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Mubarak’s dialogue — 56 Comments

  1. Ah, now I get the “smart diplomacy” Obama & Co. have been talking about. It’s diplomacy that smarts! Owww.

  2. What is it you want Obama to do, Occam?

    Keep in mind slowly converting Egypt into a democracy while making sure that only the Egyptians you want to run the country come to power might take a little longer than a few days

  3. Here’s an interesting and somewhat disturbing article I found at Belmont Club:

    Digital activists in Egypt being trained by internet experts in New York

    The revolution in Egypt is being masterminded by a phalanx of young Internet executives in the Big Apple’s SoHo, specially set up for fomenting revolutions, and the unwitting American taxpayer is paying for it.

    When it comes to Revolution, today’s third world, digital activists are being better trained than anything to be found in Sun Tzu’s famed Art of War, and the ultimate fate of countless people who have never met them is being determined from afar by government-funded computer geeks.

    Stealth and the cover of anonymity keep the internet warrior trainers safe in offices and homes, but not the tens of thousands on the ground. Identifying revolution rabble rousers would be akin to tracing back flash mobs.

    Training Central for digital activists is the Alliance for Youth Movement (AYM), a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting, connecting, and supporting digital activists from around the world.

    The April 6 group, identified as the main mastermind behind the violent protests in Egypt has roots in the Alliance of AYM–tentacles of which reach all the way into the US State Department.

  4. “”Keep in mind slowly converting Egypt into a democracy while making sure that only the Egyptians you want to run the country””

    Slowly converting? Making sure? Obama couldn’t tell a Dairy Queen how to operate. Much less Egypt.

  5. I have nothing to base this on but gut instinct, so here goes:
    What if Obama and Hillary are saying one thing, for the “world” to hear while continuing to support Mubarak?
    Can the U.S. gamble on the next Egyptian ruler?
    Can the U.S. gamble on the peace agreement with Egypt?
    Can the U.S. gamble on the Suez Canal?

    Call me paranoid.

  6. This is the payoff we get for electing a Red spokesmodel.

    The alarming thing is that Obama obviously didn’t anticipate this possibility, i.e., that Mubarak might not want to go gentle into that good night, and tailor his statements accordingly.

    Or that even if Mubarak had indicated privately that he did, he might change his mind later.

    Seriously, Obama should have started with brokering a turf deal between the Chicago Vice Lords and the Folk Nation, and then worked his way up. He’s painfully unsuited and unqualified for the Presidency.

    Thanks, 52%.

  7. This is going to end badly.

    But Mubarak did screw the President. That has to count for something.

  8. So in the last few days:
    1) chaos in Egypt as MubaraK decides to stay after the mob and Obama decide he has to go;
    2) DNI Clapper is revealed as a complete idiot;
    3) Gov. Brewer sues Obama over not enforcing immigration laws;
    4) a Louisiana court holds Obama in contempt because of the drilling moratorium;
    5) the OBM announces that Obamacare will costs around 800,000 jobs, 1 out of 200, in ten years;
    6) the price of oil is rising;
    7) The Saudis defy Obama, the all knowing and all wise, on Egypt;
    8) Obamacare declared unconstitutional.

    What does all this mean?

  9. Occam’s Beard
    Obama is probably looking as we speak to unseal some Mubarak divorce records.

    After all, it did work in Chicago and in the state of Illinois. And isn’t Cairo the southernmost town in Illinois?

  10. Neo,

    I just had an awful thought as I watched Greta interview Dick Morris.

    Obama may know MORE about the Islamists good chance of coming to power in Egypt and it MAY be the reason Obama urged Mubarak to go so quickly (close to the first protests)


    Am I off base?

  11. “Slowly converting? Making sure? Obama couldn’t tell a Dairy Queen how to operate. Much less Egypt.”

    Obama Derangement Syndrome is a serious problem, Steve.

    Is there anything he could do to satisfy the Goldilocks of the Right?

  12. Am I off base?

    Nah, just too byzantine in your reasoning. Stupidity and incompetence suffice to explain the phenomena. No need to invoke conspiracy.

  13. Baklava, remember Obama tried to destroy democracy in Honduras, an act that revealed what was in his heart if anyone cared to notice. I would say he would be happy if any anti-American group took over. Isn’t that what leftism is all about?

    America has elected a traitor as President.

