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The disorganized Cain campaign — 27 Comments

  1. Boy is the daily news doing a hatchet job on cain, including back fence girly gossip inuendo from bloomberg that, you know, if your a christian you dont believe in science…

    funny… but technically only scientific socialists BELEIVE in science, to the rest of us its a word about a branch of human endeavor and so on…

    believe in science is like belief in France…

    or maybe more accurately like religion when put that way…

  2. Sure the press is doing him on favors, they’re writing a script in which it’s Romney vs. Obama and Obama wins, but if something goes wrong they (the press) win either way.

    But, it doesn’t matter. The race is between Obama and not Obama. Or perhaps more specifically a referendum on Obama’s vision of the US as a post-Constitutional Social Democracy(sic).

    If the Republican polls contained “anybody but Obama” that candidate would take the primary in a landslide. They could run my dog against Obama and it wouldn’t change the outcome.

  3. I’m somewhat sympathetic to Pejman’s analysis and thanks, neo, for the link.

    But, Cain isn’t quite that bad and his results, well, the rest of the field wished they had them. Pejmna’s concern that Cain will be steamrolled by the Obama machine is conventional wisdom. Again, it’s ignoring the results Cain is getting. And people, the forgotten people, are tired, frustrated, fed up and angry with the elite, go to Washington and forget it about the people, politicians.

    We want unconventional. We want Herman saying “No Muslims in my government.” We want him saying what he believes, not what he thinks we want him to say. I didn’t like his comment about Perry’s rock, for instance, but it revealed the man and he’s not afraid to be known. This stands in such contradriction to the great deception in the WH that when it comes to for a debate, when Cain can attack Obama on his past, Cain will win.

  4. Commentators reinforcing their narrative. Pundits live in a bubble, too.

    Is the Cain campaign disorganized when viewed from the eyes of the people it needs to impress right now? November 3rd polls show Cain has gained across the board, even with the non-sexual harassment barrage.

    If the punditocracy settles on a label and closes their minds, that could be a problem for Cain getting the nomination. But that is not an issue until/unless he gets some good primary results.

    First things first.

  5. It’s occurred to me that I’m working with a different set of assumptions than some others here. My assumptions are that Politico knows the whole story; that the accuser went to Politico and told them all of it, with the understanding that they couldn’t quote her, or name her, because she would be breaking a legally binding contract. I next assume that they went to Cain’s campaign, and said we know about this story, what say you. Cain’s campaign then did whatever they did, and then Politico printed what of the story they actually could print, without exposing themselves, or their source to any legal consequnces knowing that once it was out there, it would be out there. Frankly, I think they did us a favor by giving us the opportunity to evaluate the claims, and then decide whether we could work with them or not.

    Curtis, speaking only for myself, I most certainly do not want a president who says that they want “No Muslims in their government”. I don’t want someone who would rule out any individual based on anything other than their inability to perform the function for which they had been hired.

  6. I’m all for symbolically not having muslims in our government. I’m actually for a legit crusade after the groups that appear to be in power after the Arab spring wind up staying in power.

    We are going to have to fight them eventually anyway.

    As to Cain or Romney, I don’t think it matters. The most important part of the election will be getting the senate and retaining the congress, which at this point isn’t assured.

  7. http://www.therightscoop.com/herman-cain-no-muslims-in-my-cabinet/

    Cain’s statement is no more objectionable than last century’s fight to identify and eject Communists from our government. Apply the techniques of the left during that time to the present time in regards to Muslims. Just as we’ve learned that, yes, Virginia, there are Communists in our government as part of a directed effort to kill us, so, Virginia, there are Muslims in our government who want to kill us. Look at the recent story of Mohamad Elibiary.


    Islam, like Communism, is a pseudo religion from Hell specially pointed at God’s chosen people. Hell loves Islam. Hell loves Communism. They love each other.

    Islam is fascism. What do you get when Islam meets Communism? Fascism. Would you want Hitler in your government? How about the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem? The proper way to think of Islam is like the wicked witch in Oz who shakes her broom at us and asks, “How about a little sharia, America?” A little!

    Is it wrong to stereotype like this? Enter PC to tell you no and prevent you from defending yourself.

    I don’t want Mohammad or Marx in my government or their followers who are stealth plants, a fifth column, my enemy.

    Cain isn’t violating the Constitution, he’s protecting it.

    Watch the right scoop feed. See if it doesn’t convince you of the courage of Cain.

  8. Neo,

    It says LESS about Cain and his organization and MORE about the judgmentalism of the Bill Kristols and the echo chamber of the press and their enablers of the RINO’s in favor of Romney.

