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The third debate — 115 Comments

  1. As far as the Middle East, I don’t see much difference between the Republican and Democrat candidates on foreign policy only because their choices are constrained. Romney can perhaps tinker with the tone of public relations, but his subsantive choices can’t be different than Obama’s choices. The lynchpin of our next-stage ME foreign policy, that should have given us more ways to maneuver in the region, should have been a robust presence and influence in an Iraq finally on a constructive post-war track, but Obama fumbled that away. The ‘surge’ salvaged the post-war in Iraq, but Obama’s fumbling away Iraq to Iran is the most egregious failure of presidential foreign policy in my memory. So now, in the ME, Romney can’t do much more or differently than Obama is already doing.

    Romney can distinguish himself from Obama on the Americas and Asia, and the US economy as related to international relations, and those are the areas where I’d pay more attention.

  2. One thing that Romney can definitely do is to publicly align U.S. interests with Israel and reinforce the strained relationship. That would give the Islamic radicals some pause, I would think.

  3. LCC, that’s fine, but what would give the Islamic radicals is active US support to secular/liberal governments in the ME – a resurrection of Bush’s liberal Freedom Agenda. Again, an American-occupied Iraq should have been the region’s leader of this movement, but Obama fumbled it away.

  4. I’ll repost what I said in an earlier thread:

    In general, this is what I think Romney should do tonight:

    1. Only briefly summarize the timeline of Benghazi and exactly what the administration did and said. Use only non-debatable points. No questions to Obama.

    2. Be presidential…not petty as Obama is likely to be.

    3. Review all shortcomings of Obama foreign policy with emphasis on appearing weak.

    4. Tie foreign policy to strength of US economy. All the diplomacy in the world fails when USA is weak economically. When we are strong economically, foreign policy works just fine…eg. end of Cold War because we buried USSR with strong military based on strong USA economy and winning of WWII because of our economy (we had great tacticians but so did Japan and Germany). This approach plays to Romney strength and differentiates him from Obama.

    5. Stress that he can work with both Democrats and Republicans like he did in MA. This will be loved by independents.

    Here’s a great ad running now by Romney campaign:


  5. texexec says:
    “No questions to Obama.”

    I tend to agree. Obama, given a question, will simply go Bill Clinton and obfuscate some more.

    texexec says:
    “…briefly summarize the timeline of Benghazi and exactly what the administration did and said. Use only non-debatable points.
    Be presidential…not petty as Obama is likely to be.”

    Yes. This is exactly my thinking.

    However, having read Charlie Martin: http://is.gd/TGXybh I am starting to get a feeling: Romney can get the kill. Like a predator. Obama is limping, wobbling, injured prey. Romney can be efficient, factual, presidential, AND STILL GET THE KILL.

    I am starting to think of this evening as a gigantic opportunity for Romney; a rare opportunity. I am thinking Romney can be presidential AND get the kill. Obama is limping prey. Romney is a predator. Bain his ass.

  6. Bonus points if he brings up Honduras. Neo pointed it out a little while ago, but it’s worth mentioning. The Left likes saying we’re so interventionist and always telling everyone else in the world what to do (when we should really focus on nannying our own free citizens). But, he intervened in a Latin America country, opposed the democratic institutions that properly ruled, and aligned himself with a Chavez wannabe. That episode in itself should be disqualifying.

  7. I disagree with Eric. Obama’s foreign policy has been to hurt our friends and help our enemies. Instead of having Israel’s back, Obama stabbed it. From petty personal insults to Netanyahou to forcing Israel to make concessions to terrorists, he has been no friend of Israel. Romney is a friend of Israel.

    Obama backed the so-called Arab Spring, which turned out to be a revolution won by radical Islamists. Romney can’t undo those revolutions, but he can change them by backing their opponents, reducing aid, and championing the rights of Christians, women and minorities.

    Iraq is a problem because Obama wanted to be the President that ended the war. I want a president who wants to win wars. Romney will likely work hard to weaken Iran, which will reduce its influence in Iraq.

  8. I doubt there’s much Mitt could do to make the muslim countries like us less, considering how much they don’t appreciate what we’ve done for them to date.