  14. Steve: “Slowly converting? Making sure? Obama couldn’t tell a Dairy Queen how to operate. Much less Egypt.
    Obama Derangement Syndrome is a serious problem, Steve.Is there anything he could do to satisfy the Goldilocks of the Right?

    The POTUS hasn’t exactly made a name for himself in his responses to Egypt.

    The crack about running a Dairy Queen refers to a reality of Obama’s CV: a dearth of executive experience. As far as I can tell, his only executive experience was chairing the Annenberg Challenge, where he was responsible for deciding who would get ~$100 million, counting matching funds, to research ways to improve education in the Chicago public schools. The schools that were blessed with Annenberg Challenge funded research had the same academic performance as non-Annenberg challenge schools. Not a good executive record.

    In 2008 I made a job metric to compare job experience of Presidents who had been US Senators. Only one Such President had the following metric: 1)no Vice Presidential Experience, 2)no US Cabinet experience, 3)no US House of Representatives experience, 4) no Governor experience, 5) no military experience. That would be Warren Harding, who at least had executive experience in running a newspaper.

    Barack Obama also had the same 0 score as Warren Harding on the experience metric I constructed.

    Whether you like it or not, the crack about running a Dairy Queen has some resonance in reality.

  15. Bob From Virginia:

    Baklava, remember Obama tried to destroy democracy in Honduras, an act that revealed what was in his heart if anyone cared to notice. I would say he would be happy if any anti-American group took over. Isn’t that what leftism is all about?

    To make it worse, a recent report stats that the Obama Administration is lobbying to letZelaya back into the Honduras, with a cancellation of the current legal case pending against Zelaya should he return.

    Back in July 2009, when you had Fidel, Thugo, and Danny Boy wanting to get Zalaya back in power, those Friends of Zelaya should have told the Obama Administration something about the democratic bonafides of Zelaya.

  16. All very good, but let’s get down to brass tacks: Occam’s Beard, you still owe me $20 on the Eric Holder bet.

    For the rest of us, we are back to that hardy perennial: fool or knave? Does anyone think Mr. Obama actually has a plan; or does he know what he wants, only it involves no small amount of magical thinking? The great Wretchard thinks our statecraft, if you will excuse the expression, has managed to regionalize the issue and guaranteed that neither side will thank us if it wins.

  17. The POTUS hasn’t exactly made a name for himself in his responses to Egypt.


    You got three choices for Egypt, pick one:

    1. Mubarak stays in power
    2. Military dictatorship
    3. Democratic elections won by the Muslim Brotherhood

    Now explain how the president of the United States can impose your choice on the Egyptian people.

  18. All very good, but let’s get down to brass tacks: Occam’s Beard, you still owe me $20 on the Eric Holder bet.

    You’re right, Oblio. I’m happy to pay up, too. Well, not happy – I don’t care about the $20, but I’m disappointed as hell that Holder is still befouling the Department of Justice.

  19. For the rest of us, we are back to that hardy perennial: fool or knave? Does anyone think Mr. Obama actually has a plan; or does he know what he wants, only it involves no small amount of magical thinking?

    I still wobble on the fool or knave question, but don’t consider this issue as necessarily speaking to the issue. If Obama is a knave (or more likely, the spokesman for a knave) who is determined to bring socialism to America, he may view foreign affairs generally as a distraction and devote little thought to them. So he could still be a knave, and yet simultaneously be totally inept on foreign affairs.

    So…would that make him a knavish fool, or a foolish knave? One of life’s imponderables…

  20. Expect big demonstrations again tomorrow after Friday prayers. El-Baradei says Egypt will explode. What will the Army do? Mubarak must believe that it will support him.

    If we have a Tienanmen situation, what will the U.S. do?

  21. In general, I lean to “foolish knave.” In foreign affairs, I’m going with “mainly fool,” though he may have a chance to demonstrate some knavishness by supporting whatever anti-American faction swims into his view.

    The Muliculturalist/Decolonialist theory would suggest sympathy for whatever group is most antithetical to U.S. interests, meaning in this case the Muslim Brotherhood. That would be electoral suicide, so the False Flag Theory would say just try to soft pedal the nature and role of the MB and vaguely endorse some liberal intellectual. In this case, el-Baradei has a fine anti-American record, so he should do nicely.

    Close your eyes and imagine you are in a faculty lounge, and you should be able to predict the White House response. I’ve been in Egypt and Hyde Park in the past two weeks, so my palantir has a particularly clear signal this evening.

