Home » Literary Emilys and their dogs


Literary Emilys and their dogs — 22 Comments

  1. Have you read “Lives Like Loaded Guns”, by Lyndall Gordon? You’d probably love it, and it gives a greater sense of Dickinson as a person with friends, and interests, and human interactions than the recluse she’s typically portrayed as.

  2. That’s a heck of a “sketch”. Looks like Emily Bronte could have been a notable artist if she hadn’t chosen to be a writer instead.

  3. A startling, even scary, microportrait:
    Higginson ‘also felt that he never was “with any one who drained my nerve power so much. Without touching her, she drew from me. I am glad not to live near her.’

  4. It is interesting, though – that writers are commonly supposed to be ‘cat’ people. It is interesting and curious that the Emilies were devoted dog people. It might very well be credible as a theory that Emily Dickenson was kept in the world by her dog.
    I have a number of cats, of whom I am very fond, and they are very, very lovable … but oddly enough, it is the dogs that I have amused myself by putting into my books as characters.

  5. Somewhere in her letters she says that dogs are better companions than people, “because they know, but do not say.”

    And when her dog passed away, she wrote one of her most striking letters to Higginson: “Carlo died. Would you instruct me now?”

  6. An English poet whose name I forget wrote:

    Jane Austin
    Kept her legs crossed in
    Contrast to Emily Bronte
    Who displayed the full Monte.

  7. Sgt Mom:
    Could you expound on your observation “that writers are commonly supposed to be ‘cat’ people”?

    One of the best horror movies I ever saw was “The Cat People”, a Euro B+W from the 1930s, IIRC, I have it on videotape but have no VCR player.

  8. }}} I imagined her dressed all in flowing white


    Have you READ her stuff? “Flowing dark GREY” seems far more suitable…


    I grant, we reserve “Flowing BLACK” for Sylvia Plath, but Dickinson, much as I like her, is not what I think of as “upbeat”.

  9. P.S., this is irrelevant:
    …she was rarely seen, and when she was, she was usually clothed in white. …

    Grey suits the imagery far better.

    Yes, my imagination gets to use poetic license when it comes to poets

    Kinda… poetic, innit?

  10. }}} IIRC, I have it on videotape but have no VCR player.

    a) I presume you refer to this movie?
    Cat People (1942)

    b) Three options:
    I) Buy a cheap VCR. Yes, they still make them. Prob. 30-40 bucks. Silly if this is the only Video tape you want to watch.
    II) Pay a service to convert it to DVD. Silly given item III.
    III) Get it for under $20 on DVD from Amazon
    Not only do you get Cat People but the sequel and a number of other films by the same producer, Val Lewton, with something from Martin Scorcese about him. Apparently Scorcese thinks well of him.

    Note: ignore the “Shannon Tweed, etc.”, product data — obviously in error — and read the reviews, it’s clear this includes almost certainly the movie you refer to.


  11. Hmmm…. some notes about dogs:

    “I loathe people who keep dogs. They are cowards who haven’t got the guts to bite people themselves.”
    – August Strindberg –

    “Cats are smarter than dogs. You can’t get eight cats to pull a sled through the snow.”
    – Jeff Valdez –

    THIS, I believe, encapsulates a large part of Emily’s approval of dogs as companions (as well as that of many others with similar tastes):

    “The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself, too.”
    – Samuel Butler –

    “Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.”
    – Mark Twain –

    An observation which I believe is relevant to what’s wrong with this society:

    “You know that scene [in ‘In the Line of Fire’] where he [John Malkovich] kills the two women? Well, he [Malkovich] also wanted to kill their dog. But you know, you can’t do this. You can slaughter all the people you want [in a movie], but you can’t kill one dog.”
    – Russell Petersen [the director] –

    When the American husband gets as much appreciative fuss made over him for providing food, shelter, clothes, and education for the family as dogs get for bringing in the newspaper, there will be fewer divorces.

    Dogs come when you call. Cats have answering machines.


  12. I’ve always felt that you could somehow trace the decline of people’s respect and love for their fellow man by paying attention to the rise in stature of dogs just over the last 4 or 5 generations.

