Home » The press and Romney at the NAACP: did you know he was a white Mormon?


The press and Romney at the NAACP: did you know he was a white Mormon? — 54 Comments

  1. I’m sure we all remember those news stories from 1992, when Clinton was courting the black vote: “Bill Clinton’s father was a white Southerner at a time when blacks weren’t even allowed to eat in most restaurants.”

    Some of these people are just shameless.

  2. The NAACP has pushed the victimhood mentality card on (and removed incentive to aspire from) those for whom it so shamelessly pretends to care. Its leaders have tricks that even the most unscrupulous carpetbaggers would have been embarrassed to employ.

    I wish just once a major candidate would take the podium at the annual NAACP convention and in a few short minutes expose them and their Democrat plantation owners for the harm they’ve done to the black community and to this country.

  3. me thinks that you and others cant get their mind around what this is all about and parallels..

    its THAT easy…
    but you refuse to conclude the unthinkable.

    Fascist theoreticians concluded that the worst thing ever to happen to Western Civilization was the idea of monotheism, or the transcendent god invented by Moses.

    their conscious goal was to de-hebraize Christianity. If it can’t be eliminated; it could be changed.

    and if it cant be changed, then it will be eliminated…

    your not getting the conversions that are happening and what their meaning is in the premises and things we accept.

    you keep bringing up the examples of what TO YOU is blatant racism. but since your not anointed and have your consciousness raised, you dont get how that is not racism.

    the common man with no experience is like the dodo before its enemies. it cant conceive of them, and so has no reason to oppose them.

    to you, fascism, and Nazism, is about leather clothing, funny steps, costumes, symbols, and so on. you see it as brutal, and not the culmination of the greatest philosophers and thinkers of the time.

    think on that for a second.

    who made it all work? the common man who didnt realize the premises he or she was signing on for? what was its basis in logic? did we accept the same basis? same ideas? same ideals?

    is nazism in the trappings or in the basis of philosophical thought that then made the outcomes essential to validating those beliefs?

    are you being so specific you cant see the general, and so general as to miss the specific?

    anyone ever hear the idea:
    “the absence of evidence is not evidence”?

    arguing from ignorance is using the absence of evidence as evidence and declaring superiority… (by ignoring evidence you win!)

    the post modern people are fascists… when communism fell and china took on state capitalism… they became fascist… as did russia, as did the third way (synonym for fascism) democrats..

    ie. we are a fascist state and you guys dont know the philosophical roots of such, and so your waiting for the costumes, and movie images before you realize your standing up to your waists in muck

    in fact…
    the thing your having the most problems with is reconciling the actions with the denial of what it is your looking at

    and your all asking the wrong questions as to finding things out.

    why did neo pick this?
    The press and Romney at the NAACP: did you know he was a white Mormon?

    because the racism and anti Christianity cant be reconciled with the myth of what fascism isn’t.

    the unthinkable is still unthinkable.

    which is why now, many people are mentioning that i had it pegged from day one. while satisfying to my ego, its very unsatisfying to my hope for our society

    so concerned with my fait accompli talk, everyone wanted me to irrationally change it, rather than see the conditions that logically lead to it change.

    the first thing that neo comments on is the ani romney slant.. she misses, its not anti romney, its anti-immanence

    what if i condense all these oddities into a few things that cover them all? ie. make the arguments essential, not all over?

    the lefts myths as to what fascism is, prevents you from seeing fascism!!!!!!!!!!!!

    the first thing is that fascism (like communism) hates Judaism, and Christianity…
    and its hatred of race stem from that…

    Hannah Arendt / The Origins of Totalitarianism / Nazi hatred of the Jews was not so much blood hatred as it was world view.

    where does or did this world view come from?

    i been trying desperately to teach…
    but if i say it, its easily thrown away
    and there is much resistance to understanding

    They not only wished to exterminate the Jews as a race, but also the their ideas, i.e, their transcendent religion.

    they were trying to kill competing ideas, not peoples… but the jews live their ideas, and so they could not separate them from that. this is why secular jews were not targeted as much and some were in the regime.

    if you understand the basis of thought, you understand the rules.

    if you dont understand this, then working backwards to the rules that make sense is very confusing.

    the latter is what i said everyone is doing, rather than finding out the core of thinking.

    they dont get that mass control is done through manipulating world views, not presenting ideas or orders that people follow.

    the dictator doesn’t dictate the way your imagining, the people would not follow. the dictator, dictates the living conditions of the masses and the ideas they think, and so moves them that way

    so, your not asking what are the rules, premises, myths and things delivered to the followers that make this irrational behavior rational?

    your looking at irrational behavior and are confounded with trying to find logic that would lead to it and so give respect to your fellow humans.. when this fails, people say the opposition is idiots, crazy, etc… (sour grapes for failure)

    you might not recognize fascism because you been told that hitler was christian, and so were the german people.

    this is NOT true… hitler was christian the way obama is, he sees it as a tool of mass control
    [edited for length by n-n]

  4. Artfldgr: I believe that you are making a great many incorrect assumptions about what most people here think and don’t think, know and don’t know.