  9. Rather than getting into a ground war over the Benghazi debacle, Mitt should stick to the broader theme, which is, for want of a better moniker, Obama’s Bizarro Planet foreign policy:

    Uh, me hurt friends (UK-Falkland Islands, Poland/ Czech Republic-missles, Mubarrak-Egypt, Kadaffi-Libya, Israel…)

    Uh, me say all-ee, all-ee in free and wars in Iraq and Afganistan all better now.

    Uh, me make Israel cornered and desperate, so they think attacking first is their only chance.

    Uh, me help overthrow governments that are helping us. (Col Kadafi-Libya, Mubarrak-Egypt)

    Uh, me help enemies (Iran-so called Green Revolution, Libya-Islamic fundamentalists, Egypt-Moslem Brotherhood…)

    Uh, me make every dictator in the world want WMDs more than ever, so they don’t end up like Colonel Kadafi

    Uh, me double-cross leaders who trust us, me show world handshake with USA worth nothing.

    Uh, vote for me. Me incompetent fool.

  10. I believe that Romney, when asked for a “plan” could seriously say:
    “I have principles that will guide our (not my) foreign policy.
    And compared to my opponent, anything I do will be better.”

  11. I was very nervous before the first debate, a little less nervous before last week’s, and comparatively calm about this week’s. The one unknown in the debate is what Obama will do, how he will act, what lies he will tell. I take it as a given that it will be another two-against-one debate, with the moderator and Obama tag-teaming against Romney.

    But after the first two debates, I know that Romney is an incredibly consistent performer. He will make a lot of good points, he will relate back to his campaign themes, and get in some good hits on Obama. He will come across as measured and competent and professional. Regardless of how the media tries to spin the debate, I know that chances are excellent he is going to be the one who seems most presidential.

    What’s interesting is that I think lots of folks aren’t too interested in this debate anymore, either. I think Dorothy Rabinowitz described the whole situation pretty well in this article. With the first debate having exposed Obama as the naked emperor, Romney can score more points in the later debates, but I think he benefits by just coming across as consistently and strongly as he already has.

  12. neo,

    A family event is a very good reason for missing the debate. How is your mother fairing?

  13. Romney is a planner and will go into the debate with a game plan which is intended to put BHO back on his heels and defensive. Unless Schieffer vigorously blocks for BHO I think Romney will score points with those still looking for a reason to vote and who to vote for.

  14. I really hope Mitt brings up Donorgate. Even if it’s not SUPER relevant to the discussion at hand. Just put it out there, Mitt; make Obama (and the moderator) have to wiggle out of it and it becomes an issue.

  15. We’ll watch the debate tonight, although for my daughter and I, it’s a matter of academic interest. Today was the first day of early voting in Texas, and we went down to the public library which is the usual early-voting venue. The parking lot was jammed, the line was pretty long – although it moved quite briskly. Added to our embarrassment, though – the one of our three or four neighbors who has an Obama sign in his yard was immediatly before us in line. (He also has a rather nasty home-made anti-Tea Party bumper sticker on his truck.) But he and is wife are nice people, good neighbors – as are the other two or three neighbors with Obama signs in their yards. The Romney-Ryan signs outnumber them by a factor of four or five, although there are a fair scattering of signs for the Democrat Party senatorial nominee.
    We made polite conversation, in line. I don’t wear my Tea Party affiliation on my sleeve (or in my yard or on my vehicle) so I don’t believe he knows how we feel.
    If the regular polling places are gonna be as swamped as the early voting place was … it is, as they say, going to be interesting. As in car-wreck-on-the-interstate interesting.

  16. People.

    Earlier on in the Obama administration without an authorization of force or declaration of war Obama had planes in the air bombing Libya.

    Obama is DIRECTLY responsible for the situation we are in.

    The press is trying to turn it into Romney is a war mongerer or whatever

  17. I’ve gotten to the point where the sight of Obama attempting to speak with presidential authority makes me want to throw objects at my TV screen.

    Points to Romney for bringing up Mali.

    Memo to Obama: The “policies of the 1980s” put an end to the Soviet Union and brought down the Berlin Wall. We could use a little of that kind of strength now.

  18. I wish Romney was expressing more criticism of Obama’s foreign policies.

    He’s letting Obama attack him with lying assertions without rebutting them.

    Still early, so hopefully Romney will gain some more steam.

