Home » Great idea, Nancy


Great idea, Nancy — 42 Comments

  1. “I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded”

    For most of us, funds are not necessary. We think a Ground Zero Mosque would be both perfectly legal and a perfectly horrible idea, and so we oppose it.

    (For me it’s more of an intellectual thing. My wife is a New Yorker, and she was horrified by the idea. She understood at once — now the terrorists get to say “we knocked down their skyscrapers, and we put up a mosque in their place”.)

    On the other hand, it might be worth looking into the funding of mosque supporters… since without funding, it won’t happen. Might you be projecting a bit there, Mrs. Speaker?

    Daniel in Brookline

  2. Which is to say all those who’ve made a ‘political’ issue of the Democrats’ agenda need to be investigated.

    Ein Volk, Ein Partei, Ein Stadt… Diejenige.

  3. I have never disliked a politician as much as I dislike Nancy Pelosi. She’s as dumb as a fence post. The only thing she’s good at is down and dirty political pit bull fighting…but that’s not her brain doing the work…it’s her reptilian brain stem (something Obama recently mentioned when trying to educate us knuckle draggers on why we are all so racist).

    I can’t wait to see that silly smile wiped off her face as she sits out in the audience for The One’s next State of the Union speech.

  4. As I said elsewhere – Pelosi and “those she joined” forget a tiny fine print at the bottom of Radical Socialist Takeover of the World brochure: those who calls for investigations of others shortly becomes subject of same.

    Cases to study, madam speaker: Ezhov. Then Beria.

    Or she can browse the history of French Revolution: Marat (“A Friend of the People”, indeed) Robespierre…

  5. When she smiles through all that Botox it can only appear as a momentary wrinkle on her derriere. After she ponders the minor imperfection of such a moment, she will probably go after that with Botox, too.

  6. Nancy, Nancy, you are living, breathing poof of the “Peter Principle.” Were you always this discomboobulated or has the botox penetrated all the way to your brain cells?

    Though she has an iron grip on her seat in Congress (San Francisco being what it is), she will become amember of the minority come November.

  7. It looks as if Nancy isn’t a big fan of free speech. But we have all noticed that when the dems go to their town-hall meetings.

  8. Did you notice the headline at Politico?

    “Pelosi wants ‘transparency’ on mosque”

    Transparency was the last thing in the world she wanted during their push for Obamacare.

  9. JOHN:
    It looks as if Nancy isn’t a big fan of free speech. But we have all noticed that when the dems go to their town-hall meetings.
    While SanFranNan was certain that those who spoke out of turn at the town-hall meetings of last year were an indication of astroturfers and neo-nazis, she was very supportive several years before of Code Pink types who interrupted her to protest the Iraq War.

    For those who claim that negative approval ratings of ∅ilbama are a manifestation of racism, the best counter is that SanFranNan has even more negative approval ratings.

  10. Speaking of transparency – it is already transparent who pays for building the mosque: terror groups and their founders.

    It seems this line of investigation is not met with enthusiasm by madam Speaker

  11. John, her looks would be even more improved by stuffing some rags inside her mouth. Or at least she is harder to dislike when silent.

  12. And speaking further of transparency, how about investigating the countries of origin of campaign contributions to Obama?

  13. Nancy Mussolini. A despicable little wanna-be tyrant.

    Keep yapping your mouth Nancy, you are fast becoming a walking, talking political ad for why people need to vote against democrats.

    Fascism may work in SanFran, but not the rest of the country.

  14. I’m personally waiting for the issue that proves 95% of Americans are really just a fringe group.

  15. The blogosphere is hyperactive with Ground Zero Mosque posts. It’s impossible for one person to keep up with them (I’ve tried!). If you use Google Blog Search for ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ set to the last hour, they come up faster than you can comment on them.

    Most of the posts seem to be against the Victory Mosque, but many of these bloggers are working on gut feel only, and are obviously not Islamically Aware, being confused about the true nature of Islam and regarding it as just another religion.

    If we counterjihadists all spent an hour a day commenting on recent posts and pointing the bloggers in the right direction, then we could do a great educational job.

    Links to resources HERE

  16. So Nancy makes a distracting statement meant to keep people from seeing how deeply involved she was in the Treasure Island land grab. Brilliant Nancy too bad there are some people that see through your act.

  17. Nancy must have been the inspiration for the term Baltimoron. While we are examining the causes for her obvious brain dysfunction, don’t forget the trauma of crashing her head through the glass ceiling. Or maybe that big gavel she carried after HCR was passed was some sort of masochistic toy she used a few times too often on herself. Whatever, she in no way represents me, although she could speak for Rosie O’Donnell and Joy Behar.

