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Why don’t they… — 25 Comments

  1. Well that would discourage other 3rd world dictators from even trying to compete.

    On a similar subject, one of FOX News guests quipped about Chris Matthews’ recent video love letter to Obama : “I think Chris would love to bear Barack Obama’s next child if he could”.

  2. There’s less to see here than we might initially think. Presidents and other government figures are frequently named; Bush 43 was named twice, as was Clinton, as was Reagan.

  3. The One has already been referred to as “our lord and savior” in a supposed camp meeting “joke” that was met with literalistic acclaim instead of laughter.

    What then is the point of such a mundane honor as “Person of the Century”?

    Hell, mortals such as Lenin or Attilla are the common material from which persons of the century are made.

    This calls for more. A veiled throne at the United nations perhaps? The modest title of “Princeps Mundi”?

    National Churches adorned with a uniformed “honor guards” of children rhythmically chanting his praises, ex-catholic priests striding about the sanctuary fervently getting on their rap, choirs of liberal male eunuchs twittering from above – none of it would surprise me in the least.

    In fact we may have already witnessed it.

  4. David Axelrod would have been the better choice. He is the Svengali that put together a campaign of distortion, trivia, outright lies, and a very effective get out the vote effort which resulted in Obama’s startling re-election. A mediocre, bombastic man with no record of accomplishment was turned into a winning candidate. Now that’s a “man of the year” accomplishment.

  5. Geoffrey Britain – surely you jest! A leader of this magnitude, the first president of the world deserves a much larger canvas – perhaps his own mountain…Everest? I hardly think that it would be fitting for his visage to be along side the rest of the pedestrian cretins on such a provincial stage.
    A great pyramid with a Barack-like Sphyinx would also be a nice tribute; perhaps something just outside Las Vegas?

  6. southpaw,

    “A leader of this magnitude, the first president of the world deserves a much larger canvas — perhaps his own mountain”

    Already done.

    Anybody here read The Wave? It’s a book about a history teacher who performs a social experiment on his students by forming them into a pseudo-militia. Without weapons, but all else the same. The teacher himself ends up surprised at the force of his experiment.

    It’s a human thing to follow leaders so as to bask in their glory. I think Winston Churchill had a good point about the abolition of German monarchy in 1919 paving the way for a much worse dictator–monarch in all but name–to fill that void. Britain’s royals look thrifty compared to the O and his wife’s spending habits, both national and personal (oh wait, same thing). To see it reach the very top in America is nothing short of creepy, though.

  7. Soon, this grifter and his wife are going to have their very own Federal holiday in my opinion. Assuming, just for the moment that he doesn’t follow after his hero Napoleon and crown himself he shall eventually go the way of all men: dust to dust, ashes to ashes.

    Think of the joy your children and grand children shall have in celebrating Dear Leader Obama’s birthday! Then of course there is another assumption involved herein – that their foreman will allow them leave from hoeing the turnip fields to attend the festivities.

  8. [i]David Axelrod would have been the better choice.[/i]

    My candidate is the worst person on the planet, our friend George Soros.

  9. Ziontruth wrote “To see it reach the very top in America is nothing short of creepy, though.”

    “Creepy” is a useful word in describing these times. Such as in “it looks like the “creep”show called history caught up with the US”. With luck Obama’s creepy presidency will be such an obvious disaster, that even the media will not be able to rationalize it away. Then maybe some sort of mass revelation will take the place of mass adolescence.

    I still remember, now with less denial, Obama’s coronation in 2008. The more I think it the more it fills me with horror. That sort of thing was not supposed to happen here.

    This should be repeated with every discussion of Obama; any creepy psycho could have played the part of Obama, he just wandered onto the stage at he right time, the sheep wanted a shepherd and he offered them one. That is very creepy.

    As regards “man of the year”, I was rooting for Sandra Fluke. Maybe next year.

  10. The deification will continue until morale improves.

    The Wan is a walking, talking,unitary, exemplar of National Solipsism.

    Nothing more need be said — but — will be anyway.