  19. Who can listen to Obama and not hear the lowering of sea levels in every comment? WTH is wrong with people that even take him seriously?

  20. Somehow, the debate on foreign policy has turned into a balanced budget debate, at least for a little while. Shows some control by Mitt. Obama seems to be rambling and making superb statements like “we have this things called aircraft carriers where planes land on them.”

    Uhh, yeahhh.

  21. Israel is our true friend. Statement by Obama.

    Will Romney un-Grandpa and go alpha male?

    Stay tuned.

  22. Interesting. No alpha male tonight. Grandpa Romney agrees with Obama. He’s merely stepped behind him and shoved him out of line.

    Obama looks like the Grinch.

    Obama rambling again. It’s kind of boring.

    Mr. President, please introduce the appropriation bill to the supplemental committee on reparations to all aggreived persons ever.

  23. Boring. Romney strikes back. Boring.

    Obama. While we were doing this, you (Romney) were still invested in a thing a poo that did bad things, bad things.

    This thing couldn’t get more boring and arguing a less clear point.

    Viewers must be in the fetal position by now.

  24. With the split screen it shows Obama as jutting his face out again – with that , “I’m in your face whatcha gonna do about it punk” look ever time Romney talks. Gawd, how I hate this jerk!

    I need to change the channel and watch “Upstairs Downstairs” instead of this . . .

  25. The President of the United States has stood on the right side of Israel. –Obama

    And I’m damned if I’ll allow another view on the subject.

  26. The President received a letter from 38 Democrats . . . a shot by Romney referring to Obama’s dis of Israel. Good point. Yawn.

    Hmmm. Still boring. No point being made. If I am a young, single woman, I have definitely turned the channel.

  27. Rambling again.

    Obama debate 1: Gone.

    Obama debate 2: Rabid.

    Obama debate 3: Boring.

    Conclusion: Dead. Dead. Dead.

  28. Romney is debating a mayor of Chicago. God rid us of this huge mistake of a corrupt manchild in a few short months.

  29. What is going on here. First rule of war. Shitz yu. Sit down and figure out what is going on before you act.

    Stupid, hunh. How much time do you have when bullets are flying?

    I’m sure that it wasn’t Romney strategy to engage Obama as a want-to-be professor, but that is what he has done and this debate is nothing less than an evening at some professor’s table after too much dinner and wine.

  30. The side by side screen has given the election to Romney. It ain’t fair, but it makes up for Nixon’s five o’clock shadow, so I guess it is fair, or isn’t it.

  31. One thing just occurred to me.

    Romney is hosting a wide arrange of topics with ease.

    He doesn’t look like a knuckle dragging war mongerer.

    That is positive to the moms and dads in America.

    We are not all Daniel Pipes.

  32. “Poh-kiss-tahn” made me laugh out loud. And what is with that stupid basketball hand movement?! Every time Obama speaks he looks like he’s trying to dribble a basketball.

  33. Uninstalling Obama . . . . . █████████████▒▒▒ 90% complete.

  34. I left the debate after the first hour.

    Romney missed so many chances to “tune up” the obummer on his failure to protect this country, and Israel.

    Romney may have lost the election tonight, although we all must vote for him.

    Sad times….

  35. It may be wise strategically but Romney’s being way to agreeable to suit me. I want him to draw blood,dammit!

  36. Romney would have to throw up on Bob Schiefer to lose this election. And that would depend on what he ate for dinner.

  37. More boring rambling by Obama.

    Ironic, isn’t it?

    The American woman (politic) does nothing as immeasureably harmful as find someone boring.

    Young woman: I’ve started to find even ‘HIS’ voice grating, disturbing, even loathsome. “He” will not be in my facebook. (I tried to use the correct vernacular. But, what I remembered was “social register” so please, bury me before I start farting dust.)

  38. Obama is simultaneously boring, condescending, and pouting while the lands of Islam flame radical. “4 dead in Benghazi, Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood coming, Israel is finally on its own.” IMO this debate is a wash. Fortunately, its down to the economy stupid and the ubiquitous direction of the country. On those issues Romney will win.

  39. Woof. Obama says “if we had taken your advice,
    Gov. Romney, we would have been buying cars from China.”

    By this time no one is listening but that is just the like the asshole talking instead of the mouth-hole. Whew! Romeny, the original cars guy, would want to cede car production to China.

