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Again… — 44 Comments

  1. Speaking of post-partisan, check out Obama’s remarks on Univision yesterday:

    ‘If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, “We’re going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna’ reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,” if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s going to be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.’

    His political opponents are his ‘enemies’. Gee, I thought he was going to be “everybody’s President.”

    You can take a guy out of the South Side…

  2. Too bad the communist highlander school was closed, or else the republicans could get advice from the same Marxist advisers that trained Rosa Parks…

  3. I’m getting a kick out of how Obama can’t hide his rage very well anymore. His voice inflection, his mannerisms, his choice of more provocative words aren’t slipping by even 12 year olds who take a moment to listen.

    He is digging his grave and can’t help himself.

  4. 3 Trillion dollars later, seems to me Obama has tried to get us out of the ditch by digging us out, not pulling.

    Meanwhile I can’t help but wonder, when he says voters are reacting in fear, what he thought they were reacting to in 2008 when the economy first took a nose dive and provided him with his so-called ditch.

  5. Well I’m not going to be convinced he’s digging his (political) grave until he’s in it. There’s entirely too much political malfeasance going on on right now, and I still have moments when I fear we might not get out of this so easily as by voting ourselves out of it.

    I agree with neo. I have never in all of my 64 years seen or heard such despicable and damned actual frightening sentiments coming from the President of the U.S. Even the dreaded Nixon never stooped so low as to refer publicly and with apparent zest to his opponents as being America’s enemies. And yes, I remember the “enemies list.” A mere piker, and never spoken publicly or with apparent intent to incite.

    The voter fraud stories are beginning to move a bit closer to the “Frightening” column, as well.

    As to his being President, I look at this man on TV or in photos from time to time and wonder, “Who the hell is this guy? And why is the U.S. presidency sitting vacant?”

  6. He talks to Americans like we are all 8th-grade urban fatherless Blacks, getting 3 meals a day at school.
    Guess that was facilitated by listening to Wright talk to his flock for 20yrs, and organizing the who in Chi. The who? you ask. Need you ask?
    Worked then, oughta work now.
    But maybe the Gramscis need a few more yrs.

  7. Incidnetally has any other President in US history toured the country stumping for party candidates during congressional elections. And who picks up the tab for his travels, you and I? Is that what he means by bipartisanship (the same reason he’s willing to let us sit at the back of the bus- which incidnetally coming from a white man’s mouth would have been attacked as a racial slur!)

  8. Sit in the back of the bus? Interesting with whom he associates himself with, the superior whites rather than the degraded blacks. A good Freudian would have an easy paper in trying to analyze this single statement. In fact I will try. Let’s see, trying to undo democracy in Honduras and replace with an left-wing elitist, ramming down HCR the public’s throats in spite of massive opposition because he knows what is best for everyone, besmirching the opinions and actions of the previous administration as stupid in spite of their vastly greater experience; all points to a contempt of everyone but himself; as an elite he places himself among other elites in history, including the racial elites of the Jim Crow south.

    Any psych majors out there who think I may be on the right track?

  9. betsybounds,

    We won’t get out of this just by voting. We have major work cut out for us fixing Medicare, social security, state union pensions, etc.

  10. It will be interesting watching this unfold. There is no sign that he’s a Bill Clinton triagalation sort of politician. I think Obams is gonna be very unhappy and defiant after the GOP takeover, and further, he will be cluseless in steering the ship of state (he tended to defer to harry and nancy in that).

  11. Correction: Sitting at the back of the bus coming from a white Republican man’s mouth would have been attacked as a racial slur. Harry Reid could say it with impunity.

  12. By the way, when Obama excused himself from a fund raising dinner the other night where he was guest of honor because he had to go “scoop some poop”, was he saying he had to go give another speech?

  13. Marine’s Mom.

    My opinion is he’s the most un-presidential.

