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O’Donnell the stupid weirdo: the meme spreads — 60 Comments

  1. The camparison between the treatment of Christine O’Donnell and Sarah Palin is not just coincidence. It seem that the left is exponentially more upset by conservative women and conservative Black Americans than they are by conservative (white) men.

    It’s almost as if they see them as traitors to the leftist cause (“how dare they oppose us after all we’ve done for them!).

  2. I accept your argument that it looks like Sarah Palin 2: The Trashing.

    But I don’t think it’s too much of an unfair point to ask how a woman who cannot seem to keep her own financial life in order is all of a sudden the model of Tea Party driven fiscal probity.

    Jus’ sayin’

  3. I’m not sure how money problems and holding traditional Catholic beliefs on self-gratification suddenly transformed into making someone unelectable. Maybe I’m missing something – wouldn’t be the first time.

  4. I clicked on Memeorandum the day after her primary win, and I’d estimate 75% of the page was filled with O’Donnell related posts — and nearly all were generated by leftist bloggers.

    I thought to myself then that the left is going to turn her into another conservative rock star, just as the left turned Sarah Palin into one. They have learned nothing.

  5. The Leftwankers are obsessed with the masturbation issue. Wow. Leno and Letterman fired away on Night One in their monologues.

    I have to go off-topic a bit, because I just saw this in the Jewish World Review and was horrified. You know how the Left has demonized the Christian Serbs and lionized the Bosnian Muslims? Here’s something to consider.

    let’s not forget this bit about Bosnia from Chris Deliso in The Coming Balkan Caliphate:

    “The mujahedin indulged in some of the most horrific atrocities ever witnessed in war, as they rampaged unchecked across Christian Serb and Croat villages. Decapitations, amputations, and “non-surgical circumcisions” were standard procedure, as were electrical shock, sexual abuse, and other forms of torture. Serbian prisoners were starved to death or thrown into pits and ordered to attack one another with knives; if they did not die, the jihadis would move in with chainsaws. Their cruelty knew no limits and sometimes shocked the native Bosnian fighters. Most incredibly, the holy warriors on at least one occasion even impaled and roasted people alive on spits. Today, the markets and mosques of Bosnia and other Balkan countries do a brisk business in commemorative videos and DVDs that capture the mujahedin in action.”

    In other words, this kind of criminality is given free rein by Islam. As I’ve written before, why call it crime when you can call it religion? Islam gives crime a higher purpose. Basically, you can keep doing what you’ve been doing, only now you’re doing it for Allah, and against the infidel, so any and all actions are justifiable.

  6. Gee, Sean. Why not ask why the Treasury Secretary or the Chairman of the House Ways and Means (tax writing) Committee can’t manage their finances? Especially their tax bill. When did our criteria for high office and privileged positions become so rigid?

    I happened to hear her Attorney on a talk show this afternoon. He claims gross distortion of her history. Is he telling the truth? I don’t know & it really matters little to me, since I don’t have a vote.

    The only remaining question for voters in Delaware is which of the two can best represent them in the Senate. O’Donnell may look pretty reasonable when compared to Coons.

  7. Julia Gorin has written a lengthy article (excerpted above) detailing some of the murder and mayhem committed by the Bosnian Muslims, as well as our domestic criminal class who’ve enthusiastically joined the religion: they get a “get out of hell free” card when allah endorses their violence.

    This is a huge problem, and most of us don’t want to “go there.” If you found a religion that endorses, indeed commands, men (in particular) to indulge in their lowest sex-and-violence impulses, you’ll have millions of enthusiastic adherents of the worst kind.

  8. I once knew a gentleman who owned a TV and electronics store in California. He was a big volume dealer and drew customers from a large area. He told me that the biggest deadbeats he had to deal with were polticians. That was back in the 70s. I doubt that things have changed that much in 40 years.

    For most of us a record of not being able to keep ones financial affairs in order is a red flag. But it is true that many politicians appear to have that problem. Charlie Rangel is an immediate example.

    On the other hand, as Greta Van Susteren put it to Karl Rove, “Wouldn’t her financial struggles, if they are all explainable, give her credibility with a lot of people who are struggling financially right now?” (May not be the exact quote, but the essence is there.) That may well be true. Ceratinly there are many who are supporting her. She could not have raised so much money so quickly if there weren’t a lot of support.