    If it isn’t the annointed one (Romney) these people will put all kinds of stuff on Cain that doesn’t deserve to be there.

    I disagree whole heartedly. It doesn’t prove anything of the sort except the power of the echo chamber and their WILLING RINO bastards who I can’t stomach to read.

    The Peggy Noonans, Bill Kristols, Billl O’Reilley’s have been so rude to people like Palin and Cain in their words.

    I’m sick of them.

    PJ Media is not even on my radar to read anymore because of their callous treatment of Cain.

    What does it say about Cain’s organization? Nothing.
    What does it say about PJ Media? everything.

  9. Tom wrote, “My assumptions are that Politico knows the whole story;”

    I know the whole story of you beating your wife. I’m going to try you in the court of the press.

  10. Tom wrote “Frankly, I think they did us a favor by giving us the opportunity to evaluate the claims”

    I do not thank, trust, like, or in any way have a favorable opinion of Politico.

    This is NOT good perspective and not the way journalism should be run.

    Listen to Brent Bozell on Hannity yesterday (whether or not you like Hannity). Brent detailed the women who CAME FORWARD and had press conferences like Paula Jones. Guess what happened? One news network gave 16 seconds to the story.

    Here we have nobody coming forward, no details, no facts, vague assertions and 50 leading broadcasts on the networks about it.

    Politco, ABCCBSNBCCNN PJMedia be damned.

    If I ran my business this way – I’d be bankrupt.

  11. I recognize why don’t people like Cain’s off-the-cuff answers. Since I enjoy him, I have taken the time to listen to his explanations and follow-ups. I suspect most here would like the more detailed versions. Cain rarely backtracks or retracts. He amplifies and clarifies.

    What comes out as a “no Muslims in government” soundbite turns out to be a product of understanding the essentially political nature of Islam. Yes, you have to look for the explanation, but how many candidates would even make such a point in public?

  12. Folks wake up: this gambit originated in the oval office.

    Getting his opponents trashed in this manner has now happened at least three times before.

    It was brilliant to route the bread crumbs via the Republican campaigns.

    Still the GOP has no clue.

    As for the merits of the allegations: they’re a joke.

    ANY lobbyist organization is ripe for such shakedowns.

    By comparison — the gay-Obama rumor is killed in the MSM.

    Romney can’t win against Obama — so that’s why the MSM is doing what it can to repeat 2008.

  13. Any lobbyist organization is ripe for these shakedowns.

    Hell, We’ve had these shakedowns of WalMart, BofA and a number of corporations.

    In America today, if you have money, you have a target on your back.

    Cain had money and a target on his back. Tom the wife beater is shooting arrows (badly)

  14. What if we threw a high tech lynching party and no one came?

    What if we threw a high tech lynching party and we were the ones that got lynched?

    Somewhere between those two poles is what is happening.

    Blert, you have a good point, and I agree, but also find a counterpoint. If this becomes a moment of truth regarding the media’s unworthiness, of the loss of respect for PC and feminist tactics, and a call for plain speaking, then it was worth the time.

    What was the opportunity cost? That the drive by media would inform us of the beautiful Arab spring?

  15. I believe the “no oath” clause wasn’t meant to prevent a President from appointing whom he wants, but to prevent him from being prevented from appointing whom he wants.

  16. 1. People focus on what they want to.

    2. Out of sight, out of mind; if nobody finds out about it then it doesn’t get documented, and it’s like it didn’t happen.

    3. Wonder how many incidences of authentically lurid womanizing (or bribery, or extortion, or veiled threats, or…) have occurred in the business world, military, especially the Hollywood, oil cartel and political smoky room arenas which were never documented. If you compared the statistics, wonder how the numbers would indicate some prevailing attribute of certain social groups. Wonder how these incidents stack up in comparison on a scale of one to ten.

    4. Why would a sophisticated college graduate take a taxi with their married boss to his corporate apartment late at night after a heavily alcohol laced part? No doubt it was just for some last minute dictation: https://www.google.com/search?q=taking+dictation&hl=en&rlz=1C1AFAB_enUS448US448&biw=1920&bih=908&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=9Cy0TrmvDKy_2QWCz-TMDQ&sqi=2&ved=0CF8QsAQ

    5. This little s.h. incident would be a lot more fun if it was about Barney Frank and a certain menage a trois at a party at 1600 Pennsylvania; apparently it didn’t happen.

  17. funny..

    but the one easy place that such can come from, and has been in the news, and is the homeland of the ideologies in which the current ones fantasize and pay homage to (And disrespects them back)…

    we have sleeper spies… (whihc were actually only found because of a defector) and many more.. we have a history of false flag and things like the zionist stuff and jewish banker conspiracies. we have unions, communist openly calling for revolt, and so on and so on.

    and the BEST we can play imagine and make up with is that its never that source!!!

