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Anyone… — 37 Comments

  1. The speech in Ohio was really powerful, I thought. I think people who say that Ryan has invigorated Romney are correct.

  2. An occasional sparring exhibition isn’t enough to make Romney a contender. This is a 15 round title fight and if he consistently counters every jab with a hook he will have gained a new found respect – and a presidency.

  3. I like this. After wanting him to hit back hard earlier, he’s finally doing it and in the most positive way possible. The MSM may try to portray it differently, but Romney is showcasing how ugly the Obama camp is getting.
    I have to say, I’ve been enjoying the Romney attack ads, too. They’re a light touch – avoiding the typical attack ad use of B&W photos of the opponent, dramatic music, and grim narration. There’s an ad profiling Romney’s business & Olympic experience, ending with “Believe in the America you built” (nice touch).
    I saw an Obama ad yesterday that could not have been a better parody of Dems buying votes with free stuff if it had been made by SNL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zt4eXssBqpc

  4. things are heating up as i said they would..

    Now Social Security Administration To Purchase 174 Thousand Rounds Of Bullets!

    Request for Quote for Ammunition
    Solicitation Number: SSA-RFQ-12-1851
    Agency: Social Security Administration


    Anyone other than me realizes this is a heads i win tails you lose situation as i described a while back? if Obama wins, the bad events coming facilitate the changing of the world (as Fabian stained glass shows), if he loses, then the bad that happens still facilitates the removal and changing of the world… and even worse… if “some other state” who has nuclear capability and has been found off three coasts including the gulf, does a three part pulse and the CIC fails to respond… then what?

    anyone paying attention to the different things they are doing that will cause huge riots? food is increasing in price at a huge rate, and obama refusing to stop ethanol, will make it rise… when welfare EBT cant pay for steaks and such, then what? riot time? with riots, can you suspend elections?

    what about the fact that in one day, there were 11 separate mass attacks by one race against another? what happens when that cap being held down blows off?

    The left-wing lowlife at Salon has finally been forced to acknowledge the growing epidemic of black on white mob violence.

    That is, whites deserve to be attacked by blacks because their work ethic has made them more successful economically, which according to liberal ideology is bad.

    Not only is the epidemic justified, it also doesn’t exist. After all, 11 separate racially motivated mob violence incidents in a single day are insignificant in a country of 300 million


    so much stuff..

    but note… if ethanol goes up as planned… it will use 130% of all grain by 2022…

    right now, only 24% of what we grow goes to food and farm.. the rest to ethanol..

    and our debt? over 222 trillion… in a war, who do we borrow to pay for it?

    it took us 108 years to remove the tax that was paying for the Spanish American war (2006)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    does anyone really think that the SELF DECLARED SELF SWORN 100+ year old enemies of our country will just let such an opportunity of that kind of person in potus position?

    go ahead..
    what will Romney do?

    do not confuse impotent with important…

    the situation is such that regardless of who wins, the rest still happens… we as a peoples didnt do a thing to prevent anything other than pray for a moses to deliver us from pharoh…

  5. Speaking only for myself, Artfldgr, I can only hope the Feminist AntiChrist finally wins and camps out on your front lawn and spends HisHer time putting flaming paperbags on your doorstep, ringing the bell and then running away!

  6. I liked his “go back to Chicago” line.

    Since Blago etc. O’s “hometown” has become even more synonymous with sleaze (if that’s possible). Couldn’t hurt to continually remind voters about that.

  7. Romney displays his discipline, his data oriented grasp of issues, and his toughness. Good. Good. and Good.


    re the Repub Primary campaign circa Jan 2012

    speaking for myself, and for many others, but not all others:
    my support for Gingrich was not based on a perception of “Gingrich will fight and Romney will not”.

    Rather, it was based on a perception that Gingrich understands how to recognize the flawed premises which underlie 90% of media questions, and Gingrich understands how to reject those premises, thus cutting the questioner off at the knees. On his good days, Gingrich, after rejecting the flawed premises, will follow up by contrasting conservative principles against the leftist principles which formed the foundation of the questioner’s flawed premise. In these instances, Gingrich is a powerful spokesperson for conservative principles.

