Home » Yes, indeed


Yes, indeed — 27 Comments

  1. Umm…

    That’s not exactly an exaggeration.

    The Romney boys did rescue drowning boaters at their vacation home in New Hampshire and the press was all too willing to poo poo it.

  2. Is there a required course in pathological lying required in J school now? They all seem so adept at it.

  3. Drudge has a link reporting that the State Department had 48 hours notice of the attack in Benghazi. And there were apparently numerous sensitive documents compromised.

    Sleep well tonight Americans.Your President is at the helm.

  4. This might make a great Twitter subject. – The MSM would _________ if Romney did _____________.

    It could go viral.

  5. Alternatively, I’ve always thought if Obama strangled a small child on stage that the press would try to explain how the child deserved it and we really shouldn’t blame Obama.

  6. Yes! this is so true. Parker said it first; but here’s the joke that I heard about the media when Bush was President:

    The Pope is on a visit to Washington, and President Bush takes his guest out for an afternoon on the Potomac, sailing on the Presidential yacht, the Sequoia.

    They’re admiring the sights when, all of a sudden, the Holy Father’s hat (zucchetto) blows off his head and out into the water. Secret Service guys start to launch a boat, but President Bush waves them off, saying, “Wait, wait. I’ll take care of this. Don’t worry.”

    Bush silently bows his head for a moment, mutters a few inaudible words, takes a final look towards the heavens, steps over the yacht’s railing, sets his feet on the surface of the water, walks out to the floating zucchetto, bends over, picks the wet hat up, turns around, walks back to the yacht, and climbs back aboard.

    Amid stunned silence and wide-eyed frozen faces, he hands the dripping hat to the Pope.

    The next morning, editorials asking roughly the same rhetorical question appear in the New York Times, the St. Louis Post Dispatch, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, the Buffalo News, the Milwaukee Sentinel-Journal, the Minneapolis Tribune, the Denver Post, the Albuquerque Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, The Guardian, BBC Online, Le Monde, Libération, Le Figaro, Der Spiegel, and Stern: “How could Americans vote for a man who can’t even swim?!”

  7. before i share what i have, here is something to make people laugh and cry at the same time.

    ObamaCare Summed Up in One Sentence

    now on to the other stuff…

    The fit is hitting the shan…

    if the idea was to create a crisis that could bolster and complicate things for the election, that is now falling apart. from the, uncertainty on loaded weapons to the certainty of telling them to stand down. now more and more is coming out faster and faster.

    is it good? bad? natural? contrived? bit of both?

    Revealed: inside story of US envoy’s assassination
    Exclusive: America ‘was warned of embassy attack but did nothing’

    The US administration is now facing a crisis in Libya. Sensitive documents have gone missing from the consulate in Benghazi and the supposedly secret location of the “safe house” in the city, where the staff had retreated, came under sustained mortar attack. Other such refuges across the country are no longer deemed “safe”.

    Ok folks… This is about why you don’t tell the marines to stand down and not engage. there are three things at embassies and consulates (can i just say embassy now?)… you have civilian labor… that’s ambassadors, and state department and even the cleaning people (no, they don’t hire locals to spruce up). there is the military which is under the ROS. and there is the thing we dont talk about but that the MSG mission points out. these locations are used to transmit and receive, and note information and as such they contain equipment and information that in the case of a compromised integrity, would be destroyed.

    this kind of handle the crisis, destroy the sensitive material (ergo all have top secret clearance), and protect the people (the top secret stuff is more important actually).

    besides the obvious, such failures make it easier to fake such documents as they have real ones to analyse and model new ones after if protocol doesnt change or something else isnt.

    Some of the missing papers from the consulate are said to list names of Libyans who are working with Americans, putting them potentially at risk from extremist groups

    if this is true, then whats happening now is what happen in hue during tet.. they are being killed and tortured and without those lists we may not be able to even try to rescue them and remove them. but even if we did, they lose everything.

    According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and “lockdown”, under which movement is severely restricted.

    as i said… told to take the day off is a far cry from proper protocol…

    Eight Americans, some from the military, were wounded in the attack which claimed the lives of Mr Stevens, Sean Smith, an information officer, and two US Marines.

    Two Marines who were ordered to stand down, and may not have had bullets.

    they are just figuring out Hillary is wrong and its a planned attack. clue: lots o military weapons and coordination

  8. Charles,
    when i worked for great adventure i saw something similar, though i knew why i was seeing it, it was sure fun seeing the guests.