    Reverend wrights yells out the soviet active measure of how the US invented Aids in bio labs, and the whole tale can be read as to where it started… in india press…

    and we cant get that all you have to do is talk to the court clerk, the legal assistant who typed it, or even send someone in the clerks office to get it.

    we even discuss journolist and not even imagine that there are others coordinating

    right now, acorn, which isnt supposed to exist, is scrambling to shred the papers before the FBI shows up…

    and yet… we cant imagine that an outside state is ALSO part and parcel of this. ESPECIALLY when they started it and even had a cold war over it…

    of course.. rather than do some leg work, look stuff up, we ahve people wrestling to win the guessing game!!!!!!!!!!!

    what sounds best we can beleive in? who cares if we have no evidence, didnt look, dont know history, ignore what we talked about before, and so on..

    ANYONE take a close look at the authors?

    He spent most of 2006 learning about the U.S. Congress from the inside through an American Political Science Association fellowship that let him work on the staffs of two House committees. He’s won awards from the Association of Capitol Reporters and Editors, the Society of Professional Journalists and Investigative Reporters and Editors.

    now the fun part is what happens if you search for the institute, and particular ideologies. you then get various CV and thesis.. so you get a feel for the ideas that the people who come from there share..

    Enigmas of Intolerance: Fifty Years after
    Stouffer’s Communism, Conformity,
    and Civil Liberties
    This journal is published by the American Political Science Association.

    its a very interesting piece on the politics of tolerance and intolerance.

    but why read what the people who talk to you read and why care what they believe or think?

    did we care waht obama thought? i mean, did ANY of the friends, ideologies, and assorted stuff have any iota of any effect?

    of course not. we dont CARE who says what, we only care if its what we want to hear… and even better, if they speak vague, we are used to inserting what WE Want into it to then conclude what we want.

    so… are the ONLY candidates for the source of things just romney, cain, and politico? or can obama do it through something? can soros do it? could another country call up a person on their pay and hasve them insert it? could a anonymous tip come that no one will point out?

    you see… we dont know a damn thing except for the fact that these are the players up front, and these are the writers and papers…

    beyond that, i can be from literally anyone from what we guess within that, or outside that, like agent provocateurs…

    let me put it another way..

    would the communist states of the world sit by and eat popcorn on the eve of their success?

    anyone realize that a national test of the warning system is exactly what you need to tell everyone your going to have temporary marshall law (As they kept referring to early on by comparing to lincoln?)

    hard to say something that has happened before will never happen again.

    but right now, a big time sociologist who fomented this stuff, is now worried that the health care and discussions is going to remove care to the old.. and not be more nuanced… though he didn’t say they shouldn’t do it at all..

    so, action 4 is coming into form. and that proceeded the shoa… but this shoa will have to include isreal… no?

    without regarding the author, you will just shop… no difference between a patriots history of the US and zinns “peoples” history, right? not like post modern progressive liberal communists dont revision..

    i ask again…

    Cui Bono…

    and ultimately foreign states benefit most.

    and if they can keep him bowing in supplication, they can keep seizing land, and obama can help..

    Economics of fascism
    this was a period when Fascist economic policy mostly followed classical liberal lines, with the added features of attempting to stimulate domestic production (rather than foreign trade) and balancing the budget.[20] In a speech given in May 1924, Mussolini declared that he supported the right to strike

    sound familiar?

    then how does this sound:
    However, “once Mussolini acquired a firmer hold of power… laissez-faire was progressively abandoned in favour of government intervention, free trade was replaced by protection[ism] and economic objectives were increasingly couched in exhortations and military terminology. De Stefani was forced to resign in 1925 because his policy of free trade was opposed by many Italian business leaders, who favored protectionism and subsidies to insulate domestic business from international competition. In 1926, Mussolini gave an impassioned speech demanding monetary policies to halt inflation and stabilize the Italian currency (the lira). He also took the final step of officially banning any kind of strike action. From 1927 to 1929, under the leadership of the new Finance Minister Alberto Beneduce, the Italian economy experienced a period of deflation, driven by the government’s monetary policies

    how do they hide all this?
    EASY… misapplicaion of godwins law as if it was a real law and not a funny aphorism!
    Thomas Sowell: Idiot Emeritus

    Godwin’s Law states that the longer an online discussion goes, the greater the chance of a Nazi reference. No matter what the forum, unless the subject is the Nazis or genocide, anyone making such a comparison automatically loses the argument. Period. By this standard alone, syndicated Conservative columnist Thomas Sowell is the Biggest Loser

    you see.. your forbidden by some arbitrary missive from using the system they are copying.

    you point it out, you lose automatically..

    and of course people dont know soviet history, or chinese history (which is longer than any other)…

    so.. everytime someone wants to point out that they have just made the same laws that lead to the extermination of the jews, and others… well, you lose automatically!!

    its a horrible article from a man who claims that his writings are vile but he subjected himself to that for 4 years.