    Strategery, Misunderstimated, Whatever flub doesn’t compare to the vile divisiveness coming from Obama’s brain.

    I don’t even think he has a clue that he sounds awful saying these things…

    This close to an election and he is still riling people up against him???

  14. “”We won’t get out of this just by voting.””

    I’m afraid politics is just the 10% of the iceberg we see called liberalism. Pop culture supremecy being its biggest chunk. Just think of how many more people can identify lady gaga and not Joe Biden.

  15. Curtis,

    I think that Obama sees EVERYTHING through a race / class prism.

    As a conservative I see everyone having equality in opportunity and people can make good decisions with their time and energy and money or poor decisions.

    If I choose to spend my time fishing, golfing, watching DVD’s, playing XBOX, or drinking – I’ll see the benefits of doing that.

    If I choose to spend my time and energy getting smarter, doing home improvement projects, or doing something with my daughters I’ll see the benefits of doing that.

    I think that Obama’s policies reward people who make poor choices…. and then he lambastes the people who are in FAVOR of personal responsibility and equal opportunity being the determining factor as …. what???

  16. In 2008, before the election, I told some of my friends and family that Obama would set the cause of race relations back by 40 years. I think I misunderestimated him.

  17. I can’t believe they are playing the narrative game again. Obama never had a narrative. He had one-line sales pitches and a fantasy of stopping the rise of the oceans. Has he ever been able to explain the rationale of his programs, giving the upsides and downsides and explaining why he made his choices? Has he ever tried to reconcile the contradictions between his first grandiose promises (Guantanamo, for instance) and subsequent actions.? I think he cannnot be honest with us because he cannot be honest with himself, and he dresses it all up in a cloak of what he calls pragmatism. He will never confront reality. He will always have a scapegoat at hand. And he will never do anything out of principle because he is too superficial to have a principle. He talks big and then votes present. Such is The Won.

  18. Kaba, in a quite wonderful illustration of the law of unintended consequences, Obama is actually helping race relations by bringing the pus to the surface.

    No doubt exists as to the heinous history of racism; but how about today? Do you know anyone who is a racist? I don’t. The continuing anger and entitlement mentality does not ring true–Why are there doubts as to America’s reformation?

    Of course we know the answer and how callous and inhuman is the answer!

    If there were no Obama, there would be no “Beergate,” no DOJ revelations, no NPR debacle, no knowledge of a 96% black support for Obama despite his policies hurting them as a group the most, no rise of conservative black republicans, no tea party, and on and on and on.

    I suppose “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” also applies.

  19. Yeah, he seems to becoming a bit unhinged and pretty unprofessional. I never thought the guy was capable of a meltdown, (though there has been some speculation of the possibility of such a thing), because he’s so weird and narcissstic and has had such a bizarre life, but perhaps the dude is cracking a little under the pressure of realizing the Presidency is a really hard job. Especially if you’ve never even had a job before. And especially if you’re causing the country to tank. He can only blame Bush so many times.

  20. It’d extraordinary. It’s shocking still every time we see it. It’s beyond depressing and into disturbing and frightening exactly like a nightmare is. It’s like a horrible dream that you know is really bad but you aren’t quite sure you will wake up from. It would be like dying in your sleep by dying in a dream.

    The President despises America, He is out to damage it. He hates Americans. He only likes sociopaths like himself and the people who are willing to let him rule them and savage others.

    Never, ever in a million lifetimes did I think I’d see such a President. Never. I don’t even know if we will recover from the trauma of it even if he is a one-termer.

    That’s like being ‘fine’ after a high speed car crash; or after surviving a beating or a gun shot. You’re alive, but never the same.

  21. “I don’t even think he has a clue that he sounds awful saying these things…”

    Baklava, I agree, and I think that is the most fundamentally un-American thing about him. He genuinely does not seem to realize that there’s a difference between an “opponent” and an “enemy,” nor does he understand that most Americans don’t want to think of other Americans as enemies — even when they vigorously disagree with each other about pretty much everything. We went through one Civil War already and I don’t think many of us ever want to go back there — but maybe he missed that part of history class while he was in Indonesia?