    To take just one example, there’s hardly a regular commenter here who thinks Hitler was a Christian, and who doesn’t understand the basic uses of the sort of propaganda discussed in this post.

    You are creating strawmen-commenters, for the most part.

  5. There’s another thing the media is ignoring: the record of Romney’s father George on civil rights for black people was very–how shall I put it?–progressive.

    now, i can tell that you havent read a damn thing i put up… period.

    or else you would understand what your showing you completely dont get.

    from WHAT basis does ones prior MERITS count in a society that is not built on merit?

    your argument would be the argument of white men against feminism. no?

    but you completely ignored the oppressor oppressed dialectical logic that is in play… and substituted rational logic…

    It was readily agreed upon that the Jewish world view led to the concepts of liberty, equality, and fraternity, and it was these ideas that were vigorously opposed by fascism.

    Irrationalism results from the denial of transcendence.

    what is irrationalism? well if the enlightenment is the pinnical of rational thought, these sociaolists after denied the transcendence of god was rational and so deemed the world irrational…

    To fully understand fascism it is necessary to understand this turn to irrationalism in the context of the revolt against the enlightenment (and positivism) and the turn toward romanticism in the 19th Century.

    these are romantics believing they are the enlightened…

    Irrationalism is the ultimate denial of the validity and authority of reason, i.e., classical logic in establishing a basis for truth. By doing this you deny the existence of a rational, transcendent deity and the possibility of objective knowledge. The fascist theorist would argue that reason is inadequate, since political behavior is largely non-rational, and therefore, as a rule, not susceptible to the kind of solutions intellectuals habitually seek to impose. In its place, once the existence of universals are denied, are mysticism, myths, the sense of life force, and violence and revolution.

    and with that, you now have part of the answer to understand the irrational rational

    ie. white men are the reason for all the ills inthe world. they are either jewish, or christian.. the numbers that arent, are actually small.

    so now the logic of the leadership is this non logic of justifying myths, collective action, and so on.

    so. white males, and monotheists are the ones to blame for individualism, individual liberty, etc

    their constant commenting as to the collective blame in the age of individualism is what your seeing.

    ie. the church was a group of individuals, and so what happened to blacks being forbidden was the acts of individuals, not the church

    but to the collectivist… there are no individuals, and so the whole gets the blame for the individual which doesnt exist.

    and as far as your idea that a prior good is inheritable by the child, is another no no.

    its made even more so by the dialectical reasoning your ignorant of that i have stated more than once, but no one was curious enough to learn

    romney is white, he is a born oppressor. he can never be anything else. oppressors are not protected classes, and have no rights.

    ever wonder how its ok to discriminate against a white male, and not ok the other way around? which seems you dont get
    and why the prior work or goodness doesnt count?

    well THATS straight out of nazi germany. you can even see it in the new film from austria on the suject that won awards.

    the oppressor wants to survive, and so will do good things for the victims to trick them into thinking that they are not oppressors.
    (you should read this stuff since most of it was formulated before you were born neo)

    so the prior goodness whites did for blacks doesn’t count… just as all the work that man did for women and their mates doesn’t count.

    they were just doing good things to earn favors and control the oppressed. men bought their wives washing machines not because they loved them, but they wanted slaves to do laundry…

    feminism normalized it to the point you cant see it any more… you know, like wearing clothes and not feeling them… or a ring.. acclimatization/normalization

    how do you know who is an oppressor class and who is a protected class? easy. the state declares who the Volk are..

    those who are not volk are exterminated, following the methods detailed by lemkin, with guns and such being the end of that process, not the begining. the begining being asymetrical laws, inequality before the law (like family court, or persuing mass attack perpetrators). redistribution of wealth, lowering fecundity, blanket blame for ills, etc.

    its the SAME as 1933… and now like then the people inside the glass house cant tell what they are doing…

    they know someting is odd.,.. but not knowing the basis, have no way to oppose it… and without that basis, any opposition is easily negated with pre prepared counter arguments

    social WAR is hell, but more so when one side isnt fighting.

