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Dick Cheney: age, status, and heart transplants — 6 Comments

  1. I’ve never understood the intensity of the hatred for Cheney.

    My take on it is that for the most part Dubya didn’t reply to his detractors. Cheney, on the other hand, was an articulate, passionate defender of the Bush Administrations’ policies both before and after January 20, 2009. The left resented Cheney’s doing so.

    Another reason they resented Cheney is that while Dubya could be panned as dumb and inarticulate- which he really wasn’t- Cheney could not, as he had decades of high-level experience inside the Beltway. He had proven himself to be competent at a high level decades before he became Vice President. As Cheney couldn’t be labeled as stupid/incompetent, the left labeled him as evil.

    The recent death of a comedian Steve Bridges had a clip of Dubya with Bridges impersonating Dubya. Steve Bridges had a good Cheney joke: why did Cheney have to shoot the only trial lawyer in the country that was for Bush?

  2. Cheney was a moderate Republican on many issues. He was a believer in a strong national defense and activist foreign policy. He was a moderate on social issues and favored government solutions to many issues. He could have been a “Scoop Jackson democrat,” but preferred the Republican party because his home state, Wyoming, was solidly Republican.

    IMO, the progs demonized him because he was seen as very competent, well connected, and articulate. In other words a danger to their lust for power. When they can’t defeat a rival on issues or lack of competency (their portrait of W), they use the politics of personal destruction with ad hominem attacks and erection of straw goblins. (Darth Cheney) It’s the Alinsky way.

  3. All effective Republicans on the national stage are hated and reviled. Nixon, Reagan, W, Gingrich (back when he was effective), Cheney. Even people who look like they may have the potential to be effective get the smears and hatefest — see e.g. Sarah Palin, Clarence Thomas.

    Without lies and slander, what would the Democrats do? Look at the ‘war on women’ and ‘war on blacks’ they have ginned up the last few weeks. Same old tired lies and slander.

  4. “I’ve never understood the intensity of the hatred for Cheney.”

    Even more was the hatred so many gay folks displayed toward his daughter – Mary – who was/is an out lesbian. So many would scream that “hate is not a family value.” Yet, here was a woman, loved and accepted by her family, who supported her father and was scorned for that family value (supporting her father) by those very folks.

  5. The screaming at Cheney is, of course, BDS. But there are cases among celebrities that give one pause. Why did David Crosby get a liver transplant and Cheryl Smith did not? It’s enough to make one think that level of celebrity makes a difference, at least in Hollywood. And I speak as someone who’s been a Byrds fanatic since 1965.

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