Home » It’s a revolutionary thought: teach about conservatism


It’s a revolutionary thought: teach about conservatism — 11 Comments

  1. Its not like it hasnt happened before in a republic…

    Catacombs of Rome

  2. And at Berkeley we have the “Center for the Comparative Study of Right-Wing Movements”. The second item in the Upcoming Events section is a discussion titled “What We Can Learn from Tucson”. For some reason, I don’t think the Berkeley group intends to portray a center-rgiht worldview in a very favorable light.


  3. But having spent most of my adult life in and around academia, I can already imagine what the approach of this course would likely be, and it isn’t pretty. I’m envisioning a lot of marxist and postmodern analysis of conservative thought taking place, with a bit of psychoanalysis of conservative thinkers, as well.

    It reminds me of what happened about a year ago when one of my sister’s college friends–who is now a sociology professor–told her he was trying to “understand” the tea party movement. Like me, she has been a changer politically, but she was a registered Democrat at one point (I never was). Anyway, she thought he was actually interested in knowing how and why tea party activists feel as they do, but instead, I told her he was most likely interested in applying marxist analysis to the tea party movement. A few days later, she wrote back to say that I was right about what he meant, and she was working on some detailed responses to his arguments.

  4. and then again in another regime along with the people who were their progentors…


    The Third Reich founded their own version of Christianity called Positive Christianity which made major changes in its interpretation of the Bible which said that Jesus Christ was the son of God, but was not a Jew and claimed that Christ despised Jews, and that the Jews were the ones solely responsible for Christ’s death. Thus, the Nazi government consolidated religious power, using allies to consolidate Protestant churches into the Protestant Reich Church, which was effectively an arm of the Nazi Party.

    Dissenting Christians went underground and formed the Confessing Church, which was persecuted as a subversive group by the Nazi government. Many of its leaders were arrested and sent to concentration camps, and left the underground mostly leaderless. Church members continued to engage in various forms of resistance, including hiding Jews during the Holocaust and various attempts, largely unsuccessful, to prod the Christian community to speak out on the part of the Jews.

    all revealing that the genocide or rather conflagration that would sweep the world as engels put it, was prevented by the christians.

    so now they BOTH have to go, since the Christians tend to resist reformation of their religion (unlike hitlers reformation of islam, later reworked by the soviets).

    this is why the hard line on the association of conservative with christian faith… just as feminism is a false split, this is a false combination. they may be related in statistical ways as to what kinds of people believe or that one set of beliefs tends to lead to another. but without a church at all, the ideas of conservative (paleo liberal enlightenment) thought could still exist (whether they would be discovered is another thing).

    so what you see later in last century, once we forgot what was behind wallace and the progressive party, and all that… and the continued directed evolution of the schools to make for a future manufacturing society (which now doesnt exist and people are not prepared to meet it given the central planners were wrong in predicting the future when they were kids and imposing a dumbed down curriculum to faciliate line workers who were not too smart and could be happy making paper clips).

    they did NOT abandon their stated goals..

    they just cahnged their tactics to more covert means as they realized that those good fly over people would not stand for it.

    just like back in the hayes tilden election the good peopple of the south had to be tricked and history changed for us to believe they were racists.

    even hitler was reformed as a racist, rather than an IQ hater… ergo their invention of disparate impact as a means of matehmatical proof to the mathematically illiterate masses who could be tricked into accepting the argument as indicating their cheating the good people, and by extension their children, and so would motivate them to eitehr active hate, or indifference to their outcome.

    the feminists and the racialists here in the US used the same process to establish the same false facts to the same end of putting a wedge between the target and moral people who might defend them.

    women always get a free pass as they can be trusted to change their direction with the wind when a new system is in place, as they have done through historical time when their mates were murdered and they were faced with cooperative existence and mating choices, or death.

    its the MEN, who once either aborted, or removed by homogenization and mating with others, due to marginalization among their own potential mates, dilute the genetics of any group that may rise up in talent or ability to questio the leadership.

    ergo, if you pay close attention, the targets are all high iq!!!!!