    Romney, on the other hand, too often accepts the flawed premises which underlie media questions. In most instances, if the premises are accepted, then an implicit conclusion: “conservatives are bad” inevitably flows from the premises. One CANNOT accept the premises and avoid the inevitable conclusion of: “conservatives are bad”. One cannot accept the premises and give an effective explanation of conservative principles or positions.

    I will say that I believe Romney is improving in this area. It is testament to his formidable talent, intelligence, competitiveness, and energy. Romney is going to win. Decisively. Thank goodness.

    And the Romney Presidency will be historically situated to be a very decisive and important Presidency. Romney has the talent and the energy to pull off a tremendously important Presidency. The only question: will Romney have the philosophic understanding to pull off a historic Presidency? I don’t know the answer to that. Romney, between now and the end of his Presidency, will morph. In which direction, I do not know.

  8. Nothing wrong in saying “I told you so”….

    I freely admit that back in the spring I was most definitely not a fan of MR, I thought of him as stiff and a 100% RINO. (As a life long resident of flyover country I have a mistrust of politicians from the eat and west coast.) Gradually my opinion has changed. MR has spoken/acted in a manner that I have come to not only respect, but admire. He is in sharp contrast to BHO. His choice of Ryan over a Portman or a Pawlenty sealed the deal. I remain pessimistic about DC ever getting control of deficits, debt, monetary policy, and unfunded liabilities. However, I now believe the RR ticket is our best hope for a real change of course.

  9. I am surprised by the tone of the CBS video. The 2 talking heads did not come across as belligerent. Could it be that they see a change in the direction of the wind?

  10. That video may show something very special and unique. If there is a chance to peacefully and incrementally reform this country, Mitt Romney is a qualified candidate for the option. He is the anti-Obama. Note how often Romney refers to united. That is his theme. I really do not think he would use it if he did not believe it. Blessed are the peacemakers. A peacemaker is a special person. They don’t come around that often.

    Also, notice how at the end of the interview, no rancor exists and Romney is told he “is looking pretty good.” I’ve noted it before and it bears noting again. Romney’s composure and style of “with malice toward none” means we may have someone much more special than we know.

  11. As one of the Romney skeptics, I have to say he has thus far been better than what I’d expected. But picking Ryan was simply inspired. That one move throws into question every cutting remark/observation I made about his spinelessness.

    I still think Romney sounds like a phony when he talks – even speeches and remarks he makes that people of late have found “mold breaking” I do not find to be so. Maybe I’m just peculiar, but even his extemporaneous retorts sound prefabricated and scripted to me. Whatever – if it works for people, then I’m not going to complain.

    The bottom line is that Ryan is a serious man about the right things, and I doubt he could in good conscience serve in an administration that wouldn’t fight to repeal Obamacare, among other tasks that are unfortunate necessities. Romney, by picking him, signaled that he is serious about the necessities as well. Actions speak louder than words.

    Romney is going to have his hands full in the debates. Not so much because Obama is a great debater – he isn’t – but because he will need to break through so many walls of prejudice at once. He will need to refute Obama without seeming to be either nasty or a spokesman for plutocrats. He will need to come off as better informed without seeming wonky. He will need to deflect Mediscare without roping himself to Ryan’s plan. And there is no one better suited to “upping his game” to such a level than Ryan himself.

    All in all, I have few complaints thus far. The more Romney makes me eat my words, the happier I am. But the meal is only just beginning.

  12. “Request for Quote for Ammunition
    Solicitation Number: SSA-RFQ-12-1851
    Agency: Social Security Administration”


    In the event of a wide scale crisis resulting in a national declaration of martial law I have a hard time believing the rank and file, or even the officers, of the military will follow orders to suppress the people. That leaves the various alphabet soup federal agencies to come to Main Street USA to impose a would be dictator’s orders.

