Home » Obama: time stopped in 2008


Obama: time stopped in 2008 — 20 Comments

  1. but in terms of his signing..

    I think its more telling to look at the signatures from a FORENSICS eye to handwriting analysis.

    [i love having memorized so much stuff. it makes such things akin to pulling out a thousand colored handkerchiefs from my pocket… ]

    this is NOT the same as the mystics idea of such analysis, or the fake computer entertainment bs in the mall.. (that uses the same games as card reading, magic, astrology, etc). i dont want to get into that art…

    but the kind of thing that they use at the FBI, or CIA, etc..

    “Beware of the man whose writing sways like a reed in the wind.” Confucius

    one of the classic examples used in the textbooks i have read, is Nixon… and they show his signature from his entry into office and the time he left.

    on entry, he liked himself and his family
    on exit.. he wanted to be invisible…

    and similarly its interesting to see his over the term up to this gaffe.. AND his wife’s!!!

    we will also ignore the people noticing that with the extra lines and things… his signature looks like a penis and balls when turned sideways.. [thankfully ignored]

    take a look at his signature..

    he HATES his family…
    [he isnt too keen on himself either]

    you can see good examples with this with wives who sign their husbands name.. or decide not to take their husbands name for feminist reasons (and instead preserve their fathers name their mom took).

    various forms of his last name change slightly from squiggles to just a line…

    people who are proud of their families and relationships do not obfuscate their last name…

    contrast his signature with his wifes next to his!

    first of all. while you cant understand his last or first name, she writes so you know it.. his O is deprecated to a laughing smile..

    also look where she places it..
    he is the president…

    but she is willing to write along the column on the left before him to take top billing. [to wax funny, this would be the signature of a lady Macbeth]

    dominating enough to put her name out of place, and decorum, compete with the president, and be first!
    [she would dump him in an instant for a BBD!!!]

    compared to earlier signatures, his dislike of himself is greater. her signature leans to the right… and so she is looking forward. his is not leaning to the right… nor left he is so much in control that he wont let you know whether he is future directed like his wife at that time..

    despite his self loathing.. look at the SIZE of his handwriting… grandiose.. he wants to be noticed, but not himself itself… ego driven… not detail oriented.. can be egocentric (and in this case, yes)

    his handwriting size compared to the missive above it… he wants to be noticed.. he wants attention.

    His gaffes may be a (subconcious) way to get it!!!!!!!!!!!

    his baseline is also straight…
    mind controls his emotions… he is guarding what he lets anyone know…

    [while yuo cant tell sociopathy from handwriting, you can note that certain tendencies apply. orchestrating your emotions and such to control others is a key to sociopathy and its disconnect… if your own body is a tool, to be used in terms of others, then of course so is everyone to you… and guilt is easy to avoid]

    normally our writing leans and goes up or down..
    also were we place our notes as well..

    if he was slanted up and slanted right.. he would have been sayig he looks to the future, and thinks its positive.

    but he is dead center in the page, look at me size, but verticle, and doesnt lean… his wife puts herself before him.. she would knock him offstage and take his place. she is not below him, after him, etc..

    like reading body language, its not like reading a line in a book (which given lies and things isn’t like reading a line when you read a line either if full faculties and premises are engaged)

    there isnt much more one can say as we cant tell how hard they pressed… though it appears michelle pressed…

    ah well…

  2. I’m becoming more and more convinced that Obama is terrible at math/numbers. I thinks he’s one of those people who are good at verbal skills but suck at logic and anything quantitative in nature.

    And I’m becoming more and more convinced that he got into Columbia/Harvard because of affirmative action.

  3. not only that…
    but he is not serving the US but the UN..

    United Nations Security Council Resolution 242

    Operative Paragraph One “Affirms that the fulfillment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:

    (i) Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;

    (ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force.”

    Resolution 242 is one of the most commonly referred UN resolutions to end the Arab—Israeli conflict, and the basis of later negotiations between the parties.