    Conservatives today is where the thinkers who do not think what they are told but think for themselves gravitate. and as such, naturally concentrate and become the targets of a system which wants control

    the power cargo cultists do not understand that the emergent behavior that fouls up their ideas, does not come from the pool of the intelligent. that the pool of the intelligent is not their moriarty paranoid delusion.

    that even without that pool, self organization will work around their missives as slaves are a maladaptive condition.

    write a list of who has been designated the oppressor class, and as such are the designated scape goats that our Wiemar II is going to come down on (as it has been more and more).

    and look if the laws which change outcomes accomplish the SAME ENDS as the more overt laws of the prior century!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    for instance, under set theory, which is all that Marxism is, how can you create a set which would include the target set, but expand the target so that the inner target is lost in the larger mass, which allows one to deny the target is the target?

    the set of jewish men is inside the set of white males (with some outside that). white male christians, also came to the defense of these targets. so if they target the set of white males, they can target the subset within it withotu being called to task for being so specvific people see it clearly and then act.

    throw the baby out with the bathwater and maybe people wont notice if the bathwater is deep enough.

    ergo hitler had muslim, and black people in his army, but did not exterminate them (i linked to a book by an african waffen ss happy that under herr hitler the races would work together!)

    After the Revolution of 1917, the Bolsheviks undertook a massive program to remove the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church from the government and Russian society, and to make the state atheist. Tens of thousands of churches were destroyed or converted to other uses, and many members of clergy were imprisoned for anti-government activities. An extensive education and propaganda campaign was undertaken to convince people, especially the children and youth, to abandon religious beliefs. This persecution resulted in the martyrdom of millions of Orthodox followers in the 20th century by the Soviet Union, whether intentional or not.

    extensive education and propaganda campaign to convince people, especially the children and youth to abandon religious beliefs.

    hows your soviet education system?

    hows that ACLU falsely applying a separation that is NOT in our constitutio, bu the soviet one.

    here is an interesting exercise, read the soviet Constitution, and see if our left leaders are following it or the US one…

    Before and after the October Revolution of November 7, 1917 (October 25 Old Calendar) there was a movement within the Soviet Union to unite all of the people of the world under Communist rule (see Communist International).

    This included the Eastern European bloc countries as well as the Balkan States. Since some of these Slavic states tied their ethnic heritage to their ethnic churches, both the peoples and their church were targeted by the Soviet and its form of State atheism.

    ah… so you can say the same for america, its bible belt, the baptists, and so on..


    but we dont know it..

    because there has been an information blackout on history, facts, and such in regards to the soviet union, and its history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    this facilitated copying them! as no one will believe the people who experienced it if they have no corroboration from movies, books, and so forth (including school which also denies it).

    The Soviet Union was the first state to have as an ideological objective the elimination of religion. Toward that end, the Communist regime confiscated church property, ridiculed religion, harassed believers, and propagated atheism in the schools. Actions toward particular religions, however, were determined by State interests, and most organized religions were never outlawed. It is estimated that 21 million Russian Orthodox Christians were martyred in the gulags by the Soviet government, not including torture or other Christian denominations killed.

    you do what you can do..
    and here they are in the disenfranchise stage, the harassment stage, the education of children to turn on parents with the bribe of sex stage. the turn it into a childish belief stage… and even motivate the medical field to consider that every one who believes by definition is delusional matching the description of schizophrenia.

    if you read the wiki link i put up on persecution.. you will not find them metnion that they also went after jews and kept exterminating them out of hand when FDR turned the camps over to Stalin!

    the end of WWII, thanks to Stalin and FDR was NOT the end of the shoa… it was only the end of chapter 1, and chapter II is not talked about!!!!!!!!

    on the 70th anniversary of the destruction of a quarter of Ukraine’s population, this titanic crime has almost vanished into history’s black hole.

    So has the extermination of the Don Cossacks by the communists in the 1920s, the Volga Germans in 1941 and mass executions and deportations to concentration camps of Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians and Poles. At the end of World War II, Stalin’s gulag held 5.5 million prisoners, 23% of them Ukrainians and 6% Baltic peoples.

