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Take a fashion(?) break — 10 Comments

  1. Take all the hideous black ribbon gone wild off though and it’s not bad. But then, I am a sucker for frilly, full skirts and girly-girl dresses. Princess Dress gets me every time. 🙂

  2. no.. worst dress this past fashion week in my opinion was micheal kors…

    the dress has a patern and look that dates to the heroin sheek disco era… including the teased poodle hair.. and kohl egyptian eyes.

    and i you REALLY want wacky and bad…
    try Fuscha

    I found this one after some searching… 🙂

    personally i couldn’t face the Fuscha!!!!

    also nicholsons stuff where she matchs lace and latex is a bit funky. and i can tell you more that dont quite make it to the outside world…

  3. If I block the image from the waist up, it reminds me of one of those feathery dusters that has already made a few trips over the knickknacks.

    With her hair and coloring, I’d prefer an outfit in the lovely red, (like this http://www.thefashionlist.com/email/image-vintage-red-dress.jpg),

    that I used to see on ’69 Camaros (like this – http://www.chevy-camaro.com/FirstGenPages/chevy-camaro-first-generation-pictures.asp?carname=69redRS_SS_012204_01).

    Mmmm, pretty woman, hot car. Or was it the other way round?

  4. Did you all see those photos of the FLOTUS with the first lady of Cameroon? It was enough to make your eyes bleed.

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