  22. Intheory, the proper response would have been “we are unsure therefore we are watching the situation. We are very concerned that the terrorist organization Moslem brotherhood, which just declared war on the US a few months ago, may be considered for a role in government. We consider this a very bad indication of the type change some are calling for.”

    In short nebulous and diplomatic, not taking a position for or against anyone except the bad guys. So simple a child could do it unless the child thinks he has been blessed with some sort of innate wisdom that allows him to understand situations without any prior knowledge of them sorta like you know who.

    Intheory everyone or almost at this blog saw through Obama from day one. We saw an empty suit with no moral compass, no knowledge of the real world outside of Chicago politics, and a very unhealthy self-regard, in short stupid, unprincipled and crazy. Obama has done absolutely nothing in the last 28 months but confirm our low opinions of him. Just to make a case I can only tell his screw ups for the first couple months in office. After that I lost track. The list above is only for the last few days. If you cannot see what is in front of the world’s eyes it is not us here at Neocon who have problems with reality.

  23. From The Rubin Report:

    Aide: “Do you want to say good-bye to the Egyptian people?”
    Mubarak: “Why? Are they going somewhere?”

  24. The thinking that the demonstrators may soon become violent raises the question, “Violent against whom?” My understanding is that ~30% of the working population is gov’t-employed, and at least 50% are unemployed. Is the portent one of turning Egypt into SouthCentral LA? To what nominal purpose?
    There aren’t enough Coptic Christians, much less Jews, to fill the bill.

  25. Intheory everyone or almost at this blog saw through Obama from day one.

    I understand you guys don’t like Obama, and it’s probably therapeutic to get together and whine about him.

    But Obama’s approval rating is above 50% which means a majority of Americans are quite happy with the job he’s doing.

    As for your suggestion that Obama announce to the world that “we are watching the situation,” would that really stop you from complaining?

  26. “Is there anything he could do to satisfy the Goldilocks of the Right?”
    Yes, there is. To step down. It is not policy disagreements that Right has against him, but his unsutability for the office.

  27. Probably, army will get serious about curfew and clear the streets, but will avoid to use exessive violence. Probably, crack down on MB will follow, with arrests of several hundred activists. It will not be Tiananmin scenario, more like what Vojslav Jaruzelsky did in Poland.

  28. Remember, when “Solidarnost” trade-union in Poland explosively rise its membership to 10 mln people, almost half of Polish workforce, no expected bloodshed followed. Tanks were on the streets, but they did not fire. This allowed army to save both country and their public face. The rationale was “It would better if we occupy Poland, not Russkie”. And it worked. Patriotism can be used to trump political sentiments, both in Poland and Egypt.

  29. Identifying with protesters, or, at least, with their demands, Obama get himself vulnerable to accusations of arrogance and imperialistic dictat – something Egypteans will not tolerate. And Mubarak immediately responded by getting defiant to this foreign interference, winning the sympathies of more conservative segment of population, using reflective anti-americanism as his defence. The next step will be to paint protesters as American stooges or useful idiots, destroing the country to promote US-Israeli “democracy agenda”. This could work.

  30. “The April 6 group, identified as the main mastermind behind the violent protests in Egypt has roots in the Alliance of AYM–tentacles of which reach all the way into the US State Department.”
    Probably, this is a lie, but the one in which millions of Egypteans are ready to believe. Crackdown on these activists exposed as US agents of influence would be a good foil for more wide repressions and campaign of discreditation of opposition. Let us see.

  31. InTheory, just a little hint: Stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.

    Lest you wish to be allied with the best and brightest that surround our president, like James Clapper, for instance.

    Our national security and foreign policy success isn’t measured by some nebulous polls numbers that you throw around without citation.

    Back during the 2008 campaign, Richard Danzig, I believe it was, made some ridiculous comments about Winnie the Pooh being a good example of foreign policy, or some such nonsense. After two years of Obama at the helm of state, I am ready for him to try that idea. It cannot be worse than what he is and is not doing.


  32. InTheory has never been on the opposite side of my broadsides… yet…

    If he keeps up, he will, and everyone will be upset at me for a long post that decimates his childish stuff.

    Just because a person climbs to a pinnacle of superiority in their own mind, doesn’t mean they have climbed off their ass in the real world outside such a limited mind.

    a cargo cult mentality believes that the copied and parroted retorts and barbs ARE erudition and clever, but no clever than a man who picks up a machine and claims its invention, when he cant even identify it.


