Home » Watch the rats leave the sinking ship: Olbermann, et al, on the President’s oil spill speech


Watch the rats leave the sinking ship: Olbermann, et al, on the President’s oil spill speech — 57 Comments

  1. If the Republicans are paying attention, they may realize that this could be the key to defeating Democrats in the age of Obama: make their supporters embarrassed that they supported such an inept leader (not to mention, such misguided policies) and suddenly the imagined moral force that their defense of Obama and his cronies would have taken in the past will wither away.

  2. If you read the whitehouse.gov transcript of this pusillanimous speech and insert the unsaid, but present phrase, “and yet, the oil still flows.” after every grand pronouncement, it is a chilling thing….

  3. Because of our efforts, millions of gallons of oil have already been removed from the water through burning, skimming and other collection methods “and yet it still flows.” Over five and a half million feet of boom has been laid across the water to block and absorb the approaching oil “and still it flows.”

    I think “Five and a Half Million Feet of Boom” would be a great name for a hip-hop band.

  4. Unfortunately, ∅bama was the one many of us feared waiting for. It didn’t take rocket science to predict something like this would occur. His lack of successful executive experience was there for all who wished to see it.

    I suppose I should be glad that Mr. Leg Tingles and Mr. Sportscenter got it right this time, but I have so much pent-up disgust for such clowns that I don’t care that much. A broken clock is right twice a day: so can Mr. Tingles and Mr. Sportscenter be right.

  5. Why some obvious measures were not taken for protection of beaches and marshlands weeks ago? A floating nawy making sand levees on shallow water could make all the difference, and this even is not expensive.

  6. It’s a shame the mistakes that we as a nation make are so bloody expensive. With the incredible outpouring of collective knowledge the world has seen over the past few decades, we, as people, are still dumb as stumps. P.T. Barnum was oh so right.

  7. Matthews makes exactly the right point. There is no “executive command and control”. He’s the (did I just hear Olbermann say “G– D—“? Just before the 8:00 mark) freakin’ President. Drive it. He can get whatever resources he wants.

    Olbermann, at about 9:00 just said “empty suit”?

  8. I knew at some point Obama would use the spill to awaken environmental activism. Obama says Oil Disaster “Most Painful And Powerful Reminder” That We Need Clean Energy

    So an ulterior motive might be behind his lack of urgency to contain and clean. Although I am certain his bone headed lack of resonse is incompetence, I can’t help but wonder if the agenda of his puppet masters is to let the oil come ashore.

    We are not going to power this countrys needs with solar and wind. Not in anybodys lifetime.

    If destroying the country is not their goal, they sure are missing a great opportunity with thier talent. Socialism, exponential increases in the deficit, and wistling in the dark over an environmental mega disaster.

  9. All of our harrumphing about Obama or even the local dog catcher is for naught.

    Why we’re not protesting daily in front of our news outlets is the mystery. The next Tea Party efforts should be directly squarely at the root of the problem: the elitist Media and the colleges and universities that crank out these idiots.

  10. If not careful we’re about to turn energy in the United States into a make work program using govt subsidized and hand picked by ethnicity union workers. Who can’t see creating “millions” of new jobs in the energy sector means incompetent union bullies will get fat paychecks and average Americans will get unreliable and ungodly priced utility bills?

    I’m flat out ashamed of living in a country that even considers such an immoral boondoggle.

  11. What I see is a MSM that is beginning to reach a consensus that Obama is a failure. Combine this with the growing perception that his failure is bringing on a complete immolation of the Democratic party in November, and Democrats have to be thinking that maybe they need to get rid of Obama in order for them and the Democratic party to survive.

    I predict that within a month Democratic politicians and media pundits will be openly calling for impeachment.

  12. BP isn’t saying so with much gusto, but its pretty clear to everyone involved that the well lining has been compromised below the surface somewhere.

    So the oil is leaking out laterally and into the surrounding rock at some rate. That leak will probably get bigger over time.

    For now, BP is trying to capture as much flow as it can at probably an increasing rate in order to decrease the flow into the leak down below. Its a race for destiny at this point. If the leak down below gets too large, the relief well won’t be able to pump in sufficient mud to kill the well, and the leak will go on for a long time.