    Almost unknown is the genocide of two million of the USSR’s Muslim peoples: Chechens, Ingush, Crimean Tatars, Tajiks, Bashkirs and Kazaks. The Chechen independence fighters who today are branded as “terrorists” by the U.S. and Russia are the grandchildren of survivors of Soviet concentration camps.

    Add to this list of forgotten atrocities the murder in Eastern Europe from 1945-47 of at least two million ethnic Germans, mostly women and children, and the violent expulsion of 15 million more Germans, during which two million German girls and women were raped.

    When war came, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British PM Winston Churchill allied themselves closely to Stalin, though they were well aware his regime had murdered at least 30 million people long before Hitler’s extermination of Jews and gypsies began. Yet in the strange moral calculus of mass murder, only Germans were guilty.

    Though Stalin murdered three times more people than Hitler, to Roosevelt he remained “Uncle Joe.”

    The British-U.S. alliance with Stalin made them his partners in crime. Roosevelt and Churchill helped preserve history’s most murderous regime, to which they handed over half of Europe in 1945.

    After the war, the left tried to cover up Soviet genocide. Jean-Paul Sartre denied the gulag even existed.

    For the western Allies, Nazism was the only evil; they could not admit being allied to mass murderers. For the Soviets, promoting the Jewish Holocaust perpetuated anti-fascism and masked their own crimes.

    The Jewish people, understandably, saw their Holocaust as a unique event. It was Israel’s raison d’etre. Raising other genocides at that time would, they feared, diminish their own. This was only human nature.

    While today, academia, the media and Hollywood rightly keep attention focused on the Jewish Holocaust, they mostly ignore Ukraine. We still hunt Nazi killers, but not communist killers. There are few photos of the Ukraine genocide or Stalin’s gulag, and fewer living survivors. Dead men tell no tales.

    Russia never prosecuted any of its mass murderers, as Germany did.

    We know all about the crimes of Nazis Adolf Eichmann and Heinrich Himmler; about Babi Yar and Auschwitz.

    But who remembers Soviet mass murderers Dzerzhinsky, Kaganovitch, Yagoda, Yezhov and Beria? Were it not for writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, we might never know of Soviet death camps like Magadan, Kolyma and Vorkuta. Movie after movie appears about Nazi evil, while the evil of the Soviet era vanishes from view or dissolves into nostalgia. M

    So why is it happening AGAIN here?

    because to know AGAIN, you have to learn about BEFORE, and if you erase and defocus the history, AGAIN, becomes NEW in IGNORANCE!

    a interesting read is
    Soldiers of Misfortune: Washington’s Secret Betrayal of American POWs in the Soviet Union by James D. Sanders, Mark A. Sauter, and R. Cort Kirkwood.

    which shows other things that reveal the people who have influenced our today and where we are, and which for the most part is invisable, thanks to PROGRESSIVE education, and PROGRESSIVE party mentality, whic is defining these targets and insuring we always skew towards that

    even if we deviate for a while we come back to the same things again and again till they succeed with their target goals (as they openly state them)

    there is too much to include..
    as one would have to know the history of the changes at the end from yalta onwards.

    Stalin learned what was happening and retaliated. He permanently “retained” the American and British soldiers whom he still held as bargaining chips. What did he do with them? He carted them to the Soviet Union where they lived the rest of their lives in the Russian gulags. How many American and British soldiers? Over 20,000 Americans and over 30,000 British and Commonwealth soldiers ! In fact, as the authors of Soldiers of Misfortune point out: “Starting in 1945, the Soviet Union became the second-largest employer of American servicemen in the world.”

    withotu the REAL complete history, you cant see that things are selectively repeating.

    like a person picking at a smorgasboard made from history. where even failing ideas are good, but not for oneself, but ones enemies. (feminism failed and demographically destroyed the soviets, so it was good that they then converted it to a thing to deliver externally and to validate it by pulling movements that were not actually part of it into it so that it seems like it predates what it actually doesnt (in its current form))

    in this way, they are more and more effective at taking over things, while we get worse and worse at preventing it.

    since we cant see how the operative principals work.