  33. Intheory:
    Actually, no. 65% disapprove of Obamacare and of his econ policies. That his #s improve on foreign policy matters means much less, since a majority of Obamaphiles can’t find Egypt or the Middle East on a globe.

  34. InTheory,
    You got three choices for Egypt, pick one:

    1. Mubarak stays in power
    2. Military dictatorship
    3. Democratic elections won by the Muslim Brotherhood

    I pick… hmmmmm 4!!!

    Sovereign democracy
    [суверенная демократия]

    the SAD part is that you cant get beyond the plaigerized memes you think is erudition.

    you cant think beyond what they want you to think
    oh, you think you can, but if you actually read your points, your indistinquishable from the rest of the army of parrots…

    Which is why your resort to negs, and disses, and all that, once honestly engaged, you find out your talking points so fondly memorized, have no explanatory backing. they are just floating positions you take up like lint pretending to thinking.

    they have no history
    they have no real debate behind them
    they are like switches
    and you think your clever when your switches match everyone elses and you dont actually have to think about them.

    THEN it becomes all about making sure as many people have the same switches you have, because your validity rests on a volume measurement, not any kind of actual concept of validity.

    after all, if the switch climate changes, you may find yourself on the wrong side and suddenly stupid and lack a superior place in your own mind.

    so to prove yourself right, all YOU need is weight of argument, nothing more given that’s all that mental lemmings need pretending independence.

    but how independent is it to spout a copy of a talking point, and then not have the chops to really discuss it, and so resort to games that any person with ANY REAL brains yawns at the way an adult yawns at a child that holds its breath or tries to win a debate by some other means than the actual debate.

    you live in a tiny oversimplfied world in which all you ahve do is copy the answers from your neihbors in majority.

    by the way… SADDEST part of all is that you think your fighting oppression, when your very mental make up is the product of the worst kind of oppression.

    Do you thin collectivist armies of cookie cutter people really are individuals with freedom, and their own desires?

    Do you really think that your holding the baubles of sentences and not learning and entertaining ideas and discussing them fully in place of snipes is what free individuals not in thrall to a totalitarian command live like?

    your a fizgig…

    a type of firework that makes a loud hissing sound

    all noise and fury signifying nothing…

    but if you really want to have a talk, come on by, i will drop the stance and you can talk like a person to a person and maybe, just maybe, grow up a little.

    in the immortalized words of joe Pesci in my cousing vinney…

    im tru with youse…

  35. Artfldgr’s last post is replete with wisdom and wit.

    InTheory in theory might learn from it. InTheory – I was like you once: I actually turned on Randi Rhodes and Thomm Hartman to memorize my daily memes. They hated something new every day; their hatred filled me and seemed to hide my emptiness — emptiness created by the voiding of my principles and values. I smoked once, too. Life is so fresh when you give it up. Open: open to the beacon of searching for the truth, a search which begins with vision. Learn human nature; do not try try change it, for you will lose. Human nature is to love and have faith in principles – not just to hope and hate. Our world must return to vision and principles and drop the “anything goes”, or we will go.

    Here are some Artfidgr gems:

    “they [your words are just floating positions you take up like lint pretending to thinking.”

    “…how independent is it to spout a copy of a talking point, and then not have the chops to really discuss it?”

    “SADDEST part of all is that you think you’re fighting oppression, when your very mental make up is the product of the worst kind of oppression.”

    “…holding the baubles of sentences and not learning and entertaining ideas and discussing them fully in place of snipes is what free individuals not in thrall to a totalitarian command live like?”

    I love the lint one.

    Now, InTheory, do come back, but come here to learn and discuss and drop the “j’accuse.”

  36. “Artfldgr’s last post is replete with wisdom and wit. ”

    Haha, I appreciate Artfldgr’s novellas as much as anyone. He must work all day to craft the ad hominem attacks and straw man arguments that fill them.

    But he has outdone himself with “Sovereign democracy.”

    He has entered Monty Python territory with that one.

    “Listen, strange women lyin’ in ponds distributin’ swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. “

  37. good try to save your ego, InTheory – but the object of the game is to drop the ego.

    His words are not ad hominem; they are an analysis of the paralysis that comes with apathy, hate, and blind hope.

    Faith is active. Blind faith is … blindness, not faith.

