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The Parliamentarian and health care reform reconciliation — 24 Comments

  1. I have a headache from the spinning.

    Is there anything to prevent Obama from simply signing a piece of paper, saying that’s the bill and so the law of the land, and telling us what is in it later?

    As far as I can tell, that’s what they are trying to figure out how to do.

  2. This, via instapundit, from the NRO’s “The Corner”:

    “Democratic leaders should be asking themselves just how they have gotten to the point that their strategy is to amend a law that doesn’t exist yet by passing a bill without voting on it.”

    Instapundit’s comment is followed by mine: “heh”, “heh”.

  3. As part of the comments section to a previous post, I suggested the possibility of using the “recall” process against vulnerable cogresspeople who are going against the will of the voters.

    Neo pointed out this site to me:


    Apparently, at least 9 states allow for the “recall” of elected congresspeople. I think this might be something to consider if they are planning to continue ramming this Obamacare down our throats against our will. This is a constitutional method to redress our greivances against runaway congresspeople.

    The state of New Jersey provides in Article 1 Section 2b of its Constitution that:

    The people reserve unto themselves the power to recall, after at least one year of service, any elected official in this State or representing this State in the United States Congress. The Legislature shall enact laws to provide for such recall elections.

    Eight other states–Colorado, Louisiana, Michigan, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, Washington and Wisconsin–have laws on their books providing for broad recall of elected officials, which could include Members of Congress. Altogether, these nine states have 12 incumbent Senators in the runaway Congressional majority who are not already standing for re-election in 2010, but, in the event of successful petition drives, could be.

  4. Apparently the Democrats are going to go ahead with the language that loosens up funding for abortion with public funds.

    In the United Nations also the Obama led team is pushing hard this week at the UN Commission on the Status of Women to push for language that weakens the family and pushes the gay/lesbian agenda.

    Hillary Clinton is scheduled to be at the Conference tomorrow and her liberal minions are pushing hard for anti family positions to be taken.

    There is developing a strong fightback as Obama is seen all over the world now as a weak effete leader and more conservative nations are fighting back against the non selsustaining and destructive policies of the liberal Europeans and the US.

  5. vanderleun, a stake through the heart is also known to work. And if you’re not sure who should be subject to this treatment, keep a mirror handy.


  6. Hmmm… regarding my above comment as to “recalls” of elected officials. I’ve done a little more review, and it may be the case that federal officials are not subject to state recalls. See the following links:



    I still think its worth looking further into this. Perhaps the above link should be emailed to your local party officials, tea party groups, and other interested political organziations and individuals. Heres the link:


  7. I am surprised that the Congress vote is going to happen. Obama seals his fate having this thing voted on. Best saving face thing to do AND get his agenda through at this time is the Dems. to withdraw the monstrocity and pick at it piece meal. Later. I seriously think Hillary would have done this and we would be saddled with something we didn’t want. ALREADY. Probably would of with McLame as well via “comprimise. but that speculation as much as FDR caused the depression to be worse.
    Obie’s way or the highway might make him go down in history. Carter gets a reprive from being in the cellar!
    Probably that tactic has passed effectiveness by now. Obie is stomping his feet and nobody is listening to the toddler not getting his candy.
    The only hope of any gain of any credibility for this adminstration is if the economy picks up somewhat this summer. Which it might despite the Feds. They take credit for something they actually tried to kill. Other than that Nov. is a blood bath for the Dems.
    Obie is a lame duck in his only term.

  8. Unfortunately, the CRS Report (http://lugar.senate.gov/services/pdf_crs/The_Office_of_the_Parliamentarian_of_the_House_and_Senate.pdf) on the operation of the office of the Parliamentarian in the House and Senate, says that such “rulings” are not binding, but are rather opinions only, and such advisory information can be ignored by members of Congress.

    So, does anybody think that this crown will really be stopped by such advisory “opinions.”

  9. Sorry, this should have not be “crown,” but “crowd, although a crown would fit in very well with the high-handed ideas of this bunch.

  10. Mike Mc. Says:
    March 11th, 2010 at 4:45 pm

    Is there anything to prevent Obama from simply signing a piece of paper, saying that’s the bill and so the law of the land, and telling us what is in it later?

    As far as I can tell, that’s what they are trying to figure out how to do.

    I think you win the comment thread.

  11. J.L. Says:

    “As part of the comments section to a previous post, I suggested the possibility of using the “recall” process”

    Better get started now… this has been dragging on for a year. Drudge posted old stories about old deadlines. They might fail to pass it with these new deadlines but they won’t stop until they ‘win’. Ergo… start now…

  12. Mike Mc. Says:

    “Is there anything to prevent Obama from simply signing a piece of paper, saying that’s the bill and so the law of the land, and telling us what is in it later?”

    I guess one of us could go to the courts and say we don’t want to have to buy insurance covered under these regulations (ie, on the exchange) ergo we have been harmed / have legal standing. Then in the court case our argument could be the law was passed illegally (and/or never really passed).