    The campaign will be a blueprint for dem dirty tricks. Unfortunately, Karl Rove has given them a lot of ammunition. He forgot Reagan’s 11th Commandment, “Speak no ill of a fellow Republican.”

    I hope she wins because she is such an anti-establishment figure. If she cannot manage her opersonal finances well – she won’t be the first politician with that problem.

  9. Speaking of pols slinging crap:–
    While you and fans are up and about, check out the freshly launched Democrat Party logo, which has all the creative snarks doubled over with laughter. To be sure, it has become a tempest in a porcelain bowl, or perhaps just a matter of exploding LSM chamberpots.

  10. Just looked in on her site and it seems she’s hit $1.5M. I may send some over myself. I just like to tweak certain noses whether she wins or not.

    As for her qualifications, I just keep going back to Buckeley’s line about picking people randomly from the phone book. I have to agree with that wholeheartedly…. the common folk running the government is what we are supposed to be about. Let’s let some of them have a go. They certainly can’t FUBAR it more than the establishment types have already.

  11. What a contest!

    The ultra-conservative Christain versus Harry’s pet bearded Marxist.

    She wll win in a walk!

  12. Physicsguy,

    I take someissue with your claim that govt was supposed to be run by the common folk. if you look at most (all?) of the founding fathers, they were all upperclass landowners with hired help (or slaves).

    I think it was less about the common man in positions of power and more about people running govt who PARTICIPATED in the society that the govt oversaw. This is where our intellectual class has fallen short. They are not the common man, nor do they participate in the society that the govt oversees. Like universdity profs, they have carved out a rarified world of a govt class that is distinct from those of use who participate in the economy.

    So it’s come to this, the Tea Party regulars vs. the Cocktail Party Elites.

  13. A wacko like Coons who will take your money against a wacko who will not. O’Donnell could win. She already has gotten millions in free publicity, not bad for a “complete fraud” as her campaign manager supposedly described her.

  14. This is what liberals do. Avoid the discussion of political ideas by drowning out the discussion with disqualifying minutia. No different from the character assassination a defense lawyer employs when he absolutely can’t afford statements from a witness to be viewed as credible.

  15. I have the t shirt for Christine O’Donnell to wear at her next news conference. “Cap and Trade my ass. I got proof i been late paying the electricity bill i already get”. 🙂

  16. I hope O’Donnell keeps faith-based thinking out of it and does well. Palin seemed to blink from the start, “..follow God’s will … follow God’s will.. I’m dumb as a rock … tell me what to say … who said let me what to say? I said tell me what to say” 🙁

    O’Donnell seems to be be tenacious, smart, some minor issues in the past but for the benefit of the doubt no biggy, give her a chance! The people seem to like her and that’s how we do it.

    Dig into every facet of her past, especially quotes related to her Christian religious beliefs.

    Well, faith-based thinking is a beacon for skepticism and those facets become fair questions to ask, “how” the lady thinks? It’s a fair question.

  17. I’m not sure that the MSM has any credibility left with the folks that matter – the center, the independents, and the Tea Parties. After ignoring Obama 2 years ago, they can try to take people down like this, but it doesn’t seem like a high likelihood strategy.

    And as to “flaky”, I’d humbly suggest that a body that would admit Al Franken to its ranks shouldn’t really style itself as “the world’s greatest debating society”.

  18. I don’t have any heartburn about O’Donnell’s positions on any of the issues. (Or about the mastubation comments from the ’90s.)

    I have a lot of heartburn about her apparent paranoid/delusional streak and the fact that her professional life and financial life are a chaotic mess. Am I overreacting to these issues? Well, answer me this: who has more earned income over the last 2 years, Christine O’Donnell or Alvin Greene?

    I don’t want a wierdo loser in the US Senate, no matter how many issues I agree with her about. And, by the way, I enthusiastically favor Angle, Miller, Lee, Rubio, Paul, Johnson, Toomey, et al.