    So little did Churchill fear the Hitler of the first four years of his leadership that he wrote in Step by Step:

    . . . One may dislike Hitler’s system and yet admire his patriotic achievement. If our country were defeated I hope we should find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations. (Op. cit., New York, Putnam, 1939, pp.143-44)

    and he was one of the earliest to realize things!

    the book that was of unique importance in understanding the condition of Europe before Hitler became Chancellor is Colonel E. Alexander Powell’s Thunder Over Europe. (New York, Ives Washburn, 1932) No other work I have seen describes the dangers within Germany and also in the States round about her, especially those of the Little Entente (made especially to hem Germany in, or as the phrase goes “to encircle her” ) as this one does. The author, a well-known explorer and traveler, writes as an eye witness of the events he sets before us. He was the first man to realize what Hitler was doing and what his achievements meant to the western powers.

    anyone familiar with this at all?

    well i have something interesting to put up and well see if it makes people think about who is in power what they are doing, what techniques they are using, and why cain is the point of action..

    its happened before…

  18. Is a Muslim, who by definition demands sharia law cover all other law including constitutional law, fit to defend the constitution of the United States.

    The President takes an oath to defend the constitution of the United States and his government, that is his cabinet, (not the judicial and legislative branches) is his agent who as his agent is responsible for defending the constitution of the United States.

    You see how we get into trouble by immediately being “tolerant” and not thinking it completely through.

    Just take you finger right off that ole repress button and become a tea-party, freedom-loving, intolerant-of-inimical-ideologies partisan.

  19. blert: I happen to agree with you that it is somewhat more likely to have come from the Obama camp than the other Republicans, although I’m not sure and I’m not ruling them out. But, as you point out (and as I’ve thought since this came out), it has been Obama’s m.o. in the past to do this sort of thing. I realize this is a minority view; most people seem to think it’s a fellow Republican who dug it up and dropped a dime on POLITICO. It would certainly be interesting to know.

  20. His body does not suggest strength. The outstanding characteristic of his physiognomy is its dreamy look. I was especially struck by that when I saw pictures taken of him in the crisis; there was in his eyes the look of a seer.


    We do not know whether he is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Mohammad. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with wild god. That can be the historic future.

    WHO said that, and who was it about, and WHEN?

  21. Was there no resistance to his disastrous projects? There was. But it was too feeble, too weak and too late to succeed… The fact is that he was beloved by his people–not the military, at least not in the beginning, but by the average people who pledged to him an affection, a tenderness and a fidelity that bordered on the irrational… ????


    who said this?

    Had we been on our own, we could have emancipated the Moslem countries dominated by France; and that would have had enormous repercussions in the Near East, dominated by Britain, and in Egypt. But with our fortunes linked to those of the Italians, the pursuit of such a policy was not possible. All Islam vibrated at the news of our victories. The Egyptians, the Irakis and the whole of the Near East were all ready to rise in revolt. Just think what we could have done to help them, even to incite them, as would have been both our duty and in our own interest!

    and this?

    We had a great chance of pursuing a splendid policy with regard to Islam. But we missed the bus, as we missed it on several other occasions…
    …Such a policy would have aroused the enthusiasm of the whole of Islam. It is a characteristic of the Moslem world, from the shores of the Atlantic to those of the Pacific, that what affects one, for good or for evil, affects all.

  22. I like Cain because he recognizes the evil nature of Islam. I don’t want Muslims in government any more than I want Maoists in government.

    We’ve been poorly served by politicans like G.W. Bush who pretend that Islam is a “religion of peace.”

    “Global warming” and “religion of peace” are two tells signaling politicans to avoid. I also agree with Neo-neocon that Obama could very well be behind the Cain smears. Obama is a pig.

  23. BTW, it does not take any special insiders knowledge to get the poop on a lawsuit.

    One merely needs to be a Nexus subscriber.

    Once the litigation was initiated it became an electronic record — never to leave the system.

    Pulling the case from the docket does not mean that the Nexus database purged the file.

    This is how opposition research is done in the modern day.

    The blow-back should any Republican candidate go down this road would ruin them in the run for the nomination.

    Meaning: Romney and Perry wouldn’t touch this grenade.

    In contrast, Obama is assured of his re-nomination.

    It’s the general election that has him terrified. He’s afraid of Cain.

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