    In terms of politics, Obama is reaping the whirlwind. Politicians have always been at least 50% good luck charms. Clinton was the luckiest of them all. It seems that we liked Clinton because nothing ever went wrong under his watch. We figured that if he stayed president forever, nothing bad would ever go wrong — just because he was there doing nothing.

    Clinton had very few hurricanes blow up the gulf while he was president. He enjoyed a financial bubble which spread wealth around everywhere. Everything reversed for Bush. Hurricanes, war, financial collapse.

    Obama essentially ran on good luck. Vote for him, and bad things won’t happen any more. The good luck of the Clinton years will return. Running for president on good luck is a risky thing to do.

  13. Anyone who watches or reads the MSM outlets and believes what is being said deserves O. We who have long since stopped believing them don’t. But we are stuck with O anyway. I don’t see impeachment. I am beginning to hope that he won’t run for a second term. But I dread the next two and half years with this poor excuse for a state senator in the WH.

  14. Rassmussen poll shows today a catastrophic impact of the speech on Obama rating: he struck all-time low. Let us see for several days if this a blimp or a meltdown.

  15. These people remind me of high school. A few members of the cool crowd have been brave enough to point fingers and now other members of the herd finally feel free to start parroting. Of course no one could possibly have risked being associated with what the unpopular kids (Fox News et al) were saying a year and a half ago.

    Sergey, the reason “obvious measures” weren’t taken to protect the coastline (and the wildlife and people affected by all this) was because our Dear Leader was looking to leverage this crisis to push his energy agenda (letting bad guy BP look even worse because of the lack of timely cleanup and protection). He laid it all out for us in that speech last night.

    The difference is, with the latest crisis (that he was of course only too happy to exacerbate), a lot more people are fed up and willing to point out that the Emperor has no clothes. I have a feeling that it might be too little, too late, but at least it’s a start.

    He may have drained his political capital with the health care fight…it’s hard to imagine he’ll be able to pull out the cap and tax thing. But with Obama, you never know. We all saw how the health care bill went down. He’ll use any means.

  16. As I’ve said before, “Reichstag”.
    I may have to revise the analogy somewhat, or perhaps abandon it.
    If Hitler and the German fire departments and cops and other city officials had stood around watching ineffectually while the Reichstag fire spread and spread and burned down half the city, that would have overshadowed the ethnicity of the supposed torch guy.
    I think that’s fixed it.

  17. Knowing some zero supporters, and having watched them for years, particularly since Bush was first inaugurated, I have to say that a huge part of their position is based on what it says about them–social signifier–and makes them feel–superior.
    So, what now?
    They can’t abandon either. If Obama is now impossible to support as a competent chief executive, what can they do?
    Well, they can insist that the alternative is still worse.
    IMO, they can’t abandon their self-image by admitting they were wrong. They will have to double down by insisting they were still right because the alternative–republicans, McCain, Bushlite, Palin, who-or-whatever, would have been even more of a catastrophe.
    Those interested in “bright” and credentialism can’t afford to abandon that position, either.

  18. The shift in tone by the New York Times editorial board that you blogged about may prove to be the watershed moment. James Carville’s rant may have started it, but he’s a Clinton man, so it didn’t carry quite as much weight. But the New York Times editorial board have been Obama cheerleaders all the way. Now they have gven the green light it’s ok to pile on.

    They followed it up with a big story yesterday about how the government is ineptly bungling the clean up.

  19. Yes, it’s his Reichstag fire, which he will use to subject the country to the Morganthau Plan. “Green” means dismantling our industrial might, or what’s left of it, so that we can no longer disturb the global consensus. If there’s a Hell, the Obermanns, Mathews, Brooks, Noonan’s, who sold this man to us deserve basement suites there, and the sooner the better.
    God damn them all.

  20. they are unhappy for different reasons than most people.

    To them he should have seized power by now and so not have to go through all this any more.

    this is very different than other peoples idea of his boobishness where their goal was fiscally positive outcomes, not destitution.

    just like the idea of peace

    WE think (the masses) that peace is a condition where we no longer are willing to kill each other over issues (and those old issues we used to dont come up any more).

    they think peace is AFTER war when they win…

  21. Artfldgr, they’re right about that. Peace only comes after victory by one side and surrender by the other, never through negotiations or “sheer force of will” alone.

    The only reason there is no peace in the Middle East is that the superpowers never let Israel take their wars to a successful conclusion (i.e. surrender).