  19. There was a time when the Left could work the, “she’s stupid, she’s extreme…etc” meme. But they’ve done it so many times, they are the only ones believing it. They did it with Bush when he showed real leadership after 9/11. They did it to Quayle, they did it with Reagan (unsuccessfully).

    I say, keep doing it. Helps me know who to vote for.

  20. The proper term is Wilding. You can google it if you don’t remember it’s history.

    They did it to Palin.

    They are doing it to O’Donnell.

    It’s what barbaric people do.

    There can be no illusions about our “ruling class”; about our “elites”, and yes, about 99% of committed Democrats.

    We avoid naming what these people are at our peril and our nation’s peril.

  21. I have more of a problem with O’Donnell filing what appears to be a frivolous sexual harrassment suit against a former employer for over $6 million. She also took 16 years to settle her college debt and she may have lied in a job application. I really tire of hearing of how she is so much better than the Democrat rivals. I think our standards should be higher than that. If I lived in Delaware I would still vote for her but can’t we conservatives come up with candidates with more character than this? And please don’t compare her to Reagen. O’Donnel is no Reagan, not even close!!

  22. Jimbo,

    You take every charge as truth. How do you know any of it is true? It all came from her political opponents. What does she say about it? Do you even know? You might alight from the high horse of self-righteousness for a bit and find out. Or at least show a bit of skepticism about what people who hate her guts say about her.

  23. Mike Mc.,

    The facts about the sex harrassment lawsuit were reported in The Weekly Standard, a highly regarded conservative publication on 9/12/10. Here is the link: http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/citing-mental-anguish-christine-odonnell-sought-69-million-gender-discrimination-lawsuit-again

    Fox News (not exactly a leftist organization) confirmed this and all of the debt problems. She also had a tax lien filed against her by the IRS.

    The liberals will never bring up the sex harrassment thing since that is a tactic that their women love to pull off, especially if it makes a lot of money. O’Donnel has also been playing the gender card recently by accusing fellow conservatives of discriminating against women. Respectable conservative women don’t do that! I could walk into any conservative Evangelical church in Delaware and pick ten women at random with better character, ideology and qualifications than this woman. I’m a Florida Republican and we picked Rubio. He is head and shoulders over O’Donnell and he has a commanding lead in the polls over his top opponent. What’s wrong with the Republicans in Deleware??

  24. Well, the discussion about O’Donnell has finally given me what I need to draw a clear distinction between liberals and conservatives.

    Libs play with themselves, encourage others (see Joycelyn Elders), and take offense at any differing position, so to speak.

    Conservatives presumably save their means for more (re-)productive ends, though they are attacked by libs for preferring to do business that way.

    I think this may also account for Al Franken and Al Grayson somehow.

  25. I don’t think her financial troubles are an issue, can’t a person struggle to achieve and have debt at the same time? The alternative is she never gets a college degree but doesn’t have to worry about dept. Talk about having critical priorities ass-backwards.

  26. So the Dems are going to make her an underdog, good for them. When have Americans ever supported an underdog?

  27. nyomythus,

    She took 16 years to pay a debt of a few thousand to her university and also had to take one more course. All that time she lied on applications and resumes that she had a degree and even told one employer that she was enrolled in a masters degree program at Princeton which was untrue. She’s 41, single with a history of lying and broke and had to rely on her boyfriend to buy her house out of foreclosure (what’s that all about??). Would you hire someone who lied on their resume and couldn’t pay their bills? Granted, she’s not as bad as Clinton but she is definitely no Ronald Reagan either. The voters deserve better than that. Right now, because of her lack of character any pinko democrat in Delaware can beat her with one hand tied behnd their back. I hope I’m wrong but that’s where things are heading now. Even if she wins, can we really trust her to what she says she will do?

  28. Jimbo,

    And that is enough to turn you off from her?

    We have a President and Congress systematically destroying our nation.

    You wonder about a lawsuit someone filed, the merits of which you don’t really know.

    Frankly, my advice to you is to get real.

  29. Jimbo,

    You talk about “the ;liberals”. I think you are one of them. I’d bet on it.

    The nation is sinking and you are on your high horse about a 16 year student loan payoff???? Something not unusual at all?

    That is beyond weird.

  30. I just hope she wins.
    The whole Leftist super-righteousness reminds me of Clinton. Bubba commits Oval Office adultery, then perjury, and two leading Republican congressmen lose their jobs.