    In rural and small town flyover country local cops and sheriff’s deputies know that everyone knows where they live. And, they know their house can burn down while their wive and children are asleep. In a state like Kentucky they’ll need 1,000,000 feds to comb the hills and only a few thousand will escape with their lives.

    In metro areas it will be a different story; but since I live in flyover country I’m not overly concerned with SS, IRS, FBI, NOAA, HLS, etc. agents armed with 357 Sig or 40 S&W pistols, 9MM submachine guns, or 223 ARs. Where I live 1 in 20 people own a 270, 30-06, or 8MM rifle and know how to use it. 1 in 3 have a 12 gauge and a 38/357 revolver or a 9MM or 45 ACP pistol. So if the feds are coming to my street they had better wear several inches of steel or be inside a f***ing tank. My 64 year old eyes through a scope can still hit a dinner plate at 400 yards. 😉

    Whatever these ammo bids are about I don’t know, but given where I live, I’ll sleep soundly. Your situation many vary.

  13. Curtis,

    Ryan also seems to have the respect of congressional opponents. Maybe will see a new respect for integrity, humility, and character arise from this campaign. Remember when I tossed out the Atticus Finch comparison? I pray that a bit of that will come to pass.

  14. This is good..and Romney can appear calm on the outside and still be hard hitting..it is not two faced..it is self control.

  15. kolnai and parker,

    Note how one hardly ever sees a liberal looking at a situation, evaluating the facts and perhaps changing their mind and admitting a mistake. The two of you show why “our side” seem to be the truly rational thinkers despite what the liberals proclaim about themselves.

  16. …meetoo chime in: also pleasantly surprised as the campaign has progressed (so taking a bow is okay by me: I would’ve, lol).

    Except for Ryan.

    That was more like admiringly shocked.

    I would’ve supported Paul Ryan as the party’s CIC choice …and appreciate that his selection is potentially much more significant than that of Romney “throwing a bone” to the Tea Party.

    @Parker – Yep.

    …and for the same reasons you aptly state, I don’t think I’ve been more than even mildly diverted by the ammo purchases.

  17. physicsguy –

    Obama makes it very easy to be a rational thinker. Support anyone but him!

    Voila – rational 🙂

  18. “I don’t think I’ve been more than even mildly diverted by the ammo purchases.”

    The local gun club I am a member of has a range with berms at 25, 50, 100, 200, and 400 yards. There are 300+ members in the club and we do not represent more than 10% of the gun owners in the county. 90% of the members have reloading tools/supplies and most of us shoot more than 5,000 rounds per year to keep our skills sharp, and many of the members engage in competitive shooting events.

    Any potential would be dictators in DC has not the slightest idea of what awaits their goon squads if push comes to shove. The Chicago way does not hold sway where I live.

  19. My advice, Mr. President: Some more crack. It’ll make you feel better. Just don’t give any to Joe. It just might chill him out.

  20. Kolnai, I wonder if Romney’s “phoniness” is partly a speech pattern. To me, he sounds like a teacher or a reverend from my hometown.

    I’m from Michigan and was rather surprised (and hurt) when my boyfriend told me that his family and friends (in Texas and Georgia) thought I spoke as if I were giving a speech. Then I worked in Detroit for a while and visited some friends in the suburbs and noticed the same measured, long-sentenced speaking style.

  21. I agree 100% with gcotharn.

    We cannot accept their premises in any debate.

    I also want to grab both men by the lapels and insist that they get Republican moderators to balance out the Democrats who are always in charge: I heard they accepted a debate forum where 4 newsies who are firmly in the Obama camp are going to “moderate”: the most moderate one is Bob Schieffer, for cryin’ out loud.

    “Republicans, they thirst for death.”

  22. To Kolnai: He is pretty much what I expected.

    I am sure that Neo is correct that he will stumble, and that I will disagree with him at times; perhaps seriously. The same was true of my feelings toward G.W. Bush. Still, I feel toward Romney much as I felt toward Bush. In my ever so humble opinion, he is a strong, intelligent and ethical man. I believe that he will put country first and give us his best each and every day.