    Carl Cohen is one of those who includes irrationalism as one of the main components of fascism.
    He writes: “It is the outcome of the abandonment of intellect as the ideal ruling faculty in political affairs and its replacement by some nonintellectual function.”

    the reason you didnt accept my irrational logic of the oppressor dialectic, is that your still in the enlightenment.

    you still havent figured out there are other ways to live and how they work, and what happens when they clash…

    satanism is not the worship of Satan
    its the absence of worship at all.
    just as hate is not the opposite of love
    but indifference is..

    A true myth, said Sorel, was not a rational conception of a future society, but a vision, a dream, a great emotional force that could inspire violent revolutionary activity. Such myths are not subject to scientific analysis or rational discussion. Their nature renders analysis inappropriate, and their advocates must refuse to engage in any intellectual discussion or their virtues. The function of a myth is mass inspiration; the myths are not descriptions of things, Sorel said, but determinations to act.

    your trying to rationalize the myth
    and missing that the myth is whats making nazi america

    why did we see the nazis as wrong?

    we did not accept the myth of jewish control of society being due to conspiracy, but considered them smart, dedicated and so EARNED THEIR PLACE.

    the arguments of disparate impact was not a myth the americans would believe (yet)

    why do we accept the myth of what religion is, and that whites are the oppressors, and all that?

    well, the enlightened dont see it as a myth, they see it as a lie, and try to refute the myth.

    but thats not where you ahve to chop to cut it down is it?

    you have to first get rid of the acceptance of feelings based thinking over rationality.

    would feminists let you? would they let you measrue and conclude women are not the same as men? or will tey force you to accept ideological irrationalities and ignore reality or else?

    see? the fight was never on the level you thought it was. if it was, then you might be right that feminism and other groups are ok

    but since you dont know the bigger picture and the change in thinking it makes and creates and normalized..

    you cant see how it sets the table for the dinner to follow…

    In both Germany and Italy the rational was replaced by the aesthetic

    in the US they are and have done the same. women are better than men, races are better than whites, and have laws and polices that reflect it. including medical care rationing.

    your waiting for the goosestep, but its not there. its in the ideas and such that mislead the masses to an end. not in orders that they wont comply with if they realize waht they lead to!!!!

    your inability to thik well of your fellow man had you easily separate him from you, and make you special… so special you dont even have to worry about the same things, as they wont work with you.

    doing the same thing twice and expecting a different result is einsteins definition of insanity

    guess what? irrationalism makes insanity sane

    and so the social justice logic and collective stuff and all that works.

    and the older defenders are confused. they had never seen this beast this clsoe before. they dont know about it. their tools beat all beasts BDFORE Them, and this was evolved AFTER them to beat them

    We are all too aware of the results of this departure from rationality. Without a basis for rationality and rational discourse, both personal and national, the result was violence.

    state sanctions violence

    you as being rational see the violence as irrational and race based and dont see how people you dont respect can see that.

    but if you respected them, you woudl look for the fulcrum of the argument, and why good people would take up such a position

    they dont know that this is the position they are taking as in their world, the myths and facts have been filtered to create this irrational logic and make it ok

    still think the dumbing down of rationality in school was an accident?

    Whether or not Heidegger and De Man were naive in their allegiance to fascism, the controversy about their involvement does show the naiveté of contemporary scholarship. It is as if the memory of fascism–what it was and why it was so appealing–has been suppressed from our cultural consciousness. Veith

    yeah… if we remembered we would have stopped this way way before now

    we might have not murdered the 55 million babies that woudl grow up judeo christian and would be alive now to oppose this. [who ar ethe guardians of such exterminations? feminists again? ]

    in the lat 1960s
    Peter Berger already noted

    the strong family resemblance of the New Left to German and Italian fascism. Berger traced a number of parallels between the New Left ideology and that of European fascists that he had observed first hand in his youth.

    again… to those with experience, they recognize it

    but remember what happened with Cassandra… the people who would not listen to her, attacked her, marginalized her, and so on.

    yet… was she right about the trojan horse?

    sometimes i feel like a dodo that got bit and i cant get the other dodos to believe that those creatures there will eat them.

    Both (nazism and new left) were movements that were without a positive view of the future but were simply against their society–against stability, traditional liberalism, capitalism, and intellectualism. .

    Both proclaimed that liberal democracy was a fraud and rationality merely a prop for the evil status quo. . .

    Both fascists and the New Left had faith in the therapeutic value of violence. . .

    Both the fascists and New Left dehumanized their enemies. . .

    Finally, there was a mystical elitism that made the radicals sure they represented a general will.

    you can see that in their believing the laws and things they are doign will be liked then falling back on conspiracy and lack of (victim) understanding of the message

    not that they dont know what the general will is

    to list more resemblances would have this post edited down much as the last one will probably be.

    they had over 70 years to establish their line of thinking a bit at a time,

    i am sorry that i am not great enough to undo that in a few paragraphs. but hard to undo neitzhe, hegel, adorno, and literally hundreds more in a paragraph..

    i get no credit for trying.
    just abrogation for failing
    but would i need to even try if people didnt fail their own already?