  18. Pelosi’s call for an investigation is both an indication of desperation and a perfect example of the atrocious political judgment their panic is creating.

    Obama’s for the Mosque and then he’s backs up. Now Pelosi is saying that she meant to say that both those who oppose the GZ Mosque and the mosque’s supporters should be investigated.

    What it does is lay one more issue upon the funeral pyre with which the public is going to roast the Democrats…

    For you connoisseurs of fine writing and clarity of thought: The Weeping, Wailing, and Gnashing of Teeth

    “The usual rush to the exits from a sinking administration is now ongoing….Al Gore just shrieked that his green war is over…Obama himself is not the Obama of 2008 when all America’s problems were declared coterminous with twangy George Bush and, executive governance was defined as sitting at a Senate hearing table in front of blaring cameras while pontificating before squirming witnesses…The tingling legs are gone. The Newsweek editor who declared Obama a god is gone. Heck, there is not even a Newsweek anymore, wrecked on the shoals after sailing blindly to the siren song of hope and change…Now we will see the real Obama. Does he have the character to persevere with soon to be 40% something approval ratings, an angry base, a fleeing media, and an organized, energized opposition? Or is it to be two more years of golfing, Bush did it, Martha’s Vineyard, blame the limb-lopping surgeons, beer summits, killing time in preparation for a $50 million a year, Mandela-like, globe-trotting post-presidency…

    I don’t think I have ever seen the country so mad; and the furor will explode at the ballot box in November in ways even the Democrats’ depressing polls underestimate.”

    What a national treasure is Victor Davis Hanson.

  19. I missed Joe and the Long Faces (aka Morning Joe) this morning so I missed the reactions of Halperin, Robinson and/or Barnicle to Pelosi’s latest educamacation of the masses. I hope the producer of the show has put the whole gang on suicide watch. Yesterday, Joe was excised about Newt’s saying Muslims and Nazis are one and the same and Barnicle somehow shoehorned Newt’s failed marriages into the discussion. Because. Just Because. But despite monumental huffing and puffing they could barely get the outrage meter to 8. They’re simply too depressed to feign much of anything these days.

    Robert Plant once asked ‘you remember laughter”? I’m afraid they no longer remember, Robert. They’ve lost their idealogy, cult hero and religion in the last 18 months. All they feel now is sadness. And it shows.

  20. When I see the Dems, I think of Kipling:

    If you can keep yor head when all around you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you

    Sex aside, it is time for a grown-up.

  21. Pelosi’s call for an investigation is both an indication of desperation and a perfect example of the atrocious political judgment their panic is creating.

    Also an indication of her internal value system: when someone disagrees with you, bring governmental pressure to bear to shut them up.

  22. SanFranNan has widened the net on her call for investigation of GZM oopponents:

    “The freedom of religion is a Constitutional right. Where a place of worship is located is a local decision.

    “I support the statement made by the Interfaith Alliance that ‘We agree with the ADL that there is a need for transparency about who is funding the effort to build this Islamic center. At the same time, we should also ask who is funding the attacks against the construction of the center.’

    “For all of those expressing concern about the 9/11 families, we call upon them to join us in support of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act when Congress returns in September.”

    Since the ADL opposes the construction of the GZM, is SanFranNan calling for the investigation of someone she agrees with? Ah well, logic and SanFranNan mix like oil and water.

  23. Why do some people think that everything is really just a well-funded vast right wing conspiracy? Because heck we all know just how many of those there are in real life (none that I ever saw). How many billionaires are right wing? (none)

    When someone starts yelling “vast right wing conspiracy” it will be a great day when that statement gets the ridicule that it deserves.

  24. She probably thinks this is a clever move.

    “Hey, those bigoted conservatives just won’t shut up about who is actually funding this mosque project. I’ll turn the tables on them! I’m going to start demanding that we investigate who’s funding the opposition!”

    Yeah, that’s 70 percent of the citizens in this country, Nancy. When do I get my check?

    Seriously, I’ve seen better one-upsmanship during recess at my kids’ school.

  25. Remember back in 2003 when Hillary Clinton hollered that dissent was the highest form of patriotism?

    I guess that only applies to leftists.

  26. expat,

    It’s not a publicity stunt. It’s stealth jihad and a symbol, that’s why it has to be placed at ground zero. The purpose of the mosque is to gradually introduce Shariah concepts into the US, starting with Shariah finance, then moving on to less innocuous forms of subversion.