    “there was nothing particularly original in my proposal.” Obama

    bush was evil for such a high deficit… obama good for more than doubling it, in less than half the time
    Bush was evil for starting a legal war and getting congress on board… obama is good for starting a war, and violating the war powers act.

    and we care that he misdated something?

    his screw up of the toast to the queen is more significant from a Freudian perspective (well it certaily cant be casted to logos).

    he bows to who, but passive aggressively screws up for whome?

    [i should also note that his missive above is past tense, not future tense… the event that he says is great has yet to happen]

  4. Art – interesting stuff, but I kept thinking about my own signature and fearing what it might say about me.

    I am notoriously terrible at writing cursive, and if I were to seriously try to “autograph” my name it would look like a three-year old wrote it. So from early on my signature has been what astute observers call a barbarized form of Arabic. It’s basically a stroke to indicate the first letter of my first name, connected to a wavy line which shoots to the right (with a dot hovering over the middle to signify an “i” somewhere in there); then another stroke to indicate the first letter of my last name, connected to another wavy line.

    Basically, to strokes connected to wavy lines, and a dot.

    You might – MIGHT – be able to discern my initials from my signature, but no way in Hades could anyone discern my actual name, first or last.

    [Sorry for getting off topic everyone]

  5. That should be, “Basically, two [not “to”] strokes connected to wavy lines, and a dot.”

  6. Kolnai, i have a crazy and unintelligible signature also. Had a fuzzy feeling moment not too long ago noticing really for the first time how very similar my 27 year old son’s is too it. We rub off in so many little ways we never even think about.

  7. Obama’s sentence should come in for a little analysis as well.

    It is a great privilege to commemorate our common heritage, and common sacrifice

    Number one, his grammar is wrong. Number two, I wonder if he was trying to tell royalty that it is common.

  8. SteveH – funny you should mention that, because my signature is just like my father’s (we have the same initials and, obviously, the same last name). I think there was a point when I was experimenting with different signatures, and then I saw how my dad boldly just shot out this unintelligible blitz in 0.5 seconds, and I said, “THAT’S what I’m getting at!”

    The rest, as they say, is history.

  9. The only time I write cursive today is when I sign my name, and it’s pretty sloppy. I made the decision many years ago to do most of my handwriting using standard upper and lower case letters, since the primary purpose of handwriting is for communication. I think my handwriting is pretty readable.

    Back in the 80s I worked at a place where one young woman had a very unique style of handwriting. The vertical dimension was squashed flat and the letters were almost all horizontal. It was the weirdest damn handwriting I ever saw. It looked like a kind of calligraphy, almost like Arabic. But it was scrupulously neat, and the baseline was perfect, as if she used a ruler. Once you got used to it, it was perfectly readable, but anyone who hadn’t seen it before was left scratching their head.

  10. Of the hundred news items I touched down on yesterday – in my idle buzz through the internet meadow – this one about Obama signing ‘2008’ in Westminster Abbey struck me as oddest and most notable.

    I hope the Republican primary results in a candidate who truly wants to BE the president, not just win the presidency.

  11. I also find myself printing more often, rickl, especially when writing out items such as the payee and amount on checks. For some reason I’ve also developed, over the years, a quirk in which I will print the first letter or two of a word, then finish it in cursive. (Pssst. Please don’t tell Art.)

  12. I can remember, as a young boy, being told by my grandfather that if I didn’t write in cursive, I’d never be able to keep up while taking notes in college. (Since I was in fourth grade or so at the time, it struck me as an odd comment.)

    As it is, I went to college in Israel, and took notes in Hebrew, which does not use connected letters. I just learned to print fast, in Hebrew and in English, and that’s served me fine.

    (I never learned to touch-type either. I astonished someone, a few years back, by typing reliably at 60 words per minute with my index fingers and my thumbs.)

    As for our humble President — do his supporters ever get uncomfortable with these flubs of his, knowing full well that they pilloried GWB for the same sort of silly mistakes? One wonders.

    I don’t take such things seriously, other than to cause me to laugh out loud when people say he’s the smartest President ever. For a smart guy, he sure makes dumb mistakes.