    It;s almost like it occured as an artifact of a narcissism that demands relationships be one sided in the judgemental and criticism categories.

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  14. “Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.”
    — Mark Twain –

    Which reminds me of this classic Twilight Zone episode.

    It was written by Earl Hamner, Jr., who later went on to create The Waltons. I don’t know whether he originated the story himself or adapted an old folk tale. I suspect it was the latter.

  15. thats ok..

    the feds think they have jurisdiction over 6 toed cats of Hemingway through the commerce clause…

    Court Rules Feds Can Regulate Hemingway’s Cats

    the Obama Administration has now taken jurisdiction over the world famous six-toed cats that live at the Ernest Hemingway Museum in Key West.

    For those who thought that the expansive reach of the Commerce Clause of the Constitution had been slowed down by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision upholding Obamacare only on tax grounds, think again.

    The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals has now sided with the Obama Administration that the Commerce Clause authorizes the U.S. Department of Agriculture to regulate the museum’s cats.

    yes. their applying the commerce clause to anythig they want now…

    and on top of it they are now creating taxes for IMPUGNED monies they would have, if you chose something else.

    so if you act in a way to save money on taxes, too bad, they get the money anyway!!

    In 2009 the museum sued to challenge the federal government’s assertion of jurisdiction over its cats under the Commerce Clause. However, U.S. District Judge Jose E. Martinez of Miami ruled in favor of the government last year, and the museum appealed.

    keep talking about dead white poets no one cares about except for her feminism… and tons of things..

    in essence, your finding out HOW that funky austrian fellow won. the women kept the conversation on other things as they could not keep it on what was needed to avoid the outcome (they also made given their voting opposition was dead).

    obama has free reign to act and do things and anyone who reads here, will no longer be informed because now the idea is to avoid whats happening by pretending it isnt happening.

    welcome to germany…
    by the time they woke up to the fact that ignoring the new laws and moves and things was HELPING despotism, it was too late…

    this is why they copied… they dont know wh ich part is essential to the outcome, so they try to copy all the details they can. knowing that the same moves will result in the same actions given we live in a principaled reality where that is the rule…

    so, reproduce the cultural and factual points the system repeats what it did before.

    and unless the people step out of that script, which is NOT what is happening here… the end is a fait accompli made by those who didnt want it… and those who did… as niether really opposed it.

    they are playing on your biology.
    with women, when they get the situation in the tough THEY BAIL… ask the men… not the women who look at themselves as mythelogical.

    do you think your opposition is working on emily dickenson and avoiding bad news? or do you think your opposition is right now, using their time to plot against people who dont value life and all they have enough to put down dickenson and defend it?

    now you know why they ALWAYS WIN
    because their competition has biological responses, and so they play on that. so now women have voted this monstrosity in, neutralizing their men as an equivalent to wwi, they want to ignore whats happening and return to their inner world.

    ie. the excursion into the outer world and treating it like the inner world, makes the despot, when the despot finally has enouh power, the women bail, and want to return to their inner safe world.

    so they start to cosset themselves in meaningless distractive drivel….

    the more crucial the time comes the more they avoid the meat and potatoes of it.

    women remember bad news more, so the more bad news, the easier they over load and the more likely they will bail rather than roll up their sleeves and get to it like men.

    so before, when the news of the change was not believed, it could be taken and we talked about it all and the distractions were few.

    now that its real, cant argue the ambiguity, and things are accelerating and there is important stuff for people to learn…

    the women bail…
    its their way of leaving the mess to the men…

    since 1968 and the rise of the matriarchy, how has society gone? nicer or worse? who did they blame so they wont stop?

    obama and company are proceeding on things that we are not paying attention.

    note that after they win, they will erase these white women from history.

    so enjoy your dickenson now…

    becuase failure to defend her society is the send off of her being erased and there will be no more dickenson for anyone else to enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!

    A Russian Translation/Imitation of Emily Dickinson: “After great pain, a formal feeling comes–”

    Prior to 1981, the Russian reader knew Emily Dickinson only through individual poems appearing irregularly in literary magazines and in anthologies of international poetry. However, in 1981 Khudozhestvennaia Literatura published the former Soviet Union’s first collection of poetry by Emily Dickinson, a selection of some 220 poems, translated into Russian by Vera Markova.

    you dont prevent the dark ages, you dont prevent these things from being destroyed…

    you love ballet, poetry, etc.. the greatest works of the greatest hated race and society of the world?

    you think they will leave anything left of western civ if they win?