    I’ve been saying for a while now — as have others here — that the man does not seem to be capable of making any public statement without singling out some group or individual to be demonized. His scapegoat of the moment might be the enemies of Latinos, Fox News, banks, Wall Street, stupid Cambridge cops, Rush Limbaugh, insurers, rich people, surgeons who lop off legs and tonsils, CEOs, Joe the Plumber, the Chamber of Commerce, or most often, Republicans, Republicans, Republicans, and Bush, Bush, Bush — but if you notice, there’s always an attack, and the institution or person under attack is always, always AMERICAN. The only kind of “leadership” the man seems capable of imagining is to divide and attack and destroy — and he doesn’t seem to comprehend at all that this is not what America is about.

    In the face of this, how on earth people like the author of the Mother Jones “narrative” article Neo linked above, manage to continue to believe that Obama’s flaw is his “Olympian desire to be post-partisan and nonjudgmental” is utterly beyond me; it’s a level of willful blindness too complete to comprehend.

    I agree with Neo and betsybounds — I am old enough to have seen quite a few Presidents come and go, including Nixon, and I’ve seen nothing remotely like this; I never imagined, before, that it was possible that we could have a President who, as far as I can tell, not only fails to understand us but despises us and everything we stand for. Thanks, Curtis, for finding something cheerful and optimistic to say to counter the apocalyptic trend of all of this!

  22. Neo,

    A few weeks ago you had a post on whether Obama would eventually lose his cool and lash out. You thought not.

    I wonder with events of the past few days = calling on one group to punish their “enemies” (Americans); referring to riding in the back seat; the constant ghetto tough guy talk = whether you changed your mind.

  23. Mike Mc: no, I haven’t changed my mind.

    He’s been “losing his cool” and “lashing out” more or less like this right along, including gestures during the 2008 campaign. This is really only an infinitesimal bit worse. I believe that post you’re referring to was about whether he’d have a “total meltdown.” I don’t see anything even close to that.

  24. Neo,


    I still think he’ll have a “meltdown”, probably sometime between January and June.

    All his crutches are being taken away one by one. He is more and more the naked Emperor and he has no experience of “being” outside of affirmative action mode. If people like Harry Reid lose, he’ll have to go back to his old radical friends and radical positions.

    He is a loose cannon already. He’s careless with his words because he doesn’t care about people. At some point it is all going to be too much for hum I think.

  25. I think Barak already had his breakdown.

    Long, long, ago.

    And the capacity for denial is great:

    Lt. Barney Greenwald: Doctor. You have testified that the following symptoms exist in Lieutenant-Commander Queeg’s behavior. Rigidity of personality, feelings of persecution, unreasonable suspicion, a mania for perfection, and a neurotic certainty that he is always in the right. Doctor isn’t there one psychiatric term for this illness?

    Doctor Dickson: I never said there was any illness.

  26. Mike Mc and Neo, my guess is that dear leader will run around repeating lefty cliches without connecting to any real world problems with real world solutions. He is already more than half way there.

  27. I don’t see Obama as setting race relations back at all. He’s providing the country with a teaching moment of immense importance for the future of race relations, but not in the way he thought he would, nor generally in the way your average devout liberal expected.

    He’s way way over his head. To me he seems clueless to just how transparent his bs is becoming to the average American.

    He’s bringing about widespread changes in perception of race that just wouldn’t be possible without his election.

    A lot of people are feeling guilt and remorse as they realize what they’ve done.

    It’s not just that there a millions of people who voted for him in some part because his black as part of some liberal leaning fantasy, and now those people will never vote blindly by race again. More pervasive is that people in their everyday lives often bias their behavior in favor of blacks (e.g. excusing behavior that they would never accept from say a white) in a hundred ways oblivious to what they are doing. That’s already changing and its effects will last long after Obama is out of office.

