one in anything or visits one in port.

  22. Darrell: I’m certainly not equating them. They both had elements of the theatrical and in Bush’s case, the showboaty. They are not otherwise especially similar.

  23. I thought Bush was incredibly cool. How many U.S. Presidents have flown jet planes?

    The MSM went after him because they were jealous of his skills.

  24. I will never ever, everrrrr forget the reception those warriors on the Lincoln’s flight deck gave President Bush. They knew and HONORED their true Commander in Chief. The outpouring of affection was a thrill to behold. Same reaction from our warriors in Iraq when he flew(in secret)there to serve them Turkey holiday meals.

    No such general warmth and honoring for the current Apologizer-in-Chief. Not even close.

  25. Those doctors behind Obama had to all go through a screening process. They each had have killed at least one old person.

  26. obama has set a new precedent for credibility. Next time you have a job interview or meeting,hire a couple people to stand behind you dressed in lab coats. I am sure that everyone will be so impressed that you will have instant credibility.
    And just think of all the jobs obama can claim he created!

  27. So far we have just one side following the spirit and letter of the rules.
    I am convinced that part of the popularity of sports, at whatever level, is that we like clear rules of play. We may not like the ump’s call, but we respect it and live by his ruling. Alinsky, Baraq, and the Dems understand this. They’re hoisting us on our own petard. The dithering about Reconciliation is, as above posts show, that we don’t know the rules. In fact there may not be rules–Parliamentarian proposes,
    Biden disposes, but by what rule? When the letter of the rules is not clear, observing the spirit has carried us through. But alas, no more. Not with these guys.
    That’s why they deserve a military tribunal, not simple impeachment.

  28. I guess being a mere prop ain’t so bad if you’ve stayed at a Holliday Inn last night?

  29. OT: Obama advisers set to recommend military tribunals for alleged 9/11 plotters

    President Obama’s advisers are nearing a recommendation that Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, be prosecuted in a military tribunal, administration officials said, a step that would reverse Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s plan to try him in civilian court in New York City.

    Not too late to get Holder in the dead pool – but it will be soon.

  30. Neo, I totally understand the impulse for the clarification:
    “And Glenn Beck (I barely ever watch him, but I was channel-surfing last night and happened to see the first five minutes) did a pretty funny riff on the theme.”
    Glenn has been fairly successfully mocked as a buffoon and a clown by the left. But during the get dark early, winter months, I did start watching him regularly and I find him entertaining and enlightening. He has presented a lot of very important information on the potential ramifications of our national deficit and debt. He has really opened my eyes on the value of the Constitution and the genius of the Founding Fathers. Many times, I feel refreshed and inspired by his brutal honesty and sincere asking of hard questions.
    Yes, he gets goofy and he is sentimental but the guy has a hungry brain and a gift for communicating. Don’t feel you have to hold him in disdain because you are such a well read highly educated person. Maybe he’s mostly too simplistic for your taste but hey, you love Danny Kaye. Maybe a little side serving of Beck could be a palate stimulater!
    I just felt a need to express this because I admire your clarity of thought so much and have been a fan of yours for multiple years now.

  31. michaele: what makes you think I hold Beck in disdain? I think he is sometimes over-the-top and I certainly don’t agree with him on all points, but I think he’s both entertaining and smart, and is informing the American public on much that is often ignored. I don’t watch him for the same reason that I don’t watch most TV or listen to most radio—ultimately, it’s just not my preferred medium. I much prefer to read—not an auditory learner.

  32. Read, who does that? Not since public education started using slogans, junk science, and Obama chants.

  33. Hey, Neo, thanks for setting me straight. I guess I’m on hyper alert for Glenn pooh poohing.
    Back story…my 40 yr. old daughter moved “home” (small town outside of Knoxville, TN) from living for quite awhile in San Francisco. She was in an unsustainable credit card debt situation. She’s quite a devotee of Huffington Post and The Daily Show and is somewhat influenced by the contempt they heap upon Glenn. So, anyway, as I sit and soak up my daily dose of Beck, she’ll walk by and give a hint of a smile. She can’t bring herself to watch him because her “peers” wouldn’t approve.
    Sorry I over reacted!

  34. michaele: no need whatsoever to apologize. It’s understandable, since it’s so fashionable to call Glenn Beck an idiot.

  35. michaele:

    She can’t bring herself to watch him [Beck] because her “peers” wouldn’t approve.

    Yes, the problem is that she can’t even say she watched him, or bring up a point of debate from what she might attribute to him without getting dissed or semi-shunned. And if she watched him anyway, she might slip up when around her peers. Oh, the horror!

