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Holder’s a holdover — 5 Comments

  1. “Deputy Attorney General who joined his presidential campaign early, Obama chose trust over symbolism.”

    Trust of symbolism is one way to look at it. Another is patronage.

    But wait; I’m not writing this message to bash that. Just to say; if you ever wanted to get into government / be a political appointee for a rep of some kind… this is the way it is done. You join a campaign early on and show up whenever you can (which means 9-7 if your unemployed). If they win; you usually get an offer. Its the way it works. I was approached once myself but I just worked for that particular campaign for fun (and free lunch) so I didn’t go for it.

  2. You can judge a person by the company he keeps. BTW, I think we had that conversation a few days ago. I wonder how he will channel all of his school boy pettiness and that burning narcissistic arrogance once he is back home in Hawaii. Non-stop world speaking tours or hang around on the beach toking on joints?

    According to Bo: http://tinyurl.com/axwanbt

  3. The reason he stays, despite his alleged unpopularity, is because O and he are two bangers from the same gang. Holder doesn’t do politics. He is a thug.
    Unpopular with who, exactly? The Obamaphilic public? Our craven Congressional leaders? So whaddayagointodo about it, John? Paul? Mitch?

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