  38. InTheory-
    I don’t know if you pondered Artfldgr’s words, or just shot from the hip. I suspect the latter.

    I advise reflection, not reflexivity. Neurologically, reflexes occur quickly, without the initiating stimulus ever reaching the brain.

  39. InTheory:

    I wonder, have you ever heard of Google? And have you ever heard of sarcasm?

    Because if you had, you might have understood Artfldgr’s use of the term “sovereign democracy.” He even helped you out by providing the Cyrillic.

    I’ll help you out further: here. And here.

  40. Like they said in that movie..
    Stupid is as stupid does….

    Warnings, were given
    Facts were applied
    As far as i am concerned he is fair game now

    let the fun begin!!!!

    He must work all day to craft the ad hominem attacks and straw man arguments that fill them.

    Actually not… I type over 100 wpm and stream it out from memory, with a bit of cut and paste for references…
    I am more educated than you will ever be in your life…
    and am so far ahead of you in study and reading that you could never catch up (IF you had the capacity)

    Its only ad hominem if its not a factual part of the argument or the point of the argument.
    So, you failed on the main point of understanding the definition of the LATIN term Ad Hominem…

    That is, a parrot parrots what he sees works, but does not know why it works
    So does not know when to actually apply it.
    Over time, the parrot can be discovered by others “in the know” because of this
    AND because he or she blithely keeps going with the lie never aware of anything.

    Good manners dictate that one leaves the person in ignorance to save their face from embarrassment of the extreme kind.

    Ad Hominem means “to the man”

    It basically is saying that if you’re discussing oranges, it’s a false argument to argue that the other person discussing oranges mother dresses him funny.

    BUT if the subject of the conversation is that the persons mother dresses them funny, then its not ad homenim to tell the truth.

    Since my subject in my post was how you parrot and don’t really understand
    And you were so niec to come out and parrot and not understand for everyone

    I just want to take the time to thank you for stepping up and being such a shinning example for my tiny lecture.

    If I had the time or knew you, I would give you a grape as a yummy…

    After all, you get parrots to say what you want by saying the same thing to them over and over and over again
    Not by explainging anything to them… they cant understand, but they CAN pretend to by repeating what they hear over and over again.

    It was George Orwell that first called people like you parrots

    If you have a beef with it, go talk to him…
    Though I warn you, he is held in higher regard than you will ever be..

    Next point…

  41. InTheory, I HOPE you like the taste of humble pie!!!!

    here are your words…
    But he has outdone himself with “Sovereign democracy.”

    He has entered Monty Python territory with that one.

    “Listen, strange women lyin’ in ponds distribution’ swords is no basis for a system of government.

    Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. “

    did you not ask why there is not a liberal left socialist communist army here negating our words and such?

    Do you think your the only knight to come and try to slay the dragon named PRAVDA (truth)…

    waht strange swords we must have… do we have Galadring? or Glamdring if you live in fantasy…

    if you say we have the sword Excaliburn, then are you so daft as to forget what that sword grants its owner?

    Ex Calibre grants its holder the promise of never being defeated…


    as i say in the previous post addressing your misuse of ad homenim.

    a parrot singing “Banary” to get an apple, only learned that they can get a response out of the researcher if they find the right mish mosh of mixing things…

    however, in truth, if i asked the researcher for the banary, i would not get an apple.


    because the researcher would not try so hard to make the not cogent cogent for their purposes and would hold me to a higher standard of communcation than the parrot.

    however this is not the experience of a parrot.

    a parrot pretends to know..
    and an idiot makes sure to prove it!!!

    and a LAZY idiot is the entertainment for all
    lifes court jesters for the rest of us

    but don’t tell them, it might spoil the fun for us…

    Russia today is a state controlled by its intelligence agency and army which took over from the kremlin in their coupe… that is, the kgb and gru colluded to get rid of the rest of it… now they run the place.

    but most parrots and idiots on the left are blind followers, they don’t question boldly.. they fall into line and hope their team wins. (and then tell everyone that this is questioning boldly so they look better doing it).

    Suveryennaya demokratiya (since you cant understand cyrillic i put it phonetic. just sound it out like a parrot)

    …is a term that with regard to Russian politics was first used by Vladislav Surkov on the 22nd of February 2006 in a speech before a gathering of the Russian political party United Russia. According to Surkov, sovereign democracy is:

    a society’s political life where the political powers, their authorities and decisions are decided and controlled by a diverse Russian nation for the purpose of reaching material welfare, freedom and fairness by all citizens, social groups and nationalities, by the people that formed it.