    AND femniists and others ahve estblisehd fences in our minds as to what thoughts are allowed elswhere. we are tricked into not seeing it!

    that is, if we accept that we are all the same… equal, and programmed by society, then the idea that 14% of jews controlling 40% of the businesses, or that white men make up 25% of the population but control a much larger proportion of business when compared to women, then seems to be a proxy way to detect discrimination (social cheating for advantage), without having to actually show it, and so one can mathematically establish a false idea to socially engineer hatred by socially engineering a fact based on erroneous concepts.

    once the population accepts the erroneous, it can be used like a fire wood wedge to turn good people against any target… as it did before.

  5. Last fall I had a class on 60s in the USA, and only one day was devoted to the right, tho the right was always in the background as the enemy.

    And yes, Artfldger, the word communist was completely erased except as something evil and irrational right wing nuts were obsessed with.

    There were no commies, only good democratic idealists.

    The daily dribble of far left propaganda has me worried; the kids don’t necessarily know better.

  6. Brevity is often a virtue.

    so is an education so we can just reference things in a sentence… but i cant do my part, till ALL of you do your part…

  7. as long as there is a lazy weak link in the chain, the others have to suffer to teach that one…

    in fact, most of my facts would not be needed IF people knew the actual history!!!!! that is, i could move forward past history lessons to implications…

    but one cant talk about ideas and inventions in algebra, if the person your talking to doesn’t know algebra, or believes its something else, or has the facts wrong as they were taught to them wrong.

    we could have a great conversation on B-Splines…

    but what can i do if the definition itself is more confusing to the listener than the term, and they wont admit hey dont know, and will refuse to go anywhere to prove they dont know?

    In the mathematical subfield of numerical analysis, a B-spline is a spline function that has minimal support with respect to a given degree, smoothness, and domain partition. B-splines were investigated as early as the nineteenth century by Nikolai Lobachevsky from Kazan State University, Russia.

    so can we converse about them (after all, i have included in another post tom lehrers song on lobachesky… plaigerize… so i can even make it more intersting with the hsitory aorund the mathematics.

    but if you dont know who lobachevsky is, my jokes will make no sense… if you dont know that level of math, you will stare into my eyes like a deer in the headlights, or get angry.

    the funny thing is that i COULD assume that you and others are too dumb and cant grasp it!!!!!!!!!!!!

    then i would write short, or nto bother to write at all, as i notice you dont spend much time teaching pigs to sing!!!

    i am starting to realize slowly, that i assume too much ability amoung others and so assume that they canhandle the material, get through it, and participate among a common history based in fact.

    if i looked down on you automatically, i wouldnt bother to post so long…

    and every time people pipe up this way, its like listening to students complain that they cant do the work, and its too hard, and cant we do somethign else, as we dont have the capacity to undertand, read long, and comprehend… our attention spans are now on the order of gnats, not humans.

    your choice..

    scroll bars come free with every browser.

  8. remember your days in class, where everyone went awwwwwww. when the dumb kid didnt get it and eveyrone had to sit thorugh the long stuff again and again till they did. if only those kids woudl learn, we could move forwards..

  9. I say meh – Brown U. is kind of a joke now. They have that grading program where the students can pick pass/fail, and any fails do not show up on their transcript. It is really dumbed down.

    I knew some kids who went to Brown, they weren’t exactly the best & brightest. Most of the best and brightest go to public colleges because they get better financial aid and educations.

  10. helvetica: I have to differ with you on the financial aid.

    I’m not familiar with Brown. But some of the other top Ivies have exceptionally good financial aid. It is needs-based, meaning that anyone who gets in qualifies for financial aid based on economic need.

    For example, I don’t know whether this policy is still in effect in the current economy, but I remember reading about it back when it was instituted.

    The regular tuition at state schools for kids from the state, of course, tends to be less. And there are some merit-based scholarships. The rest is going to be loans.

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