  22. armchair pessimist wrote: “If there’s a Hell, the Obermanns, Mathews, Brooks, Noonan’s, who sold this man to us deserve basement suites there, and the sooner the better.” Aren’t you forgetting that the electorate had the same information as we had about Obama. No pundit’s insight was needed to see that O had no experience, delusions of grandeur, associates right out of a police lineup and a worldview tantamount to a twelve year old’s, any of which should have disqualified from serious consideration. . The most significant and metaphorical spokesperson for the Obama campaign were not the news pundits, most of whole are read or heard by an insignificant minority of voters, but the Obamagirl, or at least her message of why vote for age and experience when you can have something sexy and cool. The electorate was silly and immature period.

    The pundits may actually have an excuse, they may have been afraid to say the obvious knowing the social and professional price that would come telling the truth about Odumbo in their subculture. After all their first loyalty is to payday and their favorite restaurants, not an electorate so superficial they cannot tell the difference between a presidential election and American Idol.

  23. “He may have drained his political capital with the health care fight…it’s hard to imagine he’ll be able to pull out the cap and tax thing. But with Obama, you never know. We all saw how the health care bill went down. He’ll use any means.”

    Actually, if they figure out they *have* drained it all and do so early enough to pass legislation before the next election – well then they just force everything as they want (they have the votes).

    That is the truly scary thing then – further I think Obama will end up being petty and vindictive once he realizes that the glamor is truly gone and that will be scary too. Personally were I to ascribe an ulterior motive past “incompetence” that would be my choice – let the non-believers reap the consequences of not loving the One.

  24. Scott,

    I think you may be right that James Carville’s rant might have been a match on the kindling here. Whether it becomes a bonfire remains to be seen.

    He’s a party guy through and through, but he just couldn’t bear to be silent while watching the Feds stand by as his beloved state got thoroughly trashed yet again. Carville cried out the truth (straight from his heart). I guess he deserves props for that, at least.

  25. I have said for years that there is a huge element of what is usually called “magical thinking” in people’s political decisions, more on the Left, but the Right is not immune. We usually use the term in describing the development of thought in young children. A four year old will do one of those little rhymes about crossing the street, and, if no one stops them, head right out into traffic, because the “Stop, look and listen” thing is a magic charm, not, as we hoped, a mnemonic. People who look for political heroes, people who can believe that George Bush attacked Iraq because “he was mad at them” for trying to assassinate his father, are thinking like that four year old. A magic guy, a “light worker” will solve their problems, surely. Part of that magic means not having to supply links in a chain of cause and effect. It just happens. You can read about magical thinking in books, or just stand by the sand box and listen to four year olds play. Whether it’s road building or battles, they say it, and it happens. For that age, it is a fine thing. There is so much of the world that they do not understand, the use of magic to fill in the gaps until they learn more allows them to go on playing and learning to think. When it persists into adulthood, we have a problem.”Obama will pay for our health care,” for example, and, if some reality-based question is asked, like, “Whence will the money come?” the reply is, “He’ll take it from the rich.”

    The oil blow-out has forced some people out of magical thinking mode, but, mostly, it has tarnished the magic of Barry the Communist. I couldn’t say what the eventual result will be, but if we come to the point that the grownups take charge, and the kids return to the sandbox, we might just muddle through.

  26. The rats will not leave the sinking ship. The ship, made by you and hijacked by statists, will kick off any rats that threaten the hijacking. Obama is a typical rat: incompetent but obedient.

    James’ point is telling: Obama is unlucky. He will take the fall. He will be blamed. It is probably too late to have him assassinated because there is nothing “there” to make a myth out of. Well, there is. They’ve done it so far. Still, the “there” dwindles.

  27. The democrats are becoming a fractured coalition. Two factions, people actually concerned about the environment. and full blown marxist who could give a damn less, are what we’re seeing battling it out now. Obama is clearly in the could give a damn less marxist category. Lets hope the whole party comes down like dominos over this.

  28. SteveH: In the best Ed McMahan style:

    You are correct, sir!

    Let’s take the 11 billion that was allocated to the “Smart Grid” under the Porkulus Bill (designed to support Agenda 21) and clean up the Gulf.

    11 billion! That’s only a tiny fraction of what we gave to save Goldman Sachs.