    In conclusion, philosophical fascism is not dead. It lives on and grows all over the globe.

    Only you will never hear it called fascism.

    Eco writes:

    We must keep alert, so that the sense of these words will not be forgotten again.

    Fascism is still around us, sometimes in plainclothes.

    It would be so much easier, for us, if there appeared on the world scene somebody saying, I want to reopen Auschwitz, I want the Black Shirts to parade again in the Italian squares. Life is not that simple. Fascism can come back under the most innocent of disguises.

    and isnt THAT what we are waiting for?

    the race based laws are not enough
    the gender based laws are not engough
    rationing along class lines as in germany was not enough
    nationalizing medicin, auto, banking, etc. as in germany is not enough
    fomenting paganism and hate towards monotheism based in judaism, is not enough

    one race designated as the scapegoats, who cant get loans, cant get sba help cant get stend loans, schoalrships, equal medical care, equal legal treatment, and whose birth rates are less than half of what a population 1/4th they are funding has.

    oh.. and we are on the cusp of anothe word war with monotheism being crushed by islam… funny, but hitler didnt kill the arabs for not being white, and liked islam for its hatred of the mon otheisms that justified indivudualism, responsiblity, minimal state, etc.

  6. Re: Romney’s speech to the NAACP.

    According to Rush this morning–Romney received a standing ovation at the end of his speech–whether it was genuine, friendly applause, or they were just glad that the white devil/cracker/Honkey’s speech was over is for you to decide.

    P.S. Other than Rush I have not seen or heard any news source report that Romney received a standing ovation at the end of his speech.

  7. To take just one example, there’s hardly a regular commenter here who thinks Hitler was a Christian, and who doesn’t understand the basic uses of the sort of propaganda discussed in this post.

    You are creating strawmen-commenters, for the most part.

    the devil is in the DETAILS
    and if they did, they would see the same thing

    just delete these three posts since they are a waste… dont want fake strawman confusing the confused.

    sorry all.
    my bad…

    you all understand what is happening the ideological white papers and logic behind it, why it works, what to do to neutralize it, and so on.

    good luck, you been doing great opposing the key things!! since you know what they are, none of them are in play and we are safe. right?

    just delete the posts… they are a waste as you are implying and thats fine.

    i am tired anyway… and everyone wants more entertainment and my not posting this stuff.

    so its good all around

    you dont need to know the previous discussions that covered all this in the 30s, 40s, and 50s…

    your going to re-invent all that anyway…

    lets hope they give you enough time to
    because from where i am sitting neo
    logically speaking
    that if you all knew what your saying you know, then we would not be in this position and the statements beintg said would be different.

    besdies. you play games with focus. i talk about the cultural knowlege, and you say people here are exceptions to their culture

    that you confuse their answers when you ask them a direct question, from their answers which would require using the information.
    [edited for length by n-n]

  8. Tried to watch John Ziegler’s documentary “Media Malpractice.” It’s available through Netflicks.

    I can take it only in small doses. The hate goes deep. I was riding with a friend and we passed a news truck for a Los Angeles station. My words were so immediate and vehement that my friend was shocked.

    Watching Oprah declare “He’s the One” is much easier to bear now. I’m super glad she’s tanked. I hope she tanks so far she can’t afford to eat and has to live off her fat.

    I defy you to find a more hypocritical and nervy crowd than the media. Let them be rewarded by their co-conspirators, the Muslims. I’m sure the two groups will really get along.

  9. Actually, getting booed by the NAACP for promising to repeal Obamacare will probably help Romney a lot more than hurt him.

    After all, most Americans support repealing Obamacare.

    The other day Holder got a standing ovation from the NAACP…but 53% of Americans thought the contempt vote was a good idea.

    There was a time when the NAACP was non partisan. But now, it has become just another partisan gang.

  10. Artlfdgr:
    My finger is getting quite a workout from scrolling past the written diarrhea. If you want to spew like that get your own site and see how many people choose to follow.

  11. Art, if we read all you post, we would not have time for a life. If you would confine yourself to one or two main points, we could benefit from your extensive knowledge. Perhaps you don’t care if we read your posts.

  12. Artfldgr said:

    “now, i can tell that you havent read a damn thing i put up… period. ”

    I never do read 99.95% of what you say mostly because it’s usually off subject and always too damned much.

    Neo…PLEASE give us some relief from this.

