Home » An Afghan Romeo and Juliet


An Afghan Romeo and Juliet — 4 Comments

  1. Tribalism writ large. It’s why Afghanistan is a bridge too far when it comes to trying to bring modernity to the country. David Petraeus is a genius but his COIN strategy takes time, blood and money that the U.S. no longer has. It is so sad.

  2. There are also abundant cases of young girls disfiguring themselves to avoid arranged marriages.

  3. My lefty “feminist” friends in New York just shrug this sort of story off. Stoning a pair of teenage lovers to death is not nearly so heinous as Americans’ committing “cultural imperialism” by “imposing our values” on other cultures.


    Just one of many horrors that made me realize that the Dr. Jekylls of the Left are really Mr. Hydes.

  4. To answer your question: “Hey, look. Over there. A squirrel.”
    More seriously, Beverly is right. She should have added that if you mentioned it, you’d be accused of various moral crimes such as cultural chauvinism. Or are looking for an excuse to invade a country and kill brown people.
    Quite simply, there is no, none, not a scrap, of sympathy for such as these Afghans except as props.

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