  29. This morning Victor Hanson has something to say on this as well:

    No, the sudden damning of Obama’s leadership is a symptom that Obama is turning radioactive, and not even Chris Matthews wants to be the last zealot in Washington crafting yet another narrative of how brilliant and tingly a soon to be 30% president “really” is.

    In a weird way, the green issue is a gift from the gods for the liberal media: it allows them “on principle” (cf. Maureen Dowd) to distance themselves from Obama (as in “we don’t compromise with the environment” when, in fact, they compromise on everything from Predator assassinations, windmills off Martha’s vineyard, solar panels in tortoise country, Guantanamo, etc. as long as there is power to be had or amplified).


  30. Not enough attention is given to how predictable this all is? We all knew that he was going to be the worse president in US history, the only question was when the majority of the public would agree. I think a year and a half would have been an agreed upon time table for the Obama roof to cave in.

    Next question, how will the Democratic congressmen who see their careers going up in smoke distance themselves from Obama before the September campaign really heats up? I can think of only one sure fire means, drop hints, loud hints, of impeachment for one thing or another. We’ll see.

  31. Conservatives, pick candidates who can pick reasonable running mates. Palin thought she was talking to the president of France, thought Europe was a country, can be made to say anything, had the audacity to say, “It’s in Gods hands what happens next” … Obama was a slightly better fraud than the POSSIBILITY of Palin succeeding the elder McCain. Thoughts on me voting for Obama, “hated to, had to :\”

  32. “hated to, had to :\”
    “In order to acquire a growing and lasting respect in society, it is a good thing, if you possess great talent, to give, early in your youth, a very hard kick to the right shin of the society that you love. After that, be a snob.” -Salvador Dali

    If you look, you can find similar mis-steps from any and all candidates. True, her popularity derives in part from the aggravation she provokes among liberals…for now that’s good enough for me.

  33. Belmont Club article worth skimming, if you haven’t already seen it.


    A third take on the knave or fool question. If I said that Obama was a “fraud,” this wouldn’t mean much, but Wretchard has painted a fascinating picture of how much damage a “fraud” can do.

    Please read the link and forward it to others. I think the time is right to take down our horrible horrible President before he gets us all killed.

  34. nyo is another lesson
    Gerry Ford, Division 1 football starter, Ivy law school, good tennis player long after retirement, stumbled once and the narrative was that the was an oaf and a clumsy clown.
    Misspell the plural of potato and, accomplishments and education not withstanding, you’re a clueless fool to the end of your life.
    Obama, on the other hand, has flubbed repeatedly and has no accomplishments at all, and is repeatedly promoted as brilliant and accomplished.
    Palin flubs–far less than Biden and less than Obama–and she’s a dummy.
    See a pattern here?
    And people like nyo pretend that was their motivation.
    As I said, they have to double down on the awfulness of the alternative to excuse themselves.
    Visualize transparency.

  35. Interesting that nyo considered a VP candidate’s criteria more important than those of a Presidential candidate.

    If one must make the comparison with he who traverses our 57 states, and the former Governor of Alaska, here is the comparison I used.

    “A mayor is a community organizer with responsibilities.”

    Nuff’ said.

    (The mayor remark is especially appropriate when you consider the experience criteria I used to compare Obama’s experience with those of other Senators who became President. Only Warren Harding had the same metric as Obama.)

  36. I apologize to Neo for mangling/re-stating the ship/rats metaphor. The ship that is Obama-the-messiah is sinking and the rats are fleeing. But rats are good swimmers, breeders, and survivors. They’ll jump back on board if possible.

    nyomythus: You are as worthless as tits on a boar hog.

  37. … make their supporters embarrassed …

    Impossible. Besides, their carping has less to do with his incompetence and more to do with Obama not doing the crazy lefty things that they are too dumb to realize are too impractical to do. For instance, they are angry that in the speech he didn’t push the Cap and Trade bill more, a bill which was stalled in the Senate even before the Gulf Leak and which is probably dead for good now.

    … they can’t abandon their self-image by admitting they were wrong …


    Soon after Obama’s election I realized that Obama was much like a person who I worked with for many years.

    This person, who is also black, had a career in which little was required of him in the way of performance, a career in which he was sheltered in jobs which were easy and in which he had no real standards to meet(unlike the rest of his co-workers), nevertheless who all the while was rewarded with promotions and raises.