    Romney replies. This is what he knows.


    Still boring.

    Give the country to Grandpa. The AA Prez is fun but poopy in the end.

    This message has been brought to you be the two year olds of America. Vote Romney.

  40. Romney, “I’m still speaking”


    Romney, “The policies of the last 4 years”.


    Romney, “47 million people on food stamps”


    Romney, “I met a young woman in Philadelphia who just got out of college and cant’ find work”

  41. Romney: the swamp where goodness of intention and integrity of procedure drown and silence the putridness of poison and the noxiousness of nothingness.

    Obama’s closing statement: Totally rehearsed and out of balance against what has occurred-as if anyone were listening.

    Okay, if there is a time to spark, now it, Mitt:

  42. Obama has a plan.


    Obama wants to ask the wealthy to do a little more.


    Obama: I promise I will always listen to your voices.

    (except when you say, I won!)

  43. I’m optimistic about the future. (Reagan)

    The paths of the two economies and the President’s path “means 20 million people struggling out of work.”

    Work across the aisle.


    Can it be.

    That a call to unity will work.

    I’ll lead you in an honest way. I ask for your vote.

    And the end of the third debate strongly in favor of a man who, although boring, is trustworthy and loveable.

    It’s done, I think.

  44. Another one in which supporters of each will say their guy one. And which the MSM will award to Obama.

    Romney is missing opportunities — seemingly deliberately, but it’s driving me crazy! He’s had so many opportunities & passes every time. For example, Obama mentioned we supported the leadership of Egypt. All Romney had to say was, you mean YOU supported the head of the Muslim Brotherhood The very same Muslim Brotherhood whose mission statement is to destroy Jews & Israel. You know, Mr. President, that country you claim to be our great ally — when it convniently serves your purpose. And when it doesn’t, you show what you really believe.

    Romney could easily have used endless examples of the president’s insincerity, distracting comments from subject at hand, and obtuseness and lack of transparency (since Romney can’t bear to call Obama the liar he is…)

    I don’t know how Romney believes he’s standing above any fray when repeated history shows us that Obama scores more points when he attacks — no matter how just plain wrong he is (I believe deliberately so.)

  45. Neo,

    Here is Mitt’s Op Ed in the Ny Times about the auto bailout


    “A managed bankruptcy may be the only path to the fundamental restructuring the industry needs. It would permit the companies to shed excess labor, pension and real estate costs. The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk. ”

  46. Steven Hayes: Wonders how Obama’s lines worked against the people at home.

    Steven talking about Obama:
    “Downright disrespectful”
    “Risks being viewed as unpresidential’

  47. Chris Wallace is replaying the condescending moment where Obama talks about having fewer horses and bayonets

  48. Commentators say “I think he looked in command.”



    Could it still be close.

    Well, I wouldn’t dismiss Neo’s prediction. So get out and vote and get out and true the vote and open your wallet and believe, damn you, believe.

  49. Chris Wallace just mentioned the NY Times op ed where Romney had the record correct (according to Chris)

  50. Romney was just awful. He smirked. He agreed with Obama more often than not. He stuttered too often. Meanwhile, Obama lied over and over again, and Romney let him do it. Romney seemed determined to leave no daylight between himself and Obama.

    Perhaps that was the strategy. Obama has lost on the economy; he needed to win on foreign policy and Romney negated that by agreeing with Obama most of the time.

  51. I guess it’s a matter of perception, Pat. What you perceived as a “smirk” I perceived as a calm, confident expression, as though Romney were an adult watching a child and thinking “you foolish boy, how you do go on.”.

  52. Pat,
    I disagree. That’s an extremely negative view of Romney’s performance.

    Yes Obama lied.

    Yes he agreed with Obama a lot.

    There was some very key moments for Romney and there was the view that Romney did seem to be able to discuss a wide variety of foreign policy topics with ease and without looking like a saber rattler.

  53. DWS, the starfish who sucks bacteria, burgeons the fat shot while the real fat beautiful black woman wipes her brow.

    Damn, don’t they realize how many white conservative males respect them and think they would make a great head of household?

  54. Bak,

    Here is teh Won: Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

    Give to those who respect his name the same respect we should give to the “prophet of mohammad:’ nothing. nothing. nothing.