  31. Tom,

    The selective and out-of-proportion outrage against people like O’Donnell and Palin is stunning.

    Dems have cash in the refrigerator, and every one of their main players is a walking criminal investigation that never happened only because of their political positions.

    Add the that the fact that the president and Congress are literally burning down the country before our eyes.

    And here we have people standing up on moral principles over long-term student loan payments??????

    You know something else is happening there, and that is has nothing to do with the truth.

  32. Jimbo: I have no idea what the truth is (and, as I said before, O’Donnell was not originally my candidate of choice), but I think it’s important to hear her side of the story. For example, this is what she wrote about the tuition situation (can’t cut and paste; her website is being redone, and it’s a screenshot I found elsewhere, so you’ll have to follow the link and take a look).

  33. I was kind of lackadaisical in paying off my student loan, too. It was dumb on my part because I ended up paying a lot more in interest than I would have otherwise.

  34. As for the “stupid weirdo” meme, I saw the following last night at Belmont Club:

    She could preach sermons to housecats and claim she’s engaged to a potted palm tree, so long as she votes to reduce the size, scope and cost of the Federal Government.

    My sentiments exactly.

  35. Neo, It seems I have stirred some people up. I did check your link and Christine says she cleared it up in ten years but Fairleigh Dickenson U says it took 17 years (just this year). I don’t know who is right so she has more explaining to do. She also needs to explain why she took 17 or 10 years to pay about $4800. I know people who spend that much on cigarettes in a year so we are not talking about a lot of money. She also owes $11,700 in back taxes. I still would like to know about that crazy lawsuit. That being said, I believe that a Delaware voter should still vote for her but Castle (also very imperfect) could have won the election. His vote might have been enough to repeal Obamacare but he won’t be there, nor will Christine.

    For you others, I am not a liberal and have consistently voted for Republican and conservative causes since I became old enough to vote on 1973. I supported Ronald Reagan when most Republicans thought he was to radical.
    I’m not being a purist here as I think Castle was the better choice of the two. I just think that since all you so-called conservatives out there made a big issue over character when Bill Clinton did his abominations, we should at least be consistent. We need to be more selective on who we support at these Tea Party meetings (I will be going to one tomorrow to hear Marco Rubio). Otherwise we end up arguing about “my party right or wrong” and losing out to the leftists. Let’s be a little more pragmatic please, but also let’s pick Republicans who can handle their own debt before we let them loose with the national debt!

  36. I like James Taranto’s take on the situation, basically saying that O’Donnell could be the fall guy to keep the press away from the rest of the repub candidates:

    “It looks to us as though the left is applying Saul Alinsky’s Rule 13 to Christine O’Donnell: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” It may or may not work–but even if it does, it leaves other GOP senate candidates unfrozen, depersonalized and unpolarized. Wouldn’t it be something if Delaware’s Chris Coons ended up being the only freshman Democrat in the next Senate?”

    Link here (third story down):


  37. Jimbo:

    I just think that since all you so-called conservatives out there made a big issue over character when Bill Clinton did his abominations, we should at least be consistent.

    Personally, I was a lot more upset about his trading missile technology to the Chinese Communists in exchange for illegal campaign contributions, but that’s just me. I was royally P.O.’ed when the Congressional Republicans chose to focus on a stupid sex scandal instead.

  38. Jimbo is not making a convincing case. Long ago, I took as long as I could to repay my student loans, because the interest charged was trivial and my income even more so. Sounds like Christine.
    Don’t complain about the back taxes. Lots of good folks are and have been in arrears. Have you any idea at all how IRS penalties and compound interest climb when one lacks the income to pay? Jeez.
    Dragging one’s feet on paying the IRS can be a form of civil disobedience, too.

    Oh yeah, when you go to your Tea Party, stand up and tell them what you think of O’Donnell.

  39. Tom: Did you take 17 years to pay your tuition that was past due? Did you lie on your resume to get a job? Did you file a frivolous lawsuit faking sexual harrassment to extort $6 million? Civil disobedience involves accepting the penalty for the offense and going to prison. Did she do that?