  13. Neo-neo:

    To take just one example, there’s hardly a regular commenter here who thinks Hitler was a Christian, and who doesn’t understand the basic uses of the sort of propaganda discussed in this post.
    You are creating strawmen-commenters, for the most part.

    Sorry Neo, ARtfldgr is correct: the universal meme is and has been that Hitler was a Christian- there is no “straw man”; attempts by “fringe” – i.e. outside the dominant world view – historians have attempted for decades to correct this deliberate “error.”

    This “Hitler was a Christian” meme is accompanied by another meme declaring that “Christian” Churches followed him: also incorrect; these obedient churches were apostate: this ignorance of what is real Christianity is a modern one as few Church attendees know what biblical – real! -Christianity is; if they did, they would realize the majority of so-called Christian churches – even denominations are apostate: they would also realize they are being held morally responsible for supporting such false churches and pastors.

  14. “… there’s hardly a regular commenter here who thinks Hitler was a Christian..”

    What?!? Have I been mistakenly thinking Hitler was a black Mormon for these last 50+ years, and now it turns out he was not even a white Christian?

    Seriously, Artfldgr, for the most part people who post at neo-neocon are not completely clueless or unaware of history. Have a couple, no make that 4, glasses of wine and smoke a really fine cigar and then find a cool place to sleep it off.

  15. Those of you here who ignore what Artfldgr is writing here are willingly participating in your own destruction: your are so far enveloped by deceit and lies that you have no real knowledge or understanding: you are declaring you are worthy of your own damnation.
    Harsh language; yet wisdom literature declares such a sentence.

  16. “… the universal meme is and has been that Hitler was a Christian- there is no “straw man”; attempts by “fringe” — i.e. outside the dominant world view — historians have attempted for decades to correct this deliberate “error.””

    Perhaps the ignorant meme has been such; but few people with an IQ above 90 believe Hitler was anything other than a raving, foaming at the mouth, sadistic, megalomaniac.

  17. Obama & the left in general are a train wreck. And, yes they are wannabe dictators. But comparing Obama to Hitler is silly. Obama eats dog, Hitler ate 6,000,000 not counting millions of Russians and others.

  18. But comparing Obama to Hitler is silly.

    Yeah, silly: Hitler will be remembered as an amateur: Obama Regime Excludes Israel From Antiterror Forum


    When Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the coalition’s formation in June, she didn’t include Israel on her list of countries that suffer from terror attacks. In the controversy that followed, the supposition was that Obama and his minions caved into pressure from Turkey, whose leadership has become Islamist, and other Arab states, which hate Israel.

  19. If it takes everyone reading five thousand books of Art’s choosing to save the world, we might as well all bend over and kiss our asses goodbye.

  20. “Hitler will be remembered as an amateur: Obama Regime Excludes Israel From Antiterror Forum”

    Oh please! Had Israel existed during Hitler’s reign of mass murder he would have invaded Israel before invading Russia and turned every Jew into soap and lampshades and reduced Jerusalem to smoldering rubble. Obama hasn’t got the balls to tell Michelle to stop bugging him about eating vegetables.

  21. Once again I rise to Artfldgr’s defense. This blog is better with him than without him. Yes, he’s a tad wordy, but it doesn’t cost anything to hit the “page down” button.

    I don’t read every word of his posts, but I read enough to know that he generally knows what he’s talking about. And even without reading him, I know enough to know that his warnings should be taken seriously. Far too many Americans are standing like deer in the headlights looking at a head-on collision with full-bore totalitarianism and not quite comprehending the dire–and life-threatening–implications.

  22. njartist: I believe you misunderstood what I said. I never said that “Hitler was a Christian” was not a popular meme. I am well aware that it is. But not with the regular communters here, as I specifically noted.

    It’s been discussed several times in the comments section of this blog and the regular commenters who have mentioned it at all have made it clear that it is a popular although untrue meme. So my point was that Artfldgr is setting up strawmen when he is assuming that the regular commenters on this blog believe Hitler was actually a Christian. It would NOT be a strawman if he were to say that it’s a popular meme in general. But in his comment here he was addressing people on this blog, not people in general.

    If you search through the comments here the only ones you’ll find that try to say Hitler was a Christian are a couple of trolls. On the other hand, a couple of people (in addition to Artfldgr in several comments) mention that Hitler was not a Christian, and that a lot of people nevertheless think he was. Here are a couple of examples I found just now: this and this. I don’t think you’ll find one comment here that asserts the contrary, except for a few drive-by trolls.

  23. Artfldgr: My point is that if you are going to berate people on the blog for what they don’t know, make sure it’s for what they actually don’t know. If you are saying it’s the context they don’t know, then try to elucidate that rather than to accuse them of not knowing facts they actually do know and even probably understand the significance of.

