Home » The Nobel Peace Prize Committee…


The Nobel Peace Prize Committee… — 10 Comments

  1. I’ll wager a bottle of Martell Cordon Bleu and an H. Upmann #2 cigar that within four years the Peace Prize will be awarded to the Religion of Peace.

  2. Neo, you are right…. I actually laughed out loud reading the first two sentences from the Nobel Committee. We seem to be a long ways away from the days when the likes of MLK being awarded the prize.

  3. George Pal offers a wager. I’ll call that a sucker’s bet. Do I look ugly and dumb?

    (Wait…don’t answer that.)

  4. Today war between Germany and France is unthinkable.

    There’s a first time for everything.

  5. “Today war between Germany and France is unthinkable.”

    It is unthinkable for what would they fight with baguettes and bratwurst? The Rhode Island National Guard could conquer Western Europe in 2 days!

  6. This is the best award since Time voted “Me” (and everyone else, under the guise of “You”) as the Person of the Year.

    Well, that, and the Peace Prize to Mr. Obama.

    Oh! and the Person of the Year Award to The Protester.

    and the Peace Prize to Yassir Arafat.

    and the Person of the Year prize to the Endangered Earth

    — you know what? nevermind I said anything.

  7. A Nobel Peace Prize for the most explosive idea since 1919: Putting multiple nations under the same political roof (a.k.a. multiculturalism). If I didn’t know of the consequences of that idea (Lebanon, Yugoslavia, Rwanda… a very, very long list), I’d be cracked up with laughter.

  8. Live richer and happier lives by living for others.
    He approached them through what he liked to call “preventive diplomacy”
    and while doing so sought to establish more independence and effectiveness in the post of Secretary-General
    itself. Relationships amongst people are difficult but they are
    oh, so valuable and rewarding.

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