    We will not GIVE!

  55. Baklava,I wrote that in response to your 10:26 comment, …people are not stupid…the implication is that you were away on vacation with orders not to be disturbed when Obama was elected President and is running a too close to call re-election campaign. Both seem to argue against that the “people are not stupid” comment.

    How’s this as a qualification, ‘some people are not stupid, others think a $16,000,000 debt is funny and Al-Qaeda would no longer exist but for our Islamophobic racism.’

  56. What is the one thing a candidate can do wrong?

    Be boring.

    Romney knew that the burden of proof was not upon him but upon Obama.

  57. Uninstalling Obama █████████████▒▒ 95% complete

  58. Wow. Obama supporters are unbelievably disconnected in this panel and angry.

    They drove this Romney supporting woman crazy.

  59. It’s gone. As it should be. Obama’s lead and imaginary love.

    We never loved him as much as he said. Not him. Maybe what he demanded was right, but then that demand is much to much given all our hurt and pain.

  60. The funny thing about viewers is they impose some sort of expectation on what Romney should’ve said.

    I grade Romney on what he did say and how he said it.

    He was not petulant Obama. He didn’t make stone cold lies (like the one Obama made about Romney’s position on the auto industry). He was as Marco Rubio just said, “the only one on the stage that looked presidential”

  61. Wow, Pat.

    This is weird, because I agree with Krauthammer that Romney decisively won tonight, unlike in the second debate.

    However, after watching Luntz’s Dunces, it looks like that’s not the general perception. They thought he killed on the economy, and Obama killed on foreign policy (!!!). Leave it to the morons from my home state to provide a circus-show.

    I didn’t see Romney smirking at all. I saw Obama with steam emitting from his ears on several occasions, but that’s it. Romney was calm. He talked “around” the debate and aimed straight at those whose votes he needs to win.

    Did It work? I have no clue. It’s just what I saw. If people think Obama showed great foreign policy chops tonight, I cannot help them. No one can.

  62. Ok, I guess.

    I was really hoping Gov. Romney would lower the boom on those occasions where Mr. Obama stepped into Romney’s wheelhouse: job creation/maintenance.

    I wanted Romney to respond just once (say, after Mr. Obama was waxing eloquent on how to deal with China’s trade imbalance, or creating jobs via exports): “Mr. Obama, I will put my job creation record up against yours any day of the week.”


  63. Wrong BHO: “The Marines still use bayonets.” And 50 Marines in Benghazi would have easily won the day.

  64. kolnai at 11:27 p.m.–I think you have an excellent take on the debate. Personally, I was disappointed that Romney wasn’t more aggressive and that he didn’t go for “the kill” when he could have by hitting Obama hard about numerous issues. But the talking heads afterward were saying that was not his strategy, and that corresponded with what I observed while watching the debate. I was watching at a Romney campaign office near my house, and two of the people in the office were Romney staffers who recently relocated here from Boston to help with the campaign here. One of them was point out every time Romney hit on his strongest campaign points; the other was worried about the women’s vote, so she became a little anxious when things became too contentious, fearing it might alienate women voters.

    Partly with that in mind, Romney managed to lure Obama into a few big tactical traps. For one thing, Obama couldn’t resist being nasty and snarky at times, and as Kolnai said above, it was easy to see when he was getting mad. Obama would look at Obama much of the time, but then he would get really mad and look at Bob Schieffer and act impatient and irritated. I think those were little points scored by Romney because they made Obama look petty and thin-skinned.

    One of Obama’s worst lines will be loved by his base, but it made him look insufferably arrogant and condescending: it was the one about the navy now having things called aircraft carriers and the marines no longer using bayonets (which, I just heard someone on TV say they actually still use on occasion).

    Another major tactical error for Obama was when he claimed that Romney wanted GM to go bankrupt. Romney correctly explained what his column said, which Baklava has quoted above. Obama denied it, and said “check the record,” and apparently, twitter exploded with people doing that and pointing out that Obama was lying about what Romney had said.

    Romney just had to appear presidential and like a potential Commander-in-Chief, and he did both of those things. Obama seemed stronger in the first part of the debate, and less so as it went on and Romney got under his skin.

    So while it may not have been what Pat or I wanted to see from Romney tonight, it appears to be a tactical win for him.