    So how long before President Obama hears a heckler shout “Hey, Mr. President, what year is it?”

  13. Art, your handwriting analysis has spooked some of us. My signature was pretty normal until I became a Naval Officer. My last name is quite long (11 letters) so it takes some effort to write it in readable cursive. At one point I found myself in an administrative job where I had to sign my signature well over a hundred times a day. My signature soon devolved into the first initial followed by a wavy line. No one can possibly guess what the letters are, but it is unique and probably difficult to forge. What it says about my personality is that I probably much preferred flying airplanes to signing paperwork. Or maybe I’m just lazy? Or that I had a crappy childhood? Or??

    That said, I enjoyed your analysis of Obama based on his handwriting. By jove, I agree with every bit of it.
    Puttin down the wrong year? The wrong day maybe, but

  14. My eyes, like Arts, were drawn to the B.O. (Hussein omitted) signature. Enormous. Highly stylized–many hours of effort and thought went into its development.

    Big, pompous signatures signify a variety of negative traits in all such signers as I have known, in seeming attempts to hide both major personality defects and the insecurity of being found out. Hiding behind the bigness, as it were. Symbolic bullying.

    Please don’t anyone toss John Hancock up as a counter; we all know that story.

  15. kolnai

    sorry to say it… but your signature is a representation of you and your attitudes of yourself and family.. .

    you dont get up in the morning and dress poorly and all that, as you realize it represents you..

    but your signature does too.. and its not static, it changes…

    with that said… handwriting analysis is not a checklist thing… its about statistical tendencies and basic logic.

    here.. let me illustrate..

    almost all rapists have enjoyed pornography
    does that mean that all who have enjoyed pornography are rapists?

    people who read about handwriting tend to make that logical fallacy… so focused on what abnormal tends to do, they forget that just cause you do it, doesnt mean your abnormal.

    say you have these tendencies but your life is well ordered, your not a criminal, you are functioning well, relatively happy, and so on

    which would a rational analyzer base things on? the single signature that can have all manner of OTHER reasons why it appears the way it does, or the life and outcomes as an indicator too?

    Thats where the real art is rational and tries to take in more than just that one item and a tick tock list.

    the point is to combine that handwriting with whats going on.. does the handwriting reinforce the ideas coming from the actions, or does it negate it?

    does the person who writes like a serial killer destined to become one? does the person who kills serially, and doesn’t write that way, innocent?

    so calm down..
    take a bit of rationality…

    and remember, they are public figure whose whole lives make statements, and your like me.. and cinderfella… nobodies for the most part… or a pink floyd points out.. most of what you will ever think about will amount to nothing…

    my handwriting changes.. but i am not psychotic, schizophrenic, etc.. i had teachers who played games trying to put weights on a horse that is running way to fast. ie… being crippled by a system, not expressing a natural state…

    the fact i learned to type early didnt help either. but mostly its from my aspergers type stuff (i dont have full aspergers just some points of it).. my mind is constantly on and racing and coutning, adding, analysing.. reanalyusing and on it goes. never stops… no breaks… so my writing is too slow to keep up with the amount of flow of my thinking.

    even at over 100wpm it gets jumbled as it runs down a line of thought before i can commit it to paper.

    its too fast and impacts my ability to communicate what really complicated and valid things i can share.

    history is easier… just ahve to repeat facts in rote.
    people accept that more.. original new things they have no idea how to regard, get their mind around etc.. mostly waiting for someone else to tell them its good..

  16. post omitted since i dont have time to put spaces into every word to get it to post…

    after 10 times or so, screw it.

  17. In keeping with my penchant for missing the main point:
    Nice video link.

    Thought it was (an obviously older voiced) Ella Fitzgerald at first.

    Neoneocon writes:

    “Anyone and everyone makes mistakes, but Obama seems to make the oddest ones. Come on: 2008? 57 states? corpse-man? ”

    The significant thing is that his actions are publicly filtered through a cheer leading press, rather than the likes of Chevy Chase.

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