  23. Obama say only others crush men,
    And I can’t help protecting you from them.
    I will stay. It won’t be a sin.
    Cause I can’t help taxing you once again.

    Everyone knows solely due to me
    Surely your woes are treated unfairly
    Give your hand, give your whole life too
    For I can’t help taxing all of you.

    For I can’t help taxing all of you.


  24. Romney and Palin are who they are. Honest. Not the best orators. Not the best public speakers. I happen to think that could be a good thing as it points to a possiblity that their real abilities lie in governing, organizing, leading and contolling. We really don’t need pied pipers as our government. Is that all it takes? A sweet talker.

  25. Artfldgr, Just the hunters in all the states make up a formidable army. Most of them are pretty good marksmen and generally keep a supply of ammo on hand. Then there are the dedicated marksmen like Parker on top of the hunters. In 2011 there were 13.7 million hunters in the U.S. Ref: http://tinyurl.com/8b9opaz
    In my wildest thoughts of conspiracy, I can’t imagine the military turning on their fellow citizens as you see in such places as Libya, Syria, etc. What kind of legitimate order could be given to carry out military operations against citizens? And what kind of officers would carry them out? Admittedly there are some liberals in the military, but they are, thank God, in the minority. No, if the progs want to take over they will have to continue with their program of brainwashing, progandizing, and fixing elections.

  26. Right JJ, but is there a secret organization, and by secret I don’t mean that the organization is unknown but its training and purpose are secret. Are there secret anti-American orgs and on the flip side are there secret pro-American orgs (I hope Chuck Norris will be there.)

    Hunters, yes, great, but no organization. Now, as far as sabotage and sniper activities, yes, but resisting even a small organized force? No. Remember GB ruled India with a handful of men.

    But that is not to say that the hunters and patriots cannot get organized. Maybe that is what needs to happen now. A sort of pseudo defense against the “prepare to boarded” command. In such a preparation, it would be very very easy to provide for the basics of communication and first response.

    Maybe these groups are already happening. I think they should happen. It would be easy. Just a pre-arranged signal, switch to a communication system, formation of companies, access to ammunition, weapons and equipment, and finally, some righteous defense.

  27. Miss Jean:

    No, I quit, Why? You got some?

    (Reference a Cheech and Chong movie where they are in a van and all saying they quit but then someone asks, “you got some.” I wonder, I really wonder, if some bad ass dealer shows up . . . well, let your imagination do the rest. I think Obama has smoked at least crack in the white house. In that respect he follows the last most respected POS liberal president, JFK, addicted to pain killers and meth and not just any meth but the good meth. What a bunch of hypocritcal, farcical, lying scumbags.)

  28. The Ron Paul faction has been claiming since February, sometimes with substantiation, that the Romney campaign is full of dirty tricks. For all my beefs about Romney, I don’t think I ever subscribed to the “not a fighter” narrative.

    The world of venture capital, too, I am led to believe is brutal. There are no points (or dollars) awarded just for being nice.

    Artfldgr: Last time I was around here, I was preaching the inevitability of collapse and a Brief Period of Violent Upheaval. My sermons were not well received.

  29. Well, nuttin worth ruttin for
    is something for
    in . . ev . . it . . .

    Sat you mean. Broski? C’mon for
    t+1 = foxdicks? Shite?]
    See ya.

    ssheez how easwy it is to spread manure and FEAR.

  30. “Remember GB ruled India with a handful of men.”

    IA, ND, SD, WY, NE, KS, MT, ID, IN, KY, TN, and AZ ain’t India.

  31. “Then there are the dedicated marksmen like Parker on top of the hunters.”

    I’m a slacker compared real to dedicated marksmen. Those are the people who shoot 5,000 rounds per month. I know a few of them and they can shoot a 5 shot 4 inch group at 1,000 yards all day long. Prairie dog shooters are the real marksmen. These guys are amazing and can put a round between the eyes of a kevlar ninja at distances that should frighten members of the alphabet soup. Compared to them I’m a mere amateur.

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