  65. This inquiring mind wants to know:

    Why is it pronounced Pahh-Kee-Stahhn,

    but not Ahhf-Gahh-Nee-Stahhn??

  66. Hell yes, the Marines still use bayonets. See my above link–that’s a soldier in Iraq, by the way.

    And for what it’s worth, submarines aren’t considered “ships,” they are “boats.” If Obama’s going to attempt to talk about the military he might want to get the details correct, unless he likes sounding as ignorant as he actually is.

  67. You want that wow moment?

    Pay attention. This was a huge hit for me.


    What Mitt did there he did without looking foolish, without looking like a loose cannon. He did it with class and boringly but it is up to us to see that hit and take a deep breath people.

    Obama’s response was weak and didn’t respond to Mitt’s assertion.

  68. What????

    Debbie Wasserman Shultz just said that Mitt didn’t bring up Israel once. Baghdad Debbie!

  69. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s thought processes are impaired due to oxygen deprivation. It’s tough to get enough oxygen when you can’t pull your head out of…

  70. Missed the debate for a family affair. The reference to submarines may have made sense, but in a foreign policy debate my take is that it was probably stupid.

    i am retired Navy. I was not a submariner. But, anyone who knows spit knows that submarines are not instruments of foreign policy. They are serious strategic weapons, but until the big balloon goes up, they are neither seen nor heard. Aircraft carriers are instruments of foreign policy. The can be seen, they are frequently seen in tense parts of the world, and they send a message of POWER.

    Of course most folks would not react that way, so maybe Obama was actually clever. Although I seriously doubt it.

  71. Pingback:GayPatriot » Reader’s reflection: 3rd debate tactical victory for Romney

  72. A colleague pointed this out: anyone else see it?

    “Did you notice that CNN had a giant photograph of Mao Tse Tung in the backdrop during one of CNN’s post-debate comment shows tonight?”

    Fifty million dead? “Oh,” says CNN, “they’re all Orientals: who cares?”

    I confess I couldn’t bring myself to watch yet. I want to see Romney go Berserker on his butt, but I’m afraid that doesn’t sort with the blasted debate tactics.

    But if I could ask R&R just ONE thing, it would be this — please use the bully pulpit to Speak Up for America again! NO one has done it since Reagan, for crying out loud. It won’t do us a lick of good to win this election and lose the battle for the hearts and minds of America’s citizens.

  73. Baklava: I watched that clip, and I can’t agree with you. Romney made a good start, but then the Obamanation started bloviating, with the patented Serious and Sincere look, and I thought, “he just set the hook in the mouth of the liberal ‘Jews’ with that Yad Vashem bit.” And for anyone who doesn’t follow events, he sounded very convincing.

    This guy’s persuasive powers are, on an emotional level, quite formidable. And he’s a helluva good liar. We underestimate him at our peril. He is a silver-tongued bastard.

  74. beverly –

    I agree with you. Obama is, in our time and place, the ideal politician. Immunized from demonization, with a voice and intonation that smacks of the cool reasonableness of the lecture hall, with just enough knee-jerk leftism to sound to people like he genuinely cares – the man simply has carte blanche. He can say anything – anything – and get away unscathed.

    One of the things I wish Romney would have done at some point is call Obama on his incessant resorting to the Strawman Fallacy. Obama has no other rhetorical mode. It all boils down to the strawman. Without it, he is lost, adrift in an ocean of “uhhh”s, “aaaaand”s, and hollow platitudes.

    Accordingly, he always tells Romney what ROMNEY said and meant on such and such occasion, what ROMNEY’S “philosophy” is, summarizing the great conflict of visions like the wannabe intellectual he is. And these summaries are, one and all, complete and utter howlers.

    Example – Tonight, Obama kept taking Romney’s stated positions on when to intervene in some country and saying, “Yeah, he agrees we should have intervened, but his position is that we should have done it RASHLY and PREMATURELY.”

    Are you kidding me? He gets away with this?

    Obama – let’s be “clear,” to use one of his favorite words – is asking us to believe the following: Romney’s philosophy on intervention is that we should always do so rashly and prematurely. Obama states that this is Romney’s “view.”