    This term was used thereafter by political figureheads such as Sergei Ivanov, Vladimir Putin, and Boris Gryzlov

    Sovereign Democracy in Russia was realised in the form of a dominant-party system which was put into place in 2007 when as a result of the Russian legislative election of 2007 the political party United Russia, headed by president Vladimir Putin, without forming a government, formally became the leading and guiding force in Russian society not unlike the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Concrete priorities and orientations of Sovereign Democracy were conceptionalized in President Putin’s Plan.

    so, maybe you better call up the new kremlin, and tell the olicgharcs that they are morons and they cant run a country from a sword from a lady in the lake.

    now i can clue you in..

    the left is so ignroant most of the time that when they come here, they do their parrot act, and then, we dont beat up on them. we dont ridicule them. we dont use their tactics on them…

    we just state the truth…

    and either the truth sets them free…

    or it embarasses them so much they feel so bad they leave to find another place as this place wasnt half the fun they thought it would be.

    not to mention they score no points for the cause, given that they were not up to the fight against truth.

    but its an unfair fight…

    fantasy requires too much energy and anger to upkeep

    truth requires nothing, it can exist never needing energy…

    over time, it always wins one way or another, even if the details are not known…

  42. wow. so happy to meet smart people. so true about truth!

    I live in liberal land, so it is rare for (most) people to talk about what is going on. They have been made mute, it seems, by the rudderlessness of the current ship of state.

    So glad to meet a digital family here. Thanks again neo-neo.

  43. InTheory:
    Artfldgr was most assuredly not attempting wit. He was trying, against all hope, to educate you.
    In that he has clearly failed.

    Brevity works on parrots, too. If the shoe fits,…

  44. InTheory, I didn’t know you love quotes!

    A quote on wit, how… witty… and quaint…

    “Quotation is a serviceable substitute for wit.” Oscar Wilde…

    You realize I don’t agree at all, for personally I agree with Dorothy Parker who said:
    Brevity is the soul of lingerie

    By the way, mentioning the source of your point, that’s called a credit. When you quote Shakespeare (you do know that that is Shakespeare, yes?), you should give credit. You really wouldn’t want people to think that you said that, would you? If you parrot someone you should credit them.

    The only reason you want brevity is why? C’mon, you can tell us…
    Where is the joie de vivre? Where is your pluck? Not as fun as it was before?

    I was so much older then; I am younger than that now!!!! 🙂 (Dylan)

    I bet you actually don’t read the Bard, but have picked that up from someplace like lint mentioned earlier. The grooves in your brain are not corduroy, their not supposed to pick up lint. You are what you eat and think and one should be more careful with what one puts in ones head. Don’t you agree?

    I should point out that Shakespeare plays are not brief, in case you have never seen one.

    Since I saw your quote and raised a second, I have decided to go all in and give you a few of my favorites… However I will bet you never heard of these people, unlike Shakespeare, of which I have read everything he has written, including the sonnets

    “A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.” Michel de Montaigne

    I hope you get the next one…
    “Wit, you know, is the unexpected copulation of ideas, the discovery of some occult relation between images in appearance remote from each other; an effusion of wit, therefore, presupposes an accumulation of knowledge; a memory stored with notions, which the imagination may cull out to compose new assemblages. Whatever may be the native vigour of the mind, she can never form any combinations from few ideas, as many changes can never be rung upon a few bells.”
    Johnson: Rambler #194 (January 25, 1752)

    “Don’t take the wrong side of an argument just because your opponent has taken the right side.” And “Better mad with the rest of the world than wise alone” from Baltasar Gracian

    This last one fits your retort nicely

    Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. — Plato

  45. What is it you want Obama to do, Occam?

    I for one would like Obama to hire InTheory here and put him up on the pedestal to see what happens.

    Something entertaining, if not disastrously crazy, will happen. Most certainly.

  46. Btw, you need to get a refund for your education, Theory. They forgot to teach you what words like “sovereign” means.

    Well, that’s what I would say, but I don’t think public education will make you any better and it’d be a waste of money.

    Don’t forget to tell them you also need a refresher course, from properly credential teachers not village idiots pretending to know how to read and write, on these things: what a straw man is and what an ad hominem is.

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