    The day i saw jesus fishing at great adventure…

    the back of great adventure is a lake. the lakes level is maintained by a dam, so it rarely changes. The company uses the lake (at least in the past) to move supplies around sometimes. but way back “clever” people would think that they could get in the park for free by boat from the lake.

    others just came to fish for large mouth, and crappie, and catfish (among a few others).

    well, its opening time and the crowd is lined up already, the sun is still golden and the lake looks like a mirror in a cereal commercial. the ride has started, and people are moving from the cues, up the stairs, and onto the deck to get their seat.

    suddenly, people are looking one way. hands go up, fingers point… this was pre photo cell phone days…(yes that long ago)

    they are looking at the lake, and who is there? Jesus has decided to go fishing. you cant really see his face but he has the face hair.. the fishing hat.. the waders… the fishing pole. and he is standing on the water in the middle of the lake.

    not only that, but he walks t the shore, baits his hook, and walks across the water from shore to the middle where he can cast well.

    it was the biggest attraction there for about half an hour, then he pulled his boat over to the middle of the lake, and stepped into it off the water like it was on land, it sloshed, he sat, and away he went never to be seen by me again…

    the park built a series of walls on that section of lake with openings. if you worked there, you knew where to go with your boat to navigate the walls. if you didnt, you would remove the bottom of your boat as the walls were one inch below the surface of the dam level.

    fishermen would come in, and get out and walk on the wall. which from where they were, they could see easily.

  9. How about this:

    The “Logistics” of Intelligence

    Almost three weeks after accepting his party’s nomination for President, Mr. Romney was yet to receive an intelligence briefing.

    Given the gravity of issues facing a prospective commander-in-chief, it has become customary for each party’s nominee to receive regular intelligence updates during the run-up to the fall election. In 2008, then-Senator Barack Obama received his first briefing just five days after accepting the Democratic nomination.

    So why hasn’t Mitt Romney received the same courtesy? According to a spokesman for the Director of National Intelligence, it’s a matter of “logistics.”

  10. Barack Obamination – NO

    Mitt Reconomy – YES

    It’s that simple. Journalists are destroying their way of life and future. You think they would evolve and grow but they stay stuck like neanderthals.

    I give fish. I no teach man to fish. I give birth control. I no teach able bodied man and woman responsibility for their activities.


  11. Texexec,

    I don’t twit or twat or tweet or twaught.


    The Msm would hyperventilate if Reconomy landslides on election day

  12. Eastwoods empty chair was a stroke of genius. There isn’t a day that has gone by where I haven’t thought of it.

    The empty chair has been applicable in so many stories I read.

  13. Perhaps bowing wasn’t a good idea?

    Perhaps leaders are the way they are because of how others behave, not how they behave?

    I am so glad this is the post racial post American colonialist, post bully on the block, and Michelle is proud… how you feeling?

    Now the only way this will work out for the side playing games, and really really not understanding how reality works…

    Discovering now that removing guards, weapons bullets, SDU forces, and so on, may have been a nice message to the masses, but it completely ignores that the masses are not a homogeneous group and that any action does not come from the mass, but from groups. whether spontaneously or preplanned.

    they are now giving speeches and its boiling down to this was policy of the political side of the two sided mission at such compounds.

    lets call it pomo metro-sexual feminist politics… because that is EXACTLY waht it is.

    i mean who would really think that paper tigers with no bullets and such things would “make a statement” like a pair of high heels makes a statement? like a binding piece of clothing can make you appear like something your not and thats good enough? which gender is more surface oriented? and which one is more substance oriented? As evidenced in their choices in this realm.

    Will we learn that there is a reason why our ancestors did certain things? and that the reason why prior states didn’t do what we are doing, is that when they did, they died out and we forgot them.

    science is just starting to learn that the stress, and other things we are subjecting pregnant women is causing defects and mental problems in the kids. so the old fashioned take care of her, value her, value the baby… had a reason, even if they couldn’t explain it in post modern scientific terms. How they normalized treating her like a plow horse and forcing her to work, drop her foal, and get back to the plow and call it liberation, is beyond me. (but dangerous that someone can think that way at the behest of others and decide strangers were their better friends than the people around them that loved them. why? because the strangers enabled what they thought would be ok to do, like driving off a cliff for the excitement)

    only people who put on costumes every day according to their moods to express the person they change to, would think that the world operates the same way, and that such statements work outside the inner world of their local society.

    they dont..

    this is why, primates living structures were always women in the middle and the men as the interface to the world… it creates an inner world which operates by other rules.

    ie. the inner world forbids violence, as attacking your own group is counter productive.

    ie. the outer world promotes violence, as attacking your enemy gives you gain, and the love of the best women…

    the past 40 years has been a long march convincing us that if we expand that inner world and connect them, you can push out the outer. ie, if the world is one big thing, then there is no more outside, and there is no more need to see that border.

    and so that is why women were put forward and they took to it… but their choices don’t work, nor does the men making choices from that framework to be pc (pc is controlled by feminism, and they started it… there are no more actresses… they erased the female, no?)

    but here is the problem.. you dont actually push it out and the world becomes one big happy. what you do is push it out and it appears inside.
    [edited for length by n-n]

  14. If that’s so, it’s only because the media would be unable to get a straight, coherent answer from Romney about what what he was trying to do in the first place.