  36. I recently had my semi-annual checkup and asked by physician about health care, specifically a single payer system. Her reply was quite telling. She, and all of other generalists in the practice, are massively in support of a single payer system. The amount of paperwork required by the current system is a burden that is beyond belief and the insurance system is continually getting in the way of her ability to deliver health care. She also said that the specialists are NOT in favor of a single payer system because it would cut their income.

    GPs do favor a single payer system, in large numbers.


    FWIW, I grew up with actual real socialized medicine. Care was rationed, there were no primary care physicians, just the doc on duty. If we overutilized care, my dad would have been called into the base commander to explain…oh what? Base commander??? Socialized medicine??? Yeah, it was the Air Force. Know what? The care wasn’t all glitzy and sexy but it was more than sufficient.

    Don’t like BIG GOVERNMENT RUN PROGRAMS? OK, let’s do away with Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the armed forces, the interstate highway system, cops, firemen, public schools, public libraries, unemployment insurance…and the list goes on. I actually think that government IS able to run programs in a relatively efficient manner. I also believe that business is in the business of making money, NOT making my life better.

    We are the last industrialized country in the world without universal health care…the very last. I am embarrassed.

    I voted for Obama, I’ll vote for him again, and I’m voting straight dem ticket in the mid-terms even if the republican is a better choice. I’m sick to death of the crap spewing out of the republican talking heads and can’t believe how little the base understands that the party is all about big business WHICH HAS SCREWED THE LITTLE GUY every chance possible.

    If you’re rich, vote republican. If you care about people, go dem.

  37. Escobar Driver: rah, rah, sis boom bah, go Democrats! Let’s follow those other European countries right off the economic cliff! Oooo, and we wouldn’t want to be embarrassed that we’re not progressive like those fabulous Europeans!

    Of course you are completely misunderstanding (or pretending to misunderstand) the conservative position. Conservatives believe that there are certain things that should be run by the federal government (the military, interstate highways, some others) and that the rest are best left to private enterprise or local and/or state government. Some favor Medicare (which, after all, is a limited program and not a universal one) and some do not. You may notice also that much of what you list—fire departments, cops, schools, public libraries—fall into the category of local and/or state rather than federal government-run programs. But you don’t even bother to make that distinction; you’d rather make some spurious rhetorical point.

    Following the link you so kindly provided brings up a bunch of old polls about doctors and single payer, as well as websites run by doctors who support single payer. In a quick perusal of the leading couple of pages of links, none of them appeared to be recent, and none of them involved the current travesty of an HCR bill. Face it, almost no one likes that bill—with the possible exception of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, and I’m not sure how fond of it they are, either.

  38. Escobar Driver:

    If you’re rich, vote republican. If you care about people, go dem.

    Ok, Escobar, then given the realities, here’s your very own personal “level of caring” test:

    Given, 1] that the current quality of Medicare care is already not sustainable by Gov’t reimbursement for Medicare care – because the Gov’t fixes prices/reimbursement by paying only what it wants to, which amounts to a 50-70% reimbursement rate, so that the remainder of the current cost of current-quality Medicare care must be subsidized by anyone else who can pay, as partly reflected, for example, by “too high” Private Insurance premiums, which the Obama Democrat Plan, 2] also states it is going keep from being “too high”.

    And given, 3] that the Obama Democrat Plan in fact promises to cut Medicare care reimbursement by a massive amount – they call it “saving by eliminating fraud and abuse”, but it’s really only more of the same inadequate reimbursement price-fixing.

    Then your test result, Escobar, will be based upon whether you personally care enough to see what the effect of 1,2, and 3 will be upon the quality of care received by those who are totally dependent by law upon Medicare care – that is, upon anyone on Medicare.

    Escobar, I submit that, no, you don’t care enough to figure out the actual effects of the Obama Democrat Plan. Right?

  39. OK, Escobar, I’ll bite. I’m a former Air Force wife. Based on the care my husband and his colleagues and my fellow wives and I received, let me tell you it is not socialized medicine. And perhaps it hasn’t occurred to you that anyone who had a choice went off base for care, because if they had to go on base for care they were likely to end up doing something like having a baby in a hallway. If you want to hold up the Air Force as a not-so-bad version of what Obamacare would be like, then ask yourself: where will people go when the OB ward is full? Are pelvic exams really supposed to be done roughly by taciturn, overworked doctors who don’t answer your questions? When there isn’t a neurologist because there wasn’t room in the budget for one, where are they going to send you?

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