  11. First prez to vote 3 times in the illinois senate to render no medical assistance to a baby born alive in a botched abortion. I believe he is an atheist otherwise he needs to reconcile his vote or lose his immortal soul. So really how exalted does it make him ?

  12. southpaw Says:

    December 20th, 2012 at 12:53 pm

    Geoffrey Britain — surely you jest! A leader of this magnitude, the first president of the world deserves a much larger canvas — perhaps his own mountain…Everest? I hardly think that it would be fitting for his visage to be along side the rest of the pedestrian cretins on such a provincial stage.
    A great pyramid with a Barack-like Sphyinx would also be a nice tribute; perhaps something just outside Las Vegas?”

    “Jest”? Surely YOU jest.

    In jesting you mock.

    In mocking you undermine.

    Wrecker! Your name and attitude have been noted.

    Expect to find yourself quarrying the stone that will glorify his mighty name!

  13. Ok, perhaps southpaw is right. Giving it a bit more thought, there is a more suitable site. Olympus Mons awaits The Wan, the tallest and biggest mountain in the entire solar system. A fitting tribute.

    For a comparison to a mere foothill like Mt. Everest see here.

  14. Oh come on people, we need to erect a gold plated 100 foot statue of the messiah in every city, town, and village in the land. Boehner needs to pass this appropriation asap. And for good measure, and to further stimulate the economy, we need a mandate to require every citizen be tattooed on their forehead with the holy name OBAMA. Just call it a tax.

  15. DNW –
    I lost myself f for a moment. I shall endeavor to beg forgiveness at the feet of his highness.
    Perhaps I can atone for my insolence at Ziontruth’s Mt Barack, and offer one of my sons unto Him.

  16. It’s so common as to be cliche and boring for a re-elected incumbent president to be named Person of the Year. Reagan and W Bush were both POY twice, once when they were elected the first time, and once when they were re-elected in the case if Reagan, or otherwise became President, as for W.
    Bill Clinton was also POY twice, sort of, second time being not s re-election but when he was impeached.

    Nothing to see here.

  17. “and merely plated? Off with your head!”

    With gold above $1,600 even Uncle Ben can not digitalize enough USD to buy all the gold in the world to make those statues solid gold. No worries, BHO is all about appearances anyway. 😉

  18. “Person of the Century”?

    Nope, cannot do that – Obama is half WHITE. They will wait for a FULL black person to be President , then they will use person of the century.

  19. “southpaw Says:
    December 20th, 2012 at 8:40 pm
    DNW —
    I lost myself f for a moment. I shall endeavor to beg forgiveness at the feet of his highness.
    Perhaps I can atone for my insolence at Ziontruth’s Mt Barack, and offer one of my sons unto Him.”


    That’s much better.

    Know that the old law of negative liberty is cruel. It demands that you stand on your own two feet.

    Barak however, is a kind God, he requires only that you … http://www.metacafe.com/watch/an-AOE_4t7YthJ7m/300_2006_the_kind_king/

    Sorry … crap movie, but I couldn’t help referencing it …

  20. ” …the nation, me….”

    Obama, in the debate October 22, 2012.

    Where, in the name of all that’s holy, is the damned media??

    And: Molly NH Says:
    December 20th, 2012 at 5:55 pm
    “First prez to vote 3 times in the illinois senate to render no medical assistance to a baby born alive in a botched abortion. I believe he is an atheist otherwise he needs to reconcile his vote or lose his immortal soul. ”

    Hmm, who here does NOT think that this man has already sold his soul to get this kind of power and adulation? Let’s see a show of hands.

    Has there been a person in history so vilified during his lifetime as President Bush?

    Has there been a person in history so worshipped during his own lifetime as this POTUS?

    Frankly, it is terrifying. Imagine the condition of this man’s psyche (if he should still possess a soul), his ego? This adoration is unnatural. This is mythic, ala Icarus. Only, there may be no fall. Scary.

  21. Century is not yet over. There are still plenty of chances for a Caligula or Nero to top the excesses of the Emperor Founder.

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