    Once you’re worldview has been revealed as flawed/broken, you can’t go back.

    Thank you President Obama for showing so many the error of their ways.

    Glory Hallelujah! Let’s erect a statue to the man.

  28. Last night, the publicly funded (nice coincidence or what) French/German cultural TV channel Arte devoted an evening to Obama. It came mostly from the French. I could only watch a tiny bit because I rapidly developed symptoms of clichee reaction syndrome, which includes rolling eyes, muttering “Stupid a**holes,” desiring to shoe the TV, and finally seeking OFF on the remote.

    It started off with factual errors, like saying BO grew up in Illinois. (Is there any evidence that he ever grew up?) Then they went through a bunch of clips about his foreign policy, mentioning things like returning the Churchill bust but attributing it to Europe’s dwindling influence and pretending it was some sort of thought-out policy to reposition America in the world. Dany (the Red) Cohn Bendit was especially critical of Europe’s uncoordinated policies. They made it sound as though BO’s China outreach was successful, and they regretted that Europe hadn’t been strong enough at the Copenhagen climate summit. I didn’t see any thing about Iran, but I may have been screaming through some segments. At some part there were pictures of Sarah Palin and the tea parties, which were, of course, described as ultraconservative.

    This documentary was followed by a talk round with a French woman who is associated with Stanford and an award-winning French guy who had been a a US correspondent. It was quite obvious that these superior beings got their info from the likes of NYT and peers at NPR. Neither would have sullied himself by reading a conservative blog with comments. They must have missed Obama’s condescension to us or else they considered it normal. After just a few minutes of blather, I decided they were incapable of understanding anything, so I turned them off.

    Such is the in-depth journalism consumed by the artsy-crafties of Europe. Is it not understandable why I cling to places like neo-neocon to stay sane–if I have managed to?

  29. We are your lifeline, expat. I started reading Neo when I lived in Switzerland, for the same reason.

  30. expat quipped, “(Is there any evidence that he ever grew up?)

    I’ll pile on…

    There is no evidence he’s a man let alone president.

  31. Expat, you have my sympathy. When I lived in Europe I used to oscillate between considering it a huge theme park and a gigantic lunatic asylum. Europeans just don’t get it: theirs is a failed continent, a failed society, a failed world perspective. And yet they persist in the beliefs that are responsible for those failures. Truly amazing.

    Europeans still believe in an overweening central government (and are trying to establish a still larger one, in Brussels), still believe in the welfare state, still believe in socialism, and still believe in appeasing avowed enemies. It’s almost as though the twentieth century never happened. For people who pride themselves on their grasp of history, they’ve sure missed the boat.

    Why they persist in clinging to views that have long since been discredited, somehow believing that this time they’ll work, is one of life’s great imponderables, much like why Charlie Brown kept trying to kick the football that Lucy always yanked away.

    In their lucid moments Europeans realize that America is much more successful in virtually every sphere, but refuse to grasp why: we allow failure (or used to). Instead, they resort to cargo cult policies (e.g., the EU) that ape the form but not the substance of the American experience. It’s almost as if they think that they’ll be fine if they get some NFL franchises over there.

    Memo to Europe: winners win, and losers lose. ‘Twas ever thus, from our origins on the savannah. Don’t try to impede that fact — embrace it.

  32. Adrian Day:By the way, when Obama excused himself from a fund raising dinner the other night where he was guest of honor because he had to go “scoop some poop”, was he saying he had to go give another speech?

    Possibly. But, in the same vein, perhaps he meant he had to go “write” another speech.

  33. BfX:Mike Mc and Neo, my guess is that dear leader will run around repeating lefty cliches without connecting to any real world problems with real world solutions.

    If I may be allowed to offer a “correction” … make that “Dear Reader,” rather than “Dear Leader.”

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