    Please don’t tell me “everybody does it”. Supporters of Clinton said the same thing. Let’s not be like them.

    Be sure to tell your Tea Party buddies that it’s OK to lie, bear false witness and stiff your creditors. O’Donnell likes to quote the Bible here’s a quote she won’t like: “The wicked borrow and do not repay.” Psalm 37:21

    While you are doing your careful research to vet your candidate, here’s a few questions you can help me with:
    1. What local church is she a member of? Some say Roman Catholic, some say other churches. Is she a member in good standing in her church?

    2. She has run a campaign for elective office before and there are questions about her handling of campaign finances.

    3. Find out something about her boyfriend and any other boyfriends she may have. She has been single all her life. Be sure the media will be searching this angle thoroughly.

    4. How come she has reached the age of 41 with a recent annual income of $65K, no dependants, etc. and be totally broke? What has she been doing with her life? Where does her money go?

    I’m afraid that with her past baggage, she may fit in with the Washington pols better than we think!

  40. I just think that since all you so-called conservatives out there made a big issue over character when Bill Clinton did his abominations, we should at least be consistent.


    I am more convinced that you are actually a Democrat. No Republican talks that way. ‘You’ so-called conservatives? Bringing up a Clinton resentment from last century? Clinton? You are equating Clinton with someone who didn’t pay a loan in a timely fashion?

    Beyond weird.

    Therefore, you are not what you are saying you are.

  41. Likely trolls such as Jimbo go on+on+on+on+….about blemishes which voters forgave in the primary. Why do they bother? They’re not changing minds. Who cares any longer except their Party’s activist-minders?
    Once the primary and the voter vetting is over, it’s time for pundit and Party pol and commenters alike to get behind the People’s chosen candidate. Jimbo, if you don’t like O’Donnell, support Coons. Turn off the invective. Period
    Nitpicking at this stage is a form of sabotage, which is why I think Jimbo is, let’s be generous, not what he pretends to be.

  42. Yes, let’s find out about Everyone’s boyfriends. Barney Frank’s, for instance: the guy who was running a gay prostitution ring out of Frank’s (gotta love the name) townhouse, which Frankie had No Idea About at All. And selling prodigious amounts of Weed.

    Unless Christine’s amore is literally a pimp running her apartment as a brothel and dealing drugs, that dawg won’t hunt. (Or it shouldn’t!)

  43. Oh, another of Frank’s boyfriends was the high-placed executive at Fannie Mae, or was it Freddie Mac?

    But never mind: that sort of thing just Pales in comparison to Republican ladies’ college peccadillos.

  44. It’s probably not fair that conservatives are held to a higher standard than liberals but would any of you have it any other way? No candidate is perfect but we need to select ones that are as bulletproof as possible. Ronald Reagan was so much above reproach that even his enemies conceded that he was a man of great character and strength. Our standard should be based on old Gipper himself.

    Men with outstanding conservative credentials such as Krauthammer and Rove have gone on record as saying that selecting O’Donnell was a mistake as she is not likely to win. It’s not enough to say that O’Donnel is better than Barney Frank. Frank is not the standard we set if you want to take over both houses and make a difference.

    O’Donnells personal problems, and believe me, more will surface, will give the liberal media giants a field day and draw the debate away from real issues like how bad Obamacare is, or how to get our fiscal house in order and how to grow the economy.

    In 1980 unemployment was higher and the Russians were winning the Cold War. Reagan changed that. If we want to make a difference again we need more Reagans and fewer O’Donnels. Too much is at stake for anything less.

  45. Jimbo says: “I could walk into any conservative Evangelical church in Delaware and pick ten women at random with better character, ideology and qualifications than this woman. I’m a Florida Republican and we picked Rubio.”

    Oh please – what a load of bulls—t. I’m from southwest Florida and “we” didn’t “pick” Jack Squat.

    Marco Rubio DECIDED to run, and “we” then supported him. Period. Can you see the difference? Try real hard, okay?

    The state and national GOP threw IT’S support behind Charlie the RINO opportunist Crist. Until “WE” let the GOP know that it is not getting one more thin dime of our money, in our repeated and sometimes written in Sharpie with profanity included (I am not proud to admit) responses to fundraiser form letters disguised as those stupid “surveys.” Possibly EVER, or at least not until it agrees to reform itself.