    And obviously people are more likely to read what you write if it’s shorter. That’s just a fact of life.

  24. Nothing like Artfldgr to get under people’s skin.

    The issue with him, as far as as I can see, is his assumption that the regular readers and commenters here don’t know what he knows, don’t see what he sees and don’t comprehend what he does.

    If he were commenting at Yahoo or MSNBC or somesuch place, that might very well be true. But here, I can pretty much guarantee that it isn’t.

    I’ve been reading this blog for 4 years now and I come for Neo’s posts which are nearly always interesting and the commenters who are for the most part some of the most erudite people I have read on the net. Occam, J.J., and many others always enlighten me. And boy, do I miss Huxley.

    But Art is constantly preaching to the choir, lecturing the readers here as if we were ignorant mouth breathers. Yeah, I can always scroll down. But there are days I do nothing BUT scroll down, trying to sift through the stuff I ( and many of us) already know and the crap for a good nugget.

    It’s been said before and it should be said again: Art needs his own blog.

  25. Hey wait. Romney is white and Mormon. And he spoke to the NAACP.

    When has Obama spoke to any organization where he might be booed. No, rather, he erects Greek columns and demands spiritual icons or messages be removed, plants questioners, and shows incredible fussiness if his awesomeness is questioned? I, for one, salute Romney’s dedication and some might even say courage in speaking to so contrary a group.

  26. njartist49 said:

    “Those of you here who ignore what Artfldgr is writing here are willingly participating in your own destruction: your are so far enveloped by deceit and lies that you have no real knowledge or understanding: you are declaring you are worthy of your own damnation.
    Harsh language; yet wisdom literature declares such a sentence.”

    I don’t think reading the overwhelmingly long rants and ravings of Artfldgr is a requirement for understanding what’s going on in the world.

    If they are that important, brilliant, and wise, he should start his own blog and let the whole world have access to his wisdom…not just the readers here.

    I am really getting tired of having to scroll past all that baloney.

  27. I don’t think many understand Artfldgr.

    For one, he hasn’t the requisite skills or brain cells to understand the outrage his posts engender. It is not as if he is posting to create that outrage. It is merely another fact at his disposal that most people are dulled, inattentive, and unaware of the same facts he commands. It would be nice if he had both social and logical genius, but he doesn’t.

    Once you are aware that his imperial attitude comes from dysfunction and is not an extension of pride and ego, perhaps that would make a difference. Then, you could use the significant and valuable facts, information, sources, argument, and even point of view.

    If you’re honest, it’s not the length but the certainty and the dismissiveness which irritates.

    And Neo will set the boundaries. She’s pretty darn good at that.

  28. And I disparage good ole Art too much with that last post. He does have social understanding and skills and often demonstrates them. He’s part of my world and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

  29. I for one do not read everything Artfldgr posts, but I do read a large percentage of his posts where I find nuggets of knowledge previously unbeknownst to me. He is obviously encyclopedic in the scope of his knowledge and often provides interesting insights that would otherwise escape my attention. However, you don’t need the USDA and the NWS to tell you there is drought. And, there is nothing productive to be gained by spouting off that Obama makes Hitler look like an amateur which is just as banal and silly as the whole Bush-Hilter, Darth Cheney nonsense.

    Let’s leave the nonsense to the left for when it comes to nonsense they have us beat from the get go.

  30. It’s not that Obama makes Hitler look like an amateur; it’s that the Obama machine (propoganda of the media, Hollywood, DC, academia, and KultureKampf) makes Hitler’s machine (Goebbels) look like an amateur. Now that is a reasonable proposal.

    Here is an analogy of Artfldgr:


  31. Regarding all the following [below], I respecfully concur, especially where texexec implores, “Neo…PLEASE give us some relief from this.”

    . . . and where Jim Sullivan points out, with just a little exaggeration to make it interesting, “Yeah, I can always scroll down. But there are days I do nothing BUT scroll down.”

    This artfldgr situation is an unfortunate stain on what for me is the best blankety-blank blog/site on my short list for intelligent conversation.

    (Best on my long list as well [smile].)

    Neo, . . . please . . .

    M J R

    —– —– —– —– —–

    Terrye Says:
    July 11th, 2012 at 5:49 pm

    I refuse to read all that stuff.

    The Real Jeff Says:
    July 11th, 2012 at 6:18 pm
    My finger is getting quite a workout from scrolling past the written diarrhea. If you want to spew like that get your own site and see how many people choose to follow.