    This person was an excellent speaker, even better than Obama, in that he could mesmerize an audience without benefit of a teleprompter.

    Most of his career was spent in conducting seminars in which he ignored the ostensible purpose of the seminars — which was to teach certain skills to certain members of the public. Instead he used these seminars to ingratiate himself with the local black community and consolidate himself politically with the black part of town; the ethnic make-up of his seminars was almost 100% black. He was allowed to conduct personal business, much of it of a political nature, during work hours. We all knew that he would likely be running for office after his retirement from our organization.

    In fact these seminars, as conducted by him, were nothing more than a form of “community organizing.” Having at various times seen community organizing and organizers close up, in my opinion community organizing is usually all flash and very little substance in the form of tangible results. They almost never objectively improve the lives of the community they purport to be organizing. Community organizing is usually all about getting out the vote for Democrat candidates.

    Thankfully, this person was never elevated to higher managerial jobs, I think because it must have been recognized early on by the directors of our organization that he was fundamentally incompetent. I do know that he was placed in a couple of positions early in his career in which he had to obtain measurable results and that he failed. One does not knowingly put such a person in charge of important areas that if mismanaged would cause the organization serious problems.

    After he retired he ran for city council and won the office handily. There are other parallels but I don’t want to make this comment too long.

    Picture Obama minus the ivy league law degree — a “lesser” Obama, if you will — with one other major difference. While Obama is “cool,” or aloof, according to your viewpoint — my little Obama was “hot” and openly emotional — more like Reverend Wright’s personality.

    The denouement came when the FBI caught him taking a bribe for his vote. Local law enforcement would never have caught him — or would have even wanted to. A third party, who was wearing a wire, was under indictment by the FBI for another unrelated crime and agreed to wear the wire in exchange for lesser charges. So my incompetent co-worker finally ran out of luck. I have no idea what he is up to these days.

    Bribery is usually more subtle at Obama’s level.


  38. I don’t think meritocracy means what Chrissy thinks it means.

    “Obama was a slightly better fraud than the POSSIBILITY of Palin succeeding the elder McCain”

    McCain appears pretty alive to me. You can ‘all cap’ possibility all you want but you have to face the facts: Palin taking over for a dead McCain was an MSM/Dem talking point and had no basis in reality. Jerry Brown is the same age as McCain yet his age won’t be an issue. Get it now?

    My God. Obama is about to crater this country’s economy and you’re still worried about Palin. All cuz the media knows things and stuff.

  39. I read Eugene Robinson’s column today (via a link; he’s not my first read of the day). Anyway, he went on about the O team’s constant refencing Steven Chu, the Nobel Prize winner. He makes the point that Chu’s physics accomplishments have nothing to do with oil drilling. It sounds like even Robinson is starting to get tired of credentials being peddled as competence.

  40. Grackle’s last statement, “Bribery is usually more subtle at Obama’s level,” suggests the one tried and tested tool an egomaniac uses: blackmail. Ron Rosenbaum in his book, “Explaining Hitler,” identifed blackmail as the essence of Hitler.

    The parallels between Hitler and Obama’s youth is striking including stepfathers, isolation, and an enabling political power.

  41. The “Chu – Nobel Laureate” mantra reflects a failing of the Left in general, namely a fetish for credentialism. They brandish credentials like talismen, as if to say, “He ought to be capable – he’s got this piece of paper!” Obama was editor of the HLR, so he ought to be a powerhouse on the law…despite their being no objective evidence of any great knowledge. Still, he’s got the item on his resume.

    Chu was a lousy choice for SecEnergy, Nobel Prize notwithstanding, because there’s no nexus between the skills involved in the two cases. Cooling single atoms with lasers is nice, but has little relevance to generating and distributing energy across the US.

    A better choice would have been someone from the electrical power or oil industry, whose experience would actually bear on energy issues.

  42. Perhaps I’m naive but I never thought MSNBC would ever say anything critical of Obama no matter what he did, so I am quite thrilled that they are furious about this oil spill bungling. It does bring a ray of hope into this dismal situation. Of course destroying the Gulf of Mexico and who knows, perhaps the Atlantic Ocean is a big boo boo, and is too much even for these water carriers to witness. Still, it is refreshing to see these guys waking up to Mr. Moron.