  16. Steve H said…

    I’ve always felt that you could somehow trace the decline of people’s respect and love for their fellow man by paying attention to the rise in stature of dogs just over the last 4 or 5 generations.

    It;s almost like it occured as an artifact of a narcissism that demands relationships be one sided in the judgemental and criticism categories.

    Could also be people like playing the role of the alpha male, especially women.

    Does this mean we cat people are way more cool because we don’t require the uncritical love and the dominance thing? I can live with that. 😉

  17. Bupkis:
    Thanks; ordered; done.

    To all you cat lovers: I am a dog person. I hunt with my dogs. It is teamwork, the roots of which go back, apparently, to some 20,000 years ago, when man and dog first hooked up.

    A bird dog has a nose a thousand-fold or more sensitive than man’s. The bird-hunting dog covers 5-10 miles to each mile walked by the man hunter. The man hunter selects the terrain to be hunted, steers the dog(s) in their search, makes the kill with the shotgun while the dog on point remains “steady to wing and shot” in our parlance. The dog retrieves, bringing the bird to hand. But as important is dog’s ability to find and retrieve wounded birds. A bird (quail, pheasant, grouse) with a broken wing can outrun any human, but if not found is doomed to turn into coyote food.

    One of my pointers has looked back at me from her point stance, over her shoulder, when I have shot and missed. She is clearly expressing, “I did my job but you failed in yours.”

    These dogs go on our hunts with gladness, almost boundless enthusiasm.

    It is your turn, cat lovers, to tell us what man-cat teamwork regularly and predictably accomplishes. Do your cats accompany you on walks? Do they announce or chase off trespassers? Do they make eye contact?

  18. Dogs are dogs and cats are cats and horses are horses. We have 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 horses. The dogs are slavish companions and they are our early warning system. No one comes near our home unannounced. And, dogs are incessant cheerleaders shouting out how wonderful we are. Cats teach us companionship is important but there are boundaries. Embrace and nurture your inner cat. Horses are beasts of burden with a mind of their own. They are willful but once they learn who is boss they act accordingly. Nothing surpasses the feeling of freedom of cantering across 120 acres of pasture astride an Arabian. Our animals are a part of our lives, not on par with grandchildren, but important to our quality of life nonetheless.

  19. “”Could also be people like playing the role of the alpha male, especially women.””

    You may be on to something. Which makes me wonder if humans are the only creatures that choose alpha leaders by criteria other than performance and results.

    You’re not going to see a bunch of wolves following a big beautiful wolf that oversees their decline as a pack while trying to convince them them it’s a good overall strategy. Nahhhh. They aren’t that stupid. Just people apparently are.

  20. Cats are “contemplative” by their poses, but to assume contemplative thought is actually going on strikes me as projection.

    “Embrace and nurture your inner cat” sounds like leftist feminism to my tin ear. What does it mean?

    “Does this mean we cat people are way more cool because we don’t require the uncritical love and the dominance thing? I can live with that.” Sounds like another thought from the ’70s feminist movement.

    “…the rise in stature of dogs just over the last 4 or 5 generations”? Actually, status has increased but stature (performance) has not. A number of breeds have been reduced in their former abilities, e.g. Cocker spaniels, dacshunds, Afghans, Borzois, Weimeraners, and the list goes on. These breeds have been shaped by women, gays, and the AKC, whose Windsor dog show concentrates solely on cuteness and appearance. As to my claim about women and gays, I have been behing the scenes at major AKC events and the incredible beauty parlor activities going on there; not a place for hetero men.

    The increased status of dogs is pretty much limited to what I call “yip dogs”: small, holdable (like cats) breeds with high-pitched barks, like Yorkies and Toy Poodles, which are carried about and talked to by women like babies, fussed over, groomed daily, beribboned, covered with cute little doggie coats when the weather is nippy, and travel with them in small carriers that fit under airplane seats.

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