    On economics? Romney’s “view” is that the richest Americans should inherit the earth while everyone else rots in Hoovervilles and binders and whatever. Note that Obama doesn’t say that this is an unfortunate result of Romney’s views. He almost always says that this IS Romney’s view, as in, it is what he INTENDS to happen, what he believes is right and proper.

    Romney should have called him on this, because people don’t notice it unless it’s noted explicitly. Just saying, “What Obama said about me is wrong,” is not good enough. Pointing out that the man is simply cognitively incapable of seeing objectively any other viewpoint aside from his own (not that he can see that objectively) was the way to go.

    This kind of retort is a rhetorical lancing, in that it cuts through every layer of Obama’s B.S. like warm butter. It implicates his mind-state, his view of other Americans, his ability to grapple with foreign leaders and unfamiliar circumstances in general… It casts a spotlight on it, calling attention to an Achilles’s Heel of Obama’s – viz., the fact that he lives in a narrow, narrow little world. A small man, small-minded and myopic.

    I could go on, but what’s the point? Obama is the golden child, protected from on high by our betters in the media and elsewhere, and by the emotional and mental flaccidity of too many of our fellow citizens.

  75. I think Romney did fine in this debate.

    Romney is a very results oriented guy. He understands how to formulate an objective and is good at achieving it.

    His objective last night was to get independent votes and to bite into the usual Democrat advantage with women…not to score points like a high school debate.

    I think he achieved that:

    1. He avoided being labeled as a warmonger which is a recent theme of the Obama campaign.

    2. He seemed calm and presidential, especially in the latter part of the debate. Obama simply doesn’t know how to disagree with someone without a snarky look on his face.

    3. He got in a few good licks about our relationship with Israel and Obama’s lack of support for the Iranian uprising.

    4. He kept emphasizing that we must have a strong economy (his strength and what this election is all about) to lead the world from a position of strength.

    5. He wasn’t combative…women don’t like that.

    6. In his final statement he emphasized his record of working with Democrats in MA. This has a STRONG appeal to independents…and almost everyone else for that matter. Bringing people together was one the the most appealing things Obama said he’d do in the 2008 campaign. Of course, he didn’t do it…big time.

  76. Folks — don’t worry about how Mitt came off in terms of your standards. You are HIGH information voters. Your brain is wired entirely differently from that of the LOW information voter that is now up for grabs.

    These Americans do not follow politics/ world events/ news, etc.

    That’s why they’re the undecided voter.

    Informed voters are locked up by now. And overwhelmingly they are against the incumbent. ( c.f. the Peanut )

    To WOO the low information voter one does not us argumentation / logic / facts…

    Instead, these voters are won over by SOCIAL PROOF and emotional comfort.


    THAT’S why Mitt does not rip the Wan to shreds with debate points and why Bengazhigate and Donorgate don’t dominate Mitt’s speech.


    As for Social Proof: Mitt needs to mimic the 2008 campaign and stuff many, many more single females into his campaign imagery.

    He needs Romney girl.


    Mitt’s chronic retread of our economic woes works because the Wan can’t spin his way past the unemployed.

    They’re going to move all of the swing states into the anti-0 column.

    Just ask the Peanut how that works out.

  77. I guess I’m alone in thinking that Romney did not do very well in this debate. The low point was when he tried to talk about the Navy and Obama nailed him (justly, in my opinion) with the bayonets and horses line. I hate Obama, but if Romney is going to open the door for him, I can’t fault Obama for walking through it.

    I’m feeling more and more torn as time passes. The reelection of Obama would mean 4 more years of waste, malaise and leftist “infection”. On the other hand, Romney’s election is about the worse thing that could happen to the GOP and the conservative movement. It could hold us back for the next 20 years. I’m still voting for Romney, but wow this is the toughest choice I’ve ever had to make.

  78. Also, what exactly did Romney mean when said that Syria was Iran’s “route to the sea”? I don’t get it.

  79. “The low point was when he tried to talk about the Navy and Obama nailed him (justly, in my opinion) with the bayonets and horses line.”

    Au contraire, the messiah showed he is not aware that horses and bayonets are still in use, as circumstances dictate.

    “Also, what exactly did Romney mean when said that Syria was Iran’s “route to the sea”? I don’t get it.”

    The Mediterranean, otherwise known as the underbelly of Europe and the gateway to North Africa.

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