    Still, the environment is a big deal to the liberals, they like to think they are far superior to conservatives on this issue, and that they only understand conservation. It’s a sacred cow to them, and for many of them it is their religion because so many are atheists, so it’s nice to see them genuinely upset about Zero’s cluelessness, and actually aghast at his incompetence. I never thought I’d see this day. Sorry to see that this had to be what happened to wake them up.

    Still, his rhetoric about law suits is so innapropriate as we all watch the oil gushing out of the earth at an alarming speed. He seems completely out of touch with reality. He doesn’t realize that the language we all want to hear is “we’re going to stop the sucker” not “we’re going to sue BP”. Tone deaf as usual.

  43. Occam’s Beard: You are so true about the credentialism. It infuses the left’s judgements about anything. The other day, an acquaintance of mine (a professor of education) remarked that he didn’t “get” Lady Gaga. Well, this prompted some remarks by people who were similarly puzzled, as well as some who weighed in that it was all flash and no substance. Those who claimed to like her couldn’t actually explain why other than to remark that she was “a genius” (by what standard?) or to note that she had impressive credentials or that people had compared her to distinctive pop stars of previous years so there must be something there.

  44. Aaarrrggghhh. Sometimes you might think English isn’t my native language–evidently blog commenting fluently is more of a challenge than I might have thought. “You are so true about”=a combination of “You are so right” and “That is so true.”

  45. The whole oil spill thing is really about Obama fighting the good fight against BP and the other big shots, wasn’t that the crux of his speech, for that matter isn’t the crux of all his speeches?
    What a guy!

    If only we had elected someone with experience managing as much as a lemonade stand, alas the Obama crowd is proud that they never sullied their hands with commerce.

  46. Just wait for the wacko lib conspiracy mongers to start talking about an ‘outside job’ to blow the rig months before the election.

  47. Hong,
    was already done, your late to the party..
    the meme was the north koreans did it..
    [after all they did recently sink a ship]

    though, given the sea cables cut a short while ago
    and other interesting events, it wouldn’t be Korea.

  48. Bob from Virginia: I don’t know where I read it, but someone did a breakdown of the number of words in Obama’s speech. The analysis identified four areas and out of something like 2700 words, over 800 was on the topic of promoting cap-n-trade (although they are changing that name–I expect to hear the world “sustainability” alot); and a chunck was dedicated, as always, to Bush bashing; another chunck was “I’m gonna get you sucker, BP;” and another topic which I don’t remember. However, I bring the point up because even from the standpoint of watching the media for one day, it appears they are quickly focusing on Obama as a champion of the people against BP. This dovetails nicely with the congressional hearings.

    This has been done before and it almost seems scripted. Obama is blaming BP like FDR blamed Andrew Mellon.

    “People in the mass,” wrote H.L. Mencken, “soon grow used to anything, including even being swindled. There comes a time when the patter of the quack becomes as natural and as indubitable to their ears as the texts of Holy Writ, and when that time comes it is a dreadful job debamboozling them.”

  49. Kurt: This is off topic, but the obviousness of Lady Gaga drives me crazy. Those who “get” Lady Gaga, are responding to the message she is sending that there is peace in the renunciation of identity. That’s what happens when babies and children are sexualized. She is a tool of a sick wickedness that seeks to trigger and re-perpetrate that transgression.

  50. put this in the wrong thread sorry guys

    The hounds of hell have eaten their own puppies again….

    Keith Olbermann Checks Out Of Daily Kos After Criticism From Left

    [which should also highlight that if a feminist is criticizing feminist points not of critical value to the ideology, she is not being reasonable, she is benig good cop to the others bad cop. if she was actually opposing anything with meaning, she would be an apostate too. but we are not swift enough to apply rules without arbitrary exceptions to feel better]

    ultimatey he learned a big lesson here

    by taking the side he has for gain, he has sold his soul (freedom), as he now has no personal anyting.

    he decided to say something from a personal point not from the collectives point and the reaction was swift and telling.

    message, either you tow the line and tell everyone about the purple horse, or your no good to us, and so you no longer get to benefit.

    of course greater minds, like Richard right (not reverend), Bella Dodd, and others changed their course when they realized that their judgment of the system was not real but a false perspective born out of being useful.

    a mind like doberman olbemans will just conform and hope such contrition will be enough for him to be allowed to earn more than the rest of the prols.

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