    The planned mosque is much larger than needed and the clue to its purpose is the ‘cultural center’ aspect. That and a project called The Shariah Index Project which evidence indicates will take up 6 entire floors of the building.

    “Follow the Shariah Index Project to solve the puzzle of the 6 mystery floors: We found two hidden websites with copiously deleted information, all about the Imam’s Cordoba Institute Shariah Index Project.

    The information on those websites — information that the Imam tried to hide with a new whitewashed version — suggests that the six mystery floors of the Ground Zero Mosque will be dedicated to the Imam’s long-term goal: the Shariah Index Project, designed to benchmark Shariah compliance, to distribute Shariah propaganda, and to enforce (inculcate) Shariah law in America and worldwide”.

    As Daniel Greenfield points out, “Building a 100 million dollar facility for Muslims that most of them can only use on their lunch break or briefly after work, before they go home to Brooklyn or New Jersey, is not about serving the community. It’s about making a statement. There would be no way to raise that kind of money otherwise.”

    This is all quite intentional and anyone who accepts it on face value is gullible enough to buy a certain bridge in Brooklyn that is rumored to be for sale!

    Suddenly Bloomberg and Obama are Constitutionalists?


    Here’s a relevant quote from a document used in the Holy Land Foundation trial in 2008, from a 1991 document by Mohamed Akram of the Muslim Brotherhood:

    “The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. […] It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is…”

    Do all or even most Muslims participate in stealth jihad? Of course not. The problem is how to determine the genuine moderate from the stealth Taqqiya Muslim who is pretending to moderation by using the Islamic tactic of Taqqiya, which teaches Muslims to practice deception , fraud & double standards in order to spread Islam…

    The answer is to follow the money and the efforts at implementing Shariah compliant laws, which are not compatible with our Constitution.

    19 days after 9/11, the ground zero mosque Imam Rauf, blamed America for the attack and is on record as stating that his goal is for America to become more Shariah compliant.

    He writes books which state one thing in Arabic and imply another slant entirely in English.

    This guy is as dirty as they come, a snake in the grass…

  27. I don’t know if you all have seen this, but on Breitbart’s new bigpeace.com site there is an interesting investigative piece on something called the Shariah Index Project, establishing a “Sharia Compliance Governance Center” in GZ mosque.

  28. Nancy Pelosi: one of the hundreds of living, breathing, walking, talking arguments for Congressional term-limits.

  29. Geoffrey,
    I was more interested in Frum’s idea that the purchasers were unable to recoup their money on the building and turned to Rauf, possibly thinking that would open the door to Middle East investors.
    I don’t doubt that Rauf is a stealth jihadi. Even without all the other evidence, I would still find anyone who sees tolerance as something Americans have to learn a sleazy, despicable person, and I have no doubt that the mosque would be used as a victory symbol and recruiting tool. I’m pretty sure the dialogue thing would involve inviting all sorts of radicals to speak, and I bet they would also have a lovely library and video department like so many European mosques.

  30. Here’s the latest;

    The developer and Imam have announced that they will not turn down money to build the mosque from either Saudi Arabia (15 of the 19, 9/11 attackers were Saudi) or IRAN…the foremost sponsor of terrorism in the world.

    This stinks, big time.

  31. The mosque issue raises two questions in my mind:

    Is Nancy Pelosi on our side?

    Is Barack Obama on our side?

  32. Why do some people think that everything is really just a well-funded vast right wing conspiracy?

    Because leftists always presume that their opponents do exactly the same things that they do. They cannot conceive of the possibility that others legitimately and independently draw a conclusion contrary to their own; opposition must necessarily be the subject of covert collusion, because that’s how they would do it. A recent example: the “Coffee Party.” Its website “coffeepartyusa.org,” or CPUSA. You can bet that they laughed up their sleeves about that one.

    Is Nancy Pelosi on our side?

    Is Barack Obama on our side?

    You’re kidding, right?

  33. Re the “coffeepartyusa.org,” here’s the tipoff: the domain name “coffeeparty.org” was and is available, and the “USA” qualifier is superfluous, as the Coffee Party is irrelevant outside the US. So why include “USA” in the domain name?

    Answer: it was an “in” joke.

  34. Investigate the exemption of American Samoan workers from the minimum wage laws sp Queen Nancy’s Dole Corp can make more money. Dumb like a fox, only this fox is supposed to be guarding the hen house by “draining the swamp”. she deserves the Nobel Prize for hypocrisy.

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