    Seems to me like you’re either setting the bar so high for Republicans it is too high to jump over – in which case, maybe you are just a fake and a troll.

    If not, and if you are real, and if some skeletons appear from Rubio’s closet (and the media will dig and dig, including going through dumpsters to try to find dirt – and if that fails they will make sh–t up) will you suddenly cry and go “waaah” we can “do better!!” And then entertain lecturing from, e.g., Delaware residents, instructing you to go into an evangelical church on Florida and pick somebody else from random?

    You support, or do not support, the candidate who decides to run. I am not from Delaware and neither are you. Apparently, Marco Rubio does not have a sibling in Delaware for people from Delaware like you and me to support, who CHOSE to run; but this woman who appears to share the same sort of political philosophy as Rubio, DID choose to run.

    If you are a Delawarian, you either choose to vote for her, or you vote for the RINO, or you stay home. Or, if your name is Jimbo, you walk into an Evangelical Church in Delaware and try to talk one of the church ladies into running.

  46. Jimbo,

    You still don’t get it. A vote for O’Donnell is a vote against the entrenched powers; no matter which party they belong to. As a self-proclaimed Tea Partier, I’m surprised you don’t see that. Which lends support to the idea that you may not be a Tea Partier.

    I was also shocked to find the Rove and Krauthammer are really more part of that established elite. They have been greatly diminished in my view.

    What a large portion of the electorate is saying is “Throw the bums out!” And, when you bring up all the negatives for someone like O’Donnell, they respond, “We don’t care!” You are trying to apply strategic thinking to an electorate that is as mad as hell and are using the only weapon they have at this point: their vote.

    What happens after Nov 2 if the established elite continue the path they are on is anyone’s guess.

  47. Please, my haughty critics, read a recent article by Charles Krauthammer at the National Review:


    It will shed some sanity on this debate.

    Rubio and Scott have some imperfections but are clearly superior in character to O’Donnell. All I’m saying is pick someone who is winnable without so much baggage.

    I understand the desire to “throw the rascals out” but the last time such sentiment went uncontrolled we had Ross Perot as a 3rd party candidate in 1992. Perot turned out to have no substance and enabled Clinton to win. We don’t want that again do we?

    I would like my critics to tell me that if they owned a business, would they hire a candidate who lied on her resume. If not, than why hire a senator on the same basis? BTW, I don’t know any business who would knowingly hire a woman who lied on her resume, was loaded with debt and filed a sex harrassment suit against a former employer. Do any of you??

  48. You STILL don’t get it, Jimbo.

    The tea party movement is NOT like the Perot candidacy. I know. I was there. I counted and came up with a total of 26 friends, co-workers and relatives who decided to vote “for” Perot as being a symbolic vote “against” Bush Senior. I came close to doing so myself. Literally, while IN the voting booth, I decided that I did not want to be the ONE vote that might give Florida to Slick Willie. I know what that is all about.

    But this movement is NOT about establishing a third party. It is about SENDING A F=KING MESSAGE to the Establishment Country Club Inside the Beltway GOP. A message it failed to get all those years when it opposed Reagan, before (very grudgingly) embracing him. I’m old enough to remember when he was “unelectable” and too much of an intellectual lightweight, for the “establishment” GOP, too. Just like Palin is now, as far as our betters who attend the Manhattan and Georgetown cocktail parties will attest.

    No, we’re not interested in doing a Ross Perot to you, GOP. We intend to TAKE OVER the GOP, and REPLACE the big government Squishes like Bush Senior, Rockefeller, McCain – who have so damaged the GOP brand, the voters can hardly tell the difference – and so why NOT vote for the real Dem instead of the Low Cal Dem Lite? The GOP needs to understand, once and for all, that we don’t NEED a “moderate” like a McCain, or a Bush Sr. to beat a Clinton or an Obama. And in fact, that tactic didn’t work anyway.

    And Delaware was most probably going to go Dem anyway. But whether the allegedly Nutsy Gal wins or loses… the grass roots are saying… “hey there GOP, ARE YOU HEARING US YET??!!”