    Mr. Frank Says:
    July 11th, 2012 at 6:21 pm
    Art, if we read all you post, we would not have time for a life. If you would confine yourself to one or two main points, we could benefit from your extensive knowledge. Perhaps you don’t care if we read your posts.

    texexec Says:
    July 11th, 2012 at 7:13 pm

    I never do read 99.95% of what you say mostly because it’s usually off subject and always too damned much.

    Neo…PLEASE give us some relief from this.

    SteveH Says:
    July 11th, 2012 at 8:05 pm
    If it takes everyone reading five thousand books of Art’s choosing to save the world, we might as well all bend over and kiss our asses goodbye.

    Jim Sullivan Says:
    July 11th, 2012 at 10:08 pm
    Nothing like Artfldgr to get under people’s skin.

    dot dot dot

    Yeah, I can always scroll down. But there are days I do nothing BUT scroll down, trying to sift through the stuff I ( and many of us) already know and the crap for a good nugget.

    It’s been said before and it should be said again: Art needs his own blog.

    texexec Says:
    July 11th, 2012 at 10:56 pm

    dot dot dot

    If they are that important, brilliant, and wise, he should start his own blog and let the whole world have access to his wisdom…not just the readers here.

    I am really getting tired of having to scroll past all that baloney.

  32. I wish Artfldgr would consider writing a book in the style of “An Idiot’s guide to” explaining the perilous state of western civilization and the true nature of the threat.

    The complacency of the people who do not recognize the reality may be because the superficial trappings of previous fascist/socialist regimes are absent.

    More important than detailed descriptions of the origen and development of the socialist/fascist philosophy, is a method of thwarting its implementation by its adherents, assisted by people who are sleepwalking and will only wake up when it is a fait accompli.

  33. 1.) “I am really getting tired of having to scroll past all that baloney.”

    Its not baloney, it is simply excessive and redundant. Tune it out if need be.

    2.) “Now that is a reasonable proposal.”

    Sorry, but I call BS. 1933 98% in the Reich believed the propaganda. 2012 in the USA a scant 45% believe the propaganda.

    3.) “Far too many Americans are standing like deer in the headlights looking at a head-on collision with full-bore totalitarianism and not quite comprehending the dire—and life-threatening—implications.”

    Have no fear, it only takes 3-10%. They fear us, why else demonize us? They have not enough swag or authority to convince others to come and get us. Tuck fhem. “Paranoia strikes deep, into your heart it will creep.” No need to be paranoid. IF push come to shove we shall prevail.

    4.) Its a matter of who shows up at the ballot box. Show up. Cast aside your doubts, suspicions, and fears.

  34. I don’t mind art’s posts. I never read them, but I don’t mind scrolling. I know some others get a lot of his posts, and he clearly loves being here, else he wouldn’t post so much – so I can’t muster the passion to banish him that others (not unreasonably, I will grant) feel.

    The suggestion that he start his own blog is also reasonable; I just don’t think it’s come to the point where he should be forced out of the neoneocon world.

    I guess I’m with Curtis on this one. Also, I tend to be one of the more long-winded commenters here, so, you know, “First they came for artfldgr…”

  35. What’s the difference between Obama and Romney at the end of the day? Their names are spelled differently. There are physical differences. I think that about does it.

  36. Read the comments to Thomas Lifson’s post at American Thinker. People on our side are starting to talk about character and competence.

    When I read Romney’s speech, I thought of the scene after the trial in To Kill a Mockingbird: “Stand up, Scout. Your father is passing.” Aren’t we all looking for a bit of Atticus after all the years of Sharptons and Rangels?

  37. To put my two cents in, after sampling things here and there, I too am a “scroller” where Art’s comments are concerned.

    As I approach 70, I find that I have less and less patience, and I just want people to get on with it, “brevity is the soul of wit,” etc.

    I’ve read a book or two, am old enough to have had a pretty good, genuine Liberal Arts education, and I believe I can read “the writing on the wall” as well as anybody.

    Confucius is said to have selected students by lifting up the cover and showing them only 10% of an object hidden underneath, and only those who could tell him what was under the sheet were selected. I believe that by now a lot of us have seen enough to be quite sure of what is under the cover where the Left and Obama & Co. are concerned.

    We get it. Things are not as they seem, and sinister forces are moving under the surface–and often in plain sight–doing their best to deceive, plunder, and eventually enslave us. All these self-proclaimed “selfless” actions supposedly done in the names of “peace,” “progress,“ “freedom,” “fairness,” “diversity,” “equality,” and “for our and the greater good,” with the object of, bypassing what Marxists term our “false consciousness” and to, in the words J.I. Talmon’s seminal book, “The Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” “force us to be free,” as these far Left ideologues define freedom.

    But, is was always ever thus, and potential dictators, bullies, swindlers, and thieves we always have with us, as the ancient folk expressions “a pig in a poke” and “letting the cat out of the bag“ attest to.