  15. .

    }}}} focus on the way he wrinkled the man’s shirt.

    HALF of them would do this.

    The other half would wonder why it is he didn’t know how to operate a portable defibrillator.


  16. The other half would wonder why it is he didn’t know how to operate a portable defibrillator.

    And all of them would say that Romney would deny everyone the Constitutional right to walk around with his own portable defibrillator, supplied at government expense, a plank just added to the Democrat platform.

  17. A dear friend from childhood is a professor of journalism at a nearby university. She denies any liberal media bias, indeed she has declared it impossible, as the media is just a “collection of people.” She holds up NPR as the ideal of balanced journalism. She periodically sends me news items to get my conservative take on them (or to try to sway me IMO), so I was looking for a link to the press coordination story to send to her. I found nothing that wasn’t from a conservative news source. They simply did not report it.

    Watching Carney repeat ad nauseum that the riots were about the video, not US policy, made my head spin. Ministry of Truth indeed. Clinton just said it again in a speech she gave while meeting the caskets. Disgusting people.

    I’m not one to sit and wring my hands, but I admit to feeling anger and some despair. How do we fight this? I know it works too, as I have to listen to my CNN-viewing mom say, “Did you hear what Romney said?” There are millions out there like her. But I really don’t know what we can do to overcome it.

  18. Reminds me of a similar joke about Bush: W and some friends are out on a fishing boat. One of them falls overboard and is floundering. Bush climbs over the rail and walks on the water over to the drowning man, picks him up, and walks back to the boat carrying him over his shoulder. NY Times headline the next day: Bush Can’t Swim.

  19. sorry Gringo …

    there was more, and i had to rush out..
    the wh is playing both ends..
    they are all over the map and its obvious because of their compulsion to HAVE to say something.

    ie. hillary cant believe it happens
    next day, its a small group, and not man
    and the movie thing is just an excuse

    now, its a small planned military move,
    and the movie thing is the reason,
    which means they are not angry at america, its policies, and so on…

    or to make clear, and paraphrase the final scene of hitchkocks psycho

    see.. they are not really angry at us, they are angry at the movie man. we have great policies (did you see us bow?), they LOVE us, but hate film…

    [the final scene in psycho he is thinking how his catatonia and refusal to react to a fly shows them how safe he is]

    but as i said.. shut up, wait, make one good statement is the way leadership goes

    but they dont do that, as they have games having to do with getting your message out first. soooo, reflex kicks in and they got their message out first. in true sociopath form, they didnt get what normal people would get and so have to correct it… then corect it…

    now we are at the ridiculous level that anti american procests are not antiamerican, and its a move.

    meanwhile, i can tell them that they ARE angry at american policy. ie. the policy of america is not to interfere with free speech. they want the US to act and ignore that policy.

    so it IS a policy problem as they want the state to be different than it is. after all, if the movie was really the problem and the author was really the problem, its a lot cheaper to do to him what they did to that poor man in norway.

  20. Actually, those jokes date back to Reagan/Bush/Clinton.

    Clinton, newly elected, wanted to show that he had no problems working with Republicans, so he invited Reagan, and Bush (I) to go golfing with him. He also obtained some newly designed golf balls that would float, and suggested that, since none of them were expert golfers, that, if anything landed in the water and they believed it was still playable, they could choose to do so without any penalty stroke.

    So they proceeded to play a round, and, as they neared a hole with a particularly nasty water trap, it seemed likely that one or more of them would have to use that special rule.

    Reagan teed up, swung, and hooked it right into the middle of the water. It was quite visible there, about 25 feet off the edge of the water.

    Bush stepped up, swung, and he, too, hooked it right into the middle of the water. It sat there, about 20 feet from the edge, a short ways away from President Reagan’s ball.

    President Clinton sliced his, but landed near a narrow wedge of land right next to the water hazard, bounced off a tree root, and plop!! Right into the water about 10 feet from the edge.

    Clinton figured they’d all just have to take the penalty, but, to his surprise, Reagan just stepped out across the water to his ball, swung, and it landed right on the green about 2′ from the hole.

    To his dismay, President Bush also simply walked out on the water and, lining up his shot, swung, and his ball fell about 6′ away from the hole.

    Well, not about to be shown up by the other two, he started to walk out to his ball, but quickly sank to mid-thigh well before he got anywhere near his ball. He angrily stepped back onto the green, dropped his ball there, and took the penalty. In his frustration his shot wound up 25′ away from the hole, and when the hole was done, he was 3 strokes behind the other two.

    As they walked to the next green, Mr. Bush sidled over to Mr. Reagan, smiled, and quietly said, “So… do you think we should tell him about the stepping stones leading out into the water?”

    Reagan smiled at Bush, turned his head, and said, “There were stepping stones?”


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