    And – don’t pull the “Buckley Rule” crap on us every single F—KING time you really really want a go-along, get along, big government Dem Lite candidate on the ballot. We KNOW you love those kind of Republicans the best. Tough Sh-t. You TOLD us that Rubio was “unelectable.” How’s that prediction working out for you, GOP?

    What we are seeing happen across the nation is not like anything Buckley ever saw in his lifetime. Guess what, National Review guys, Peggy Noonan, Karl Rove, and Thurston Howell III, out on your yacht in Nantucket? You aren’t making the rules anymore.

    Or maybe you still will. We shall see. We are in a civil war in this country. Which for now is cold, and let’s all pray that it stays that way.

    And again, Jimbo, we don’t “pick” someone out of thin air. Get a clue. People have to decide to run. Sure the perfect candidate would be great. But even if we present a candidate with nothing significant in her past – the media will make sh-t up anyway. Were you paying any attention at all to the hatchet job done on Palin?

    And the comparison to a business “hiring” someone to politics is too ludicrous to even comment on.

  49. At this stage, since O’Donnell is the Pub nominee, the choice is simple.
    1) Vote for O’Donnell
    2) Vote for Coons, the “bearded Marxist” who will vote for what Obama wants.
    3) Abstain, which will increase the chance of victory for Obama-supporting Coons.

    OTOH, for those of us who do not vote in Delaware, the issue is academic.

  50. Wahoo, southern james!

    Jimbo, the fine-print reader, conveniently ignores the fact of O’Donnell getting a fellowship award from the Claremont Institute in 2002. Neo didn’t comment on that either with her link, oddly.

    Jimbo does not seem to understand the realities of living on the financial edge. Listen to some of the radio commercials I hear: “Credit card companies have been given Billions! We can help you reduce or eliminate your credit card debt NOW!”

    Jimbo is a Leftist. More cunning than some, financially secure, but still….a Leftist.

  51. Tom;
    Of course Jimbo is a liberal leftist aka marxist, never mind he carries a Republican card. He thinks he is superior to us unanointed peasants, and a clever fifth-columnist as well, and can lead us around to his pov by the rings in our noses.
    There seems to be one or two of these assigned to every blog to carry out this function, or am I paranoid a la O’Donnell, seeing them in the shadows behind the bushes around my house?

  52. The question, or one question, about whether O’Donnell is flaky because of, say, her financial record can be a matter of opinion.
    However, the reason for comparing her to the real financial slicksters in the dems (SecTreas, ex) is not to suggest one is worse than the other, or the other is worse than the one.
    The real question is, if you didn’t go after Geithner, Rangel, Waters, Jefferson, Clinton (see his donations from the Saudis), but you are going after O’Donnell, you have no credibility when you claim principle is your motivation.

  53. O’Donnell is the issue, not Clinton, Rangel, Waters, et al. Again I say, character is important for Conservatives. We have been saying that for years. What changed so many minds? BTW, a Claremont fellowship does not compensate for years of lying any more than Clinton becomming a Rhodes Scholar offset his years of lying.

    With six weeks to go, Coons leads O’Donnell by 11 points. Prior to the primary, Coons couldn’t win. Now, thanks to O’Donnell, we will be stuck with another liberal in the Senate for six years.

    Note to Delaware voters: Next time, consider a candidate’s character and winnability before casting your vote. Unless of course you are a liberal. In that case, the best strategy is to register as a Republican and vote for the worst in that primary. In states with cross-over voting, it’s even easier.

    For those Tea Partiers who own businesses: Please don’t hire applicants who lie about their background. It’s bad for business.

  54. Jimbo.
    The issue is the integrity of the people pretending to be concerned about O’Connell’s integrity.
    You can tell about their integrity when you look at what–nothing–they’ve done about the dems’ slicksters.

  55. As somebody said on another thread, when she was young, O’Connell hung out with guys who had a tarot card problem. When he was young, and middle-aged, Obama hung out with Bill Ayers.

  56. Tom: Actually, I didn’t like either candidate. If I had been voting in the Delaware primary, I probably would have voted for Castle, but “favored” is much too strong a word. That said, I support O’Donnell as the nominee, and I would very much prefer to see Castle endorse her.

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