    Another more radical / subversive way could be to sue the ring leaders personally for everyone harmed by the new regulatory scheme… in the civil suits bring up their professional misconduct in illegally passing / not passing this bogus law… i.e., the point being, they might not be covered under the normal sovereign immunity coverage’s if they acted illegally. It wouldn’t hurt to let them know right now this is a long term plan on how we will deal with them.

  13. Despite appearances, the left cannot win this fight.

    If they fail to pass ObamaCare they lose.

    If they pass ObamaCare they lose even bigger.

    If they fail to pass it, Obama, Pelosi and Reid are labeled as incompetent losers and the label will stick.

    If they pass it, the entire Party will be rejected in 2010 and 2012. The legislation will be repealed, regulations changed, executive orders repealed and canceled and entire Departments and entitlements eliminated.

    The thing is that Democrats are providing the justifications for eliminating any changes they seek to impose upon an unwilling America. The Tea Party movement is going to get much bigger because the Democrat leadership’s actions are feeding the political firestorm they are creating.

    Reagan did it and was supported in his reforms because of Carter and after Democrats have tried to rule-by-fiat, Republicans will be supported in these actions by a public revolted by Obama, Pelosi and Reid’s actions.

    The thing to keep in mind is that while Democrats aren’t done trying to fundamentally transform America… 3 out of 4 Americans have already reached the conclusion that this is not a good thing. Only 10% think that things have gotten better since Obama was elected. That rejection of Obama is going to increase as it cannot help but do so under the circumstances and given the political dynamics at work.

    Yes, they are dangerous and yes, they must be fought every step of the way but this is a fight they cannot win.

  14. Thomas Says:

    J.L. Says:

    “As part of the comments section to a previous post, I suggested the possibility of using the “recall” process”

    Better get started now… this has been dragging on for a year. Drudge posted old stories about old deadlines. They might fail to pass it with these new deadlines but they won’t stop until they ‘win’. Ergo… start now…

    I’m not in one of the states mentioned which allow for recall, as far as I know. But according to the site I mentioned:


    the following states appear to have provisions for it:

    New Jersey
    North Dakota

    Although it may be the case that federal officials are not subject to recall, as I’ve noted above, I suggest that the issue be raised. If you live in any of the aforementioned states, I suggest sending the link of the “recall” site (http://recallcongressnow.org/) to relevant groups and individuals: your local party officials, tea party groups, and other interested political organziations and individuals. Or look into the matter yourself. At least it will send a message to congresspeople who are going directly against the will of the public.

  15. Certainly an argument can and will be made that federal officials are not subject to state recalls.

    Regardless of whether or not it’s a good idea to have state recalls of Congressmen is not the issue. The issue is whether its legally Constitutional.

    Congressmen are the direct representatives of the citizens within those districts and states… they have been sent to Congress, by those citizens.

    If those citizens do not control through Constitutionally valid laws their representatives, then what and whom are those officials actually representing?

    SCOTUS may have to settle this but I see nothing in the Constitution that invalidates state recalls of Congressmen. And, if not unconstitutional then state recall laws can apply to Congressmen.

  16. Oblio: More like a zombie than a vampire. Unreasoning hunger drives them forward.

    No, I think Neo is right. The zombie hunger you refer to is a hunger for brains. These people are not interested in brains.

  17. From the Pat Caddell article linked by physicsguy: When only 21 percent of Americans say that Washington operates with the consent of the governed, as was also reported last month, we face an alarming crisis.

    Fascinating. Six months ago I would have said there is no way Republicans will win back either chamber of Congress. Three months ago I would have said, ok it is a possiblity. Now, I am pretty certain at least one chamber will turn in November. If that happens, Obama becomes a lame duck. And strangely, the Dems keep doubling down on stupid.

    But the bigger question: Who are those 21%?

  18. Who are those 21%?
    I live right in the middle of ’em in NYS. I’m getting pretty tired of trying to explain to my friends and in-laws why this deal is bad news. Falls on deaf ears. I doubt my Congress critter cars what i write him.
    I got “our system now is not fair” from one of my wife’s co-workers yesterday. This guy is a 60 YO PHD engineer at a private company! Hey dude. Life isn’t always fair and government ain’t going to make it so. I read all over the place it’s a dead deal then I get comments like that from supposedly smart people. Sometimes I think the Replublic is doomed.

  19. This whole healthcare debate has been a bad joke and I have not seen a comprhensive chronicle of it yet.

    Starting with the lefty combo of conspiracy theory and magical thinking that insurance companies are all the same (bad) and out to get you whereas government is good because it takes the profit motive out / makes things no longer materialistic commodities… to all the lies they’ve told to misrepresent what they’re trying to do for the last year (save money, use preventative medicine, we must pass this to fix Medicare, blaw blaw blaw… lies and shell games)…

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