    I already know how malevolent, nasty, and sneaky the opposition is, now tell me how to beat them like a drum.

  38. Oh my. You’re comparing Obomney to Atticus Finch! That’s like comparing Jimmy Carter to Alexander the Great.

  39. No, I am comparing the quiet, self-assured attitude and the willingness to assume responsibilty.

  40. expat: Thank you and you’d be correct. Rob: Just not very bright,’Yo.

    Channel surfed over to Fast Eddie Schultz’s leftyfest for a couple minutes and watched 2-black faces, with Fast Eddie twixt’um nodding-leering enthusiastically, lip-flappin’ about about Mitt’s bigotry at the NAACP. CANNOT possibly make this swill up!!

    Rob: Focus like the proverbial laser beam. Mitt’s quiet & reserved demeanor isn’t a ‘Tell’ of his fecklessness or spinelessness. His very honorable life is a demonstration of more-than-ample sized ‘Stones for our Age of Shallow Pomposity.

  41. 1) it doesn’t hurt for someone to TRY to be concise.

    2) more people will benefit from the wisdom IF you are concise.

    3) I am not interested in defending what I know or don’t know about Hitler. Love you art. I implore again for you to be briefer.

  42. Romney did not change his dialect like others like Hillary did when speaking to the NAACP

  43. …and Romney doesn’t prance out onto the stage like he’s running onto the field as part of a junior college football team either. And he doesn’t talk about what “folks” do in that irritating sing song rappish dialect either.

    Just makes me wanna’ puke.

  44. The company I work for has a co-owner of the Mormon faith. The firm also has a a number of blacks working in professional positions. So much for the MSM “Mormon=racist” meme.

  45. The grievemongers, empowered by a President steeped in CRT, have slandered and booed an honest and good man. Calling on theories such as “disparate impact,” which sets forth discrimination claims that are too subtle to be seen because there are policies that “are fair in form but discriminatory in operation,” the grievemongers embrace their own slavery as Col. West has stated.

    For a review of “disparate impact” read Griggs v Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971)

    The decision in Griggs, while on the surface looking “fair,” helps to undermine MLK’s call for judgment by merit and achievement.

    “[I]n regard to the colored people, there is always more that is benevolent, I perceive, than just, manifested towards us. What I ask for the negro is not benevolence, not pity, not sympathy, but simply justice. The American people have always been anxious to know what they shall do with us… . I have had but one answer from the beginning. Do nothing with us! Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. Do nothing with us!”–Frederick Douglas


    Here’s something!


  46. For what it’s worth from an irregular commenter, on the matter of Artfldgr …

    Having no proprietary interest in this blog, I can’t object to his use of Neo’s bandwidth, nor do I find the scrolling past his remarks – which I usually quickly scan while doing so – oppressive. And while I generally agree with the remarks of Wolla Dalbo @ 8:08 am 5th paragraph, I also think that Art has taken an unusual amount of trouble to review and to grasp, and in some rare depth, the historical context and intellectual underpinnings of progressivism, in a way that Bilderberger obsessives and Illuminati cranks only imagine they achieve in their pet domains.

    It may be true that this blog is populated by an unusual number of readers who have studied Marxism and Leninism in an academic settings, who are familiar with Comte, the writings of the Bloomsbury group, with Logical Positivism, Prussian Anti-liberals, the Kulturkampf, Dewey, Legal Realism, the deeper ideology behind Social Security, with Literary Deconstruction, and so on.

    But he probably not wrong in assuming that the average conservative really has no grasp of the deep moral alienness (ideological if perhaps not always felt) of the progressive who has drunk in, internalized, and wholeheartedly intellectually affirmed the materialist premisses and fiat morality preached by their forebears.

    His repeated retracing of the evolutionary strands and the logical implications of these doctrines may be tedious to some, but at some level, somewhere, there is a need for this.

    Maybe on his own blog as well, and primarily, as some have suggested.

  47. NeoConScum: Honorable? That milksop? Surely you jest. But tell yourself whatever you have to in order to cast a vote against Obama in November. I know it’s hard, but we know what we must do….

  48. HONORABLE, yep. A life lived in service, accomplishment and integrity, yep. But, hey, I love President Bush and thank God for that man of honor, resoluteness and integrity. Imagine, Robbie.

  49. NeoConScum: Yes, well, the pity is that George W. Bush isn’t on the ticket again. I could vote for him without holding my nose…

  50. Alright, Rob. Mayhaps my hackles went up too quick. Just dimple chads–as many as possible–for Mitt, will’ya please. Put a clothes pin on the schnozz if you must, but dimple those danged chads. (-:

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